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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1956, p. 7

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Two hrundred men live in ex- APIare police force was as- le i the land of Mitumbu, the sembied and sent tai fetch the mcqred crocodile, andÔ more. men and any gther wanted than half of them are wanted criminals' hidini am o ng the !ër imurder. The land lies iipid- abarin a1s. ,/ way between A n g- o 1 a an id wheit the poli'ce arrived ,South-West Africa, in the arid thereast a trace af the iegion of Qvamboland tribe, bti more determined oarn- Nethr il mrdl-rs nr (cers led pn~ exp 'edition inta the hiSy of the other fugitives Wh 0 mountains ta seek qut thec trîbe o.e Nwanted by the police for a nd th<e îpurdaerrs every crime froim blackmaii Co 0ot nmc- fo&tyrweil-armedi-c forgerîy, ever return ta clviii- men who ventured iato te zatian agýain. motintains. -,,Only Four Came In Ille pasithit years only OuttAlive. In the night, poison- ene manli John 1-Iepburn, Kas ed a ows rainecd down on them., returned tfrom tis wilderness A fewi yeassago two men over whicb no gaverniment lhelc up a banukad shot dead iffles. Though, of course.,f"0 a by aStnder, ; teller, and !he- crinfinal. himself, "Hlepburn wvas mnr.They escaped ai-d ulie ta study thee lfe cf the ex- dîs&lFa red,-LaVer a police pa- Ê,5 tral ;ale saw a small car The Ovahim-ba aboriginals heading througyl thse desert kwoinhabit thre area Ôwe aile- na 7n~eRvr giance ta no country except A police de' srt truck was their owr.t. The Portuguese,~ sacd ijpuhi.Tr who ule ngol, an the slnall car vfa' found abandoned Sooth-West African admiini- o~tebns0 h uee etraton have stated that hey buon, te an fhe r* was no waut nIotriflg ta cl, with this "toe ' -nthr i piece af infertile, barbarous A fw nîlîhs later a magis- land fringing Lan thre rudd i ~e a tauniing note: dangerçius Kuiiîen~e River,. eet us if vou want The tribe of Ovabimba, i wa â.fttêjkby Hepburn, are abou O~~-ttrngbut being nurse wïtÏi- toto many girl babie, meirb'than 6,000 of the tribe ar weomnen arnd girls. At infrequeni interva1s th warrïors made forays Îuta Ari gola and tire rest of Ovamnb land to steai male childreý ageci iroi a year Co five years These children are rearec aý emembers cf the tribe, and arq brougbt ln to swell tire dimnin ishing number of males. 1 Every quarter, at at the fuij moon, twoc girls, who mrusi fb tinder fifteen years, are sacr, ficed ta Mtumibu, thse sacrt- cprocodile, in order ta ensure litile rainfali and a crop. of bý Pambegele is thre recagniz ehief cf thre tribe, and ta h thre whie atlaw%ýs go~-W they arrive in the territor_____ ru-ledt over by the crocodile. Presenit_ are given, and th ioré Mouse-Trap innare welcomed regardless LFor A Hat ,fd whaitbey nfigirt have doue 5 W kx the past, Thre great scarcity ef muales forces tlw 4djjpg tribe Top flight' hair fashion ar:tisis to àdi39t any maie who arrives.î and stylists in t he famnovS sal- Thee is aniy oxne condition aýns are now busy planning their ettached to entry into thre area. n~ esnscifr.Wyd T ,hat is tiraitheb wanted men tÎ u !ndeýrtake this lêigh)y ex- wiliak fom ou tosi wle~ pexriie business? A Stylist car- t-mgirls atriGng the tribe andJ create, a h.3air fahiýon4 -thai will Èatherv children. earn hunclreds of tbousands ot The mien have a free chi>e, dollars ee gets litle or nô- but adultery Wa panishable by thiig ouî of it, except ie rhp deati-d ataitire jaws of -the some Prlgiu)g admnirgation, if h -cooiles wbich.i ifest thse Ku- can porove ith he ini7ented thre j.neeRi ver, sye On, the day when a sacrifice To whoin, Lhen, does the for.. îk to be madle, the girl vicîimis tune- go? It goe.s ta, thousands ere led ta the centre of the of io, wners wVVh cater for &tockade close ta thre river, 1 the ,ý-slhioni world. 'Tbere is n(0 ýwhere they are prepared i wth capyrl1ght ta airair style, Once a Pagan oerermony which in- h has been intraoluced and it cludes tire anointing of thse catches an, any competent hair- Toady witb ail, dresser '~i Maccefie1d or Min- The crocodiles kuaw ývwhen neapolis or Modftreai ca-n copy Niýctimýs are ta be brought ta it and selàtCo women as his thlem. They senise it in I-e beat- ow-n ,work,'~t ing cif the tom-toms and the An utnkxloAjn bondon hair- chanting on the river-bank. dresepodtred a ashion about Slowly thre first one cornes tire time of thre first world 'war froin the river and n-oves. ta- that net ouly earned hairdr-ess- wards tire first girl. As th r- ers rillions' of dollars, but also caile nears the girl, the tribe madeC permanent waviug a py ïali on tlheir facies, and a low ing -propositioni and created thýe mnoan escapes themr, mdmwon-en's hairdiressinig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING coiffure. Wowards ir-e cund af thFe e-îghieenih cent yiair was of- ten ciressed ub'ta tire heigirt of iirree fee,ý Women wiro r tirese creatious hadti tasit on tire floors of iheir- carniages, anti ihose wosieptInîutre-ir coif- fures had ta have special wooti- en rests made fori, heir siroul- ders and neck. Blecause flous" vas used a good deal lu the dressingps ta keep ihemn stif anti in shape, one not- alble lady always went ta sleep with a mousetrap cueldin ber hair ta prevent mice from eatiug ber coiffure! These i-antaýsticý haîr styles, wirich styliists coulti repeat te- day if they wýerQeever requîred, som-etimies cos, tireir wearers wel! aven ' 500 atihme, plus thre bîgh csiof maintenane. One, of th ire osi remnarkable, styles luntire wirole Ihistony of bair f ashion was tirai prodi-ceti' during tire Freuch Revoluti-on. It las calleti a la Victime au Sacrifice. Tire hair wvas dryawn, up well from tire nape of tire neck, forward and, aven tire crown, as it was arr-angeti for tire scaffolti, tire opIy diffenence being tiratithitfu] onti te faie- heilin a buntcirof ecurîs. Pale face mý-ak-uLp was uiseti te emrpirasize tir cbe effeci and- a scariet ribron 'was tied rourd thre nec-k. Tins coiffure was worn by younýg aristocratie ladies teuSshow Iercnep for tire guillotine Tire' new stlng aýmong un -will undoubtedily 1le a d ta the usýe of tire new bair make-up techniqules. Thiis w1,i]i be due ta tire le-at given by certain iniddle- ageti TV stars anti stage stars who neyer seem ta go grey anti mastly have curly or wavy hain. Tire biggest rnen's Irair stylisi ai tire century xvas tireirir dresser, nowj dea!d, of tire W dort Hotel He was tire-famnous Browne wbo inventedth ie clip-' ped moustache ant i ie variaus lilItary haîrcuis whicir bave lasieti for so mnany years. Hieî madte a fortune, !estith in pros- pecting- for gold in South Af- rica, andi th- returnedti taLon- don to t -ik e hp iis aid job until e ire id a f ew yea-rs mgo. National IIeaIth Plans "M ooclness, uqire surely1 not going ta. oppose'ý national healih plan! Yau,'11l-oseaui your readers! Why on dath ido you Write against thing like How do you answer a i er like thai? I've tried a dozèp approacheS. "Dear lady, I il flot appose tbings like health.1 arn ail for good heaItir. But .1 DO oppose this n.,ew national health plan because 1 ami sure tirai more people cauld« have mo re Ileaithfo less moneY." 1 -have a friend who, last year, put off buying a new car so that ire could pay thre mil for a ireavy siege af irospitai expeuses iucurred by his famin- ly. Iu bis case, since ire was not a saiesman, ire was aile to get byvt'iVii the aid car for one more season. The bhosptaI andj medical bis really hurt,, but ire valued tire health of iris fa- rnily, and he paid ibem. liut he knew anotirer famuily, in the saine iown, who alsoin curred hospital bis. Tisey algo bought a TV set and tirey hjavet tireir case of beer eveýry week.. end, a.nd mnany otiser luxuries. Tirey idnctï't pay their dcror. Furtirermore, tihe family needs dental care, and won't get it. They would raiher spenci $400' on a TV set than pay $200 for a set of teetir, There will ie thousands of ins'tances where tire man who doas care. the man who saves and Sacrifices beca-use ire values healili, wIll have ta foot- tirebill for folk wiho couldn't care lessl Tire goverment \wili lump us al tog-etier, treat us aU tire same. If tire proposed national healtir plan w7-uuld give us al'.sorne communiorsecurity &againsi di- sastrous hospital anid mdicai bïlIs, 1I would flnd it hard ta opposec. I know that a series of unfortunýaLe illuesses can wvreck the finances of even thse-mugt priidient fainnily. But in ire cmain, il is far iess coiy and,1Isuspect, far more eLffective, when citizens insure Cross or suich services as the Maniioba- M e d i c- a 1 Service. Thwe Turkey Growers Requosi Mors Tariff ~Cndstarinf on tur'keys is a "f a'ir st'eï,tir friend' accord- ing iaiir Posulry ln4ustry' Cônimiîîee of Ontario. Being a ý2¾'_ percent ad valorem dutly, it mfiýy -ie as low as three cents or as hiigi as six cents per p o u n d accordîng to the price of turkeys ai pointL of ori- u in. Thus, tire tarif is ati ts peak when least needed, andi aperates ai a iow rate whie turkeys are overly abundntn tire Uniied States. In 1954 Çaýnada im-poriýed 5,- 757,946 pounds of iurkey fromr thre Un'ted States. Ini 195f5 tis jumrped ta 10,351,016 pounds, whilie for ibis year up ta Feb- ruary 23th, imports were* 470,.- 715 pounds against 95,91 3 p'trundls ta tbe saine date ini 1955. AGENTS WANTED ISGREASES TIE 'afiii$s andi varniishes,ý, eîectric 'l't, flobUyshop macbinery. fDeairs wavint. ed. Write: Wý,arco Grease and OU Liniîted. 1oronia. SE14 ELECI SUA VERSI Agents andi distribu-,ttors wanted ,ta sel wprlti famns Mirn Sw.iss i'reciï- alan Shiaver; the fiinest precision shev- ing inýtyvrent lithe world. Oipper head tii;r9tarr hpad lives cIoses-t shave. Puly guaranteed f or aone 3yeal against 'idefects. Coumplete dJetails5. RIAM (CANADA) LYD. 345 Cralo easi MQntreal BABY CHICKS 01 H L)E P, AmnesIn-Cross puflets for jhïgh egg production at Ic0W feedcot Day aid, starteti. Alsa have other pufl- lets, day-o 14, atarted i su i x e d chiielka and cockereis. Order Junie XBroiiers, BRAY I4ATCHERY 120 JOHN N "tMILTON TWED~DLF Specf.ll chïcks foreg or meat. Senti for new illustrateti 1956 catalogue <de.ecrlbing aur speclal egg 1breeds, spieciai troiler breeds and special dual pirpose brèeds. Ask iforî ful details about aur sens£ational brown egg jipducer - Warren Uhode, Islandi Retis. Also turkey. poults. -TwEnoLr. CICK ATCKER ES 4Ud. FERGUS ONTARgo LAES CLARE-DALE Farmn" Hatehcry, N r, 1wood. ifatching weeildy - Leghaorn, Rhaer sant Retis and R.I.R. XN'Leg. Excellent layera tram anadian Ap. proveti flock, Soule staXed Lghern puBlets avallable now, ",n JiO0 P Breecinig farm.ý TeIepohone 2-à7l2, Norwod, 0tro FOR SALE SERVICE stition on No~. 3 Hi y Suitablue for scldlugmoe.A y SIgla Fle1d, 1Iagersviiie, Ontarla, COMPLETE Shne Repir Iva;chines for" sale, cheap'. G. Michell, 906 - 20t11 E., Owen Sound, Otro CHINESE ELM HfEOGE PLANS WILL qtÜcly provide a five ta fifteeï- foot betige, Nine te twelve-inch plants, $4.56 par hundreti. Edgedale Tbasrpe Nurseries, AyLmer, ue HEREFORDS 60 HEAD lucluding importeti eaws âsud heifers bredt ta orved ranO paileti buJ1î cows with Calves. Palleti brti dheifei and show prospiects fr-omaone of Can. stia's leadng berds, Saturday, Apl 22Cti. Suminmit Herefordi Farms, Ricb,- mnond MBll, Ontarico . Gibsan, owner. 22 ORNAMENTAL large hrub, $4. Carragana 2.0 inches. 100, $3.50. Re- -uest Cataiog. CRIA1MER NURSERIES, WPte Fox, sask. \ ANK WILLIAMS RECORD SPECIAL- S69 Cents Ecîchi The MGM fýctory lhas oft4reli usa 1inilteti njr 0f branti new Wil- liama record at a rubstarftlal savng. We are passingthis saving oýn ta yau. Order today n ,umber wber this advertisement LEMITED FEFER! 1, Lost on the highWay.I just fçi l mana goodliye. 2,.1 I he ht Six -more m)iles tag.3 love, Wedding be la. 4, Moanin the blhues, Lovesick blues. i- l'nise lane- me licculd cry, lues caome aroui. 6. M-y sweet lave air't ar-ouni, Lon gone daddy. 7 lopiky tankble LonILgogne lonesomne blues. 8, au cbhi~' lheart, Colti calti heart. P. Settin' the woods on fire, KawliJga. 10. You win againi> 1coti neyèer b a iashamýnetiofyOU. JI,. Hev gcod lookiti laItasmcix 78 IIIM 0NLY W-2 caninot accept COD an this ofier. Ortier prepaîd onlîy, anti add 35u for mailing andi handling. Shipmýents pasi. tively guaranteed agafist 1055 or breakage. DESTRY RECORDS P.. Box 7M,.MonrfesiP.Q, MACHINERY STEEL Stonie Hss aw Mnies Cirecular Saws Gunyimed, Emnery Stands Cernient Mixers, Pulleys, Bozat Winrhes. Grahamys Wekiing & Mlachine Sbap.j Caledoni, Oiit.. Box 2M. PosT'S ECZEMiA SALVE GANISII tue tarinenî i di crm -raslhes Zantli eepling siun .troubles. Post s. --Il, Sa]ya ,Wvîj nai isap Point vn tcugscaling anti burn. ing eczemna acsnernwm pmp andti t eecze Ma vill rsonireaduly ta tIn, anis ooiriessa oi1ftment re ga'rdiessaofai hw stubbnr hop')ey tbey ýeeem, Sent Posi I-revenoI Recespe pi ,rçct PRICE $2.50 PER JARi POST'S REMEDIES d89 Queen St E., Cornes M Logen TORONTO Th& bofficial prediction fromi-- the U.S.D.A. at Washingt'on is for an increase ofl at least 6%,, in turkeys raised in 1956 over 1955, and a considerable shift ta heavier turkeys this year. No rinavay 'in production i s predclted for ithe Canad1jin tr- key crop ISSUE 16 PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT TU!' GOOD RESULTS FROM TAIING DIONI REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS 0,NP NI!URITWS MUNROS DRUG STORE 33~5 EL.GIN, 011AWA $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAJO, 't OPPORTUNITIES FOR MuEN AND- WOMRN BE A KALRDRESSER Great Oppoirtuniity Learn ifairessing Plaa:dignifieti profession. gecti wages l'hauaands ot Suc.esstui Marvel ?graunis AmneriCa's Greatest System lilust;rateti cAtalog Fret 1- Write or Cati 358 lor St.. W.. Tarrot Branches 44 lLing St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St. Olttawa NEW 1V0000. nvenition. Horne 9mu3i atian. bMaterial cost $5. Do fit Vot sel!! Save $100. Formu, lr, nstrue tfls tor. mainrg, ïinstýailin.g$5,. Rîkir 3314 Kmight, Dallas, Vexas. CAN~ADA'S LARGEST I4OBBY SUFPLRS& EVERYTING for th2 ilobbyist. Se, for free Bulletin or 25e for iilustrate catalogue. 24-Hour Service, Leoniard' Hlobby Céntre, 608 Bayview Avenuo )elit. "A", Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES M1EN AND WOMEN WANTED .- youeng anei for Teleg4rai jabs on Railway. Big deianti. ni« pay. ~We' secure jobs. ABC Shçuthanti qualifies for Stniop rapber ln 10 weeks at home. Fr& folder, eitber course. Cassan Systeniý 20 Spadiba Roati, Toronto. 1956 çÇ6îin catalogue M.60. Handy Cal 13 75~ eaclh, for $2. Mr. ,lacol !»(,k.t 320 - E. 55 Avenue, Vancouvi THERE'S Koney lu Earthwvormul N Blook by Earl Shields 35f pcosljpaid Pluxnmer, 44 CadOzw Terrace, St Lau bert, Montreal "., Canada. NEW ORLE'ANS! Eh Labas - Work l the Crescent Clty 0of Mardi Gr~as. Ge job packçed New Orleans elassifred $i IRopkins.. Wohl 611> 2111 St. Chi les, New Orleans, Louisialia. NEW! Big Profits For Camnera Ownes 1 testeti ways ta narkel photos %vit profits. FuIl instructions and tricks 300 Firmas liat. Will buy your photoE Save C.0.D, fees, senti $2.50. Plioa Ser-vice, Box 33 Victariaville, Que bec, PATENTS FETHERSTQ'IMAUGH & C o rn p a ny Patent Attorneys. Establis-h-ed 18q(J 600 UJniversitli Ave., Torentc,. Patent alcauntries. AN OFFRSta -'ery inventoer. List0 inventions anti fl information seff free, T'he Ram7say ,Co. Registeret Pa, ent Attorneys. 273 flank St., 9ttawv PERSOI4AL $00TRIAL offer. é%enty Oye 4eIuný persona2l reqilireic-ies. Lares. ta lague inclutieti, teMedUv Aen Box 22, TermnilJna "Q" TorotcOntGi WHIEN we starteti breadi Lanidraco swine %we purchased o<ur .foundatlv stock tram the besi breedege in Eng landi sud Saat.While 'the inWat co3t was blgh we Iiiow we baves faundation herti second ta lnone. fW fore puVhasinp. elaewhere sei c descriptive folder and pbqtos, or bef ter sti11 visit our fa)rî. ,Wcarnling s$0e anti boars, also sprvienable boar's foi inimediate delUver, FERGUS LA1I1$;RACE SWINE' FARMf FERGIJS ,O*TARIÇ BEAR CUBS W ANýTED 1955bearcuba. Seuçi tsij particuilars ta DON MAcDONALD, 21 Wveliingtqn iBowrnanv llie Ontarï., SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENTI In ftiese tiay of Édîscorti anti confusion wliat a blessing Io finti peace and tranqsuilty lu Quiet ,momuents ro" Spiî ltual UnfIodment'! Riglit bi-w;eekly7 le* sons baseti on teach'ýirgs of Ancleri Mlasters, f*5.00 Free saiuple Temple In cense anti brochu,,rê an"Incensa and Meditation'"JIncluçieù i wth triailese $1.00. ARCABE Box 36. Indianegcdits 6, Inclena USA, lis, obN LrN rss' tat 'ce 015N lçN 'JN 21N idN r-N ICN N N N 't g N N N N "t-i N 't N

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