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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1956, p. 8

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ý WEI- eAuthorized as Founder., R. A- Foirester ice Departmrent, Ottawa Pubiser.R.C.Forrester Ina a reent issue cf a Toronte paper it Vvas startling te read th-at Canaiiýdieni Industry ing ahurninum had -been ini the pes;t yeair iare.dby a control iii their supply of aliinumi. The sourice cf su pply is in Cnd but it appeeers- from the article that Uited States ýndstry was being given a priority over the Caneidian firmIs. This w,,ame about, stated the article, th-rough the fact thaf nie States -'capitol controlledl the miing2 and processiiûg plants in Canada,ý, pro- ',Iducing eluiminumi. This interest heas been approached concerning the -tuttin-g cf supplies te Canadien Industry and although niothing defin.- ite was epproved it is the intenioný thet Canada will -share ia a greeter enount cf alumiipum., Aniother note in a recent publication pointed te a lent of $335 ýnilions due te the use cf Unitled' States ports by Canadien firmrs for imports and experts. This article stated that oeeof the major dif- ficulties Jay in the facit hat products wr being- routed through the American ports from Canadian Industrieswhr the rcutin.g policy wvas con)itrolled by parent compenies outside Canada. This iy strenigthenis the feer that United States cepitol is be- , i4xîing te cýontrol the destiny cf Canada. It cculd net but help be -a serious note when Canadian Industry is hampered in obtaining the -ise cf its owvn naturel resources. Th)!-cughi the processing cf its netural resdurces it-temenu- factured articles whichar saleeble tW the public this country ob- tainis a sorcof wealth. t could certaîinly further this wealth by proessinig more cf its natuiral eoucsanid seli the mianufecýtued eds onj the foreign maket rth#er than shiipping th- raw materials te forcign couitnies whe o in turn reeip the beniefit cf emnployîng labeur U!Idn akig a profit in -the menuttfacttinig ocfsaleable articles. Caaatoday is thesixt largest ninufatctur--ing ceunitry in iieword mi et lhas only onepei en1ýI ý(it cf the wrdsPopulation. Eigty-ivepercenit cf hi-r îunufactured getids are sondlu anada -wthaslmfifteen ipe-rýenýt being -expe-,rt trade. No Cantadien Industry -sho(uld be deprived cf,1ihe right te uise Caainmaterial as ýthe ue ctuiindustr-ies in Canada oa are the most impor)Itant source cf empîcylirnet andinlcoine. THAT COUGH TyrelFs BonhilMixture large bettie -- ------ 6 Oc. Backly's Mxture SOc.andla c Frosst's DULISANA Ccugh MixtuEre Priced et - - -8c ViCk's C (ough yu------5c Jack and JUIl Cough iture 50C. 50a. Jack andi JE! VogluMuxrufre 59c. Jaick Janti Jilièest fRab $1.09 %iake i- ROTH FOR ý 89C. Rexillena---- ---65c Rexaîl Syrup of Wte Plue and Tar, large eoeysizc -75c, ViksVapo-Rub ---53C. anti 98v. Metholaturn ---- ---- -3e. anti 89c, Vtiel0s huîhalers--------------4. cymahets et. fit sigu of celti .. 5p-. ELConwep-; iz-l--- ------ --------$1,0 Jack man Flowers for'. 19 ev'ery occasion Trrell's Drug store ~JgI, 13-r-4. De"' iu Mrs.J. press her onee for +h( TENDERI Polil Tenders Water Tai ,' New or before noon cOf anccruel Tosl t pecifîications,:- 1Vw 1eni1-s on !Walls; 10f oLttern; reinfnrced stel Top; and nix 5 of gravel te 1 cf cernent. Contaclirdoexcavae mi supply sa-nd1, gruive, cernent a/imd reinforcîug stee-.l. Method cf reinforing top miust be clanytnted in tedýer. Fu f-hr inforraf on may be-ob- laine,!re\ hen dersig1ned. IlH, EMILASO N, - Secrefary Police Village cf OrOno0 TEND y S ýPR, F.IWALW Police 'yillege of Oroano T nd,'-)i 'e0tceConsýtruction ofi aidwels in theVi- ge f POrono ",'il]f' ec e y the nesgd on or before noon c1f April2, 96 Ten1der- qvoettens te bc~4 by m~ Sq. vd. ce st*u-ton wl-H1týii t' ss cfï 4ich ad Mcf5 cf avel .(, 1 cf cer-na t.Cotracter 'te j'pply a-11 ne Isar ntins cf supply. H. E. UILSON, Secretary 16oz. i 1 Frosst NEO-CHEMICÂT. FO1O()()-- Rpie,, tm~~~rl The iqui'd -- $1.55, $2.95 amrd the(,ceuomyzj& for.....5 TiieCauls( rAul) 50-$1.65 250. ,6 N ihoIson, Tbe Ot-ono ýe Graduation E inApril lui1. W...AN-NIVI ited Chiurch. Orý 8te lO'clec.l A long time sii ce vwe - strel ShowÀ nOrdne. Th( Oddellwshavýe een vei whhh wfl ppe iin theC Hall on StrdApil - ing FundI. orntnhe* h odi'~s, th wittemd et Phione 68 Orono, ont. - - - - IV Class M.ail. Poat tea with us. CUPRDOF THÏANKýs 1 w'duld l ike ro thanik ail my friens fo the \yjondier'fuLI cards and the -;îft of a be--olk 1 receîve-d frýýaiy the SuétsC luncil of 0.VH.S nindl a specal thaii t'o Di'. jez, thre nre nstaff of B mnîl MWenllin'dal licital, Also -ailfrieýnds who piiel e, d'urin l-mîy stay -11 the hospital. Sincere th anks.a- Velda Kennedy. IN TUE, ES~TE 0F WI1?LIAMA GEORGE C y ,LeLE NS late of tbe Towns,1hip of JClarke in the Count o4-f Durham, Labiourer, deceased: AU persois ý.-avi!ig aimis agains t the Esta te of the said Wil liam, eorge Cullens, w1ilo died ont or about the 28rd ddàj 'of 1)éceniber 1954, ' r hereby notified tq send t-o the up)dersignmed Admiinistrator or his So1icýitor on or befoi<e thé 2lst day of/April 1956, their namn'es and addresses and! ful Pariticutlairs of their Ëaimns and the nature ofthe scr s(if any) held by thiemf, duly ver led by statutnry declaratiol. 11 innmediately a fer t1-ie ,aid1 21st day of April 1956, fle assets 9o fthe said deceased l b'î-e distributed arnoý-ng the persons entitled theret- Ing regard only to the laim, cf wh1ichý the Admiistratojr or theudesgd Sclitor shal then have notice. Dated at; Orono this 22nd day ofl 1March 1956. JOIEN *2. REID, SR.R. N. , rone, Ont.ý p,. WýIYE1ELL, Ocono, Ont., Sou- cite for the Admninistrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORIS IN THE ESTA TE'OF MA r- -I77 !EN BUTTERS late of the V\'geof Orono in, the _(onnty of~ uhm Widow, cdeceas1ýd: AIl J)erýosnf aving daims aga-_inst the ste of-.the aaid MryEllen] Butters, -who dieti on or aotthe 23r-d day oft Octeber 19j55, aire hiereby rotified td seuldA te lendersîgnedl Execuitor or us Soiciter on or- bcfore the 2lst (hv f Apnil 1956C, their! amnes andi adeurssai fuli partcu- bars cfther daims andi te nature Of the securities (if any) held by t hemi duly verified by statutory decleration. inediate-ly after tGhe seiti 2lst day cf April 1956j, the assects cf the saiti d1eceased wil be distni-buted iiain)ng the persons entitledti tereto ha-ing regard enby te the dcaimis cf which the! Execntbùr er the undIersignid Scithor shahl then have netice. Dateti t Orono this 22nd day cf March 1956. GEORGE R. M2ORTOIN, Orono, Ont. Executor R. R. WADDEL, Orenio, Ont., iSelicitor for-'the Exacutou. 1 r We. wilkbe ,de te, uick up dead or crippled feirm animis. for sanuitary dispsai Te~phone ll-ýt'ct, ourg FR.2363* ot E-M.-16 GORDO OUNGLIMTED "EALTOR P.O. Box 71 f Phone 1191 ORONO -IONTARIO OFFICE 2 Dà rs So'Uth. of United f Church If you wish vour DEAD FARM ýýT0CK removed thle fastest way, hecalus collect -Bov a-ýnville 2679. We also b3y live hors. MAGiL FUR ARPm TYRONE, ONTARIO Orono -ýlectrie PHO-NR 1291 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estîmates APPLIANCE SALES Promnpt and Guaranteed Repairs o 0il makes of Electrical Equipueni anti APpliances -n as 'oerWaterHetr - , tçtveg IronL P.ftý AND EAVESTROUGHJNG CALL IJq FORESMAE IIARRY E. LYCETT [I phione 84 r 12 Q o ORONÔ - ON T. HAVE You n o-USE OR BUSLNESS F01 SALE Liast youyý propeCrtt withi us for satisfactorf service Estates and propeties manageai We are here to serve youý For Fast2 Action Contact aTomuLewis RE.AL ESTATE BROKER Ph. 10311 Prono, Centrýe st, iProfessional Directoryý A. F. McKENZIE, Mi. 'l PHYSICIAN and SURGEON - Office Hours: 2.00 t. 4:00 pan.; 6:30 t. 8:00 p..t Stindays andi Wednesdays by appointutent oitly IFIED SECTION COMING E VE -N'T oraný con- TIhe W.M.S. ',t Kix'by ar(a holding -esion. t!heir Easter T iank-Offeii{g,, Ser-vice irno, Ont. on Thursday eýening at 8 o'clock iir t-f -c the Church. Mrs. Kitcjien wil show pictures of hier trip t Norway. Ev- n inéh pine eyn Oda3~YlId s nd Feed MICTION SALE Thle undersgnied has rcivdin- an, Orono. sýtiuction)s frorn N. Y. Weatherilt, p-f-c" Lot 10, Conce s4i 4, Qavanm Towýn- sili p, 1 conces 1i on south ýef DMillbrook, f, sxrc t seli by public aucltlcn at 1 pa. 0O ono, sharp on Sat ' -d(a, April 4th, cattie, bath, -ý-ile f rachinery, #d furniture. Vood, -1beors Exception àlly good Shorthorn Cet- ter1ý S4ash tie and Tra ýtor and machine/y. jTerms Ca sh. No teser-ve.j ut anal J. Reid, A ücti neer.J tac Flyd LARGE r ST'ATE SALE tac Ftydof furniture w be heldthis Fnida., - vein.April 6h at, 7:30 p.m. at the codto.Durhamn CountYe ,A! ena, Orono. IAUCTION SÀAE The Durhan Farmiers' Fourth An- iual Stocker iaie wviJll le held ut the 'IIedteDurham Coe nity Sale Arena oîi e7l ,h l h e ,T hu rsday a-,f rnioo ii eý t 2' p.m ., A p rfi dy -ven.lît_16.b inm luthe AUTIOj0N' SALE uni of thej Auction $ 1le ocf HeeEsztate and ~ h~sehod u nture fror the estate of ~J k ateMr. MrySte-vens, Village ifon Saturday, ,Apiril ïronlo iUn-7hai13 m nex-tL, April jNenl nw ngeswah Bh Tor-onto. g range-(, heati r, beds, dressers, stands, -p hests cf aerdin1ing Joom table u'and chairs ' eeinretales,,cupboardls had Mi' tn-toile st chairs, k-itclen cabinèl, e roiaqunntity of' coalamd o ,andnm -ry, busy lu erous sm-all articles. ty'elr show, Reel Esiate c osît f 5 roor dp)oTow frineho ,woodsuheà tachdO 'th at S:15 gedlot onive Vtiet ltaghe c oceeds fo'r Nwcsle m el a!r and n-ey:eï lentrep Build- eiling el Hyrând recently in- sulated. Imnidoae session. Ternis Negro e-1'<down l -1ance deys. n nhac Sl suj(et te r serve bld. bc Term-soncatsCsh fMuieray C.ýNoP e, utoer - ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEONX Veterinary, miedicines, biolegicals andi instrumen~ts ethically dispenseti. PHONE 10616 ORONO, ONT. LEGAL Lawrence C. blason, B Ilarrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, OINT, Phones : Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-558 JOHN RECAN, B.A. Barrister, Notary Publie 33 Temperance St.,Bomnfl Phone MA 3-3292 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctionoer and Valuatoi SpeciaIize in P-arm and FurnIure Sales consuit me l-or termi, and dattes Phone 5 r 19 TED JACKSON Aiuctioneer and Valuator cendu4"s Auiction Sales ofrire Iu andi at reasolnableD rat«s Coiuicate wîth hlm gt poe Perry, Onitarle, or his Clerk. A E. Mor-ton, at roono, fer date- LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educationgj POU*98s protection andi Savings Planate Chiltiren andi Aduits; LMortîage In- surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT OrçnoOnt. . Phonlfh STAFORDBROS 1Monuffeiltal Works1 Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whiâby FIN-'E QUTALITYr MIONUMENTS AND IMARKERS It's noitiFexpensivete Let us erect a handsini% dit. inifieti monument over tihe reab- ing place of your hwoed ODMe Itnet expensive. Antrâ en this last tribute wll gie yen endless cemfoi-t, The RUTTER (,RANÏuITU COMPANY Phonýe Turuer 5-5M1 p.O. Box 6-22 Port Hope, Oxitaiio Monuments, Gravemark-eru, Engraving, Goldleafing "liuy fdirect and Save çemîsdoàm REAL ESTATE FOR SALEB Preperties Selti, Reuted lManageti anti Appraiseul L. M. ALLISON Real Fstate Broher Phone 2566 - Newcasttfu. a Two blocha north of traief Uight, Newcastle PHONE 1471 -I -j -I Certifked Higbi-Test Cod Liver Ou . z- 6e. aad' MULIN---------- $150 and $2Y75 INFANTOL,- ------- -- ----------$0 nc 32 Weîpol~s xtretof Cod Lhver------------large hotte $1.25 O --DA Brnt MulileViamin Crpim ,,21-$Ira- 60 $.0 120 $42 I,,PAN-A~ iOàta PASTE COMBINATION PACK- 2-59 tbsfor089C YOU SAVE 29 CentS 1

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