WEEKLY REPORI n Blue, White Joil)-HS Corps And Athletic Night, May 7, I i PANNED 102' oz pkg 29c- p1kg of 25 19e pkg of 15 35c pkg of 3 29c Crust Mlx 1 Juice rberry Jam 24 SWEET MIXE» rlb 63c Top Quality - Governiment Grade A PreDressed, no Nwaste, ail weights up te 16 pounds. Turkeys lb 59c 1 IG A "Tlablerite" Branded Beef ,,GUARANTEED TENDER Short~ Cut - First Five Ribs PrimeRib ROAST lb 4«)c- lple Leaf Rindiess Sicte 3acon -lb rkg 57c laple Leaf Skinless Pork ;ausage lb- pkg 37c oz29 S IGA - hoice Halves [ PEACHES 20 oz. tin 2 for 39c ars ZJc 3 Ibs 23c 24's 29c 3m IGA EXTRA WIIPPED 16 oz. SALAD DRESSING....16 oz. 3c. IGA MANZANILLA STIJFFEI) OLIVES,... 8 oz. 39c. SiU GARIPE CALIFORNIA SEIEDLESS RAISINS ............... 16 oz. 23c. MILLIONNAIRES Norweigan SARDINES ....ý....... IGA ALUMINUM FOILWRAP .......... MGA FRESHI CRIS? POTATO CHIPS... IGA ROYAL, GUEST Freshly Gi COFFEE......... reg. tin' FRESH 12 aif llamn tre Slices Remnoved 'Ompletely Removed ýmpletely Removed Vainsum-Sealed to retain freshness and flavour. LEAF "Tendersweet" FuIl-Cooked, Ready to eat Bermua, limihon Virgnia B Ptsy Foster ,îua Terono, Seep ayonite bave been selected to outfit thex girl25 Hauts f HS oldayrs part of the school Cadet Corps at t& By aultuterfrdThe realization of current p1lanaý. The row hae rturnd, nd o will s-ee the two girl1s' Fliglits on, haThe coE- aste rLliedaordhsu-parade along with those of the hoysa dents of 0.11-S. Alaong with the va-frtevstn ....ofcr.I cation hlas cone a severe dose of lis expected that the gî is will aise feerwhchsemstobe-most evident part 'icipatu in the precision drill and in our well-liked latin teacher, M iss h~PyiclEuaio eo Kig vois heading soutli to Ber-' st rations during the"thei Night' King, w-lh aderl rdy o-wnich will be presenteil as an added4 ing. This early departure proves only atato nteeeigo h n that Mis~s King cati scarcely wait to spection. escape fromi her întelligent pupils Sih krsofrylb~wt Another victimi of the fever ïs matching berfits, white sports 'hiouses'., Pats Foser, ho ipatint wth h i lte bodby-soz eand saddle shoes iII Pseed srg ipaelln tli, liase comp ose the uniforms for the gIr1s' l seft forithe sotavtolinterrcet,it. squadron. The skirts, to be eut out> left forrt o the Foshte i ter t by Mrs. W. W. Watt and Miss I.L Y' Patsy, with the etoth Fslr Barr and sewn by th.e girls, will be farilyisirtridngto pen ,purchased at a reduoced pie It W, Sweeks with her grandp)aren.ts in Vïr- hoped that the berets will be supplieà. gînia. by the local Air Cadet Leaguie. John Tamblyn, flot being satisfied The Inspection Demnonstration. anà. ,with the scenery of Cedar Dale Dairy Athletic Night will of course be is eavng or he xqusit surou~d public affairs, at m-hich al friends cf ings of Hamilton, Ontario, wýhe2re lie the school will be welcome. will spenda few days with lis aunt. Doug Gamsby, groSing siek of bro-W.CTU Cuv ti Iei 1 hrJim's cooking is ieaving totyP -TV oîe inP l broherinlwiaT oongohI s' 1 At ýewcasî.e On Monday change Doug's sister wvil spend a few days with the Gamsby farnily. Thie Sixtieth Annual Convention ofý Here's hoping you don't poison your the Ontario and Durhamn, WoDman'o- jbrotherý-in-law, Doug. Christian Temperance Union~ was heldý Wayne Hooey lias racked hi,- in Newýýcastle lUnited Church r_-on brains >to _ find somne use for his tai- March 22nd witli a good attendanceý ents, but after many hours of med- of miemrbers and friends, itation on this point lie has finally M ârs. Çlayton Lee, Oshawa, Çotnt7 decided to retire,- to bed for the holi- Presîdent presided. days to rest for another session of ougin rertwrege.. carrying Miss King's briefcase nexti Encouaigrprswr.gvn Icarrying Miss Kîntg's biiefcase ievt fro-m each departm-ent of the work, term. W'e hope your mother does notv. M.CFihrgvaveyep- interrupt t hi s sepy vctinlui devotional message. The g-aest speaker was Mrs. E. H, Hoboson, 1W ý Wayne. Vice President, Toronto District Un- fMr. Rutherford's ideas of holidays 'ion, w'vho gave a splendid ad1dress o and his wife's sceem to differ. Mr. 'Seic. Rutherford says he is contemplating A. num-ber of mnembers from Oror.e.- fa holiday on the isiandj of Barbaýdos, aittended. but his wiý-fe informs uis that he wilij be painting the uLpsta7r's lhall. Don'ti 1,o-r~y Mr. Ruther'ford, Vve iimaginie a paint- brush. that Paul McMc i il be aon This sumnimarizes, I belivti the Ruither-ford estahlishm-ent fr tehihigt of the Easter h-olidays. ajrtyof thle hoiidays uand we haveltayn is left out, 1 beg you not t been toid hýe is an excelnt n i'th sh-oot me until afteïr the ho1iidays. i [J .BOWMANVILLE - ON~TARIO FRIDAY - SATURDAY -- MARCII 30 -31 EXCELLENT FMIYDOOBLE FEATURE (WONDER HORSE) and fi (WILDLIFE FEATURE) S Friday 7 and,9:30 Saturday 6:30) and 9:10 fiSaturday Mainee 1:30) p.. -- Aiivisit from MIr. Peter Rabbit with G o Enster Eggs for ail. SUNDAY MID't-NITE -- APRIL 1sf, 0 LOVgRS'LAtf SAINDIT'S" OWN STORYI- ROW (.Aduilt EnStertainmient) Doors open 12.05 a.m MON. -TUES. WED.--APRL 2 -3- 4 Sauce. 15 oz tin23c WESTON'S AS.SORTED COLOURS Easter Eggs ALLEN'S OANDY SUCKERS Easter Pop lED Cocktail DOo 0'eh [ cRG C=0 J' Cuban large size i12's each 25c 176's-cloz 39c New Jercey