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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1956, p. 1

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s P1L th, 1956 Subscription $150 per year Promo Te I r3. A. repre;E :tAndR C. Forrester frora the Orono J011i StabJ]siied tacts- ITlice Trustet, BoarJý Memibers of thie- Mr. Rutherford pointeti out te the t1hree boards discrissati the quions fmeetig hat if a"l students f rom t-ha th tIie tet fer atiditionai roorn for area maere te cone te Orono Vo grade heOreno Public School. aine this year in the High Schoot Mr. F. E. Lycaît, 'chirm-nati of the -,that thiey moult ii number betireen 656 ,Echool B3oard, openati the discussion ýo 70. Mr. Rtutheiford faît that the %ehaaha breught those presant up) te liigh School moulti gldly cotiuem the Mdaa ith the neatioci more space for school ila Orno if the accomnodaticai 'te uhic saool niacintke eias viae anti if furthier curricua- thsend by the Board te data. lum c oulti ha previded. MrAl%1ycetV pointati eut Ihat the Mr. Heooey asked thie board mnere 'Orono Board hati met mith a comit- they molti bOud neir scho anti tee ef th-e igh School Bonrtirescently faît tat ullw hmsnI anihacf deti konnthe condition ftt dthiing coultihabuiAt on uwhich hasý risen lai the Public SchooL tue cheel property eat of the preii- Cel statedti tat the High School's enV scheoo le.nma etthe n pe hgof Cease mlH rua outV tiila suer.Mr.a y. heprblm mth his ecyte o LycatV saiti the igh Sauotî as flot poeyy-hc a ucaeib h li'kely Vo continua operatig thre Board a numpber of yaars a-ko miglit Schol i Orno f te P,,jl(- bebol drainathge but it mas fait Mis Schootatèin ro ifrtii- Pubi Schoolcouti ha ovarcomie îith ditchinig, as Swe t e teA rooacfrrte ratasthe big pr-oblera a eemied tebe surface an isoti c u their sa t dte tget me. The property coulti have accesa Hang Sexao.uB-rthe t hetin thefroxp tirediXfendirections and ai- S Igb sc9% 9o tuBa pae foV Nct i V Kloetifor future expansion ant iepan iiwhyat l asolg te apei-i or ethecoia- y ef leve l pîygreunti space. cen er, afarnin)let - on closinig Mr. Lyýettthanketi Mrn LycetV saidti Iiat thie local , hi present for attanting and ti taet ý,oad._v-old ime u dwmùe hat tha -e Or-ono School B1oard mould M Geabutmouinae LVoCderie min sakfurther informnation ton grants tarat~ f th raepaers,'ettPafer building, on debentures, antia-la school section."IHa fait that plans possible ceat c a nei bui ldgAu- sihould beimatie nom V o ha enacteiS asiita olise h ea 115C8 om. i isWo u ri s p ect of the situation anti wouldi 1957et-8tera. TV la tee aVprne tii- l another imeeting cWhaafurthr faat -o ti nd of a perane-t* informnation is obtaiineti so that plans' natue fr tis eai--ani ti-a tepor. culd ta ti imore accurý- cry arrangemienta moulti hava te ha setupforth couig era athr by te figurez tV mas aise pintet eut cýe upforth conin tenî eîherbyif sucha a chememas ta ha proposeti stageoing clssas or imaking ar-u a - olihv olevtt nb rvangemrenrt.s for temiiperary roonr btMa.l av o4=b nb lu mas polited out, by Mfr. Lycett mCea ratepaers o<e the achciae-a, hI- Jhatiýh saul oar ha cosciwedwasvoicat iat theanmeeting thiat sucb tçeii-at the af-rd hod hatildaingto Mdanidanof a nai buildiing iroui have ste isgtOr no hSchool Buildingute te bcasold te the public but tIiat rmore> soinàkbe amoeunt oft money anti net a-V concrete figu, aenadt uta tiie ue dollar quotation as reporteti, gw oldb e p frorra the Hi-gb Schoi Bonardl meetiîng. MVr. Rutherford stateti that il 'This iroulditi ncassitate that Orono sheulti be of intei-est te preperty wovuld then huilti a new Public Scheol. omners la the Village te try anti keep In sa~king of putting an addition on- the igh School îr' the Vllage for teo thie present building ha fait tIiat hae sa-m tha' bs of tha Higb Schoel -à wculd net ha sounti businessa- thay brinigiag down thie valua of local ueulti iONha easilng a portion of pi-operty. 1tii- building. Aise iV mas not a sat- j-qactory arrangement te have both Tii- Orono Publie -School Boardi a-, public and. high saol la the sanme passeti a miotion at thie meeting te building. Mr. LycaIt stated btat it fira Hrs. MUai-vin Luarn as tha fourth îas certainly a comirriity problern. teacher at the Orono Public Scelol. Mlr. L. Hfooey askçed ihat a fine yjw coo oodcotandi Mi-. Ly- FuueO i ame llunting? ,ý-ettsad h wan' suecf any figure. uue0 i Mdr. Rutharrord fait that hey coulti taka figures fremi Bommianville where ' What of the future of, big gamre additions mare beiag added at a coat -htitinl Ontari? Researci Biel- of arounti $13po00 a ci-sa reorn. JHelgiat Dr. C. D. Feule, Ontario De- Ébttitat $20,000 mas -a maxium spartment et Landis anti Foreat, poseti Jfor a ruoa. Iare 1Mr. LycetGeitite uesion iniinddrassing hntting anti tm'rat they hati recuet a latrtAe!fshata p oprators in Toronto ncontractor-who h'ad' stateti a quota-- tý1 i-On'o $1-1,000 to $16,00 par classa r-oor for a iiev.- chool. it seemad te e)e thie genieral opinlion Of tDe gathar- lng tMiat $14,000} per clas.sroom shoiuli put up a new building for a public % 'rW. Hi. Carmian asketi if the igh Schol would fot pay more twil -'tha $1.00 for the present school building, buLtif they mo0uýdid.l(![, e faIt hat il moulti anaure that tCie 1Wgh sAchoo mult rmain lunthe Villge provitig tDey had the build ing. Mr.Cama ask-et to what; ex- tani-t would thu ecosCof a niew aho increase the Vax rate in tDe Villaige. This coi-i-d net be aserdas i-i-o d'I- Jnite f igtres bhnd heen obtainadc cither lan the 4ccst of ti-e buiýlding or te ihlat grants. mere arailabla. Mri. R. C.Fpocrestdei akati ihat ameuit mas spent yearlyX over thel past feir years 0on capitol costs tVo which Mr, Lyett left that in thel nieighbourhood of five thousanti dol- lana hati been spent on ,cnipitel costai plus debenture costs over thle ps few yeaFs oni an nlimui basi's. Usîng ti-figure iV a etrie thiat the yearly cost to the local Vax- payer mvas arounti $1200 after the Iigh School paid tbdir portion andll thie grants hiad been receîveti. Eýstimlatin)g that a ntei buildinig y hat "C.n -me look forsvard in a few years te an army ý,'et big gama hua-i -e Ves et ovar 400;A0 such as goas in-! Vo the fielti aach yaar in Michigani?l "WhaVut miii the situation ha by- 1957 aa an20 yaara froa-î-n ow---- uhn shas been pradicteti, the pr- vici-al popu)tlation b cas sett 6%te ,000,7 ~more a-d he -L manti rhning by non- rsillet bas bincasati? ' In the auturan et 1954, over100r- 000 eopla esecureti deer huntingili- cencesanti over58,000 prhaei i- _, - Vohunt oose ii, Onfario. Abou, 11,ý090 etthese came fror eut- aideý Onalmoat cf tIrera frora thre - US.A. SaiDr, Fmi. Onily increasing.- uinterstnnding of thec funtiamental ftora n-,ffectiag vmiltlifa anti mise nr in la îtarfarin-g mith inature mýiii assure that rtcraational enjey-ý n on f miltiif a iii hafreely a-rail- nato il our people, in thi-efuture. LOCal News Me.J. C. Gaumey la spending ai ta tins mth er sisýter-, Mrs. Roper,j ii-w ToonomU ha-s re4turneti fronala -Mrs. M. H1. Salemni Miss E. Manf'ouniattcende(_i the funeral cf thair aunt, _Mrs. E. J. Ruadie, at Brýie, _Pana., on Saturda-y. The ladies ot St. Saviour'a Angli- can Church haiti a very successal Enster- Tea in VIre Parish Hall on Wedniesday ihere a de[icicus mneal irams sarvet. aw Pasýsed To Controt Dogs Ruuning At Large Tue--star a f'ternorthe oa ot Clarke pasýset i 4by-l aî de- TowrxsW*p Sets Up Road Program For Year 1956 eti Voo control the running at The lreTw-hi oni re ýe of tioga. This hy-law affectsi lreTwshi eni e i te Tývnhipandthie Police i their regular mnonthly session on tha Tonahipaad Tesday eftbtis waek îith the no-rn- ge cf Orono. ing poto ttie itn an iven i-eby-am ermts Ii- eaturagte rend censideration anti a de!ega-ý ega running at large which mIl ý1 rmBoi' colScin ýmpountied at the Poundtinl Orono. rmBrwsScolStin whic hav Gorrie, Municipal Enigineler mas iers clinimrg dogs wih aepresent and g-ave his viema on a ýsouati1 ipicked up wvilI be oblig-edtitepayrodpgaafrthTwsi-. S inèeurred inlathe exercis'lng cf ra rga o h onhp b -aî. Dogsai-iay ha destroyed if It maýý Mr. 4orrie's ativice tIiat claimeti mithin seven1ty,-two hours r-onds should be buiilt, ui and primed ithe Police Village cf Orono tLie before pnving. Ronds shoulti be fi'rstl teas have appointeti 'Mr. Rayelbujlît up with gravai anti compacteti ;t a-s do- catcher aa-d ail degs with clcium chloride. Than the fol- iin.g at ]arge-- wifll be picketi up iing y1eair the ronds hc. oied. HIe placed in the pound. D(s ni-amst fpointedti o this proecdura even if il- Aalnimed mithin seventy-hours af- i ook two years for the bu ilding owk being' pla-catiili thie pound, lfailiig f eh iË foolish Vo spend good mn- ,the doga shaîl ha estoat. y 0on costly pnving if itvma s 1Vo be o- I put on, a poor base. He citedi a case 1er Sundy Servic haarod that as primret matsi __ __oaySrvc almwost eqlualte hot mix pavement. Ailtem must h1ave paid theiri- WeII Attended At O~ entry fee inito the league, by Ma 'y 1 >t The Enster Suniiday $Service, Aprili and his mouns t $8,0 pe teaa. st at' the Orono United Chuirci wŽ ertliiflt ofpayes mutebeasig- attended by a capacity 'coagregation ned nd a th hads o th Leaur hich filed every I)ew la the ediifice. Secetryby ul 1t.The- Revý. John K ]itcheai preached the The agre go~ forth 5ee sermion suitably chosen for this East- teami will be ilu1to iTyears if a-fer' er Service. Ma st, Banwtaas go to 15 yýeais The choir sang t-wo anthenis "As anid are gvrndby the samle date. s beg-an Vo Dawn"' at "Who shahl Roll Awmy Tth(, oe.'Mrs. G. car- The lenueha askedl the Orono son anad "Mm. J. Rickaby-sana-u duet,1 Athlet sctiic o opromote 1 l sostunaa.11 Ba4sebal Co ee n rono hi en The -Sacrabient of Baptisnim ýasi This Coîjegegie instructions on held for three chbildrezt duriag thel playing the game and also "lhe rules service. TIhosýe baiptized irere lioani adrulationsý of the gaMIe, Kthy Duviîl, daughter of _Mr. indi M rs. H ýerib Duvaîl; Rkobert Larry I'n, son of Mr. ani MsMarvîn Locale News- Lutin Lai'Chariles Fiý,nklin 'Rainey, LosoNnw of Mr. anid Mrt,. Neil Rainey. Mr. ,and 'Mrs, Donald G raha i, ALso onSun, yMrs..11;. AllUn, I\r. Bonnie -a-ml Normia of Oshma ere andti Mm, dmard Fairell ind' ir. a-ad visitors in Town on Wednesday and. Mr's. Mvin Brzuce 'Yeo w-ere receivedi aý,tL2eded the Easter Tea at t. inito the Orono Unit-ed Church by let- avorsCh-urch. ter of tranisfer. PQwdered tutütres Developed For Leguminous Croprs Legumiinous crops such as alfalfa, perimnents andi prolosnged experiencel rei dlorer, sireet elorer, alike, SOY- have shionn that the best way 'te do beans, canning peas etc., have iugi this la te inoeulate the sedt with the been known unider certain conditions, [necessaY 'bacteria every year. te leave the lanti on which they were , For such seed inoculation, aýrtifi-1 grown la a richer. condition thari it 'ciaî groin cultures of the bacterlO was before the crop, The necessary originally secuired fromi the nodules ofi conitions are in addition to the soui the roots of the saine species of being la gooti tilth andi well d-raineti plant, -which is te be soin, are ap- that there should be la thie sou ceer- ~plied to the seeti shortly bhefore it is tain species of hacteria knewnas s," By this mlethoti the bacteria Leguine Baeteria. These legunr-e bac-ae carrieti into the soil wiVhi the teria penietrate the young roots of seeti and in amnple nLumbers Vo 'Drac- the legumies where they prodiuce tiically masure infection of the roots, little swellings or nodules, singlly olr wlth consequent *incireaseti' groxvth of ln bunches. On clovur thetie noduales the ci-op. The .A.C., Guelith, has '4n- are ver-y naal but numnerous, while troduced a powder culture to repýlace on peas andi beans they are compara- the old liquid Type for each legumi-e. lively large and f ew in numbar. The Another advantage la faveur of the bacteria in these -nodules fix the free powder is that ench culture mviii do itrcogei, of the atmaosph re se that tio busheels, mthout iettýing, ilsteati the plants cati use iV as food. With.. of one, at the olti rate of tmenty-five eut the nid of the bactetia the'lnts liar culture. ca-mot dIo this and i-b plant otIher For- youracom atnyu thau the legumyes car. do iV, ev-ea withAgiute Represantativýe, E. A. the baacterin present in the Soil. ,Suo)jje,basnsuply fclre On olti soil, or whbere oyr or forý Redi, White, Ladino, and Alsike other legumies are succPassfufllyý groin Clevers, Alflfia, Sireet Clover, Soy-ý la crop rotation, the hacteria are banna ami( Pensý at the Pepartreentý usuLally preseat. Authorities sta-te cfr Agriculture Office, Bmavle that iV pays good diîdands Vo treat A culture mili treat tirw uhesc all leguime sed even thougli the fieldi seei, 'but if you have less tIiana 1blas previously groin a f good crop of bushel, the entire culture may be us- that par tietdlar ag-ume. Nunerous exc- 'eti ithout rbarrai. Four H ave Close Cal When Car Stops n ÎTracks Mr. anti MNrs. Ang-elo Nastoff andi their Vire chiltiren hati a narrov,- 4s-1 ca-pe troin death last Thursday agi in a fraak acident îhichlet hi car on ,,thaenmaip nie eof eCP three mninutes bafore the a oia fetal maatibound Tei h, reasof s- capeti andthIe car mas pullati off., Th-e Nasztoff car croe vti a spu ue on ýScugo.g treet, Boîmýna- ville, anti a sýiteiamk, plungati a thrae- foot emi-ba!inenit anti then came t,-, reton the main line turing -a tiriz- zin-g rmini as visibility mas p(-oor. SIGAL SHORTED The car s;hortati the automiatic crossing- signal anti put tUe ig-wvags laVeo motion. At thýe samre timne it sherteti Vthe autoriaaic block systani- anti marnedti te mesthounti fraight. The fanrily escapeti antipuhth ie. carfrora the track mith tIre Irap of- polie. Police ballera Nastoff, VLha driver hctacoAfifusat at the spurlina, in- tersction, whare hae matie n le-ft turni, and thought hea mas on 'Weilington street nearby. Thle Nse live at R.RZ. No.ý 1, Tyrone. Daputy Chiaf Alan IDansai anti Coa3stable- Lan 1Hartley of' the Boir- manvijý7îlle poli'e -mare summonetI 1by ai -idi-o car frr King's Taxi. The pol i-e .vorkedi taat. WiVh VUe aid etf pnussersby the car Nvas pusheti from VIre trak TIrea mas extensive tiaaetp the underpart et Nasteff'a- car, but do injurias mare ireportati.- Police ara continuiag tIiar inývestiÎ- gation.1 -~in mtvithi the Counicil seeking 1 the Section. The dalagation stateti that the rate-payera mae- agreeahia te do aymt the olti schooi anti builti aa w o-room SChôol ant i hat hati Miei deAlngs cf this matter anti mouli seek legal ativice on the Mat- ter. Ia the matter cf a pointiiig a sec- ondrpeattv te the Durbar - District Hg tiol-area4, r.FJ] Den,ît voicati that cohsie4-ation ha give Mesrs. onal Sta'G1 Car- ies T 1m0y1forthia posi--i iii w ha fait both meulti ehaintarestatirlathe aiea as they hati chiliran or moul h-ava cliren aittanding High S(ehooJ. Mr. Jmameýs Bruma, Ieeve, SugeteLI Mr. înrece lIin nsý the second del- Russai Savi-'ymovei at AMr. Car-I Jus Tnmi-blyn hýýa nppintirpresent- aVive. The fIirst, seco-nd anti thirti raadéig of a By-lnm V o control ttiroaming cf degs mis pasad by the douncil. This by-lam paymita dega in the Tovash-ip Vo ha pckad up xWhen rcaming off heir -own prerty ani net ilmer controL. The tomnship tlitinet appoint dlog catchera for tii- Township anti fait that if a deg mandareti ente a proparty that tiiose coacernati coulf-, taka the dcg te 'a Township Poundi. Lt mas pointeti eut at the meeting thiat tUa Village cf Orone bad ap- pointeti a dog catcher anti n pouati -keeper for the Village. Couacil ara te contact tiie Village Poundi Keepar Vo sea if Vhey -mould net as Tm~i Poundi Kaaper. A resolution mas p)r-a- santedti t tUa Towaship on motiox from the Police Village for a- rebatel te the ýVillage et $50-0 f rom thean-a nuval dlog Vax tee te halp deiaycot la tIhe exercising of tiie B-la- The requast mas turnati domýv by the Tomný-iship h-ut tiie Township aetV pay costa cf tIi-apouati kecprbt f'or tihae omshpantithe Vlae The Village areA t puy expensas et' dog catching. A p1 ôgrara tn mork for ImpringLý remIs was~ set up boy the Towniship - Cani.ati includeti the tolbemingl sec(tions of rond; tpao: od en ml; Ciartk a-,-Darlinigtoi Rons froim No. 1 to the fourth line; Brawna. Grono; Wade's road, one mile; Starkville ea'st to the boundary, one and one-haif miles; and the threffý 1haniets, Kendal, New.tonville, Les.- kar-d. Resolutionls instructing tb.e the rondi superintendent to obtaii tenders fo- hauling of gravel, cruali- ing of Wtne and bridge tenders wera passed by Coundil. Messrs. E. Gllbank and G. Carsoný requeýsted Council for repairs on the41 road whichlihait lately been turned bakto the Towvnship by the Unitedc Durhiam. This iequest was conjcludedf byý resýolution. Pann areas which wa-s tabled at the, February meeting of Councýil wàs broüught up for dis- cussion. The Reeve suggested that asking certain officiais of Daoýrlinig- tont Township to agerl meeting iin Clarke Townrship. Tt ivas isuggested that Apr-il 25th ,be set, aside as e, tentative date and the Reeve be -au.- thoized 1.o make the necessary ar- The Road Superintenrdent rýepor-ted that $7544.41 had been spent to date on, ronds. Hl. E. Walkey mioved, seconded by R. Sav-ery that J. H. Low-ery and F. Dent ha appointed to consider and ingte Towýnship- Hall and rePOrt. back to the next regular metu f Couincil. A B-a to provide for the 19.5G expendtiture on , o011 ini the T'lvn- "hip of CLarke in the CountÈy of Dur- ham i as passed. The sumn- of $12,0,3D as hereby appropriated from moneyg. raised by levy, debentures and gov-. emetsu1bsidy 'for totam xpni ture ulpon Construction and maintùn. ance of ronds under Its jurisdictior duirinig the yea-r 195G. The suai of $48,Ooo.0o la hereb,, appropriated from nioneys for total. egxêinditures upon construction and1 maintenance of roads during th a, year 1956, Construction oA roada, $6,000, Bigsa-nd Culverts $1200dj mainten-ance on roads $241,00 b Mdc ges $1,000, miscellaneous $5,000 giv- iftg a total of $48,000,00 Er. Taggart was appohitd Pound- keeper of the Township o'f Carke i- accordance with by7-law,, 1265. That the followirig ha set to cover noririalï costs incurred by the poundkeeper, for those doga that are rnot redeemied for- costs or soild for costs and being kept for the required 72 hours nust. be destroyed. The Rioad Superintendent was in~- structed to advertise for, the, crush- ing anddevrig of approxia- imntely B 0 ards Of grve,30041 yards to be delivered on Township ronids and '3(0 yards to be stock pfiled, work to be completed on or be- foe the iSth day of August, 1950 Conracorato tender on per ton ba-. ~is nd eîivredon ronds ,aniclstock p)iledi at fint rate, Tenders to be- re- 01ived o o bef4re April !,'th, 15 Th odSuperiatendcent wua in- structed Vto have PLans drain1 up for the ctruction of the following-_ bridgs, Scott bridge, and Eddy' cuIv-erý. A 1by -law p, , to ppin <uonitilnned page 4) N N. s N 'N N N N 4, N, N 'N N N N SI 'Mi 'I N 'N N 4, k, N N 'MM MM, '1 N k' s, s s k, N s, 'M 'S "M 'I N k, 'M N 'Mi 'MM s' SM SM SM -s SM h 'SM N, 'M 'Mi 'M N 'M N k, 'M 'N 'M s, s 'M k' '4' 4, N kM 'M s s s k, '-i 'M 'N 'S 'M s s S 'M 4, 'N N N 'M N N 'N N M-N 'M -'M 'Ml h h N N 'M s k, N k, s N k, "N "M 'N 'M 'N k, N s s 'M k, h N Lewis In Orono United (ilsurych LTi th-e Ooo ntdChu)ch on cnrdied a nosegay of Yellow mnums. Saturday afte"oon, MArch Slst, thet Mises Arma -For-der aind Donnýa marigeias solemnized ofiorna JTerîjL. coussalf te bride wre Jeon Lewis, daughter of M and Mrs. flowe r girlsgownedl a4ike xvith AU- Thomas Lews Orono and M Thom-as green nIylon taffeta and headdress ,fÏ Gorýdon Atkins, son of Mr.and 31,- nîp-ny oet and Lily oef theVal- Thlaiector Atkins of O)ttawa.]lWyTACy earried nosegays of iauxe- The Reverend John lKitcen ioffiei-iurs ae.Mrs . W. Workmran played the weadding music and thesoitwa The bea man ans fr.ÀÇaye Lyoet, Missdo Caolnaons Mr,. Jack Thomipson. andil r.Kenneth< Atkins ushered. GMen ln=mriage by her father, To receveth N e sb ts ethreoep- the bide irrea aihite gown ex-[ tion heid at the Oddellow's all,î-he usieystyled with a inîtz- lngthbide's mother rore Nue soik itli' skirt, thrcee ters of hand embroidered Pin lora desiýgn aýCcentqdf with pîniýk sws ace. A fttdstrapfless bodiice ccssris nd -a,çorsiage of Ipinlç- coeeby a blr type jackýet withcantns The btýidegr(oom's mother' selfC bu"ttons w,>ith liy point sleves. assdiste1:nbiue igured sik wltpale- A halýo type head,(piece of pleated blteue a-essories and eue irore aý- cor-. tull trimmned with op)alesce-nt se- sage ofyelow mus. quin; and seed pearis held a softly The bride gav-e ir bunýjet to he-r caught finger-tip Iength veil of<tttlle grnrnter rs. Jamtnes Ransberr-y. illusion and she carried a cascadie of The bride and grom li mak._ red ross their home in Orono. Mliss MJarie Lewis, sister of the Out of toma auests mere present bride was bidesm,-aid la a walt7 fi¶miTor-onito, London, Alliston, Oz- leagth gOVin of orchiti nyon tuile tawa, 'Montreal, Bobcaygeon, Wark- oer tafeta andi net crinolyne with wvorth, Locust 1111, Sudbury, For-, matcing cnllpedscuil ca~p., She PFery, apt IThoult For The Week IYou, hava net fidfilldet vaer. duty uuileas yeu have fulfilled t - "Mn bei-- pleasant.

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