OIZONO WEEKLY BWEEKLY REPORT 001... Aid la nds And Forest" inig Output Ruskh "Z', W .f- I tsn4 see how much Vau reullv lave ut ,pC TOES 28 oz\5 Tins IGA With PECTIN '~TNNYMOR'~Raspberry9 ç,lNG ý A iam Strawberry 9Oz 19e TE RSG and Black Currant SWF' "ýALLSWEET" REGULAR ~ kgf79C Margrarine lbpk2e IGATBLERTE pîU YORK BAD HOMýýOÇENIZE» LA DVE -ALE Butter 16 à*oz37%ffC VALE REGULAR Cheez leez 8 oz 29c PPLE 15c. Coupon for Next purchase! lb pkg 314i ) OFFER reg bats29 àinîtien Offer x hoth for 69c MON YOUNG g g g Il F4l"cy Red Sockeye IfAM B LEGS HALF OR WIIOLE lb 53c STEW- lb 21c COOKED Ready To Eat lb 39c Sliced or by the pîeie ,LEAýN RLNDLESS 22 lb ,-D ages 23c vpkgs 59c lb pkg 45c 25i oz 35 c oQUAKER- BRAND MUFFETS-9 ~ YL$'ER PUTRE TOMATO CATSUP ~1iOZ 21«C haff 4 3 FLORIDA N 1 QUALITY 1'IRM1, RED RIPE TOMATOES ceilo pkg 19c O B.C. F ?NC Y All Purpose Large Size 125's Wi esap Apples doz 49c O CA L FORNIA TENDER GREEN SPEARS Aiaau lb 23c [J XAS NEW CROP CRISP GOLDENY New Carts 2r _po-iIý 'ags 23c 9 "RISO" StIJERCEANEà Pot Ready Spi c 2 cello bage 29c 9 NEW BRUNSWICK No 1 TABLE Poitatoes- 10 lb bag 39c FROZEN FO"%DS Iloz -yDeug Gainbyferétg Ot03pc.Tp ~ome forty--five students from O. ecW g 01 .3p .Tos 3arose eai-1y last Saturday jmorn- Auo 5ioorSuet and tria\elled over to the OrorAfg1 onou tdns nch of thre Ontario Departreent of ands and Forests to "lend ' a md" 13 y ?atsy Foster the Department's annmal sPring- With a percentage of 90.3, Liý,. h.1 Aa,]bers of Grade IX tops the fifteeni ýtarting at eight A.MU. the students students who have earned enrolmiet, ned the required formis and climbed. in the O.H.S. Hlonours Club. Memi- oard the trucks which transporteil shîp in the Club involves obtainin- enm out to the western section of an overali average obf 75 percent o c Forestry-, where they set to wvork the termneam and haviino 1 a~ iling the trees andl tiei.ng them loto ures, With seven subjects, Lisa mr udies of twenty-five. A few of the than aequately fis the requii~ gular Forestry employees super- ments to top the entire school. sed ~h work, mnaking sure that As a resuit of the Eastex' exameý ýactly twventy-fiveý trees were in each two new miembers have beeri added ndie , to thre Club, Robert Iiach and Janeý Althougir the day was chiliy, the Knox,' both of Grade IX. tetfcts orkers kept warmi by warm clothing of mrert have been presented to ti ad continuali-movemterit and theY entire -roup of talented and enrp- ,re ail quite tired when five o'clock getic students. lied around. Each had clone a full The Honours Club ay'%,ork the same, as lhe ther GndeI- is Aaes,93% ne hundred and foty men and W'0 Joan Alldred, 87.0%--,; Marlene Gr-- en whomi the Forestry hires for the ham1ý , 8. 6%,; Bill Tamblyn, 83.4%,', ish season each year. Thre studenILs Rosemary Smith, 83.0%ý; Robert In cpect to be mworking at the Forestry iach, 82.3ý%; Cornelis 'Maartenise 8. e next one or two Saturdays unless ï,Rs Gon 7.% JltStef is rinin onthos day. _erk, 79.0%,; Marilyn Cobbledick 7S-5 The students are glad to earn the 1/;; Jane Knox, 75.5%/. ages which the Forestry offers and Grade X- Barbara Ana Aidred».1 the work ever seems too liard, 81.8%/(; Susan, Foster, 79.9%ý. rthought of the extra moniey seems, Grade XI-Pu Rutherford,859 àsoften the job~ considerably. %ý; Paul McMýýackin, 84.2%ý. public healtb nur21se to visit every n- HelhUnit Report fant as soon as possible, after thec Mother ret rns i hospiftal and asý <Cotinued fromn page 1) oýfteni thercafter as m-ay be necessary- chool is madle by a sanitary inspec- DuLring 1955 there were 1974 -VisitS te, or and there is close working co- infants under one mionth of age. in- peration wîth school inspectors ,aid, fants and prýe-school children miay buL chool board. School boards continue seen at one of the four weekly cid o make improvements and where niew health conferences where the m--otEr2 chools are constructed the architect obtains advice regardîng their care,, onsuits the Health Unit. The Prov-1 12,39G infants anrd pre-school children idai Departreent of le(aitir requiresi attended thiese confereaces. No tre- he approval of themeil officer mnent is given, and if --necessary thre f heaith on wvater supplies and se-1 mothecr is referred to the famnily phy- ge disposai systeis lfor n11l new siciain for, advice regarding the child,.. chols ndextnsinsto exisýting CO-MBINED NURSING SERVICE chools. The project under NattionalIeat -Uisaisfctrv aboatry epotsGrant assistance 'in whih a study of Unsatifactor l~bortory rportsare la the home on a visît. ,n water supplies were obtained fromnusgc ,.8 per cent of the schools, many ofbascmie thegarpli 1iese beng~ froin private well ried ealth nursing services, is being al )vr the schools. uîficially began on Jaa 1:ý 1955, VENEREAL DISEA-_SE CONTROL BErighton and Millbrook nursing ar- Therewerethre' cgss ofgeno. ,a are the project districts and spec- -hoe su soen cses'-o ~phIi. t1 iàrhco rds ar!e requi red.'Tite staff. l onted. agîniunted by twoý edçitioi,ýai inuîrse The' paym ent of $25.00 was auth-1paýid for by Federal grants.Dnnrng rizkd for the treatment of one pat- teya,12 usn iis ~ ent ut public. expense, and $10.00 for, maclei these two areas, »ard included riexamination and report on tw\,o care to person.s confincld tol~ed, those, i lgdcontacts. lfÏ11-sar-elwfo equred specal trtui ent or- 10 ve h aed h ofig ren re-s sîîîs, intram u scu ar i nijecti nE s ~oi~et traitthos niandl instruction on. home narsing cure [~4TERALINFANT AND to friends and relatives. Of,,the visilu CII) HYGIENE miade 74 per uent were to pprsons o,,er' -Series of prenatal classes we eheld 55 years of age, and 41 per~ cent were in Cobourg, each eonsisting of iie -e 5 years of age. elnsses. These c asses are educ1ational During 1955 a total of 9-36,3nirs- and assist tire Mother in understand- ing care visits were madele o patients ing the ivarious process associatedIl 11 ait home iii the Health Unit ar,'ýa it rgnny ehn itth"tle compared wth1,843 lu 19541, 825 ii- care of the child. It is'the ahwrn of the (Continued. on page 5) THIS M AT T ll 1 BOW3t NYILLE TIIURS. -TRI. - SAT LayT LEEK - ONTARTO fire19 2 "lTal Mau iâidihi-g", fRANDOLPU Tiur/t -Fri.-7 Ç- 8.25 'SCOTT Sat. - Cent. 6:30 Mo-L.-TUES. - WE A PREiL 23 -2 4-2.5 11Pteee -1"s Blues'9 (TECHINIC'OLOR) ïACK WVEBB, JA> NE,'T LEIGH1, PEGCIY LEEo LAST11FCOMPLETE SO 0 C- <-> >O =0C=0 =0= =0 0' 7:D0-=O 0= CHOICE CH, PICTSWEET . . FROZEN FRESH, Miixed Vegetables PICTSWEET.. FROZE-N FRESH Green Peas YORK BRAND, PAN READY FISU Eïnoked Filuets JUDY CANOVA