nicpal Buoildîing, pril 27th at .' ng sponsored by kating Ci ub anti ssociation. Terma 2FOR 37c LIBBY S TOMATO CAT U.UP 1il OZ, ,,OTTLE 2 FOR 39c LIBBY S FANOY GREEr PEAS 15 OZ TIN 2FOR 27c LIBBY'S FANCY PINEAPPLE J CE .4.8OZ TIN 31 c LIBBY'S FANCY Tomto uice 2 2 oz tins 29c LIBBY'S COOKED 2 D 15oz ins27 23e FICY, SUNKIST )OIS dez PI NZEAPPLEtm 20 oz tjn#33ç LIBIY'SFAC TM ~8oz )b 29c lb 37c enýcani Ambassador Stuart' speech' The unde.signed has received ii elf-lu e t V ancou er ingwhCh e md i g Istructions fr'O m Mr. Malcolm WnirI e rie e t l~i ng C a ad an m a i g on es -o9, C avan lTow n4siip , e tt a smewatemoioal address. As the hallîf oflot 11, , S miles sutI, ofMu leading Gainadian who bad been Pro- rot elb.Pbi uto t tesingtheinceas ofAmeica cp- 1 p.mi. on Thursday, April -26, yk ital in~ this countr-Y could only have able Livestock, 1"eed, Ivachinery, been )-Ii,,kDir(w', the Conservatives Furniture etc. wvere funious. Undoubtedly, Mn. Pean- 4 Ternis Cash. Jack Reid, kuctioneer.. son wvas also flot too p)Leased because ALICTION SALE one doesn't expect, the diplomnatie The undersigned lias received 'In- corps of anothev countryý to enter a structions froni MrY. Cliff Cuti,3Lo political argument. Hlowever, Gr 8 Cncession 3, Manlvers Township, Stuart also said somie thing-s whichimlenrhad/2mewsto nieeded saying so 1 don't believe theref Ponit,ý-oo to seli by Public Auiction, will be too much strain on fore-Ign at 12:00 noon sharp on Sa-turda-.y> relations -with United States over 'the Aýpril 28th, Registered and grade eat- incident. tle, Swine, Hor ses, Poultry, Machd-n,. Trans Canada Highway ery, and Feed. After considerable opposition to a~ Termns Cash. Positively no reser'ç'e. bill which will permit the federal i R. J. Payne, Auctioneer, Oshaiea Menior*, Service MON -MENT MA RS CORN *R STONES ý,AND STATUARY (On No. 2Hfighway Éast of City, Manufactqring Me erials ýfr05 the flue t Granite and Marbl* availae. Before m[king yû r final decisiop For il,"o1 atio withoutobg- tion writea213 in Oshawa or cali1 RA. 5-6611. ilamiltoos les urance Service Every class of Insur- ance is represented in our office. The fo1Ipowý ing are some of th& mtain coverages w e ani Igovernmlent to pay 90%ý of the cost of closing the gaps in the Trans Can- ada highwvay, wit the provinces con- tributing the remaining WiQc, there was an unusual -vote. So much. abuse had been heaped oni the iNnister of Public Works and the governiment gýenieraly because they were not pay- ing for the whole nff air, thiat the govement decided to test the op-1 position to sec, Just how stnong theirý iobectîis vere. It was a surprisel 'inove with only three Coniservatives v~otig againist the mensure. Orono lyiro lTO Seek (Continued froni page 1) A nmotioni passed to cash a one thousand dollar bond. This w\Nas con-J sidered earlien in the year but neyer cashed. A grnaft for the pnst three years Iis to be dnawa up of the po eosts tach mnonth and the power receipts. Itws thought that this mIay give anj indicatlion il inwhat direction the IHydro is proceeding. Also a graft is to be constructed of the cost of openation and mainteniance during this period. r aintEducaional Program Sponsored By R. E. Logan Iby Ml~r. F~. Y îeters, manager of the Ontario D)ivision of the Braadram 11enders<on iaint Co. Ltd., Toronto, ~and sponsoned by R.~ E. Logan of the Automobile, Lite, Accident and Orono Tinshop. ~Sidçnets Plate Glass, Liabîlit7 A filmy was shown4 on the proper FfeBrgayRsilzt niaterials to use, an~d how to apply iocDjr, id Pl, tlhem. After which M~fr. Vickers ex- ailtc, F Býo, nd, oetc. plained how to get the best resuits when usng the diffprent types of' RN B N1 paints, varnishes etc.i .nd answered OR-OPOEf1 many interesting ques tions for those ý present. Hie aiso denmonstrated )iow FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS durable some B.Hf products are, un- der severe tests. I A draw, was held, and the ucky Leroy Ilami!lton Iticket holders each to4k home a can of paint, varnish or enamei . 1 :IMn. Vickers was a "isted by Mr.' RÉAL 1FSTATE idttîlLOh J. Reed of Peterborough, and Mr. Joe Walker operated the fiti projector.# For For Expmrt Fur Protection STO YOIJR FURS IN ICold $torage Va is ill Park Ilr Orono 11910 REPAIRS - RE-STYLING - CLEANING F,'- .. .shffild prompt you to call i pon us in time of sorrow. We stress simple beautiful services t.hat prove consoling to the bereaved. RARTLEY IHe FIJNERALI I8r7 Phone l8r2 pr--o-r-o- N N s' 'N . 1 LIBBY'S SPECIALS LIBBYP BROWN BEANS 20 OZ TIN SWEETHEART Toilet Soau roc off 3 PC Al!DE S1 -T4,» \CO5O ANUT full 16 io: 29c RED and 550~ FRESHCRISP, FINE qUALITY NewCabboge PALM GARDEN BRAND SELECT T*nmatoes Cel.e Pkg 170 8HOULPER8 RKmBUTTS T DULDVRSb139C *Plate Beef lb 29c 1's JRKEY LOAF'1b 43c Rod &Whito Oroimo, Ontarlo 'N ~ ~ 'q N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N 'N s' N 'N N - 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s- N N N N N [N. N N N N 'N N N x 'r, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N s N ~ N N a; N r' N - N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N