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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1956, p. 6

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Ji nor1 diQO 1I want thVII tfl.W 1-fow in 'the iworld arn 1 ever to help hîm accepIt his respon- sibilities? During thle frst year 1 held onl to my job wile he went ta school. Even that he did not take seriùously, didn't attend classes regulat1lr and re-fused to study. He luiked. I was soi dis- tressed<1 výGould have left hlm, but 1 thoug lit4iy baby was soon due, 1 lost ber. -Our life be-camé a series ol arguments - not bitter o-nes, for I loved him dearly and tried 4o. keep the homi-e atmo- sphere, pleasant; 1honiestly, I neyer riagged him, just tried to encourag-e him-ï. We were cramp- e-d, living in twlo rooms on barest necessities. I was away in hours, six days a week,ar somebow mriaaged to keep uIp our paymients on the furnitvxre and Jis car "My husband is not without talents, alid can adapt' hims 'f0 almost anything he likes. ThIe office work he's doing rîgbI t'<>w pays lîttie. and he is dissî- Ried becauseý; he wants an casier job! 1i make m-ore than he os and 'd nýeer have to worry about losing-- any position 1 took. -We are 'I, youflgstels - OSi is 31 and I'mi 25. 1 stili1 care so nuch for him, and once we are established in a homie I a moe hldreî . .Withtî pîkture -he'ore you, whautprs pect doyo think liesahd for uls? * I *ofL * air *for *of *wan a Ir *real * ct l11e. hrave tlhese with ve beeni wrought I 1agree.. Wben y are the resuit wvife pulling to- ard a common our husband love o do hiis share? nds on how much ýans 'f0 him. Ask [ge from Jis res- ber the future tter life for yqu at, lie May sur-, A DESEMR "Dear ,Anne Hirst: 1 an A love Wh a man wvho told me hie was getting a divorce bc- cause bMs wife isunfaithful, and when hie is fre be will miar- r-y me, NIow lielhas moved. HIe doesn'it answer* my letters, they are returned to me. 1 have no way of kýnowving what is hiap- pening, and I an lost without hinm. ,*lie is 29, l'ci 10 years vouing- er. . . lease don't use my fui] name, as my family are nasty about these things, but bllie na yu lthinlk. LOLA" * * 'i * * * * * * * lu The man you love îý is play- ing, sale. If bis ifleit S lis3cDveredc, the C11chces ofbis gettîng 'a divorce are raci, ally nil 1e has no intentlion of wiing- or receiviflgan wýordI from you thatmgh n ermiat im. Can't you ce,- alie hs pomies wIIIe 'L Ihope voti will eoe o *your senIses bp-fore you wse * any more time on such a cad, *or you wilo t yu e~in '~for ja paýin-ful !awakenin, 'ou * are badIy Conifuse-d, myyoun *frîcnd, and i urge you 'f0 see *this character as the wo1-rlhless *sort lhe is, not wrha snl *regret. * egrateful tht e hsit *-andl ne0xt1 bimevpb y Sstraight. However duoi thet *sounds, lb isithe onrly ous tn o to, l,,hati,È;notfrgt * onthate youifmî [or * becing "aty"They would ble * j*e 'I * l hu Wha g irl iâmairries asoi cl, hler problems are rni.ny and cj ol cated aad the ont- icomre qulestîicinab 1e. Annie 1111, ,an be uscfvil LItis itutin i'4X you wvrite hler at rBox 1, 123 Eî-ht elth ~StL, Newv Trono Use a lO-pouind feedbag or colorful remnants -- make this handy apron te keep yýou neat and pretby on kitchen, dubty! Ses the diagiram-sewý-easy, thrilby. Nqon-slip straps, pienby of pro- tective cover - be smart, sew Pattern 4880: M isses' Sizes $mall (10, 12); M,\ediumý- (14, 16)ý; Large (18,'220). Ail Siues, 100-pounid feedbag or 11/4 yards 39-inch. This patern easy -to usesimi- Ple- to sewv, is tested for fit. Has comnplete illustratedi instruci- tionýs. Send THIRTI-FI-VE CENTS (35c) in coins (stam-rps cannQt ýbe accepted]) for this ptcr Prit ptsinly S1ZE, -'RANE, AD- DRESS, STYLE NICIBER. Send orderto Box L, 123 Eigte~ithSt., New Toronto, On t. raZZéLx.~ n mercha1n t old be doý- eýs for [bis etnit is SIZES 12-20 ütIlers be a driv- ishop. ig tor niotice dy to e long- place. has place seems t le (_ -l are s. The sbop- )Onu Iir axation- posed Jto ne aoa nsPrÉvi- lege, isn't lb? Buit it isn't only' a woman Il o changes lher mind. The weath-erm-an dcoes too - a nd thej,-re are tumes wvheni we thank hevnfor that. The last few dlays, for instance. Early Sabur- ~day was pretty grimi, and more ireczing rain predicted. Then thie6windcý changed, and so dil thle wahra forccast, and -we enýjoyed several bazard-fres dasas aresuit. Qood weather brýoughb itUS plenty of visitors on Sunday. Gooçlwahe-o good roads. Wcv h,ýeard jplenty about the roads. Des an-d Art stopped at Oakville and fournd the road pa-csýt Bob's place, in sucli ter- rible- condition thcy thought tbey would neyer get out, The rýoad biad been dug U p for smbigor other and th1-e ruts wee linost te the axIes. Otlher cLlers camie froi H Fespeler acro)ss couintry. The roads were finej( in their counby, diean and wvell-sanded. But when they crossed the border into our count ~p1nbyOf icy hilîS and no sand ! The question was natuoralyv asked - "Uion't, you ICED flOt CROSi5 BUNS They're "topping" maide with new Active Dry Yeast roads sanded to h and waber flooded.~- 'rlprl sad thý two mil of bis, lookafater LIII the Parentsa . w ývell, I d how onesysmali party of grow bus-y. When t warmier wve exj here by hirrse twoý That vw picniic ! for, lts cel Ery ýets ve Typical of all absent-minded .,cntists, ProfessorPito a- sena Pcon-structed a i)midget sub- marine for depth experiments. But as soon a-, he dived, the ves- sel. capsized instantly. HFie'had forgotten to cloýse the coning- At a banqueýt to present an award to ,a Washin,Èton atom, scientist, ýevéryonie vwas thereý buit the guest of honour, TI-e banqueïi, committee had negleet- ete't invite him!1 Then there was the case 4t the. sevenby-year-old Liverpool w%ýoma.n who jumped fulW des seê- into the Mersey 'f0 rescuoe her five-year-old grandson. A% soofi as she hit the water Shte scircamed for help, having juat. remnmbered that she couldn'ý Swim. Both were rescued. In Chicago recent1y anothce elderly wom)an applied. for cit. relief, lier papers had been de- stroyed in a boarding-housff tire. She had banked her I41f. savîngs of $1500 with amr- gage society but couldn' re- imember where! Just anovr sight. And Somrerset Flouse re- cently had teo supply a marriag' reýgistratien to a BirUminghanm man who wanted to sue for di- vorce but had forgotten hiu% wife's name! I A grecat soul prcfcrrý- modcratiQn S 'E 'N ýE C.A Zhe Jtouse of ýea(-rani Men who tkink of tomaorrowe practice moderat* ntda Ji aýd wateÉ el floode&

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