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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1956, p. 7

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"Le tacjo hefi Cree in,- <bian mnuttered with inge awev andfa as lie bent over thie last of his traps. Every one of themî had bceen raidled of *its baif, evidience that hie fauien chaflengeci by a relentIess forest, eniemy. Ai-d he kntewv there wais nof roomn in 11bis w-ild iorf(in toi- bothI o0f theim. The Indfar. shook bis fist -Le Cas-ca u:h muttered aan an-d set eut fhirough the sno oni the traitî of hjs enomyUp, ahe1ad soaweehis dog barked, thcn wa-s sulent Th'Ie Ininhuxried forward appre- finiv l.Ii a clearing' lie camne upon hs dog, dead, his hra Snow %vas bDcinning-", f0fal So3 th-e frapper pitelbed his: fnt 2a crawl\.,ýed insýide. ln the mor- ïlutig he fouind that ssn - " w-.soe l ic he had ung up on a branch. hiar b-,eon cul tn piecos. Agalin le Crao a struck. Stoically the Indijan went in nearch of willows f0 use for temporary snwhe.When- hie re-turned hle founi hisý tent and thanket completely, PLUi~ i matches gone, Shivering for Jack of a fire, lie foïrced his 'numbod fing-ers to contrive niew sn-ow,,shoea, then w'earily beýgan thie long jour- ney back to iris cabin, where 10ort and wiarmfh aw-aited imil. But when lie re'ached it a' Iasf and puished open the door, îlie sawv that his vindictivo enern.y hart beeni hcre too. Thne peits thaf repre,ýented lis winters trapping w e r e rippedl ând slashied f0 uiseless s-trips. RHis supplies wee-in a scramb)ed1 b eap on fthe fl.or, sugar sack's eut open, flour sten ovor everyfhing, bacon tossed into Ihe ashes oif the fireplace. The b1ankets in bis bunk were to-n tri riblions. The trapper, set out for th e nearest HuAdsonis Bay, Post vow- -irg that ho wvas flirougli with frapping. Once again. -a humrran teing had been defeated liy a fanfastic creature of flie wild- le Carcajou, the woiverine. Thougli the wolverine possess- ts such craff, cunning and im - placable hiatred ef mari thait ' is, view,.,ed with- awe by exiper- enced woodsm-.en, lie is an un-- gainily lttile lieasf liardly fhree Petf long and weiýh-ing, as a mule, less flan 30 pounds, wvrifes Reed Mllard ini "Coronef P Knoiw.n as le Carcajou fo the ndasand French Canadians ef thie iorthlanld, in the western. 1iS, lie 0ý somneffies called '-akiuk beaar becuscof iiis- dis- *greeable semt and.i because he looks somiewliat like a bizarre eombinatîoni of thoýse f wo ani.. mals. 'rechnica11y, lie is a niemi- ber of flic Weasel fami1y. Unpiepossessing as he mnay lie in appeararce, the aceempllshi- 3nents of this fiend of fhe forest long ago convinced the Indians that le Carcajou lias supcrnatur- a] powers. Hlis feats of strn.gth asrc legendary. I order fa get at. sorne pack- ages of food cachied atop a li g e woodlpile, but which lad f allen down lietween the, logs, p- sigle 28-pound wolveriîie tiu t li entire woodpile. In 'the pr<oess lie actually moved logs 30 feof Iong whicli liad required tw,ýo men {O put îin place. GOING FREE - --Jacques Mor- noard, who- asscsssincted Leon rotsky 16 years ago, is sched- uled Io le a free manie/ithin a month. He has been serving a 20-yeair sentence in a Mexican prison for killing the man Stalin iermed a troitor and spy. The wolvericîne naiy well rate a1s nausmosf feaisoel fiiaf er, r. I tî n withOn eneým,ho sheer r fintbewilders and terifesan dvrsry lhas bee -kow;'n i t afad a 1 ,200- "la 0 fîmes las weghI - an -d and moûsîfain lions. ThoawoLirne' s fil til a on ures mostmarvelou su'cia awaythatthey1(,\acI ually ctlkeshýearýS, fyCan las at a sngobite AsË ldfonlaiaenthe wol -'vn has claws fwo incha- os logan rvd fiant gi ve hlm fanar sfl:i c cdigging po1 r Wof1ler :ilaes 1haive been nl n1 dig their t, aY tbriough three fet of frozen rcklad arth. Ofnawolverine wllstlk abigr mor-e powerfol pred1at- or unt1il if has brougiaf down, ga,qn thfen stop in a nd take if over. ufrs lhavesensig. wolvorinle ,swýTag(ger utp t>àP of wolcves about Io eat and the ,wo]ves siiln a- Le Carcajou n aiteroý utid ordinary con1idiionls, but -fbe i"e-1 mraIe, we urigher young, is evenl more deadly. Ernlesf Tbompson Selon, the riafuraliat, once ob-served, "She is a tigress of fejroeýif', I)sO1ufe!y feiariess, and so strong and quick that a miane, evo ame wth la gun, is faking rîsks if hie cornes near." Nor-maliy, a wolverine w ill1 n'of affacký a human, but a Cap- fured one trying f0 ésýisape wl somefimes fiurn upon his captor wifh ela ferocifty. An Alask- an hni h wo caugiat one, infiendiii fo senld if, f0 a zoo, puit if in lis cabin' in a seemn- ingi1y securie. Cage cif railroad fijes. Duirinig fie nigl1it, file wplver- mne gnawed bu isway fitough flihe fies, Stealthily cref toward tfbe frapper's lied5 and suddentýy icaped upon him. The frapper miglit well have ben killed if lis screams hart nof brougrat hip infm - The wvoiverine 7s fanatically -devoted 1,te. making life miserable for trap'pers. So reienl-1ess is he in his feuds tflatfthe Hudson's Bay Company, ;in a booklet for trappers, states flatly: "ýWhen a wol-verine appearcs on iis line, the frapper lias bu-t ltwo anî or- natives: lieYniust trap flie "toi- verine or givle ip ti-appïig .11 The Celnpanly's records are, stud,'ded .wjfithtales of volverîne vendttas - ost commoniplace trick is fliaf of going from tmap ta tmqp, carrying off any anli- mals caugl theio-e and, as off on as not, carryinig off the traps tli.emse1ves. Frequently a wol- veriie will lug tlie traps long distances in order fa drop tliem fîrouigi the rèe int o a froz'en stream or among inaccessible rocks.- Aaan escape art isf, the wol-i verine is suprenie in tlie animral wiorld. Hunters wiao have suc- ceed1ed ini trapping fhomr have dliscovered fliat the liard way. One frapper who l ad been lucky enougli to capture a wol- ormne pl1acêoed hina in a large shoot stýeel ou drum, remový,,ing flie bung to provifle air for the croafure. thefliq orning, tfliriman- foà:mnd is captive gone. Incred-j ibly, the wolverine hart succeed- cd in) insert-ing lis nose info fthee buing lb and !ltemaif y ripping a wayv the steel. Nof fiant many mon have slic- ceeded in geffingfihant far witia1 frapping a Wolverine, fqX le Carcajou is one noflice hardesf of il anjiis to catch. One frapper, - upon finding one 0f lis fraps missin.g, rleduced from the tr-acis thaf it lad cal-igiaf a wol- verine bl'yv one foot an-d fiant the ainimrai was dragging flic trap. T'he frapper set ouf f0 folibow him. Hour afltor hour ho snow-1 shýoed at top spoed. But after 50i EAS7ER SPECTACULAIR - Th is huýe cisplcîy piece; with1 doVi-cs painfing of The Lost Supper as its inspir representative of~ eloiboroýte window displays fashioned Fectioyters of Rome, lto[y, for shilowinrg the figures of Cý thre disciples ini multicolored su;gCr. ChIocIoate cheruba; c huge candy egg, used as a mount for thle confection. set Uip a gun on the bank of a liffle laie," lie reports. "Thle gun was concealed in soine 10w bushe s, but the Laif was $0 placedthat Carc.ýojumust sec it on- bis waY up the b a iikI biockadedftie jPatil f0 lie gu'n wifth a sm-all pine froowhc com-pletelyý hid if. "On- my frtvisit afterwards 1 found fire beasf lad gono up f0 the liait and simelied if, but liad, [off it unfoucbedl. Ho lad nex,,t puiled up flac pino free fliat blocked Ille patia, and hart' g one around tî 'h(, gun and cut fhe lino wl-icli connrecfed the liait wif h the friglger. Thon hoe lad carried fth,'hait ouf onito fhe- laie, where lie layn- on fhe ice anci devoureý,d if at his leisure. Th e r e fund nmy St ring.' "lif seemned f blat facutlies fulily n- a par wifh) humnan rea'CSOn bdtal le t-etired for sun1h aut exploit I.'thi-eiefore rearra'riged L1ings, thfle string .whe-re if liad been biffen. But tlie result was exactly the same for tbree successive occasion.,s, a-, T could pîainily seo by the anima!'s foot- print s. "Anid -wb7at is most singular oýf ali, eacli tîme flic brute was ca-reful t] a ecnthfle-li-no a iÏtfîe liack of where if hart been tied ooeas if actuahlyý reaoin fIat flic knots miglif be some newî device of mine. and there- fore a source of danger lie woUld prudenfly avoid."ý Lockliart, com-pîefely baffled, gave iiip his efforts f0 capture lis wildèr-nessz opponeft "I calme teý fhe conclusion,>" hoesaid, "fliat Carcajiou onglit ta li-,v e as hos mustfîlie ai leasf part human ý-ý1- if net worsce." Bachelors Be-ware!. Bacheclors gay have good datiaèf0 o o )k a liffle glum., Their carefr ee freedom ma y soon hoc fhreafened. They may soon have f0 pay in bard cash fo l os o leing single, Their Continental cou nter - parts have already reaqson ta regret their snl state. For ai- ready in Fran-ce and Germnany ihnofficial moves are afoof with a vie-w f0 imposing special talx- es on umnmarried monn. f f Le plan succeeds, whraf guaranfeo is tflieo that some- body i4e r e won't advocate za simýilar onue being put into prac- ticýe, recommiending sfiff bnch- elor, taxes as a Ynaeans of rais- in1g national revTenue?, And if fiant does corne about flien m any wlio hve "*escaped" se far wiIl have ta riecide wbefher f aking the plunge miglit not bce wortb whie affer ai. Thus bad news for--bnci- elors could mon a wonderful break for the girls! Whý1-en Wý1inia II xanfed fa raise mnoney for war witb Franco, lie imposeci a laclielor fax wh crmained operafive fromn 1695 to 1706, In effect, if made every un-narried man pay a fine for faf lieing mar- ried. The amount vwas varied i accordance with lis social sta- fuls. Dukes, Erchliisliops andi so on laýd fo pay £12 Ils, a year (a larg£e sum 1in thoje2d7S). Oea- .eonarcdo -atijon, is 1 y. con- ir4*t cand idorn the iemen, esquires,, doctors and other professional muen. hadi to fork ouf to ilie tume of 6s. a year, and -"oth-r persoris$ is, a vear? A'4 "016. Maid mand Bachielor Tax",PBil1 bat roduce2d into the legîs1' ýture o the State' of Flo- ria M.' -,,ars ago-ipaposed a $5 taxi on ever-' spinster over 25 and every bachelor over 30. Wýhen a~ certain, gay bachelor, Mr.i Harryv L. Johinson, of Fort Myers, heard about it, he re- vealed the ýhîih valifation he put on his; single blessedness by sending, the followin- wire to 'Noting the Bil taxing liacli- elors $ý5 a lyear, 1 arn to-day sending,' cheque for my fax. 1 shah ý-lie awvay this summrer and wish tIo do mny panf, $5 is too ilfe. INtc real free man would objecf to paying $50~ or, even Citizetis of Easf lam, M\/assa.- ehusetts, decreed many years ago that every v man should kill six blackliirds and three crows yearly while lie remained Single. Farmers whclse çrops wvere being ruined by the birds hailedfiais novel "fa-x" with de- light. Memphis, TÇennessee, got reve- nue f rom bachelors by passing a law whîch provided that no sing.le mn o$ver 21i should be allowed in its streets aïter q or be per'iitet to accom- pany a singlewoia to a place of amusement unless lie could produiee a 'bachelor's licence costiug $5. a year. In a single year -tae moniey from thiese licences wý,as j>ffici- ent f9 provide milk for larget nutibers of poor children and tw n'aintain a hospital for meoli- er's and children t Editor's Note: In effe-rt, Cawadîan bachelors are paying througia the nose for the privilege lf lieing avail- .able. Just youi compare the income tax a bachelor has te pay with tiant of a man who is maprried and you w-ill discover the "h1idden" tax is enormdnus. Pr~eet~,iý,0 (YKS ano -l-i4rom FfltE and Vve h15Sa Slzc- duo iv ý,p.&d ut âe o1Cabinet, toir an y pupoe isit us or ewrite foi r oce Îý,àTAYLD'à'RLIMITEO TORO NTO SAFE WORKS !45 Frupi S£ h.L,1ororntc WITII FALSE TEETU- on you ave trouhie wttt ip1te Ibasil , ocI ans a o re 1p -try Br-mmiPlarï tieLye. y,7 applicationnaespae tsi, lveua o Aire,7orpast bca1 1Rrhonufl iisti-Llnrardeepu -eaeiftty to your plae ie l ii-and rentit'oie p iate paway no I)owdler or paste tan (do, iva en011 nidTlber laeyou set gond reultissix mdUtha te a year or longer. YOU ÇANý EAT ANYTIIINGI SlnmfOl' Iay o ilatrilpos PIasl- "l'le- on froutliesonieuppes' eor iower. Bite I.dIl lo-ils pertetiy. Eaisv te use, tastes,, edera!, Larniýý- esb on aie vur Plav eteimvable a ireoeed. Plate luaaer Includdi. Money btec if etcninpleteIy satliedI. Availab/e a: ali Drzig Counrer.. WiLOROOT LTD., FOERT E, ONT. AGENTS£ ANE O ILS, GREASESS TORES Plaints and varnishies, ciectric zmotue, lobbyshop uachinery. Ibeal ers twmnt- oti. Write; Warco e es at i Limsited, Toronito. ARTICLES FOR SALE PRECISION -Reloada 0f' orlg nd domùeaýtic rifle aud aev -'v "ammu nition. Frecisioni Reloads, Morrisburg 0On taýri o. BABY CHICK(s 1.AYERS. CLAIIE-DALE Farin Hatcheî-y, Nor- wood. Hatchlug wcely -- Leghornis, Rlisode tslaînd Rodýai-d M.11t, X Leg. Excellent lavera fromn Canladian Ap. proved floek. Somie tartedl Leglioru plelleta avjiab e sow . A R1. 0. P, B r eedi? ng farim. T egpbhopï,e 2-3'712, NowoOntano. STARTED puI!ets. Like1y jest what ,ou need riglit now- Aiso- bayveeciker- ehs, mixed cliicka, fIor qolck shiponont. Ma.uebroilers - ,rcler 19w. Bray' Hatc hery, 120 John N,5Hailitas. HOWnucch is a-cleik worUî9 ati-ou lti th)e value, of day old chichi utponl if glht" -our on!ly vaccu*trae imeasure o. vailue is vour faithin Illethonaineon the bjox. Youi con dependi on Tweddîeýil chlicks. Send for 19561ctalgue .i tells you al i bout our apecial ogg breods, broiler breedaan ttirkey plta. Don't buy the wrong bod of cicks for îejob you 1want fie cil cks to do. TVEDLE CHTICK: 1ATC111ERIES LTD. FERGIJS 0NTAIUO STARTED SPECIALS CANADIAN lApproved. Barred RockJs Red X Rocks. lhte VRocks. New Hz!-.pahires. Ltg;t Suss e x 1Reài or anpX Sussex., olmbaRocks ni Rt.L.Radas. Pufllets -2 cweek.3c'i $32,G00;4 %,eeks old $4ý0.00;6 wel"ekolt $80per W10. Mimed chch, ame ag-es: $iO.00, bas per 100. Wite Le.- borna RPed XLghrsDnishb rownl Lebriand Mi norca X egborn pullets 12 wo-ks opld $3,00 4 eeks oid $44.00: 6 we kl.10$2,0par 100. Guaaneet 10ilive doivery$1. 1 IJowîi balance C.Ct.f Order cearlY. Kent Ilvat.h-ery Clatba?,In nor STARTED COX CANADIAN Approveti Heavy Breed cox. Day ot k o lti 122 ;'W 4 eesolO 20, LeghGrn CrossCox, da 1 I5 0 PerT 100l.Guýý , ýaanteec-d ide- ýL4vry i00 dowui, ba Fla n ce C.0.13, tarf. 130 BABaY CI-CKS13 CAN"AD.IAN Ap'proved. Prdcto breed. Hamp X Sussesx flarreti Rocks. Red X Rocks New Ha11mpa. Roda. Sus. s j anIW ét Rockîs. Mixd 13Per 100, Pislels $t9 per 000.WhiteLeg. borna te X Leghorns Brown; Le- biorna and Mnoc RLehrn. ieti $15 er 100. FPullêts$"27 ilper 100, Guiaranteoti 100% Oive dcelley. $1 dowý.n, balanýe C.0.ýD. Sn Vle HatcherY, Chathaml', 0ntarlo.ü FARM HELP WANTED E-XPERIENCED. married man, for dairy farm near Toioilto, nioderu machinery; must be gond witb anme, Separ)îate flouse, mill; $165 mnontLh l atonus.n Stoto age, f anuîiy ond when ava-flab;e. rbox 141, M1-80b St-. New, Tororito, FUR SALE IIIANI)Y Litre H1olderl tik to hiat rim, ahirt e-ocket, arisyplaice.' ITolds dozons of fltes hfdlf rdo.zxli lugs or ltrs. Send $1.010 to: Lursta,Box 1813, Paranius, pNew Jersey. I4EREFORDS 650 HEAD bneding mpoedcows and hoifors brotPi to hornied anti polled bulis, coýs awïtli calves. Polled bretiheif ors and s'ho;w prospects fro' Oa fCn adasleaîngbord, StorayApril 281h. Semit Hereford Forma, Rich. mond i)I111, ntario A, Gibson, oýwne1r -22 ORNAMENTAL largo abhreIbs$4. C-arragana 20 loches, R0,$.5.le- qUcal Catalog. CR)-AMER Pb-NURSERIRS, Whiitc Fox, Sask., HANI< WILLIAMS RECORD SPECIAI. 69 Cents Eccht The IIGM factory bas orer , u limited nuniber of brani new Wl liama rcecords aI a su'bsta.lntfal saving.ý Woe are pasaing Ibis savnag on-t1 you., rdrtoday by inmber w t tus adverlse AeT, NOWV LIMITEID OFFERt11 1Loît on îIle l.gwaIjust ld namp.a goodbye. 2. 1 saw tle light, Six -more miles 10 go, 3.flouse f ,ou love, Wedîng beils . -4. Moanfin îlte bjlues. Loveslck blues. 5 VPm an lone- sollme I coutIdcry, BIluax rome aîrpend. .,. VY weet love int ;0fonn-d, Long gone daddy. 7 Htlçky onk bilues Log oe lneosl les 8 Tu _ atin bot, C ol ei colti eart 9. Seltif 1e woods on fle, Kawllga, 1,9. Vou win again,, I oftinoer e Î a Jasedof yu 1Ieygood looi 1af as mnuch. 78 RPM ýlONL'Y We carnet a-cPt COD O-is offer. Ordoer prepaid onl!y, and add35 for, tively guaraniteet a'ga!iost bs ori Oraae ESTRY RECORDS P..Bx74, Mocntreel P.Q. GARDENING SPLE EARTHWORMS IIYVBRID. Nture's nwn2 t->'ze produceti by ti 'le artwom Inest gaele tepsiili, o nxelt plant growtsî). Win.dtow bo s îrba gardens. l0,, ornng,,foder eiaaa orgafc Gardonis. 217Spence St.. Ni- agora Falls, Onit. %YP ANTEO WO-MEN nný1d mon, pu-im , tocosu- NEURITISAND REMTCPAIN REIMEDY ? IVES GOOr10D RESIJiTS. ENO~ Lf e 8,M th. do. Use:, CaoikysLax-ative c eb Tablets, sucecessaful since lt05, S;ix mothssp- ply $OAllan Reaýcdy (C), egr POST'S CZEMA SALVE BAiSi- te tormenï '-! <lrv eczemau ralwes anti weepln-g skn toubes POSt'.e Sezemra Sailve )Oui lt disap- potat voity. tcilng scalîsiJ anar- ÉnE eee a sene rîngworm.YP!ppmpies atfoteczema w Dlrea0n readfly b'or "testinlýess ooîrleat intm4enl re- gardesaof ow suù 1'fr oe!s they :see'l" ~Sent Pýsi Fret on Rec,ýipî o! Fr;ce PRcff $2.50 PER JARq POST'S,.REMEMIS1 89 ,enst. E.,, Cornes o 4 og TORONTO OPPORTUNITIEs FOR MEN AND WOMOEN EE A HAiRORESSER jo e CNADA'SLEON COL Gr-eat O!)pportumtyý p erl lirrisn Marvelgruae 38Bloor stW oot 44 King st.. eiato 72 Rideau 5tOtaw ation. Ma eiacost $.Do [t Your- self! Sve$100. FruaI'rc tions firmrakinig s,ion 5 'i PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGI-I & C(,o mp a n y Patent Attot-neys. Estab ised 1Ci890, 6004 -Unlversity Ave_,Trno aet ail eeuYntries. AN OFV1ý'ER to eyery ivno.Liat of .'inventinsand fuli Infrmation 'sent free. The, Ramsay Co. Rgsee Pat- ent Atves~23Ba-lk St., Ott1aWa.L PERSONAL,L loge Iclued.TIS MeicoAgency, Box 22, Teria "Tron-to Ont. 'SHORiT Lonighand! Used by Tep,6rters. anastýeedin a fEw rminutes. No-,sym- bols. ý-Complete systém 50e. V. 1Harry, C-8 Wýýodcfera Drive croo;Otro WANTEL WANTED -- Job Iota 0of merchndise, hadaesporthng good. -SURLU JiOï3BERS, 157 McCaul Street, Toronto. WANTED - Stampa, ýjùcks. paintiings, antiques postcards. E, DîIKE, 136-A Wansr oad,,Toronto 4, BEAR ÇIJBS WATE 3956 bear cb.senc; iful perlcuarn~toOR .4*bDONALB,- 2U iiou feIl Th(eseJ&Ys imst péer;4 work under Pressure,? worrY More, ilep less. This *train oin body and brain Oakes physical find.e e asier b o e tadeo1 regain. Tfodzy'a tense living, loEered resistance, eovework, worry-any of these iasy affect normal kîdney action. Wýýhen kidliuys get o5ui oJ order, excE:ea aida and wastez rEmain ihi the sYstem, Thien hackaçche5 diiturb(-d reat, that 'lired-out» havy h.eaded feeling Olen foIlow. T-hat s the fime blaItke Dodd'e idyPills. Doddýýs stimulaâte b' dday eY ïcnormal action. Then yout feel' tter-t8Iep bebter-,;ork Letter. >ssli.for Dûdd'e Ksdnty Pills at Any erug coun1tel,<e3 N N N N N N N Ni N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N s N N N N N N i - N v -N N N N N N N N s' N N N N N N N s N N s N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -'I s., N N. N N N N N N N N N -i .4. ~5 .4 N N N N N N 4' 'h s -s s 4.' k N -s N St 's 's s N N. N N N N s- N -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

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