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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1956, p. 2

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EEI(IY 1'IME8 TTRSi)AY APRIL 1I9th. 1956.1 koaàuufIohA "Anyway, your take-off seems that q4tiek!1 This frisky new Chevroet offers even higher V8 borepower to naIke passihg .ýfer-2ànd all divingtimore fun. The, iew Chevrolet has its own special ,brand of acceleration - a lightning-like power punch that can save you precious seconds for saf er passing. And the brand name is "Turbo-Fire VS"'! footed cornering ability,3 a car that puts more si fun jute anybody's drivii Chevirolet brings you qualities of agility and su control that help ycnu avo before it happens! You'll see what we n, you wheel one of these be on the road. You've 20 nE to choose from, with h( that ranges to a new top the "Super Turbo-Fire extra-cost option). S,,, c( and let us ]end you the k- Itfs the World's Finest Automatmn Systemf Philco TwIst Systei Aut ýmatie RefrigeratOr AUTO-M TICALLY achieves ideal 38 to 42 degree teml- perature iin the mnain f ood compartment. AUTO- ATICALLY keeps frozen foods in safe zero de- gree c Id at ail tîme.s. AIJ MTICLL efoss wthutusing hator cai oods to a*5w and spoil. Y-EsA l"PATICALLY witoutcotrols of any kind to set o ogt AtTTOMATi CALLY lAIR C, ONflITIONED to keep foqdsý fresher, wthor th tcoes :10.5 eue. Et.$3 9 5 -4 '-4 <4 --4 4- 4- 444 --4 e4 0 O e-, ri of immiiense imiportance to the poweý;, E' ii -uturýe to Ontaio and Qoec- epr a rrimntWi~particular. Ail thisý ak(fAnrC11 ýàep rt F 'o m arli m ent H il é corltfrol.being pndesirable appears w it TÇèonsidere4, that American capita-ý er an. absence of' two weeks ilay Cali Strike Vote has been responsible for deveiopîng these colunrns, At feels rather At the moment, there is no înciica- the oil and gas fields of Alberta tmi 1te be preparing yet aother tion that either will be satisfied ivith the point where they must have maRr-- iary of Parlianientary affaira at the arrangement. The unions may kets as soon as possible. vfor your peirisal. call a strike vote wvithin a weei of the Spent $25 Millions Parliamient Reopens report's publication. Although, it is The Trans ýCanada pipe liine Com7- 3yen kno\v, Parliament reopenied far too ear1y~ to predict,' it does look pany is already reported te have speni vlonday, April 9, on the home as thougli both railways and uniions some( $25 millions on the project b- th of this session wluch staited once more will be placing the prob- fore having laid a rnileof pipe or thc-~ yin January and probabY lm right in the lap of the goverra- aeross Canada Iine. They aàlsohae nde r adouraahet~ ti. mddl menft for solution. Of -one thinig we Iall the large steel pipe supplies ie une. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b c4 egsppheubt a e rtain, the railway workers up for tis e ar, so I doubt if the_- ,s on in what hue b<een forec1et iî receive more mnio-y and other will be given the go-by from ~n ifilibuster by opposition group$,'1 beffits which il nean either ohriun- hc oudhvelti ae is every indication tl1at de- creases in freýighit rates or gevern- ohroti hc wudhv ite [mental estimates wiil replace it ment sudsidies orriv hope of starting the project in thý- a agndabecusetheyhav te~ acômbnaton r xilwy deficits or iear future. 0f course, the otherS.1 lu,,ded before the session can be ithr ofhetre.Tecis, gtjinores~ with TransCnda urned. iSessioni one, should corne within'in a joint finaaicing scheme. Heweverï FaitSesinPossible a rnontli. the situation is chunging every dair ,s there are several important in-GreheRtie and, at this point,. it would be unwiseï., iatienai meetings ceming upý ini- GunhrRtrsfor nie te- -commît the geverumei(nt Ves ingth ComowelthPrme Another event of gýreat interest any unaiteýrable policy. isters conferexnce in the United was the decisioni of General Alfredf rdom i i June, every effort wilî Gruenther to retire as commander ~c made te have sufficient essential in chief of the North Atlantic Treaty * pngCaiies ,eCi concude beoretha tineforces. Wlien lie was here recentiy hie ar ~hih vet, ariaiet mgh ai-gave no indication of an imipeîiding; Refuge In CanadiaR ar- nhc teve reseml arl i t ih fad-.cih ange. With hie terrific personaîlityi rn o rasembe arl inth faI.and eneigy for a man of 57, -lie True te their sure instinct for mnal- Board- Recomniendations should have littie difficulty in find- ing wildi.ife news the whooping cranees 4aîn events, of the week have lhep- ing suitable worthwhil emenployment. have included National Wildliferý ied outside the Charnber of the Hisretirernent haa given r-ise te corie Week iin their annual migrationte use of Comnons. On Friday, thxe comrment as te NATO's future, prlb-ithe Canadian North. ijlation board attempting to bring f1 bly because of the present diffi- -Eighit birds are reported te h»vtr tlmint between railways and culties France is having, the Cyprus Ilef t the Aransas Wiidlit'e Refuge ùe r 150,000 non-operatinçeiUPloy-' dispute with Greece, the unsettled Texas for the long flight to WoOý1 published its report suggesting Middle East situation of à deteriora- Buffalo National Park where thüei, 11 p er cent increase for the em-f tien or breaking up of flhis niest i- nesting grounds were discovered laert- îees at an estiMated coet Of SOmn, portant force, although the Soviet year. The remaining flock of 19 miaF )millions a year. The unions weCe would certainly like ýto sue it huppen. 1 follew any day. If migration runs tu îirg for more than double that General Gruenther will be succeeded to previeus years it shouîd bece- ire; the railways were not fer by General Lauris Noisitad, an Ainer- plete in about two wveeks. ýnting any large increases. ican, whe lias been hie air deputy. Accerding tc) a report received by' Magazine Tax the 'Canadian Wildlif e Servicefrn Publie Works estinmates ~of $147 the Texas Refuge this year's pepu-- milliens, the Budget debate, External latien of mwhoopers raises two ques:- Affaire, Health & Wel.fare estim-ates, tiens. W'hat hec become of the cren Agricuiturai and Coloniizat-linand ta iapae uigtebrs Bankng& Comerce com itte win[ter stay in the s;outh? And what fi ave held the attention of miemibers is teeoybhn the secres o this weekç. In the Budget debete, a thýree strange wli,-oopers reportedhrý,ý wýide variety of topice lias been under seen on Mardi i&th near Lexingtoýn, diseussion. Bigg-es't iteml of contre-Ky' Neither the Canadiani Wildli-feý versy in Mr. Harris' budget lias beenSevcno the IJ.S. Fish and Wild.-- thé 20 percent tax on advertising rev- 11f e Service has discovered answersný eniies of American publications with yt Caniadiun editiens. Designed te give M eigration is always hazardouste Canadien publication~s a break Jgis the cranes. Tliey muet survive tis4e wbut le conasidered te aebe harsh buffeting of northern weathe-i, *strong argumnents for and against ni as well as the risk of mieeting semeý alinost ail parties. At the mioment, curious mlarksm--an determined te takse the governmient ie standing firm wý%ith\ a dloser look ut the strange soarinz7 its proposai, although there miay be birds.1 adjustxnents bere it becomies la1w, Along the flyways of Saskatchewarxn "Wllppie'" Returns 1 and Alberta the cranes are al-ways We heid oüý first Externai Affaire wvelconme sight. Alt-hqugh each spring- coeiTLtee -n eings of the session prairie fields, sloughs. und -marshesF wirth Mr. Pea44,on ii atigunU- attract nuýmerous migrant ducks,, you've gQt t o-date picture' of the international geese and sandhiil crante the rare, ýaet nd situation. He plans te deal wvith thel whooper bas a special place of honY- afety Middle East and the Arab-Israei I Our. Once across the setted Prairesa n!problemn, good el4 #'Winniie" Churchill the flocks have less than five hundl- iinherent came eut of retirenient on Frîday te red miles te fly before reaching tihe ;reness of make it clear tliat neither U.S. or sanctuary of Wood Buffalo Nationrac oid trouble Brituin could aford te let anything Park. happen tet thi3i little Jewlsh state Maxnalogist William Fuller, Can-- .ean when which they haId been se prominent in adian Wildlife Service officer stationi- ea4ties out setting up. This speech, plus the ef- ed et Fort Smith, will kiep the neest- ierý models forts teward peace of the UIN sec- 1 ing grouinds under. periodic obse- retary General, now~ in the area, vatien -when on regular g-ame patrois. lorsepower is the best indication te date tint war A nipw safeguard tues year is the bar, pof 205 in will not break eut in thut section, on lwfyn aircraft in effect froar-i ?S" (aui New Gas Proposais April lst to October 15th. Planes- orne on ini Soon we mray return te the con- travelling over this section of Wooa. ey.troversial gas pipeline delbate. Appur- Buffalo may net fly below 20100 feetý euntlyý,s ince it bas its one day run Whiat conservatioflists in Canada, before Enster saveral necw proposaIsi and the United States are waitingzj1 ~~ 3~6C have been presented tô thé govera- J te know le how manYyoyung wh ment. How feasible any of tim are 1 lhutch in 1956.' Aand how miany will will be dis.closed later. It is a huge survive the dangerous life of tie jproject, involving sorne $675 moillions,; adult wvhooping crane. - ri

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