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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1956, p. 1

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nave nis or ner pupus i une on or before 8:45. The men teachers volunteered to It has been Ilearned that Orono prepare the field would be unable to join the South In the basebal games the official Durham Lengue this year and this cules will be used. leaves only the Lakeshore to enter. The urban schools will take three It was in this league that Orono players from each of grades five, came up with a good showing .ast six, seven and eight to make up their year. team. A minimum of two girls nust bel ThL T I t di -JuLc~~~~~~~~ lanaÏ. Uii ICAU C5 The Theme Speaker for the Con- on çach t.eam-. vention mas th1e Rev. Milton R. San- Ia, Elliott thanked the cammittee derson, B.A., of North Parkdae Un- The meeting adjourned on the iotion ted Church, Toronto, who gave three Mr. Collins. nost inspiring addresses - one ou { Saturday evening, one on SundayJ norning and the third on Sunday W.C . M UNU ight. The Theme of the Convention centered around the thought "Serving On April 17th the Women's Ch-rist- as Unto Christ". ian Temperance Union held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Saturday's program included a talk .l Walsh. on Sthe Pesbytery's Y.P4U. paper The president opened the meeting «Quinte broadcasts," by Madiyn Wil- with hyni, "Pass me not, O gentle co-x; "Camp Candids", by Clara Leaak Saviour" Mrs. James Lycett rend and "Caravaning" byt Phylis Parker. for the devotional H1e is Risen and At 9:30 o'eclock, in the Qrono To Iirs. H. Walsh offered prayer, ciosing Hall, a social time mas held, led by with the hymnu "Rescue the Perish- Marie Philip. Thc closing worship was du ait il and led by Ruby Morrow. . I 1 in 1iu ~ ti bt fb Sundjay mas a ful day for tie dele- gates ta ti Convention. -Morn:ng Worship- at 11 o'cock, wien ti ev. Milton Sanderson gave is second Theme-Address. The 'Couintry Four' quartette asisted, along with the f- thie. church -ir, special music-. The afternoon's program com- menced with a Sing Song, then ai Missionary Talk by the Rev. John Kitchen, and followed by a dividiag ump of the Convention delegates into Bible Study groups led by Rev. and] l'i mues of the last meeting vere read and signed. Mrs. R. Best gave a good report on the W.C T.U. 60th Convention held at Newcastle the latter part of March. Mrs. F. Kelly was presented with a book for; her efficient work on making a scrap book, Mrs, Kelly is peace secretary and' readJa very good clipping on Peace. The president reald a clip1 sheet on Industry and Alcohol with all taking part. Plans were made forï the Gold Medal Contest on April 27th at 8 p.m' The meeting closed with the Miz- pah Benediction- Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Revs. H. Turner S ý,nd T. A. MVirgan, end -Mms. L-idia1 San4enson give ils third Tiorne cd-1 Kitche. . rAftrnan Session clos- ess. Special musie was rendered by ed mith a Communion service te the Church choir, and Miss Beth Tha-1 prelitar ta Cnwhi on asravCommun- vell, of Oshawa, rendered two lovely ion editation rragei i ati C om- solos. Foilowing the Installation iof manviMittYP.U. of Tninith Unitod the new Executive by Mr. Eldon Chunvillev.. Jon Tititemas laGuthrie, of Kingston, psesident of the charg.evf tie Communion Service Conference Y.P.U., a mnost impressive asaste d by the Elders of Orono edcation service, w mayof a ChrchCandie Lighting ceremnouy, mas car- riod oout led by Margaret Wymau. Tie c csiag meeting of tic'Co-' The arrangements for the Conen- ventionclsion 8unday evenig ehn i tion mere efficiertly carfierdoutM h a capacity church attendance met for tie Y.P.U. PresigterT officers: Mi. warhiýp and ta 'hear tie1Rev. ila n onsCping, of KirVb, and "MNiss wors d t r R tonDoreen Aldred, of Orono. There were billetting of guests for the Sunday Ind tion Of Comnty eHome noon mealwhile the W.A. ofOrono Chrhserved a delicious lunich foý- T# Remam k Cebourg lowing th afternoon's session. A lovly Book Display added to the in- e a esore n rmemat eague are to hold a meeting to-night, Thursday, and Orono, if they are to enter must have their dccision by this time, The local area in particular is a1 favoured stamping ground for the' On Tuesday evening the 'Orono trout fisherman. fhe cool and shaded Police Trustees meet with a Commit- streams prove idcal for the fishf and tee of the Orono Chamber ai -Com- if iuck or skiils on the fisherman's merce at which time th group sid- it- isquite ikelythat -aa poribfdiseassed - the possible incorporation of a catch will b taken on openng fthe Village of Orono. day The appearance of "Stqeel-hads" The purpose and reasons for In- in the Wilmot Creek has made it lu corporation were reviewed as mere the pas a most frequented strem the boundaries of the proposed Vil- hi- fisshermn, far and near. Tis lage. Also under consideration was- icar n major portion nf this stream the financial aspect resultmag with lis being controlled by the Newcastle incorporation. Sportsmen Club and ,only members of the club will be allowed to fish The special comnittee of the on the portions controlled by' the club Chaniber are to report ta the, Cham - This ls a new venture in the iarea ber on Thursday evening of ithi and we also understand that some week when the directors hold their streams in the Kendal area are also regular meeting in the Orono Mun- being so controlled. icipal Building. This Friday An Active Night In The Village Of Orono This Friday evening in the Village. of Orono is to be one packed mit h many forms of entertainment. In all four productions will be open for the public to support. terest of the Convention, I The Orono -A-mateur Athletie Assoc- Ho endiatir the ge n athe Cuntes Hoeinefor tic Aýlgedimai- staYila, Ce- bourg despite the recommendation of the special Building Comnmittee ofirs. W es Cawker Guest Spea. CountiesCouncil was voiced by H. R" S. Ryan, Q.C., Uniited Counlties*J soiidtar, as he arxiesed Cobourg At laA . Town Council recently on the sub- erA t .vening nuxiaary ject of sewer installation to the ew Counties Administration Building,'j The regular montily meeting of thei meeting. Hymn "Since Jesus came In answer to a guestion by Co- the Evening Auxiliary was held on into m-y heart" mas sug and Miss bourg Councilor H. A. Ricrdson, Thursday, April 19, at tic home o-f ing read the scripture. Rena gave Mr, Ryan said the Counties wouid Mx4 Margaret Arnott mith forty- an interesting reading on "Our" "presumably build an addition to tie f ieladies present. stressing the use of that word rather1 Home for the Aged." Mc. Ry-an The presidnt, Olive Milson, gave than the word my. Joyce Lomery bassd his presumptions on his impres- the opening mesage on "A Gardca" lead in prayer. Hyimn "Brighten the an of tie attitude of members af ar offered prayer. Corner" brougit the wmorsip period the Counties cil and of the spec- Hymn "Thy Word is like a Gardent a close. l cornnxiiltee, L oi' was sung and roll call takean. -al committee, Minutes of the last meeting and Adole McGill gave a chapter cf tic $9,000 Tep Figure Treasurer's report were given and study book "No Vaniing Race" and Mr. Ryan tolid the Cobourg Council approved. Eileen Billings; Literature Kay Chapman sang a very loveli- the Counties would pay up to $9,000 Secretary, gave a short repart, en- solo "Have Faith l God. for installing a sewer ,fa the admin- couraging tho girls ta do mare Miss- Rna thon introduced Mrs. W, istration building. Estimates on the io. ay- reading. Camer of Bowmanville, ma gave a installation of n semer along Factoryit mas decided to hold a Bake Sale ver- interesting. tak on a Vagabond Creek ave in the neighbourhood Of ad Afternoon Tea on Saturday, A- Trip she had taken to Barbados Is- $18,000. Up t that figure, Mv Ryian ril 28th in the Sunday School room, land. She told of many interesting (contiaued on Page 5) frm 2:30 to 4:30. places they saw on this trip, anog It was suggested that a letter of themn ie Bermuda home of R. S greeting bc sent ta Rev. Schauffler McLaughlin af Oshawa. Her talk was af Angola, Afica, asking wha we, very much enjoyed and certainly- Tho Fer TheWl °"°s a graup, ca°d do t a h°ip Rev. made ane feel like taking tie tp, h tg For lie w x Schaufer is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schauffler of Orono. A vote of thanmks-as given ta Mar- Pleasant temories mustalways Olive Milison, announced that the garet AnMtt for Vie use of her home; next meeting mould be ild in her also ta thse taking part in hei pro- be arraniged fer in advance- home when Mrs. Fisier of Neweastie gram, especialy the guest speaker. will be the speaker. Lunch mas served and social lime en- Roua Tamblyn lieu took charge of joyed iation and tie Orono Figure Skating Club are sponsoring their Auction Sale of items at tie Orono Municipal Building commencing at eight o'clock, This scheme has heen devised to raise funds for the organizations in order ta promote tir sports activi- tics for tic, youagstcrs of tic Village. Aniyone iaving any items that might be included in the sale are asked to contact Mrs Rutherford, phone 14010 Orono. Items of various nature wili be received ,and offered to auction with the proceeds going t the local organizations Mr. Jack Reid has of- fered to auction the items put up for sale. Any donations received will be picked up on Friday afternoon, so make your contact as soon as pos- sible if you have any article to spare. The Orono Fiai and HuIt Club are also l tih battle on Friday night with their dance and draw being held m thc Orono Oddfellow's Hall. This dance is an annual affair and wifl this year feature the mnusic for both the round 'and square lancing b3 local musicians. The draw icludem fisîhing tackle, a timeliy prise at tii time of -year. Corne nut and enjoya real nght of fun. Tie Orono Women's Christian Tem perance Union hold thcir Gold Meda I Contest in the Sunday School Audi- torium of the Orono United Churci on Friday evening. elore youngsters of the area wii compete for top hon ours in public speaking. Lunch i being served after the cauteat, Tie fourth Item on the agenda for Friday hnigit takes pince in the Toma- ship Hall, Orono, where the Junior FarI era are presentnlg a Variety- Snighit, t h- 'y ai a s cuçet~s i,t uu.was taim n on th- tees contacted the Orono Restaurant îatter at this time. s a possible bus stop and this met with the favour of Mi. Thomas. MN. Mercer reported that the side- walks seemed in good shape and foi- Correspondence was also received lowing this a discussion centred oe from the Department of Health stat- new-construct-ion fer t:he yenr. It wasy ng tiat a joint sewage system would however, pointed out that there wat allow a lot size of 7500 square feet. trouble with lo waiks in front et The secretary, Mr Millson, pres- Mr. W. Glanville's and at the Banle mnted the years total cost of heating In new construction the Board stil he Municipal Building which am- intends to erect a walk along a por- unted to $446.10. Mr. Mercer thought tion of Station street ieading up tY hîs amount too high and moved a Mr. H. Cornish's this ear. Also it is notion seconded by S. B. Rutherford the intention to at least prepare a that the Trustes look into the heating walk from Church Street ta Station ystem before next winter. Street. The Trustees are to seek a The chairman called on a report meeting with the Towns hip Road from Mr. Rutheiford in the beaut- Superntendant to seek informatior ication progrnm. Mr Rutherfard ou levels intended for ronds in these 4ated that work was proceeding on reas. The Trustees are also toying the pjot east of McLarens which, i with the idenaof constructing an as- benig jointly promoted by the Orono phalt walk in the hollow of Cob Hili. Horticultural and the Police Trustees. it mas thougit that this mrk conLd ,1e drew attention toa the need of an be done while the Counties is paving- Orono sign for the corner asking for the road in this area. The chairman ny suggestions. The plot at Main was given permission to have the and Mill Street has been cleaned up ex-isting walk on Cob ll cienned but it is doubtful that anything can up. This section of walk has not been be done here this year as consider- used in the past nnmber of years 'ant able ful wiIl be needed to put tis grass has grawn over ut. It mas feit F project in shape for planting. that the walk should be put back in- It was pointed out at the meetig ta service if possible. The Trustees- that the Dog-By-Law would be en- feit that the tender of Mr. Fred Gra- forced in the Village, and that in the ham for sîdewalk construction was last week people were again allow- satisfactory. The price for coustrue- ing their dogs to run at large. The tion as quoted by Mr. Graham an- chairman felt that they should either ,ounted to 40c a square foot, supply- enforce the by-lam or not but not to ing ail materials. take a middle of the road course Ail backed the enforcing of the by-law The construction of the new fire and that there was certainly no ex- tank was a topie \hich receive4 ceptioh to the law. much discussion. Mr. Mercer stated R. C. Forrester informed the Board that he had learned that the tanlk as of a suggestion from a representa- descried for tenders was not a prae tive of the Fire 'Marsball's Office con- tical tank and felt that it woWdd bu cerniug a more satisfactory arrange- unwise to build it according to Ut ment or fire protection within the specifications as set down. Atter con- Village and surrounding area. The siderable discussion it was felt thag chairman pointed ont tiat it had been it would be better to have Mr. Perrin suggested that a fire area he set up draw up a tank to hold 9000 gallone- e including Orono and possibly a tw-o with specifications anrid tbis plan , mile radius around the Village and could be followed in the future if j tiat a new machine ho purchased other tanks were to be built. The e that carried a greater volume of chairman was given authority to con--- mater The cost of the machine tact Mr. Perrin in this matter. would be born by everyone in the Mr. Winters tender being the low- Fire Area by a special miiil rate. The est for the construction of the firer machine then would he owned not en- tank, is to be given consideratiow tirely by the Village but by those in prior to ietting a contract for a difA the tire area. Under such a program ferent design of tank. there would be no agreements, year- The Trustees are to request thati ly p)remiuso a cost mien ticmn a "No Dumping" sigu ho e-rected omis chineent out of ti- Village ns la the fifth oncessionin the Village Ge now. R. C. Forrester also said tiat Orono ta prevent dumping of nshes hoe understood t1ji t iV s expected tint cini the ditclh i ths ai ea ' there ii"boavailaie afiFt er'Me Millson eiformd ithe Trustees cent grant f the purchase of a new thit an appointment h:d been made machine sometime in the near future with the Department of Veteran's Those lu the proposed fire area wouldce Affaira concning the Milson road vote on the matter. The arrangement in the souti of the Village. The meet- is to be again considored men and if ng has been set for this coming the grant ais avalable. Monday. N N N N Ni Ni Ni >4 N s, K ~ N 4.- s s -Y Ni Orono Hydro To Seek Inform- ation From Ontarjo Hydro TheOrono H-dr Commission met foilowing the Police Trustee meeting on Mondaiy eveing with the main concern of the meeting centering on the finnancial aspect of the Conmmis- sion. Tis discussion developed fromi a request from ithe Hydro Manager for an imniprovement in wages or bene- fils. It was the feeling of the commis- sion that tie Hido could not at Vis timne absorbi ani- incease.t Inreferr- ing to tic annual report the Coi-- mission felt that Oronoa as above average in the cost of billing, collec- ting and genral administration men corpared with other centres-. It was felt tht ithe revenue of te Commis- sionh been doropping but the Com- missioners were at a loss t st te what was causing this drop. Sug- gested reasons were the decreaso mn rate, a peak load problei, or per- hips lines and transformers not op- erating at top efficiency. It was fin- ally decided that tie Commission would make an appointment to mee witi the Ontario Hydro la Bellevie ta discuss matters pertaimîng to pres- 1 ent day operation of the Hydro. The secretary mas instructed o make te appointnent. It was expressed that if the revenueing is being cut by- some factor in the set-up, that it should be stopped mhile it wmas not of an imediateiy serious nature. PermisAsion was received from ther Ontario Hydro for the local Hydre Commission to spend au amount ofe $4500.00 for new construction ndr renomal work this yeiar. This amounlit - represents a icousiderable increase aver «ther ears. A program for the year in re- newal and improvemeut mas received froi ithe manager. First on the listc Park Street and also increasing was the rebuilding of the line on transformer and mire size, This pro- ject ls aiready underwy amd mollo au its waly to completion Rebuilding of a portion of the el on Churci Street South is also Vo be donc his year as is extending the piimary on Centre Street and doub- lîng the transformer capacity. AI- tering t-he business section and ia- creasing the transformnrs. Increas- ing the trasformer capacity on MilI Street SOuth completos the improve- ments as listed hy the manager. This is above any new construction where new buildings may be erecte. • Acconits im e amont of $170& were paid leaving a balance û&L (Conued page 2) 1

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