ESRh Subseription $1.50 peý,r eai To ýh.~ O rono Athletic To Spons-,r Following is the annual report of th(, No'th-umber-land and Duihanr cas s vere only one death 01 tetanus, wb gan injury in ie treated hims numps were hl 492 aad 478 ca ewas no decre cases of whool9 that agaiti beautifying grou-P Of Orle Ir posts are Those intei thre garden present are white also Port Hlope, lot will beMoto thes' ec of Oronjo. rolled lal!thre In enteriný t while this year Or( 4 Uhe leaguLef Auction Sale, April 27th )rono Atbleic Association the local park prov-idiiug it would nlee& rectors meeting on Thursdaywt the approval of the Orono Comu-~ of last -week when they dis- muniity Park Board. 'Ulr. Colins wil. ýe summner program of sports also be running the booth this year, îlIage teenagers and younrg- Iiisüiuctoi-s ha ,e been obtained to as- alsto nlethods of r-aising Sist Mr. Colline 'with the prograim finance the various projects. which wil1cuemnyfreo e sdecided to progress with creation for both the -younigsters anril ýon sale on Friday. April 27 thie older children. t was thought at [l be held in the, Orono Mun- the meeting that semor c-iildreni iding commencing at 8:00 would havé to paly a miemibersh*îpfe .s sleeme is being joîntly of two dollars to take part in tIre J by the Atlettic4 Associaticrn pr.ogram and that Iie tots a dollar Orono Figure Skating Club ýtA7,eek. The AsýsoýiaL_,oa wil givê_- botih share ;uaany profits cons tant supeivision during thre hour-ï venture. Anyone having Of thle pregrani for .each group. anitiqueS,- dihes, tools, TeOoo~e rsi a on- e or anythýing that might b e Te0ooRdCýs1 t spit anr auction sale, an-d wish to ed out are to ZLgrinusp)1onor te Red, ese to the auction, are ïsked Cros; swrmniiig iln5tiuctions and Mrs. S. B Rutherford, or- feywtrpoam heOou 0. Alil donaIted articles wiîl Athletic Association willase pro.> [up on thre afternoon of the mote a water rga rorigrn tank is iiom-o Ii. HPJ- tos became ilwue vIiUL115ingri i U1I Children m'ay spend six b( Iday or more at scihool, anid thý cases of diphth cria or siiaýllpoxi their health and thre schiooi e, reported. mient is of majorim iportance1 cases of typhoidl or paratqyphloididirectly affect t-he cild('s ai cwere reported. There were three learti. The Publie Health Nureiýs oid fever and one patyýphoid her contacts with thre eehool carriers under Hlealth, Unit he child's teacher and parer rvsion at tIre end of the ya. rects her efforts towards imji [UNIZATION the healh of the cildren and 5 wu1as an important year forI ing them lu health miatters. f Canada, for this was the year Al of the 225 schools are Salk polomnyelitis výaccine vw'as regularly by a mnembe~r of thý made available to school. child- ing staff and at other timesi in Grades 1, 2, and 3. Becaus;e of be nacessary. .rganýiiizaition already set up withmun A yealy sanitary survey ii q-W, I.if t..U4-. h,,;r.Coitiinueclpage 4) es L .di- ti( 'îng be I ,lie hre Lake5llQre ieague Ass ciation r the play t iÏng from other c one it is il i liC g-rteuuy c(-eý ernied organizations andl le sale. ,cheme w,,ell undler way is g of a three-act play to ýd b y the Associationi be pres'ented to threPub- e la the futurýe. MrY. W. [il direct the play and le ing namnes of thosýe whio Le to take apart ina' ý.sockitîon hLas agreed to yalties on the script and re play is to be chosen by ýt la thre hope of theloa and those itrstdi int il cenitr( il prî Il come he plav e,1 lTnr o0 Co Lhoýok uuld0 gîve furtner proteeti( ;ig tIrhe tank and cape, unigsters of thle aiea. *George Collins ~Park Booth Th Orono Memorial Park Board sent att on Tuesday- evïening of this that precï the safeti George Colins' aplication te the ewimi vcases were disco-vereda of IndustrialHyen rvey of 1954 f ollow-u ,vith th( sentati Min. 'orreste ývenilng Disti The it stated DJ Medieal Of, ,runization atarited. nies-- ------- mediately pulled over to thre ai*de of the rond and ordered the passengers Le cube during the to get 'out quicklY. [on was madie byj Passengers filed out la orderly pro- 12cession, a few leaviag parcels be- er acted as chair-- hind. Flames were , crackling hebind1 them-i but no smoke or flamnes were - 'howing inside at first. Police said the blazing bus tied Up traffic at thre Junction of Highways rîct T oJ 2 and 401 for more than three hours after thre fire started at about 7:30 P-.. M ay 8 1 t was felt by many thnt the bus could have been saved if a fire de- pa-rment had ans-wered the caIl. ese centres requiýir- I Dense smoke n nd flaies began of 17 full daye of to shoot from tIre rear of the bus, 1Officer of Healtb. wNill be assistiiig. advised through A. t'i ciis nl- 1 Tw "venLy-"TwAo GI necessary te ar- tion. Mýany of the [n school buildings R ed Cros halls will be used me it is not known icrne wilI be avail- 1and third doses. It lis ýpart of tIre Pro- will be completed ine is released fer i. Dr. Horner stated the pffhlicleinfori- iiewpapers as to ýe held la Orono in ail for thre children hools la the Town- 3.No. 1), 8, 22, 12, 8, 17 aad will coi- n. on May 8th. AI- Week everyone to bothering to Class1 TIre Orono Red Cross held thre the nurses and doctors on their la- gaduation exercises for the NurIsingiformjative instruction durig the ülassý Class on ,Wednesday eveniag of lasIt ernu andasotnethttrme- week la the Sunday ScIrool Auiditori-" bers of tIre lass were mloat co-oper-! umi of thre Orono(- Uinted Church, Lative and 'nterested in thre course. MJrs. J. C. Gamey addressýed the Mrs. Armiistrong-, la addressiWg thre g-athering with a few opening re- group, said that it was enicourag-ing miarks following whieh the nem-bers to lave such a large cas and hoped of tIre clase, wer~e called upon and pre- tIrat enother vvould bpý sponsored senited withr their pins and certifi- somietime in thre futurre. "The Orono cates. Twenty-two were pressent to re- Red Cross, she said, was certainly ceive their pins and certificates. TFhelnot a dormant organization and wevs preseptations were made hy Mrs. W. playing a worthwhile part ia spon- E. Arnistron.g, presldent of the local soring such projects. Asoia-Mrs. S. B, Rutherford briefly Mrs -.J' . aney was presented spoke to thre .raduatinig class and with a ce ýa.e of red roses in appre- pointed out thnt those holding a eer- ciato fer leadership ln organiz- - tificate would be thre f irst te be cal- ing the Nisn Class la Orono. Ail eA on to help in case of an eiuerg- nurýses what helped with instruc. enoy. tions were pre~sented with cups andl Followiag thre presentations, lunch saucer&' Mhs. Gamey' complàmented' was served. for thre l956 sm~ opainting,- the W Il aiso supervise thre -inuorder that visi irogrant during- the rnay be improved. which is sponsored by Some considerat socý:iti. ..Mr. Collins thre Board t,o the ie hooth and police thre swingls, slides etc. conditions of the con- play are'a in the Park Board. finite wa,ý done from ,the Oronjo An r"fdiscussion iý Association \vas pie- cair'n for, the Park Oroene 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, s 4, PU lrllel, develoeed barn and Ciepn air. J n'kers givenl