Me -T1amn So Aslialed!" "Dear Ana. lirt:I arncsure yon must get dz so! sirilar leffers, but 1, haven't scen my problem in your columrn for ages. I arn 60- yearsold, and look alder because, I arn physi-» cally sick and consumned with 1ory. ha e icechildrcn, al mardand I nccd their Ielp desPeratcîY; I arn asîamed ta say thcy refu4se any aid., and onlY rcmnind me howm-rucli fhcy'e alayclonc! I liVe aonanIci1can't take an- oufside job because o! a ncur,'algiec fcnition.I> 1nccd new glasses and dentures and ýmcdi- cal curFe, and 1 fhave na hospital insurance. MY incom-e la arnail, and I on]y askflic children f0 lielp me regain my healfh, A smail check ea--ch monfli woùld mnake al the difference, and I .honostîy- eieeif could cure Somne o! MY ailmepnts, WIHAT OF T0MORROW? "tjntlil thcvygot nmarried, th, children were lovinig and Kinjd; but since rny licaîlh labreak-i ingIPucs tlieY juaf do't wanf t0 e t 0hered... I have wvork- cd hard -aill MY 11e; I Supporf cd niyself before T m-arried, and becauise o! m.y husband's ini- Corne was inadequ-Ute, I ,vas ouf liflic business worljd agalin as soon as I could leave ,-y babies, . . ,NOW I it alone, ncglecced and !ustrafed, i coufessome- tirnes 1 crY inyseli ta slecp warrYin, about what is fa be- corne o! me. M churcili is my one refuge.- '4Whaf do af ber mrothlers do when this blow d (eýscenjds? Wh-at eau I. do? I don?[f mean a ee -Sorry 1for mysel!,Aue irat I SUPPuse J'ni wrifing becausc I wanf aome comfort 'froni corne- bodY wbo udrfadand 1 kno-w you do. MORTIFIE D" *~~~l Yo r one othfli oat Shurnijliafing postions a mt *er - 'face. 'i7--OuU ' sç -T -n' y E,[I 520 £~ £~Wk~ Y-1! you chîidren refutse to *Prov, ideit, vwhy ddol tyO ocn- "fide Ïlu your riier r *sure many -others o! lis con- * regation have brouglif their * troub1les to hîmn, knowing fhey cal, trust his judgment and 4tact. If you lad toa ppeal fo fitle city' or province for re- ¶lie! (whiligbi-t lhuppen>) *yo ur dhildren would be *forced to tLake proper care of *yout. How f hcy and you dec- *plOre flic attendant publicify! *YauI need simple friendl- *ness~, f0, and the varicd in- *tere-sta if would supply. Your, * minister Wll probably speak *quicly f1ojindly womnen o! hisc durci, who will dro-p in- *frcquently f0 cheer you Up. TheY rnay oven fhink o! si-a], *services you can do in your *home fliat will add a litf le to *Your income. Any,ýway, their 4'aminterest will b, wel-. *corne. I hope y'Qu ýwill not let *U ante apss before you *talk with youir pasf or, sa *el Mcp ill sopn be on ifs way. 4'Look fa!lfr fliat day w,,hen phy- ~sicýaI disahilitîca thaf plaguec *youA will beý relieved, a11(d *YOur lêalth and spirîrts irn- *provcd. You have years aheud Of o!you, and fhey can be ycars *f o!COfort and] even service, TEEN-AGE TRIALS "Dea-r Ana. Hlrst: I ail]1 und have a, boy !ricnd who likes me, but he woU't corne ouf and, Say So. He is alay rying f0 male Imejaos by talkinjg fa anothber girlI or writing me about lier - but if is me liewas htome from achlool, and lic doesn't pay any attention'fa lier. "f do0 hopje your answcr will help uis along, in our love, STEAD-Y READER"' *Once- you show flua boy * flat liis iavings about any *girl don't inter-csf you, lie * wIlfid orne other way o! * clowinig off. Affer ail, so'lonig *as -lie tulkes you out and Sdocsn'f speud any itirne i * ler, why jet if bother y ou? *Words are flic cheapcst buy * in flic dic'tionary o! lirtuf ion, *but deeds prove wthere a *boy'ýs real interesf lies. *Yeu are youn-g ta ;),.-falk- * in o!lov, bf Lunètersfand *how sputh a habit ann,-oyýs yOU.' *Wlien flic lad imentions'ier JUnTrne, chiang-eIlle subjcct, but *pleacanfly, , anld lie sýoon will1 * realize 1lie'will hv to be even More attentive if hie * hopes ta date you offien. * It wuld fot becou0 o!4rde * f0date anofieýr boyV orwo 1 n let hirn tdo fie wryn *for a bit. thing;s Ploek toiay, tomocrrowv always cr as nda Cl)bring wiif ne1 cnfdeceand hope. Aune Iîirsf will welcone yon r- roblcmns and give you bler symp ý1-Yanla honesf counsel. Write lie Box , 13Eigli. feenifli St., N-ew Toronto. Onetrobleabout sping beI- igjusf roud te corner- us fIat if rcrninjdcs Lus -a)serifropj- Cal aumm1ne. rin~lt olffcither, Truc, we ow bave airon- tnigin hornes, offie, stores, motor cars ai-id many even have if in taxýicabs if New Yok's cx- perimencït with ha fleet o! 50 air- conditioncd cuasprove~sSuc- cessful. But tIe pedestrian l sf111 le! f ouf in fliceat clofhling -now ceenis on fthe way A Newvorlienineer who l_ prcsf detof ccvcraI successiuï c pais- no cruckpot he -_ ,has desgncdahidpatenteld a jaklet and helujot %with bult-un reflrfgation. The invenfo,Vr gliSfdf~,~rie~1hese Ouf su(.- Helpful Tips on Ho0me Decorating The wvarrn sunsine is bring?, ing on the annual redecorating fever. But iwhat can you do with sniall roms and roorns with higb eeilings? Here are some tips on home dccorating whîch miglif help solve filese, and other problern, If a smnall r-cen i s your prob,- 1cmn-, keep in mmid that walls and wvoodworkI painted the samie color w.ill mnake a room oo Ja i er. A ligit tint is better thnan a dark tint forj( the sinali Wahlto-alîfloor Covering1ý will help create a feeling o! r paciousness. For the small bathroo, use the ýarne color for tule, walls snd fixýtures ta give fthe roojrn - tha "biger"look. If youi are bothcred byireu uar and unaýttractiv!e I1inesin room, paint the ceiUingc wal s and wooclwo1,! thie ame nolor. The resut will be a camu flage of the bothersome lnes. H-igli ceilings 1may be low-. ered Ibyv painting thiern a deep color and posily carrying flic ceiling color dlown ouf o tbe wall for a foot' or two. Liîghjt tints, espccially blue irniitatinig the sky, willI make a low ccii- ing appear bigher. If you want to change your bedroom ccuhene, choose a quiet color. Soft blue-grey andye-- lowý are restful colors for sucli roorns. But don't be monoto- nous - add touches of stronger color. Artificial Iliglits ,wî11 3oft- en colors a night. To make large, bari-like rooms mnore invitng, ue a ricb darker hue on the wvalls. It happened one miorning ïe- cny.To lie exact it was Ma-eh 21. The dawn was just break ing when I jËlmlpesl out 01 nmy bcd and ran 1to thewid . Partner sd-oWwhat's the maitter,?" "It's a robin . .. ee on the pofflar tre- ig fat cock robin, looking lin at our win- dow',' scoffedY, "probably a saln. "tisn't a staringi - ît's a robin. Corne and sec for your- self." So, Partner came to the widwand was finaillyc vinced. The robin, meanywhe, pýerecd mnotioless 0on the -tree, UrveYÎn lliche world for signs o! sprittg. Evidcnfly he Aas not too Ïmprcssed as flot a Sound cýafe from him, flot eVen a mat- ing1, è&l. 'The robin was a ws bird for since that morning wc haehadi bitter cold winds an-d soine snow. Not at all the kind o! weather for couïrting - at least, flot ilu the bi'rd worid. Foi the huMan species ay im; l courting âtre becatise w, have the protection o! w.arm hIlome, thýeatres, danice halls, automo- biles, iwdoorý-skýatinig rinks and ma-"y other comfortable oppor- tuniltie's for cmainhp The notion that ,in the spriîng a Young man's !ancy . . ." isu-. moe.It is open season Il1 the ycar rounld for th-_ose wlioac inclinations "llghtl'y turn to thouglits o! love". But, the robil, sticks to the laws o! niatuire. And you can'ti fool the robin. Spring is spring. And sprîn- time i. matingire.No-_)se1f respecting robin would go caIl- i ng ý on hîs-ilady-friend unrtil w0in'ter ha2d had its final !ling. 1 [WNE IIS Tj re mie mber part o! a 'oe ron cl-idhood da yS w i b b g n "Wlen north winds blio, hn wcahaafuve snow Anid Wliat -wàill Ille robins do then, p o r i nga " 1I forget tlle'rest but I amn sure that what the robins w,,e ~likl y o do dîdýn't icluide coutinig. But if won t be long, ny fienlds S prting will oon be hlicr. TIhe robins knI o w Or th-ey w ou dnj't be rounid a al. So mnabc we had better h urr p that house- leanng. Rerember last surni- mer - li eat and humid- ityý? Le's en,-joy\ the coolishi weathcr whilc weCalif In fc lic mantirnie 1 have -a con- fession to rake-and I1 fei like' a traitor in o doiing. A mnonth ago wc traded in our nlice ihle English cr 0on a latepr md C-anadian make. 1In doinig so I yieltde d f0 fail y p1re cure and c c o o r n c n c e s it y 1I lik cd m y htte *car. It did al I wanfcd it to rdo as 1 arn flot a city driver. Bt it wu7s siui et f al kinds o! derisive rr ak fromn other mremnbers 0f the f a- îly. P uiddle-.ijunpr" thje youngi folký called if. Well, wvhy did I trdei in il I likeýd it, since I M'a flic one mwho w s d r-iv- ing it? For the simple reacon that wc lve ini a district wh-erep there isn't an] agnt for Engl 1is h Cars, which mu3kes it difficit to getpats or, get a repair job) don. The one rian w ho wastF wilng to service my iv carj sold his garagýe so that Ileft.m.-ou" on a limb. If we had a ne- el haniic at home thut wouild be a Iferent m-attcr. But P'art nerl Ooesn'tï even'Y drive a car, le t àjone repair it. Hie cal, I-an-d e th~e tractor, bultb e Cau1,S e of aýth"ritis in bis hand ai-d ét a41 .in lic interesta o! safty-- lie has always thouglit if better to ~ ieave thie car alone-exzCcpt ' that lie iS, a most proficient side-seat driver! The car wc have now is a semni-autOmat1Ic transi.nission and it travels 'the r0ad ivithi the g.reatest of case.' Itald1o0 fis a sficker on the windshield which indicafes if hha3 passed its oad test. Whichl meanls that 1 wenft after the po- lice o!crledidn'f corne a!- ter mne. T. wasnt t alaniou fo be pulled up on1flie highway an-d sufbjeccted fa an unexpetctcd- road teStsot S Igot ah>-ead o!the gumne and got mry car checked rÏighf ouf ide the local poie licadQuartcrs. A!ter al, i hr is anyVthing wicong wif h flicacr1 on a ter 10 knoW it. I. feel rmucb hlappier now with thaf stiekeri On flice windshielid. Now if only somye kind o! stieker couldi be attacli-. cd ta drivers- la a bcî>,p it w'ould be f0 the travelling public. WelI fromn the look o! thîs house' I had better starft on a clearing Up job. 1 notice there is aforgtt~ntractôt, colouired bloclks in Out o! the wy cor- ners, a litie cap Jn f .ic 1 ro0011 Iridivarious 0f ler si thiat indicate auir grandson was arounid here yestcrday. 1I(don 't know how other folk maniage so weI l but Monday la neyer wTashl-day around here. Itlisa day a!o recove-ry, and for gettîng this column dJonc. Wc love toa have viitors, !amly 0or -ohr- wise-buit alter tLhe ple-asuire past we find a little rcst aqdel A. This is not exiiected. u irm ard - Cu. By & Weiuiten Bts,, 14rsei, ont. I" mM ail thlere is no law thnat deüce that Mlonday shall be shdy so, when the tisuial work sdn Imake the erounds wîth ,the vwa- tering-can. The geranînims &are grow-ing fast now and( eý moewater. Ad myt, that was in fuil blodw_,tý4X; Christmas, will bc, blooQi^i aainfor LEast-er. Looks- like1 anything cani happen a-rotïtnC here--and 0often cdoes. 9he othie day Partner le1ft the, gte ope ,~toth bckard. It was an openr invýitaition to011dth ifers. Aind the- took it. Partner and I g;,oî Was I ,j:ct' 1 wasn1't h git ModemEt*qet chlld repr'imand hlm jjjif lIe is Ibehaves at fitable in the r- ence ofgets A. No: eithler th ater o mother shold quiety ae h chuldawayfrom the al.U shudfot b,2 scol'ed or n ishied in thepreeneOf us, but nihrshould tIli-, b haviolr be ignored. Q. if a 'lman's M4n4a ried -for fli? seond iti-n, on it lic- roerforlerte-g son] to gve lier aa nIb. dlaughlter tg serve as ber maidýj of-honr1. A. This %w(nild-1flot on[vy bý entirely rpebut itlwuld'j also ind,'icate berchuren', ap- proval o! hr r m--ryng Q W~a t is Colidere th Most prôper way -"to cs a nana at the tableý? A. Peel hebaanaloo plate, then eat it wt ok r Q. At the home of a fia 1recently, a large bowlj of ,mixe salad greens jwas passed' wit the -ineat course. Since 1 o' likie Salad mixed with m(y rfood anid therte were no salad laes 1 asked fry hostess; for a sm-all plate.* Wais this ail right? A. -No. To ask for ayhn extra in aprivatebonshw criticism o!0[the srie nta of asking for the extra pae 1y'OU, sbould (have declîined thej salad. Q. If a~mie relative peýr- forms the rite of givillg jtlu bride away (fier father beii dead), does lie then take hiij place in the front pew Jext t the bridiels iothler? A. This is the uisuai prcd. L- -ure, althotigh ài i not required, Q.How can anint rre wom'ani, living ln a hotel, retturâ tlie hospitality sliownl lier byV -married friends w1io hiave en-. tertalned i er? A. 13Y taiýng tiliem to inneri;Ilc at a hotel or restaurant. Q. If a mant's fianceee lias broken their enigagemrenti, is il proper for the mant's mother til write to tlie girl asking for the return of Soule linen she gavem as8 anI engagement gift? A. This wo u ld would beý quite in order, since it was unl- dlerstood that the linien she g-ave was to be used in her. son'a homre. Q. If -a man i. waliking, wifh a woman) and slie is carryýIng lier coat on lier arm sliud b% offer to carry it for licer?