ïI Spic & Span Ige pkg- 29c"" Robin Hood White ClA*KE MIX 15 OZ 25c Crown (Orange Pekae) TEA BAGS 10018 89C * 1~ * ~, g ÇONCITRATED 32 ounce bottie f ~JIA EX 3oz 2l1, EUX LIQLJID 12 ounce tin GLO-CAT 5cg Florida Grapef it Sunkist NavafOranges 96's G.E. LAMP 25-40-60 watt BULBS 4. FOR 79c Chief Brand (4 string) BROOMS û94 10 for 49e 2"52 size doz 39je AUCTION SALE The Durham Farmers Fourtl KENDALnual Stocker Sale will be held Rev. KEND L jDurhami County Sale Aren Rev and Mrs. Pike are taking two Thursday afternoon at 2 p.mr., weeks of bis vacation with Mr. l9th, 1956, IPike's brother. Omîngý-to snowy ACINSL Sroads, no church was hâd in Kendal AC1NSL on Apt-il 8thi, therefore i -to 1announce- A4n Auction Sale of furniture, iment of services was nihade for theesglsweanotertm. Itwo Sundays following. Rev. C. R. 1held la the Orono Municipal Bu Rudd of Toronto representinig the iofl Friduy evening, April 27th Briishaii lioreý-nBibrI, Society i pan. The sale is being sponsoi Iconducted the service this past Sun- ti rn gr l I day. Mr. Fred Qrmiston of Brooklyn, the Orono Athletic Association. 1,Lay- President of the Conference, cash. Jack Reid Auctioneer. will be the speaker at the reguilar -0- Iservice this comting Sunday and a AUCTION SALE Igood attendance is requesteil. Corne The undersigned has receiv, Iand enjoy the singing of our choir. Cocstrsion froMr. aownhi Mr, Wm. and Miss Mable McBride Cneso ,CvnTwsi oQf Cobourg visited their sister _Mrs. haîf of lot 11, 3 miles "outh oý !Thompson and Arthur for a week re- brook, to seil by Puiblie Auci ct'y. 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 26, cen able Livestock, Feed, Mac) S Sy7mpathy is extended to Mrs. T. Furniture etce. jJ. Carscadden on the passing of ber Ternis Cash. Jack Reid, Auci jonly surviving brother,,'Mr. Wesley Carscadden in Peterborough hospital AUCTION- SALE Irecently. H1e was born in the hiouse I The u.ndersigned has receiv I ow owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cecillstructions fromr Mr. Cliff Curt Tebble .nd lived the early years 0!118, Concession 3, Manvers Tog hslife there. Well known for his 1l mile north and ½mile w 1!friendly disposition, bis wifle passed IPnyolt eib ulc. jaway about a year ago and he is sur-liat 12:00 noon sharp on Sal vîved by one daughiter at home who April 28th, Registered and gra( lias suf fered firom polio since abe MWas 1 de, Swine, Horses, Poultry, X two years old. Mrs. T. J. Carscaddeni ery and Feed. Sis the only survivin'g iember of the This is a real opportunity à famnily. _ good Registered and Grade Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer of moder n achinery and feec ~IElizabethville spent-j Sutida3j after- Curtis is deinitely -throu*gh fi I noon with Miss Hefen Boyd and Mr. 1nnd hias no further use for ai, 1 Fred Boyd and called on Mr. and listed. r Mrs. F. Stoker in the ev.eririg. Terms; Cash. Positively no r 1 1 r._ anc-1 IVTrs iyc rgsn T IJ.k'-n )slhawa spent Saturday wvith Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. A. Swarbrick. 'Cubs and Scouts attending the 'ather and 'Son Banquet heïd in the asemnent of Orono United Church )n, Monday night, April l6th were, ýenniy Martinell, Ray Couroux, Haïr- and Elliott, Rosas Little, Wayne Fos-. er and Ross Jackson froin Kendal (nd Gary and John i cackiýn Wayne ennedy, Bill Stap1eton and Franki ýreeniwood, fromn theh Si-xth Line. here was an im-pressive di-splay of voodraft an-d plants, work of the! u1.The tables were b--eautifuIliy .ecorated in colours of green and' 'ellow anrd the iiuothers waited on ables. A. presentation of coffee ý-)oswith the Cub crest was mnade roll caîl and offerin-g fe Mrs. Wilson took the covering the life, educati of the Cree Indians in î the Indians o! British C( Mrs. Wn. Rutherford .Wannan assisted '1'rs. question and answer di ing out many interestii bout ,,the Indians. ,A hnjud prayer meeting. 20OZT$LY 2 REINZ COOKED Spaghetti 2 -15 oz tins 31C QLD D171OC Cleanser S.0.S. SCOURING Pads î-SILVO SILVER Proish Dustbane priceZ2 for 21 c pkg of 4 14c 6 oz tin 33c 3 lb tin 45)c KIRBY A',M.S. hadi nc on Thursd SUINSET FROZEN 4 or. tin Orange Juice 6à tins $1,00 EF. D. SiMITH'S Grape Juice SILVER BRIGHT Salmon Steaks SILVER BRIGHT Salmon Fillets for 39C lb 55c lb, 59c j QLA DE R94AT blade r ee LB 31c 1 Wasrnan nau. charge t M GeOtI11 al period whieh she opened withi 9prayer. "In the cross o! Christ, 1 glory'" was then sung and "The Lord's Prayer, repeated i unison. Mrg. Wannan read the scriptures. Mises Erla Chapmnan, Shirley and I MarilynQuantrili rendered a lovely 'vo cal trio. I Miss Valena Copping gave a1 fine IE aster message for the devotional.1 9 Alter singing o!, two verses of S "Rejoice the Lord is King,-" Mvs. ý Allin took charge of the busns.....' JTýhe offering was received and dedic- jated. jjMrs. Kitchen showed pictures on h er trip to Norway which were vEry j n uch enjeyed. Luncawh and. a social !hat was theal The reý ular meetings o! the W.A. . wns held on Wednesday kpril llth in the Sunday om. Mrs. Ken H-endersosi me of the devotional peniod A- ..,5ia,1, he onried with liamiltons lesurance Every cdaws of. ance is represent our off ice. Thef iug are some o- main coverages m, offer: PEAMEALE mTAqE ROî LLzS jnidcre s, lb 37e short message and the singing o!f The Church is one foundation," and rayer. Mrs. Wmi. Allia read tbe nripture. Mr.s. Stanley Chapmnan gave a fine evotionial entitled "Wby Do 'We Go C-hurch Every Sunday?" p A vocal duet was rendered by MNrs. 1Lowery and Mrs. W. W7annan.* .rs Wnnnan took, charge o! the busi- ess period. Mrs. Wm. Allia opened the W.'M.Si ,eeting with prayer. The minutes, Celle package LB PKG *35e ~tp~ Qhxnfi~rnrr Lîf ntt~tr~ Cornish s onnD dAh HARTLEY P'0-re 19r7 large sire 2 for 19e AuS'AGE l pkg39c ORONO FIRST Leroy1 RILAL FSTI FUNERAL <lrino. ( . eý Orene, Oimtarte