teportr to nearly $1'etMillions surplus. Gradually, more of the many corn- throuigh their paces for hours. -They ivlays interesting to me to ujInites of Parliament are getting un- se to enjoy being put through the that this huge operation has -rerway with intensive studies of par- mental gynastics as members ask mnillions in reveiaq. 0f this ar -ficular aspects of the governnenit's tricky and int4icate questions and nearly 80 per, cent'cones from- ,rperations. they usually,7not only supply the f uli ling freight 6.4 per cent is pass Put Through l>aees answers but g-o rnuch further in x-reveýnue, 7 per cent frýom freigi 'This week, the Railway and S1ip- panding the subject. Iexp,-ess and 7.7 per cent is from lin.g sessional coinitee' checked Jmnpressive Heads mIunIications and other revenue. 4bârouigh the extensive de-tails of Ovýer the years, these two r)menS, Do Expences Trans-Canada Air4îines and the Can- have inpressed most mremibers of the- TCA's total revenue amoiunt milan National Railways, !hese meet- comrnfittee as outst-inding types with about 8771:./r million, an increa -ings are always interesting and a vast mental capacity and a fantastic nearly 9 Il _I ýon over last tdistinct revelation. Both Gordotq Me amourit of knowledge about their [Io eedue to the intro4lucti rGregor, presideat of 'PGA and Donald1 jobs. 've often 'ýonIdered if the pre-, new arrcraft, main.ly the bea j&ordon, president of CNR, arc- put sidents of other large corporations Viscount, their expenses aIs. Vigor1 0 11G.utd Stov Ui m2O cents pr gai. Fuel Ou1 16Â cents per gai. - For Delivery Phone OROINO 1a-37 or OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 enger Jeculiar1ly, on teme rnrang of thme rif and announceinenà, I rèceived a letter 1coYra- fron, E. A. Milison, secretary of Dur- har's Federation of Agriculture, ask- ing rny support for the 58c floor. ted to Thait afternoon, I was 'happy to r.- ,,se of ply that his appeil had really* re- yea . eivedimmediate attention. I1OIIIy ion o wish ail fedderal probleras could ie intiful solved as quicly.ý in a-support Received S eeral, letters of commendation have been received frora Women's l\e?,sionary Society Auxiliaries Sthriough Durham lending their sup- poit to the governmient's plan to iia- jcrease Colombho Plan aid by ',S9ii- j lhs year. As mnost of our mail is ofterequest or condemnation vari- ety, these wer'e certainly bright spots Ithis week, very rnch appreciated and in keeping with the first week of Sspring iwith ils bright usie jThe scheme would cost the er ÊMEW, - li the Minister tailing s( the nti( Iest rei foi ""TFIm VILLAGE BLACKSMITH ýthetist> physiothe ýgular hospital sta igs and casts anc iagnosti'c services r thie detectiono .ordiographs, tests Lioi.-. venreaPdit v bythe fariners thernselves. Club W:, ~s to hank thse who have sent in their Jink c-Envelope The campaign -is "ktll1 on' if you l-ave neglected fti do SO "tThe smith a mig ty iman îs he, ago. And who can sa-y wht4t future with large and sinewy hands .. " applications willI be developed? That's how Longfellow saw him, and how he was regarded by bis Would you venture to estimate .* c ornmunity. Today, he doesa't- how much electricity will bê used have to be a physical gïatit, for the to power machinery in, say, 1975? smnith hias a niew kind of muscle. Ontario Hydro endeavours to do WNe canIt describe it, for it's that every day ... look into the invisible. A unit we know as a future. . . anticipate electrie " tkilowatt., hour", xnuscle-power requiremnents. without, an equal. T,~a1, a~~1 Tomrrc v ...& t y, Va aq ESS ; -I. T}IE IyDRp Today, the roar of the bellows and vibrant ring of the anvil are replaced by the hum of motors anid the dull thud of thie frigh mer. Electricity, aicconiplishingl tasks thoiughtimpssbl 5 ears today's wil mrore and more be measured ia kilowatt-hours. Il is the aim of Hlydro to provide an adequate supply of electricity so vital to Ontario's farms, homes and indusines. A~UP STO R 1 TRC AL FULIT URE ~-. ~ Every Penny Goes To Crippled Cide Those vvhu did not get a letter are asked to pickup oine at the Post Office or at Rolph's Hairdw,,are 1tDoIIars and Sense"î HOI o«n YOU benefit from having a Current Account? You'll find it achl casier to keep an accurate record-oî your current expenses when you have a Curreat Account. When you pay ail bills by cheque on your Current Account, you raceive back, at the end of cach mnontix, ahl your canceld cheques as well as a bhank statement showing evor withdrawal and every deposit you have made. The cancelled cheques serve as receîpts-and are, accepted ia court as evidence of payaient of the amounf' shown. Furthermrore, they are much casier to file kaway than recipts and take less room to store. With temand your bark statemnents, you'll fiad à far casier to get an exact picture of how you spend youx money. So it's a good move to use a Carrent Accuat for payiag ail current bihlts-and kteeo our Savîngs Accouai for actual saviaga. THE CANAIANJBANK OF.COM MERCÉE Ororio Branch A4l L. Hooey - Manager ol 00 YEAR$ 0F PROGRA Kathleeil Geach, Dianne Irwin,Mri andA-in Stapleton, Mrs. aelen Cour- KENDAL oux and M~rs, Jack 'Stapleton. LoveIr- - ~ Ispring flowers were placed in thee, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevens werefchirch lan miory of Mi-, R. 'J. Me- guests at a wedding reception for Mr, Roberts wbo passed away March 23, and Mrs. Vernon Perigoe at Ux- of last year, by the famnily,, EasteÈ bridge on Saturday evening laet. Fred, Liulies were lnu memory of Mrs. Myra and Les Stevens and Fred Hodge, Blodgett, who passed away Mardi 77,, Toronto, 'visited on Sunday wt the 1953, mother of Mrs. G. MartinielI,' Stevens family, Kendal. and Mrs. C. Thertell and also in nixn- ory of Mrs. Harold Blodgett, whco, Mr. and Mrs. George Paimer, Eliz- passed away March 30th, 1955. Mrs-. abethville visited her father anld Hatcher Foster placed spring flowers, brother, Mr. Dick Wilson and Fred ia the church. The choir wore their on Snday. il aew gowns and. rendered the antheýn,. The oll-wig wre rceied nto"Face to Face". Rev. S. J. Pike de- Ten olloitg were rceiveSud intlivered a Ps'alm -Sunday message Keal Unis Hte rchon Pasu ndy Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and Roýr Clay Mrs Iter Fesrs. vP tleudof Orono called on Mrs. L. Thorne, CaroylynF, MisessKteri Javcrksont,>-ad Mrs. .lva Swarbrick on Sunday.. Herr Hil, MssesKatheenJackon, Mr. and Ms. (Clarence Therteli anï, famnily spent Sunday with Mr. and- trea-,sury an estirnated $182 miliiQa, Mrs. G. Martineli and Kenny. if an~d when it cones into operation. Master Bobbie Geach entertaiedE At present the provinces are conýsid- 15 guests at his sixth birthday part-y ering the proposaI because a major- on, Friday last, March Za'2rd ami al itY Of them nmust signify their jeu- enjoyed a very happy turne.. tion Of joining before it can become Officers elected for the carrent. ,Perative. Another of the qualifica- year of the IKendal Womienr's InsqtitUte: tions is that the majority of the pro- are: President, Mrs. E. Courou)x. 1st vinces miust also represent a majority vice president, Mrs. 'M. Manders, 2,nd' of the population of Canada. hs fvc president, Mms. Reg. lot course, imeans that either Otario ori Secretary Mrs. Wm. Mercer; assist- Quebec inust corne in befcore it can- ant secretary, Mrs. Hatcher Foster;. proceed. District Director, Mrs. G. Cathcart;, Wide Open Debate Institute Director, Mrs. Hatcher: 11, the bTuse, -we have7 lheard th Foster; Assistan Institute Direetoir,. rather uneventful budget speech and Mrs, Cecil Tebbly; Agriculture an&,. Canadian Industries, Mrs. Jack Stap- on ,Fridaty proceeded with that debate jeton; iiesi nd Eualn, xvlichundr te ew ule, wll as Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood; Histori-- for eight days. Speeche's' iurimg lsI ierh an CuetEens. debate rneed not bec relevnt to the -Missch. tead rHoetEonms. Budget. It is one of fthe -w4e-Open \iss andW.IeaMrt; N.omene debates of the session. Krmnt cîite n ule-. O aClosed F, ramterlatOns, Mrs. McMackini; Visiting cone fotPa~imetllC~rnth Etee, ecMms. G. Cathcart, Mrs. A.- cloe fr te Este reess, allowing o and (Mrs. .M. Luxon),; Auditors,, timie for central western n atenIMs.M uo and Mr.FStk. miembers to return to their 'homes j o a-ýjs .Soe until April O9thz Sonme haven, en ONM JMSSEK in their constituencies silice -, 1-1eOH house'SSPAK opened Jan. 10, Onice we return here, Cotnefrnpae1 l'hl bouse will becore even busier (up w ith upl.Frmers ustlea) wihcommrittee meetings, estimate-;s sef help. Legislation, he si, ami additional legislation. If undoubt.- i pea v'oaciveaslid bar-, edly, will continue until June or July. ga iningpoieton and va efid beae-. the Mealtine 1-aDD Ea ter toI'a'"nz P pt y i ndu a efiIc ar le s-nt