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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1956, p. 6

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zANE 4 TIRSI~*.** "Dean Arne Hirst: WhenI mnarried 1 did net know what a, chîld mny husbacd -was. His f a- mily bad spoiled him thereughly; tbey supplied al, bis needs, in- cludicg sponding money. Tley have nef lclped Lus eut sîcce, nor did I want tbcr te . . . How in the world amn i ever te, heip hlm- accopt lis responsibilities? "Duiring the first year J. held on te myý job wbilc le went te school. Even that lie did net take if serieusly, dîçln't attend classes rcgularly and refused te study, 1He flunked. I was se dis- trossed I would have lef t hirm, but I theugî-t my baby was soon] due. I lest lier. "-Our lit e became a series of arguments - no bitter ones, fer I loved h-im dearly and tticd te keep the home atmospbere plea- sanit; hionestly, 1 neyer nagýged hhi, just fried te encourage hlmi. We wr cramp)ed, livinsg le twe rooms on barest niecessities. I was away nie lurs, ,six days a %week, and somobeow mngc te kecp tip aur payments on the fuifure and is caïr. -My husband is nt wthouit talents, and can adapt bimselt te almest anyfhing he liRes. The office vlork h's d'oin( g it now pays littIe and lie is dissatisfied because le wants an casier job! I make more than lie dees, and I'd neyer bave te werry about losing any position I took. "We arenj't ylng s- [je Âs 31 and I'mi 25. I sf111 carc- se, mucli forlim, and once ,we are established ini a home 1. ,vant more childrcp. With this pic- turc before you, what prospects' de you f, hlnk lies alead for us? A WORRPIED WIFF" 1 Iwish I co)uld' ju-stify your *confidence in yourbubrd "but actually 1 fear -you hIave *a ciscouragiing faîsk abead. *HFe bas neyer grown u tp. Hoe * ha-ý neyer known flic digeîty * ef lard~ ek the satfisfaction * ot independence. With) such a *backgýrouand, it is not bis faul!t *that lie expec S yoýu teoL-ý *der ail tIc probloms of mar- * nage. I arni sorr.y for hlmi, buit *Ian more sorrY fer yui; * fIs is 1-101 youir idea of ma3r- * ed life. What yoit -want is *what miost girls vaijl, a manýi *you can rely oný, a reail home, *an-d a family. SCan you ae hsewt * blinIe *tley are, ithey are flic resiIt o f man and vw.ife -puliigft-i *gether twvar-d acm ol * Dees y o busbadlv k f ildpends on lhow mc n marriage means te bîmi. 2Aský *hlmi, and judge fri is r *spense Oet irte futurle *prom-ises a btte2r life for yout *both, At that, lho nmayVsurpris lius., I à ý, ipcning, and I arn lest witliout -Fe's 29, F'm 10 ycars youï-ger Plecase don't us7e my fulit narne, as niy famîl.y are nasty about thlese fhings, but fell me what you fbink. TIe- m-a youi live is playing safe. If biis infidlity is disco-v- c red, the chances ef his get- t ing a divorce are practicaliy *nil. H1e ja-s ne intention of *writing or receiving any word from yeu that miglit incrimin- *ate -him. Can't -you realize bis *promises were worthless? *1 hope Yeu will corne to your *sense before yeu wastc ariy *more ti*ie on such a cad, or *you will let yourselt in for a *painful awakening. You are *badly confused, my, yourg *friend, and I urge you te sec *th~ischrte as the worthless *sort be 15s, not wortb a single *regret. Ble grateful that lielbas left *and next time pla-y straight. 1 oeo dull that sýoUndS, 'it *is the only course te f olow * that is not fraugit with bitter *' heartbreak. *Den't ant e your, famiiy for *being "na.sty-." They,. would be *shlocked beyond -wordCs if fbecy * knew thetrutbi. Wheýn a girl marries a spoiled 0ciIld, lier probIenis are rnany and cmlctdami the eut- corne qustionable Aune Hirst can be ,us-eful iii this sittion,f il yon write ber at Box 1, 123 Eigheecf Sf, Now Teronto, Ont. HRONCLES Weli, I mightIas we l mae a confession -- and get ih off mny chest. We finlly gae e Shan 1 Say te mass ysteria- and had a televion setin- stîcSe, for the tlast fcw wekifbias been a finie of discovey, picking and cheos- in! programmes wenlîke and fiieg il'our way areund emený)ig the different chanineis. Se far wýe hv njydif very much and find it a1 good form o)f re- laxationi. ThýAt, of coLurse, was ouri, ar objective in puttîng if ul. Wecan hIavueientertaîn-. mlent owand stilimnjy te comforts e home ii-ï -and it is fun seing peoplewu know flaedmn thescreee. Thare have bren quite a fer. Rut as meost ef you very wl know - 1 TV is mor thnentertaiem-lent, There are excellent educational proýgrammu-es welwtH wtch- ing". Parteeýr, eouregels a groa-t kick eut et telecast sports. t, tee, enjey watcbing the hoc- ky gwams.Like everyouene s -- ex-cept whrethre are chul- de-edo ne0t tur euOLt Set 0on dluring the dy And wve shut if oîffwhen ve 1have caýllers - un-- less tflore is snetigtbey sc-P îally want tesee c. Sa READY FOR THE BIG DAY - Manufacturers in Monaco have been working overtime te turn eut souvenirs for the Grace Kelly- PrnceRainier ill weddIinq r. Âril 3. This slk scrr4i one of themn. Ih bears ci Hkeness of M to-be. Uniied Staifes and Mona Onie thing lkept uis front put- tîý-gngin television for se rong - we couldn't sec hew \we euIld ever find timie te watcb it. Se wýhat bappened? If doese't mR mucel difference te) partner at ail, except th ho des a Litti less reading. Ris werk, etcore is donc -bf lore there is, very muIcI.bthIatlho wants eo. 1t hiad te ne-arrangýe my work con- sider-ably.T ThLus, I lefltimy iren- ingucLitil ecening -and thoni waccd tlevision w \hile 1I id if. I got my bakle fetmeedîng donc the sine waine f ;tofr flic firsf ime l wees, m wenkbasket is actually empty! Arraeging hume fer typilniad writing waaite more diti-. cult but tha,,t, 041- i~~ a aged and have acc-(ompljýihed mor fln1idid o or.Se il looks aS if we decnied - useve unnccsar lnth eofime AOce tbin I annt, nrï will neto Thalït isý, Sit hu e heur ad do flnOthIing butwahteeiin And itif isnt nc 2sr.A p sonce kei, se, nd Cand watch a rogamwitbouf any trouble Tatis, for'those who he~' p frl gass oricni wokwitho-ut -as~sat il1 dnt ia iitwould !be pos- s ible1 orpeoplP wýho nedglas ses forclose Oronly. Therebas ben alitie extra actiity own t (the barnchis wveek,. If just looks as if w e meaint te keep cow, neri matter ell. Oe day Parteer s;ent a cov: te the cstock nket. !,Tice nexf day one of our he-ifers Pro- dIuuýcd a Caîf - aýnd flic caif wais a heifler. Se) we stili have as; main, hm~d et cattie as we had beome. Yeuukn"wthat msme thing 1 noice abutD mfarming - wbeuon door shuts anothen one opee. Fr istpcea fovw weekS ag ew %(-1e sf111 sbip 1ilg, creami but eur egg supply wras d!own. Laýst wekParterer beuglif another caîf. That meant we sfopped shppcg wcam. But Our igg11upply -ncreas e d sothe scleswere stîi just anbout eveni. But the dirop le egg prices may soon change the picture. Wellt, I suppose mýjOStfai pepe have beeni folouwing precedings at the Convention et the FdeatonofAgriculture ine Hamiilten. The reportýs and sugge"(stions gvnby tf1050 af the top are thouglit-provoking te say the lemst.Obvlisy, if in't eneugh fliese days te consider One branch et activity. F'arming, îcdustry, immigratien, higb- ways and zening ncgulations are ai ltiedi together. AND na-~ tienal hcaklf insuiranco. Direcfly ior indirectly if al affects thie farmer and hoe must find the best way te adapt Iinscîf to clanging conditions, whîdh may lie quileteicopposite tote hf 0 lsneiglibeur. For lest ance we liad a middle-aged couple in liere yesterday, sf111 very activte w%7ith cattie and", crops.IRecccntiy fIe firiner founid fimpsil te obtain roliable hired heL-p. The barnyard bad to ,e kept elean and he could net keep Pace with !I ?.!one> Se off be lwent an-d bought a maiRu Monaco's sovereigna nd his bride- icmn emblems are also featured. loader and a second tractor. Nowv hiefbas en)ough Iequiipmýent to kee(ýp him indiicpendent of hired hielpi - a siali thrshing mna- Chine, baler, loader, hersýes and two tr-actors, and as many bef cattie as the f arm il accom.- miodate. fit think of thec capital tiedi up inal' thnt equipment. Anthr hi- this man be- lieves in ear]«y t. bedi and early to r is-e. 1 mlention that because thereý is some cxrticism about lat-riingfaýrmerrs. That is the reutof labour-saving equip- m entl. At one time farniers Lad te be up early t'o have the milk eut ready for the truck ta pick up. Now with milk ceolers in general ue miik cans are ieft in the vat r'Cad1y for the trucker ben he orne(s. The rneringi-ý's milk doesn't go tuntil ithe ne.t dayý. It is bettler that way as il gvsthýe milk titre to get pro- prychilled - 1an irmportant fatrin "the production of Pure Se, if tile felrmer gets up later th )an1- he ue to it is because there î- sn't the samencest for him to beat the dawn every day. hichis jt!st aswel otherwýise now couild farmi fol~k1 taRe in 50 many l ate,.nighits- far1m forums, card partiesan se. onn? Ti-me was wenit was lighits out for farmn folk any timýe after eight-th1irty. NowaI- dayvs lthat isthle timrewenacti- CI n Mounti Tee Commiýandmrientis Noun- taie, in western i North Carolina, i- one of the most appropriate of the many placeswhr Easter suinrise seütvices are held an- nually, wïth the sceic beauty ef lakes, mi-ounitains, andi forests proviJd-ing an ieispiring ba),ck- groindi. In hugýe letters of cuit stone,i four feet wide and six feet hîgh, thie Commaidimeets are spelledj out upon a gently sloping mnoun- tainsuide. The cen'crete Roman numnerals, are seven feet wide an-d 141 feet high. The iettering is ouitlined in whvlite to simulate thie pages of an open book, di- vided byý a long f lï,it of shallow steps, from w-hich the visitor i may view the letters at close- range, or evenr stroil about on the grass bet-ween tii. Two smaller 'pages, standingi uprîght at the top of, these Steps, sh1-ow quotationis from the Gospel of St. Matthew. This INew Testament, reproduction i 4 feet high and 34 feet wide, -is- ing fromn a base 60 feet long by 13 feet wide. Contributions f r o mi- t h e churches of 15 southernl states mi-ade possible this work, which -was completed late ini 1951,.at which time what had been Bur- ger Moun-ïtail was dedicated as Ten Commandmnerts Mi\ounitain. Il face5 Fields C1i the Wood,a ralilousass~blygroui-td upon wlhich the sîervices are held. Hie Did What Many Have Itctued' To Do Maya lbus rdeand ill bus drivers, will sym71-patbize wit h Aiber-t J. Barsalou. Mr. Bar- salon came '1Lte the limit 0f bis patienc2e wifh higb scbool pas- se-ngers the other day. They had forgotteni-anud fromi the tienor of reports, if was1ne the first timeý-that a bus is a public con- veyance fer the public conveni- ence. It is nof a vehicle for horseplay. Their conduct c'x- tended te thrQwing snowballs areund inside the bus.. Bar- salou made the first stop one at flie East Hartford Police Stat 'ion, whcre five of the ringleaders wc-rcbndc 11of. This is a radic~al çuep. Usuaily harassed adults grit the-ir teeth and think that boyýs -will bc- boys. But the incidence of hood- lum-ismi that passes fer boyish pranks lhas gonremnarkably in receet years, especially' since the end et Werld War Il. if is ail part of the juv-eie-dielini- quency pelm even if such cases as these dlo not involvýe ar- rests as a general rule. If is still misconduct, And certaiiinly ifs, bad citizenship. Perhaps youpigsters niow wfli realize that such conduct is serions. Perha,-ps parents, tee, will read flic net act a littie more effect-ively, knowing thaf flua time the passengers -wound up willb a punishnment they rch ly deserved. Decorum nisb-ou]d nof be a lest art. It hias been a long time since George Wash- ington wretceut, as a rule of civilif y, the miax-im- that "Evcry action- done ie company, ought to bc wtbsomne sige of respect, te those fIat are present" But if is still a good guide. Acting Up lin public, espccially whenif invades the privacy of others or endangers lives and proper-ty, isn'f smnarf.It's boonishnes3 - Hartford (Conn.) Courlant. The Mýeaining. of the Restree- tion. Luke 24:28-34, 44-53 Memoûry SelCtion: Thanks be te God, which giveth us ftheve tory ilirougix our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57, Christ inity is flie only reIî- gion whidh cdaimis fIat Afs founder las arisen. frein the dead le a resunrecfed body, Ail Mohammi-edians hope fa make a pilgrùnage during their lite ta MNecca, fIe place w,ýlcre Moham- mcd is burîed. Many Christian fourists and students , visif the f omb wlere Jesus -was bunied af Jerusalem. But if is anl empty tomb. The words efthfe angel echo le our, cars: "He is nef lere. Fle is isen-." Only a liv- ing leader can lhelp) us teday. Thc two disciples ie today's lesson wcre sad as they walked fa Emmiaus. Thon Jesus, with- out revealieg bis identity, walk- c-d - with thein and Pexplainied fhe Serîitures. If was le God's erder that Jesus should die for flic sins of man. Thon as le ate witih thei fleir ey ewre open- cd and they beheld flic resuir- rected Jesuis. Their sadeess gave way te j oy aed they lurried f0 f01 licheothe.r disciples that tliey lad seen t',lc Lord. As they werc cal! fogether Josuis appear- cd le their mnidst. Aft en open- in,, thei runderstaiding Coneý- ceing the Scripture's he gavùe them- a be bis witn1esses. They were t-îf preach- repentance and ç'is Sien or sinf-s n His ~m mn all naions beginning at e - salemn But first they er t tarry ie jerusaleîn for the Hqiy Spirit, the prom-ise o the Fat'- er. Then Jesuis led them out I Bethany and blessed fhem iý,ad waz caught up into heaven. The challenge cis stili with tus' Manyv millions have flot -yeýt heard howv God senýt Ris S(-o't: save us. We need tûe be -rolly given up f0 Gorl 50 that CR powered by Ris Spirit our wit- niess shall be effective. The- message is the samne., ln the namie of Jesus Christ we muùst urge people to repent of0.eirvî sins. When they do Ile wiliLfor- give tbemi. .esus Christ is 11v- ing toda-ýy in tlic harts of ml-tt titud-es arounLi-d thewrl.Bt everyone nieedis lm. W mýur4 fel] tlem by our live',s -ardot ,words TaxIor e %Step- à Always readly, clwcys ight1 wlen yeu,,- want a style that'sg ceinfonfable and flattening. Y-ou:e need cftoast one oethfese ine, simple stop-le dresses!I Crisp collar, square pateli-peek-etýs, contfrasf piping give a sinavt failored look. Paffere 4519: Misýses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 9-0; 30, 32, 34, 36,, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 4yn yards 35-inled fabric; %yard centrast. This p a tt erei easy to uasa, simple te swis fested feifit, Hqscmpiete illustrated ta- Send THIIRTY-FIVE CENTSel (35 -) le ceins (stamrps coanost be ac-cepted) for this patterA,. Pnint plainly SIZE, NlE ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send or d er to Box 1, 123 Elgîteenfl i S., New ennfv Ont.

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