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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1956, p. 8

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(Continue yêranimais bnt-raîe~vac Durham liealth Unit, of evers >erto "control their dogs' go a long way in prevextn ious situation. A reader )rother Barn 26x36. Ten, inch pine Chicken Fountainis and Feedi BEST CUSTOMER THE STEEL INDUSTRY'S best customer is the farmier. Directly, the farmer as an individuai is a buyer of steel and oit the farmer's prosperity rests -the prosperity of the f arm implenient business, -which is one of the three Canadian indus- tries usinig the inost steel.. The two other larg-est direct customers of thé steel industry are the ral annd the autoniotive industry. These aisû are largely dependant on the farn'ier's prosperity. Mioving crops toý uarket is the part of railway business on which nieariy al the rest is based. Motcr vhce owned by the farmer or by other people mev- ing foodkstuffs accounit for a large part of the totaj automiotive bo.siness. Because it je in the steel industr'ys interest that the fariner have profitahle crops, the industry must try te keep down% the costs of steel produets the former must buy. This company is 'constantly acquiring new facilities te produce more steel for mo&re people. TH E STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA IAONTREAL GANANOQUE HlAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO time silnce in Oro-no. shave beei lts renderi IN ORION Good Fni of the Last ing, March Service on lst at Il o'C A hearty ail to join iv Secretary, T ME ister Creeting Cards WY REST, SEND HALLIMARK Carî .... .....from 5c. to 50c.e les Chocolates CT EASTER GIFT and al Easter Wrapped ýd 6 roomn Insal Brie with sunporch. Fine location. ;ermn.. l' 10 other 'properties, OFFICE 2 Doors South of United Church If y ou wish your DEAD FARM STOCK reinoveti the fàstest w'ay, then caïl us collect - BowmanviIle 679. We aise buy live horses. MARGWI14L FUR1 FARM TYRNE, NTRIÛ Orono Electric PHONE 1291 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM anid HOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andi Guaranteed Repaire on ail inakes of EiectricaR. Equilpuwn and Appliances qcà amç Motors, Water Reea, PlumbIng Professional flirect.rj f-C Apply Mr. C. S. Duncan, Orono. -~- Prone 1-7916, Orono.p-c v'er FOR SA-,LE -New, two Spacemnaster Modernfold a-P Folding DMors, 29"x6'6". Neyer used. -Paid $58.00. WiIl seil for $50.00, , Phone 3'206, Ne'wcaestle. a-c eet d- We will be pleased to pick up dead ý1,or crippled farmi animiais for sanitary 15, disposai. Telephone collect, Cobourg -pFR. 2-3643 or Toronto EM. 3-3136. GORDON YOUFNG LIMTED ch 1 REALTOR ing P.O. Box 71 Phone 1191 [ird ORONO - ONIa - OVERýLOOKING LAKE 1"9 Acres Exc-ellent Clay Loam, very .A. finle buildngs including 10 rcoom tnd home, many extra pieces of equip- at ment included. Pressure system, etc. eld KENDAL AREA, 2») Acres withi ay, large pasture and large ever flowing iill creek. Mediumn soH. On good iroad. ý5c. 100 ACRES with 8 Acres cdear land On concession rond and close to Iligli- w'1ay. Balance of property is large growth Bush. Inspect and make offer, iii ORONO. 14 Roomt Framne Cottage and ow, other snil builings on two acres -wn land. Good building site. Alil-oes for FLOWR FOR EASTEft JOHN R.R. No. 11, R, WADDELL, Oroi tor for the Administra Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Easter Lilies per bloom.....60c. 3, 4, 5, and 6 bloom plants POTTED PLANTS J'Càlceolaria....$1.00, '$1.25 and $1.50 dineraria......... $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Potted Mlums.....$1.50, $2.00, $3.00 llyacinths ................$1.501 Geraniums............... $1.00 Daf fodils . ... $1.50 Tulips .. $1.50 CUT FLOWýERS Special -- Bouquets at $2.00 up to of e state oI the uid Mary lI tters, who died on or about1 rd day of October 1955, are herf tfidto send to the trndersigi ecutor or his Solicitor on or befi e 21st day of April 1956, th nies and nddresses 'Und fuli partii s of their dlaimis and the nature e sEcuriities (if any) lueld by tii y veriffied by stntutory deciarati [mmediately nfter the said 21.std Apnil 1916, the assets of the sý ceased wl be distributed aio epersons' entitled thereto havi gard onl.y to the dlaims of wh eExecutor or the undersi ,Iiitor aluný.il then have notlice. Dated at Orono this 22nd day rch 1956. GEORGE R. 1OTN Wl Keal w Estate Broker Phono. 2566 -Neweatl& oal Two blocks north of trafflu light, Newcasle. R. R. ~dîcitor A. F. McKE~NZIE, M.D. PILYSICIAN and SURGEO1N Office Hôuvi : 2.00 to 4:0~0 p.m.; 6:30 t 8:0 p.. Sundays andi Wednesdayg h7 appointftent oni'y PHONE 1471 - ORON40 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SUJRGEON Veterinary, medicines, biekjog and instruments ethicaily dispenseti. PHONE 10"16 ORÙNO, ONT. Lawrence C. MTason, KA?. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Horde MA 84588l JOHN RECA B.A. Barrister, Notary Public 33 Temperance St'., Bowmanvllho Phone MA 3-3292 1 JACK RElD Orono's Liceuaed AuctioReer anid vaIuawo Speclalize In 'ari n d Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternus and dates Phone 5 r18 - Ovori TEl) JACKS-ON Auctioneer and Valuats, Conducts Auction Sales or ani -f -andi at reasoiâble rat« Comniunieat, with lim iat Pffa Perry, On tarie, or see bi hà&WfrA» E. -Morton, ai rOono, far dat. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plas; Eduecatloaal P.edng Protection andi Savings Plama te Children anti Adults,; Mortgag. * surance Plans. F. E. LYCET Orono, Ont. - Phoneo11716 STAFFORD BROS il I j I I I I c=>o=

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