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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1956, p. 7

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un Maiiko Niki, 2-4 - 'ycar - aId Japane starof "The Teabottsé of the August Maon,'" wore 2a black silk brocade dress thé diay 1 i-let bier. If had a sof tl'y sha-ped miandiarin collar, and black bead ermbroidéry whicb 'se had ap- plied herseif. TJhe ,siender des uppéd in mreaI the wvaist titan a Chines-e sheath, was dé- euigned tsy 1Mîss Niki, as is maost ef -ier wardrobe. Thél dress was indéicative ofî 1h~ss Nik's sconid love - fa- %hfion cein As shie prepares tO end imare "t1ian 1000 perfar ences in the raie of "Loý'tus Blossomn" in the, New Yoirk -pro- duclion 0of "Teahnouse" and go -with thé comnpany onl tbe road, sue is naturally cont"elplatingl f1iýet.- of lier future c3reér. At tImoment she says,, "I lave aŽnbut I would. love, toota Zet my hand mb fahin. And there are as well more Iiousekeéping angles to, learn, for she is thé wvif eof an Ameni- can, Bernard Dekld, a writer for iser Voice of Ainérica, ln Wash- ington, D.C., who rushes up ta npend weekends wiîb lis wife lin théir larg-e Manhattan studio igpartment. Mi'ss Niki's rîse ta star- doih was by rapid transit. She wenî ta the United States framn Japn in 1952 ta studly such ilhings as intürnational relations, design, tlevision, an-d English ut Clumbia and New York Universities. She came, too ta eýsee wbaî Amierican ladies weré wearin-." It was ise while a coed that ite renewedlier frienýdship wTitb Bernard Dekie, whorn she bad mAet tbynugii,,hber brother in Ja- pan, wl4re Mr. Dekie was on, General MarAthur's. staffP. When the~ couple decided' ta tie married, hier family in Japan, wXere happy for they feit shée wuas net marrying a strangér. Aise, whilé stifl a eaed, Miss lqili receivecian -unexpected t'el&phoné cail fromo producer M-aurice Evans, asking if sheL would be kind enoilh ta camne îo the theatre for an audition Oni a néw play. Miss NiýTki, who had playéd in lite thealer andi in films in Ja- pari, decidéd that il would bc pleasant to appear con the .Amxerican stage as wéll. Se, geaily bedeckéd in a kimono, sh e ftircd up for ber appoinîmnent. Thon. and. there producer Albert Le]Iwis ai-ia uthor John ?atrick knew they had foundc titeir "Lotus Blossom." 1Vis Niki whose real namé is Kazue Ouchi, cbanged ber name at the suggestion of Mr, Evans, mrnd began her career on thé American stage. Eiçcept for a týotaî tof about thi'ec weeks, Miss Niki has been in the show sincé 'il ouened in the faîl of 1953, anti e sthe bnly prinicipal f rom lite qrginal cast who will go on four. with the show afler il doses March 24 aI tbe Marlinl Feck. She says, "! loveplig this shàow vcry miucb. Il is se hu- waqn. In it Americans laugb at îtitemïselvcs ai-d, unless you are -qerv w-ide-mnindied, you cannaI Mliss Niki says she likesý thé raie 0f "Lotus os om"bécausec she bas been able ta play bier, nat as a stylized Japanese géi- sha girl, b-ut as ofin f ail the pcopl-a sort 0f nice, typical Japanese girls Das VtysNiki ike keep- ing hu;uiýe wenshe is't it the treane, or ktakng Japanesé dan-cing e1(ssa)ns or singîng les- sons Yus, shé dees, though she admits she bail a greal dca] te learn fast, "When 1 arrved I knew nothing about gadgets, nor tro;zen -fodcs nonr iuerc. she rc eem bers, Her neigbbors bae elPe-d ber leairi about the gadg-ets and she caepes very weil w.ýitb -,the ,cooking, Wth a favorite Japancse gracer ta deliver in- gredients for ber native dishés. "sut aybe 1 stlu] keep bouse in a Japanlese y- can't tell," "You Amnericanr wom-en know haow ta use the fimie. You do tbiigs,- so quickly. Timé is very preciaus hieré, isn't il? Ia Japaýn, yau1 sec, everyone~ take,ýs limeî. Soiieého-w Ibere sems ta bc more." Tuh sbe- is now used ta the NwYork pcshe says, '41 still can't kee-p Up -with those efi'ïcienit Américan ladieswa keep the bouse, goouIta owork, camie Ihomie, anrcikeep the bouse aga in. Howecver, Mviss Nilki does find thé,- lime ta deIsign lher own clothies, whicb a, dressmiaker heré makes un for her. In Japan she diti a littiée personal design- ing for people wa she knéw very well, an-d il is Ibis type of peýrsonal o ricutorm dcesigning which she feels she prefers te dýo. She is fr-ank ta say, "I don't knnw,ý, about Inose big-scale tbnswbere ,one makés thous- ailds of clothies aftone styl1e." The clothes she designs for hisfsucb as the black silk shahshe wore for the inter-. viéw,, have a notable Oriental flavar. Il is Ibis type ef East- Wýest clothes Ihat sbe would like ta try ber banid at dlesigning for others Sire likes the use of thé sash, of silk brqcadles-, of Oriental shbeatl i nes, and . oDev.sleev'ad, half-lengtb O r i e n t ai1 "happi" ccoats. She fec-ls,' that Oriental ciothes cari be niccly adapted la Amienican womn n wbo she says have the stature and itheness ta ea thémi well. Miss Niki la herseif 1mucb taller than Most w,,omeni-i-f her country. She sta-ndis fivé feet four inchés in ber gea! AMthIe end oif the "Teahousé" tour, Ibis wînsame and graciaus actress and ber busband wil gco back ta Japani for a visit with bier fa-mily Thi will be soon eýnoug'h 1,jdécide about thé e future. D RlýV E ES TIRES s, electricmtL, ry. Dealers want- G'rease and 011 OR SALE of foreign and revolver ammu-ti eloads, Mlorrisburg, nats fr01I as GAMý'E GOES TO THIEDO- University frtiterntfy, puts the asnd brings a game to ci temp Seeing Red. (An Editorial hi Thie Tarýrnte Globe and Mail) A basic tenet nf Bl'iiili just- ice is that an accuised peýrson 1is innocent until pr-oved guilty. Equally important is tfl pro position that once punîýised, eithler by tem--pai[rr loss of freedom or by financial pen- alty, he bas paýid his obligýation- ta saciety. Bath a'. these prini- ciples are vialated by the Ont- aria Departmrent cif- ihas practice of issuing red driving permnits ta certain class;es of drivers. The Department has repart- ediy issued 1,500 of the new permnits sinlco Octaber te '0driv- ers whase ordtiiFnry perm, it was suspended after conviction fox r êrk or impaired drivin'g. They must be carried for two years before full reinstatemnt 1is accordled. Consideration is 1now being, given ta the ex-ýten- sion of the palicy ta include dri-ers convicted af other offenses, such ias danýiigurous driving. The speciauls logic bebind the plan is that these marked! drivers will be mare' cacýreful,. being reluctant ta get themi- selves into a 'iuaia vhiCh would cali for the revelation of their past shame ta palice. Acadigta Highwaý.ys %ïiti- ister Ailan, the red permits actually dIO act asýÇ a deterrent ta incautiaus drivers. Theýy probablyý1 have this .effect an- samne, ta be sure , but thec question which mstbeasd is this: Doesz the resuit ou,- weighl the dsdCItegs n dangers aI the selcme? u1au opiniôn teaniswer is tIhat it doeýs not. Surel v most divr wui e especial iY cariul Cater an coniviction, no nma-tter wha colar their permnit, Thechtce of their beilng sopedaft2r drinking ,are q arad ihec previaus conv:iction i attr 1of record iand th coneune equially xae.As forirsp- sîble drvestis mýlssure- w\ill 1natdeter them a whi The 2realdagr s ht stigÏ ma af guilt w'ill attach it- self a a river wjith a red permit as soon as apoiea see,ýs t. He may\ be incnl involved in an accidenrt, but bis special permnit -willime- ately mtake lmi suspuct. Eveni in the routine mnatter, of usinýg bis perm-it as persanal ide-- tification ia banks or in other transactions, bis char acter Aould be reflected inu unf.iýr light, Issuanice of spe-cial pDerm-its is tantamounit lb an admission by the Departm--enti ofUg- ways that il does net trust these drivers aiid nmust adopî siuch means to keep thpm in <heck. This beig the case, the Departmnent is impertinent to r eissue permits at ail te them, A driver undier suspenision eahould 'be pernAtted to drive again 'only after the Depart- hint ila corvineed be wîfloper- Boxer pup, mascot of a Kansais bite coi a Colorado prcictice bail dj,çrryhait. ate bis car witinir the law, witlh- eutJEopard,'izini, himnself or others. When the Department is convinced of this, it should restore him te full status, with.- out the obuoxiaus intermrediate step of second-class citizý,nship. The anuis here is on the Depart- mient, not the drivcr. The drinkin., driver is ad- miLttédly a serions preblemn, re- quiring steru mreasures, but Ibis is an inéffectual mietbod of controlling, it. Educatiail and enforecment are thé weapons ,whîch mnust hé - sed, n ot a metbod wbicb undérmines the wbole basis of aur civil liber- lies, For that is wba tIhe pre-~ sen~t system iïs deing, whetber thé Departmént officiais réalize ior not. Either thé prînciples of ritish juistice are' nlght for ail1 citizéns, or for none, at alr. It is impossible say théy are- rigblt for an armeid robber, but n a, for an impairéd moterisl. Tbe real dan-ger is that once thé bulwark i s breched-as -it be wîclenect2,a ,ways Departimée con-sidering. The that can onily one conivicteti c miust, carry a ca jit. Canadia £will suIch a ,-pCIreSÎCY HowCa n 1? By Anne Ashlley 1.1H1W cani remoave a splin- ter and avoid soreness Aý .FIl a small baItlleUp 'ta thé nceck with hot waîér. Place théje spîlutér over thé moutb tof bott'ie Land press thé hand 4own tgtysathat if is hcld by su~c- lion, ol thé band this way for a few'minutes. Thé spintei cafi bu asl rémaved with a, neédle if thé steam doés not draw il ýtout. Q.'0-,v'can J1Inake azoond maoaypoîishi? Ai Use two tablespoonfuls of olive ail ta a dessertsnooniful of vie ar. ix thoràughly, apply with an iiod fiannel, and polish. 1. Hew cail)1harden the brsisof a hair brush? A. Afler wasbing thé bair brush, hold it, for a minuté un- dem thée cold. water fauicet. This will barden thé bristiles an di maýke thé bruish last mucb langer thm-n if rinset inlawarm wvater. Q. Hlow can 1 test a hot oven when bkn a cake? A. A godc way te test thé béatý of ani aven beforé placing ln thé cake is ta put a pinicb of fleur aI the bottent. If the fleur turais black witbin a minute, thé aveni is loo bat, If it turtis a seileti yéllow, the o-yen is- nat hot énough. If il turus a golden bmewn, it is the propér heat. Q. Hoyw can 1 make lte hair glossy? A, Wbcn shamipooing t h e hair, add a few drops of olive oil to the last rinsing water. Il will give the hair a nice gless 'without mnaking il a p p a r greasy. be on JERIES 1LTD. ONTARIÙ ne 2-3712. ,LS rrcd Rocks ,ockha. New N Red or % Tdon balai KertFlIatcl -CANADIAN Ca.Dayc day old $1., livery. $1.0 reed 12ýl: 4 INVESTMENT LAND., BU 1ILIDIIGS,' OPEIITiNGfZ CAPITAL for nwinduistry ilu On- tarie. Private. N . '1retchikoff, '21 Rusholme Dr-ive, Torwnto, On1tario. A TRIAL - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULO TRY DiXQN'S 'REMEDY, MUNROIS DRUG STORE, 335 Eg;n, ottawa POTSECZEMA SALVE BAINISH1 the tormreri' t a dr eczemna rashes and %weefin4 shin trouGbles. Past's gezemna Salve wili nat disap. p oint you. ithig.scalinig sandbr Ing eczems, acle. rIngwOri li Pîmles and foot Oczema WÏ11 respondreauýdi1y ta tUne :tainiess odorless Fn~in e- gariesa aI oistujisorn or ;hopeles3 they seem. Sentï Post Free ron Recelpe cf Price PRICE $2.50 PER bJAR POST5 REMEDIES 8Bs gucn t.E. ornel t aLgaf TORONTO OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Mý E N T A L Magic! Scom0ne reali Mýagician,. AImaze and mytty.No pocket magic or chea;p gadgets Write for free Brochure, Daza, DraiWer 160, Lockeport, N.S. BE A HAIRPRESSER lOIN CANADA'S LEAOING SCMOOL Great patnt Learnfi ardressrng Pleasant dignified professýion gOod wages Thousancls a ut csii Mýarvel gradu1ates AmierlOs s Greatesl yii lflustratedci tlsFe WNrite ai Ctil MA VEl - HAIRDRESSING SHIL M5 Bonr St W.Trrt Branches m King St.,.Hamîlit.un 72 Rideau, St. Otw $10,000 YEARLY upi Eas'y, f ew min- Utes dally, home, Fascinating. "oy righ)ted" Details, ERush $1. L'-ii etine Opportunity. Guaraniteed P1rodiuets Ca.. 236 Hylan Blvd., Staten I)iînd5, .Y NEW $1,000.000. Invention, aié Insufl- at m.~ ateria1 cari $5. D) It your- self! Easre $10. Form,,ulaIn strue- lions for nsaking, insta-lltng . 5, Skins, 33114 lngh.t, Dallas, Texaïs. KçON-KIR Sports Trailer, camt oPulg fishing. Stream.llned, comipact easilyv built. Spécifications, photo 25t'. plans ?1, Cankle. Engicing, 11ý. f" 3, St. Rtd, 32 E, Muniiçie, Indiana. AGEZT-Telegrap hers gwanted 0', hall- wjays. Very practical career <ith oc wages. Train at home or att'end Scisool. Frec bok deCUribes AI Shorthand trains forStngaesi 10 steaks home study. Frea esun Write C,,ssan systeins,2m Spadina Road. roronto.. PATENTS C'E rERSTIONHIAPGII& C 1 nscaaY ratent Attoiruecys, sahslei 80 600 Unlversltv Ave. rorona -',r-n al cossntrles. PERSO FOR SAL.E HEREFORDS 60 HEAD tnicludinig lmporte.d cows and hifers breýd to horned and polied blls. cowvs with ealves. Polled hbred heifer s and show prospý"ts from anne of Oaa- ada's leading herds, Saturday, April 28thi. Summit 'Hereford Farnris, Rich- mond Hil, Ontario. A, Gibson., owner. 22 OIINAMTENTAL large shirubs $4, Carragana 20 luches, 100, $350. lIe- quesi Catalog. IAMRNURSERIES, Whiite Fox, Sask 4000 years lftstory from Atlam ta" Jesus Chist. Monýey ba,,ck guarantee, $300 P.P. Vereen's, 2C22 WV. Turnler Strt DUrABlE. Washable, Plywood Jtgsaw Puý _zz1e, . .xlO , Postpaid 81.25 each,5 cashi. Sta te selectioni, Clown. Elepilant, Tractor. V L. & G Products. Sheffield. illinois, U.S.A KANK WLIM RECORD SPECIAI. 69 Cents Ecich! The - MGM f actory lbas ofered tus a ltitied nuniber of brand niew Wil- liamas recordýs at asutatasvng We are passing this saving on tayo1i. Order todfav by nmbe wth this ACTNOW i-lMITED OU-1'ER!' 1. Lost on theé i4g)way, Iiumst t101( marna goodbye. 2. f saw thie gt Six more miles ta go, 3. flouse ;Uit1o1nt lOv e, Weddcing bils.4, Moanin tlie blues, Lovesick Mlues. 5. Im so larie- saine 1ICOL1d Cry, Blues corne araun.d. 6. MHy sweet love aini't aroünd, Long", gonoe dadidy. 7 ffonky tanik bue Lon, g oane lonesame bue . 8. Touir clieatin' beart, Cold uold 1iieartn 9. etnthe woodis anl ere, Kwla 10. Yoii win aginI ci.ld neyer ha ashiamed of ,yau. il, Hey good lookin', H1aif as micil. M, aPM ONLY We canot a Col)tOU n this aller. Or-der preaid only, and add 35, for mailinfg afld hanidllng4-; Shipnients poa- tively g La ra iit.edci aistlosS, or breakage.UERV ECJS P.O. Pox 747, Montreel P.Q. GARDENING SUPPLIES EARTHWVýORMS 1HYBRID. Nature's own fcrtiizer la proluced by thle erho Investi- gate the possibilities for unexcelled plant 'grow^t. ,window boxýes, shirtbs, gardens. l0C' bringls folder. Niagara rgncGardens, 2712 St., Ni. aigarFalls. Ont. MACHIPNERY MASSEY-HARRiS 12 ft. grain wahe with trueks. fHarold Rnadfard. R. 1, Duaniville, Ontario. STEEL Stone Boats. Saw M andrels. Circular Saws Gtimmed. Emeýrv Stndsç Cernent AMixers, PleyBoat inhs Grahamn's Wveldling & MaheSbp Cledani, Onit., Box 28. ISSUE 13 - I'958 N N 'N N 'N N N N 'N s.- N N. N -N "N -s N N N N "t N N N 'g N N Si N 's s.- N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N -4. N N N N -4. N -4. N -4' N -k 'k 'k .4. s. -s -' 's N

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