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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1956, p. 5

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E-xercise clean-up went into force cr Wednesday along thie businles eýection of the Village when busIiness jinen piled the ý-and in front of thieir!ï strsalong the curb. T'he ~n c eurnulated du-ring the winiter froni Orono 1.0!0.F. Lodg, No. 436, U -ice sanding. The sand bas been re- meets 1h fis n I dWded xnvdfrom the street. iios e re THIS TH1JRS. TO SAT. MUountains of Lauighs Thle Ketiles Iu The Qzarks" i With Marjorie Main and Arthur Huicut "The Treasure 0f1 Pancho Villa" Wth Rory Caihoun and Shelley Winters -NEX-T MON. AND TUES. 111 Cinemascope "Thie Court -Mttartial Cf B-iv I itc el"' NEXT M"DNESDAY ONLY With Laurence Olivier and Jean Sîmmons r - ,.00.0t,0.n00e900ç ~ I Mlen's Sports Wear MYen's Tweed Sport Coats, color ight blue and white mlx or -white with grey mix, size 36 - 40.....$18.50 Men's Tweed Sport Jackets white and. navy mix with nvy colars or wh te wîth black. Prie.......14.50 Men's Black Watl Plaid 4ekets,. size 36 r - 44. Pid......$12.50 Boy's Jacket, a Dit an Fabric Viscose and acetate with Rez-O-Pel finish, guaranteed by good housekeeping, color green, royal, grey, size 4 - 6x. Priced at.......... ..... $3.00 Boy's Gabardine Jackets, good quaI- ity ining, size 28 - 36. $5.95 -$69 Summer Jeweilery, Earrines and Beads to match, all diffeent styles and colours. Your choic4 ....59c. EveningeStore Open Friday & Saturdai Al Day Wf ArmstrongF s nda Open Alil Day A La Vie. I Dii Co. Between Orozio andi Ne'wcastle on Hlighway No. 35 -Free jassware- Given away with the purch se 'of six gallons or more of Ga'oline igor Standard Casol 38% c per ga m«ic Vigor lligh Test 41ÎOC per ga ,n - tax included STOVE 0Ot, foi Y,4r convenaience ismail quantifies avaliable at fthe station - Ope~cEvqnigs k andSundys .~ s*,~ - ~ ~ee.OOCflO' t urqiloise, pik. 1.$5.95 - $10.50 Children's two-piece Coat Sets ini suede, tweed and gabardine for boys and girls, colors, sand, checks, bine, SUNDAY., APRIL 2n Sprinig Conv\ention Y.P.U.T Speaker: RHevt M. Sanderson, KiR1BY ,Sunday School at 2 Service ut 3 Speakl-er: Mn. J. R'lckaby driving pleasure OARVETH MOTORS Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontar I rii You are cordially in'vited to a deî.onstration of B-olmH PAI1NTSl"'r To bhe held at theI ORONO TOWN HALL Thurs, April l9Uîh - 8:15 p.Mn. ADMýISSIO--N FREE MOVIES DOOR PRIZES Alid a useful gift for the Ladies R.E. LOGA>£N, P&op. o-I Mrs. Albert Mitchell is in . the Bowmianville Memiorial Hospital. Master Terry Hardy had the mis- fortune to break bis leg tbis week. HEALTII UNIT REPORT <Continued frorn Page 4) 19)53, and 804 in 19 52. ENVIRCOýNMNENTAL SANITATION ANI) FOOD CONTROL Onie restaurant was closed during' the year because of' the uneatis.fact-1 ory and unsanitary conditinu eist- ring on the premises. There were two court cases duringi 1955. one- proper-ty owner was ,uii-i mioned because of a nuisance existingl onl his property witbin the m eain .pg of the Public Health Act andfo failure te complete the iok ecess- ary for, its elimination., --tb1e casce, deait with a property owner who unflawfully took down a noticel from a condemmined building. Judg-e-ý mient lu botb cases was givea in fav- our of the Health Unit. Because of the anount of building taking place lu the United Counties, e5pecially lun West Durhamii,,,as rmucl as 50 per cent of a santary Inspect- Jrs time was required fg)r thfe iinspëc- tion of sceptic tanks installation at certin iperiod of the. year. Twýo producers were cut off from shipping, milk to dairies. 0f the 1,'96 raw m ilk samples taken, 88.5,per cent were conisidered to be, satisfactory. This compares with 89.8 per cent for the preceding year. l}uring the year 236) inspections pertainiing to housing were nmade anid 10 bouses wýere placarded as unfiit for- human habitation. Three placard- ed premnises were repaired ind pla- cards removedi, three weore toi-i down and o)news burnied. As of Dec, 31,ý 1955 ther ere 20 houses placardecLi il, F Duirinig 1955 four full tim-e public Health. nurses resigned su ad four were appointed to the saf The nursing, staýff, including the Supervisor,aer aged 16 iemibers. One saniitary ii- spe(ctor recsignied inAMarcb and . couldi not bie replaced. There fore there wvere oui-y three inspectors for the rest of the year. Dr. 1. M. Shaw was appointed asi Acting Medical Officer ofI{ealth during the absence of Dr. Chiarlotte M. Hlorner on vacation, GENERAL REMARKS Augutst 1955 miarked tbe comple- tion of 10 years of suecessful opera- tion of the Nortbumnberland-Durham Hleaith Unît. Senior staff miembers still on the staff are Miss Louise Steels, Supervisor of PubliceIlealtih Nur-sing, M1issç Helen Miller, sec- retary; sud Dr. Charýlotte MI. Horner, Medical Officer of Health, who were il appointed in 19415; and Mr, J. Dý Finînyson, Chief Sanitary Inspector, who wýas appointed eanly lu 19,46, M-uch credit is due these miembens for their e fforts during the past 10 years. UN "T-EL GitI ( Orono Psoa Charge *,fî erend Blue Riboni, Coffee, lb. 49ce. 1 pounid 95C. -Lux for, ail fml ws'i au pkg..........69 c. lgepackage ......... .............. e Open Friday and Satarday evenrngs for your converdnlee N r -~ N N N N < N N v 4 N N N N N 'v N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N H N N N N N N N N N N N N NN NN N N N v N N N N K N N N N j N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N N ~' N N N N N N Curtains, Plastie, Rufflette~, Fram-e, Golours red, green or yellow $1.49 Blouse, Misses Sanforized Cotton Sleeveless white with assorted colored binding, 7 to 'L2 79c. Tee Shirts, Boy's cotton stripe assorted colors sizes 4 to 8. Each............... 2',;. Baby Pants, rubber, sizes small, medlium or or large .................. 2 f or 25c. Pyjamans,C ildrien*s nkle Crepe, assorted s i ze s 8 t 9,12.E......................$1.98 Gloves, Ladies Nylon, novelty designs, colors pink blue and white, sizes 6V 2 to 8. Pair.....75c. Slip, Ladies' opaq ue INylon Tricot Knit, shadow proof panxel, 21 2 in skirt trim, fancy brassiere top, white only sizes '32 to 40. Each ....... $2.98 Shirts, BoVs Cotton Sport Shirt, sanforized, assorteff patte rn s and colors, one pocket, sizes 8 ' 16. Each......... .......... $149 (oeyCe a ringP. S pe CIa' 1S Swansdo, n Cake Flour, 23/4 p ýkrbox .. J.9e Salmon, ned Sockeye, P-1 ount, 2/ pound tins 39c Dog Foo, Chum, Sop yý, Pard or Gains, 15 oun tins, 3 r..............35c. Luncheon - , Kam, Klik or Bologna, 12 oz. 35c.1 Bramble Jelly, large 24 oz. bottie ............3I)5e, Spaghetti, Franco-Americean, 15 oz. tins, 2 for 29c~. MfiiuteR-ice, pre-cooked wiÀth- special recipes 2pakaes............ ........... 2e White Sud'mer Hlats wide or small style in! milan straw, fancy straws, or fab es, also colors $.95 - $10.95 W mien' -1,Dresses Dresse, thrllli Jfashlions and value f inds ,Al ,.,ew seasons f ashions. Day time Jacket Dresses, Afternoon Dresses. Fabiulous f abries in silk,- cotton, novelty weave. Sizes for Misses, Women and haif sizes. Priced ,......,.... $13.95 - $24.50 Cotton Blouses ail dif ferent styles in white, tan, green, pik, t urquoise, Priced.. .......... $3.25 - $5.95 1 1";. j , C.

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