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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1956, p. 5

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oRONO WEEKLY TIMES Or-ono I.OF odge, No. 46 meets the first and third Wedniesday, Visitors 1welcome. Bulla A-nther WithhInsur tac. Yoiýcan't pr-oteet yuriseif ag-ainsÉ such hazards but you ca guapl againt cmpleté Jloss. Irsura-ei sal ys your j est P 12516 Res. 1252 Floor Cove rings Congoleum "GoId Seat" RUGS: congoleuni Gold Seat by thle Yard: 6 ft x 9 ft .-..........$6.25 6 ft. wide, per running yard . 18 71/2ft !) t $.95 9 ft. wvide, per runnming- yard . 2,5 '7'2 f x ft...........$95 12f. , per running yard . $4,95 9 ft x9ft.........$9.25 9 ft x 101/2 ft.......... $10.70 Inla& .Linioleum, 6 ft. widle, per run- ft x 12 ft ..........$12.25 ng yard......$2.95 - S4.95 9 ft x 15Aft .........$15.25 Jespe Linoleum Tile, size 9 x 4, al colours. Priced.....2 for 25e. Rexo1eum~, 6 ft. wide, per ýrunning yard /exoleum Deluxe, 6 ft. -wide, per Pied from-. . $10 $1.50 runining,, yard ....... $1.85 CuîrtaÎin ieurtain dMaoterial HLathaway Cotton dotted arqui 5tte Plastic Curtains, ruffled or tailored Curtains, taitôred style, c Priced f romn.......$1.95 - $2195 ivory, size 38 x 81. Priced pair $3.50 flrantwr.Brkekoth M(knk's Cloth.. Cotton Dotted Marquisette, ruffled ayon and Cotton Damask, - Curtains. Priced pr. $3,25 - $5,95 Prý-ý ieed per yard ...$25 25 White Or gandy ruffled c'ýtrtains'with Cheeked Orgaudy for Kitch..ý Cur-, eyelet trim, size 43"x8I" Pair $7.95.; tains, colours red and -htgreen Sunn-W~ TairedC4rtain, ~and white, blue and *hite. Yd. 85e white or oyster, sîzè f2"x81" f White Dotted Cottan -Marquisette Priced, per pair . ... ... 1$6.'50 Priced per yard ... .51,k to 90e Ny1rniM ,,Iarquisette TailVred. Curtains, colour wie size 4"r8l", Pr /,6-.50 Sui-iWeb, Colour of oyster, yard 90e Evenings Friday & Satuirdai Wfàdnîesday open Ail Day Armstrong's Store openl AlU Day Monday Thle Cohourg Counicil Promlised a quick dcisoIn on the matter, which, Wais further complicted by the Counities askilig for. cruek diversion1 to eiiniate ani oxý-bowc as part of the sewer installation plan. The ox-bow. mýay cause Lie streami to ei-ode part of nhe Countiesý' land. This creek di.- (4i;qa .1l"d Uo paftiLu[oil) (Conti-ued f rom page 4) Mlrs. F. Stok-er and Mrs. Geremer- - cer- Mrs, H. Foster mnov'ed a vote of thanks to Mrs. WV. Mercer for her kiudniess in putting her h-omer at th.ej disýpos-aicf tis eein. Th'le leaiders for- the( 4-11 G irls' H-omnemaking Clubs a re, Mrs. N. KCen-I niedy, Mis Jack Stapletorn assistant for Sixth ine andî Mrs, E. Couroux~ for Kendal, Mrs. Wm. Jacksoni and MIrs. H1Fste assistants. The ag-e for juior girls i's 12 to 15 y7ears anidi seniors D6 to 26l; years. The fir-st meet-F ing of the e unit at Sixth Uine wfll ha Tuesdlay, Myst nd i etitled"ý -Thie Cluob girl en]tertnlinIs.eI L p - ~ - ---a. VIGOR 011 Go. Between Oronio and Newcastle onxyighway No. 35 -m 4F lswr Given awiy wl the.purchase of six gallons or more of SGasoline Ca~olne 38 c pr gai - tax m ~t 4 0cper alln -tax inciuded TU O-1 -foi your convenience - in smýall quantifies avaliable at the Station Oipen Evenings and Sundays ,M4r. Bruce Mercer is atedga Pire Chief Conveinticin for a f ew days1 týe latter Part of this. week, Sharon Allun, daughter of M I. iand Mr.Normian Alin eelebrated hnier seventh birthday on _Monday by oue-[ tertai*ning a nuniber of littie frienids., UN Il tI Ch 1 (i onoko Pa-storal Charge Reverendiý John Khiteli, Mînistef SUÏNDAY, APRIiL 29thl Ail services on Daytlight Saving Timie 0O10NO S unrd ayv Schol at 9):45 Serývice at Il. LESKARD Srieat 2 KIRBY Sundayv Schoo-1 at 2 Service ai 3 Kil- cOý Local lN ews Miss hreyE-vans nnd iss Ruth] M!cbellad of Torto sprit SUWdY with Mir. and Mrs. Donald Staples. -. and Mrs. Foster Rowe of Osh-i awa nd Mrl olHy Brook-s, Picton vji4ted with Mr, and Mr0,O Cowi.t. s. orne Bowins returued froin ýBowmnanvil]le Memoial liospital on! Thursday of last week. Miss Shirleyý Porter, y.N., Osiia-wa speuit the w\eekend 1 with Mr.% and Mrs. N. I. Porter. M Ar. and Mrs. J. W. Rickaby, Tor- jý onto spent Suinday -with M.Auiýid Mrs. H ieber Soueh-. Ilhe engatgem-ent was annonuced re.- ently of Thelma Jeanne, dauglier of M 1ýr. and Mrs. James EL. bornson of Mimico, to Mr. Louis Mont Richard- son, son of Mr.and Mrs. George Richardson. The marriage %illtake place on Saturday, May 5, 1956,at SA~1O'clock, àin eley Unit ehurch, Mýimico. Mvrs. Chiarles -8 Tyrreil Is spend-. ing a few dysin Mliaamingtoý e Wh ilnss of her unce. -Miýss a-a MKle Toronto, 'hvisitedý with Mlrs Fred Brimiaccçbe r. an M s JohnPattnd Roy ateide te U drG i of Mir. Josep)h LntoEliizabe 'lu peai l eyniolds ,la StJohs Ani cn Churchi, Ida Jlast "'-auroy, phi2JiSt lvii. b1unu ýis a j nc~ ~ ofMrs.Paton.They also at- tend'i'd tercpield at the home oi the biespae nts, Mgr. and Mrhs. Mr aId AMis. MAac.Mddeo f Claemntiiste wthMr. and MIs Jas.Middetonrecently. Mr. anld Mrs Jas. Mliddleton epent Sunday with OVr. and Mrsi Steve NKicholson and dtaughIter oum o Cobourg. one f Mr and Mrs. John Cowaa, Sixthi bine, visited with Mr. ai Mrs Jas. middleton on Tuesday. Valeije Mercer, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs Brue M -ercer entertained. a1 ni,1uber 0 ciflte frienD( Iýn a bir%-l day part.y -na W-ne:uaY attenoon. Mrs McCuUlochreturned h orne lst week aýfer spending the winteî iu COU-NTY HOME TO REMIAIN (contiuuied froin page 1) I said, the Counties would pay hait, buýjt he insisýted thjat $9,OOO was a top figte to;ý i te (Counties A iard and fast agi emni-t betw,.eeu Cobourg and thle Cun ties has îIotý vyet been Ireached, and Mir. Ryani urged, tie Towni- Counicil to make a decision soon. WYarden D. R. Mgaylbee, acting for J T. Brc-wn, Reeve cf Claîke aud ehiimSan of the specilCOmmlittee, pointed ouit that the contractors are w 1tigo go ahead with the \vork. j 'ARVETýHWIOTORS Pàione 35 Newcastle, Ontar' 0 R t u Ë1àý IV Plub,,i,--ïFixtures vAccess-ries and Recpairs Warm A--i r HecatinÀg and Air %.Conditiloningi B-H Painto. and Varnishes, etc. IR. E. LOGAN, P r op. Ladies' 100 %Shieer Nylon Stretch, Hose 'or I)el-fet fit, 60 guage. 115 denier, iiew spring I ~shades. sizes A, B and C, Pair............. 98e Clear Plastie, chesterfield 54 inch widthi for Car Slip Govers, covers, table covers ete, yard ...- 49C.- Chamois, genuine English, for p)rofessional resuits dries soft, size Il in by- 12. Each ...... ..c Seeds, Flowýer, \Tegetable and Grass, 4 v. . 19C. Tee Shirts, Boy' Cotton Stripe, a'orted patternis and stipesesi14to 8years. ach........ 25c, Blouses, Ladies Arnel, ssr olors and styles, sizes ý to 2-0 E-.............. . S2.9,1' Quaker Puffed Rie 2 boxes......... .... 25e Jello or Lushus, Jeey & Pudding Powies î4 or '25eV Grape Jam, Wagsù ffe', ge. 24 oz bot Sheriiff's SevýilleOngMar d,4 oz .... 75c. Five Roses F 0lur, 7poun ags-ý""ý,,ý............. 47e . Ma-caroni, Fac- rcn 5o. o 9 Maple Syrup Pure, 1L6 oz. bottie... ........ 59e Tea Bagsý , Red Rosý,e Oan Peko'e, 3 bgs.. ?9 Heinz Baby \Food.s, 3 knd J ru'sad vege tables to ehroose fo ............. 3 ins ,5c Open Friday and SatErday ,vnns for your FORD and MONAý,CH 'N 'N N N 'N 'N 'N s N N N - N 01 -SALES And SERVICE ur complete ser 'ce guiarantteef year roulmd driig pleasur -~ -o -~ t N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N NI NI N N N 'N N 'N 'N N 'N N NI N NI N N N N N N N N -s N N N N "N 'N N 'N NI N N 'N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N 'N N N 'N -s -s N 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N 1

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