Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1956, p. 6

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t.-. t-. t- t- c--. t- c- t-- t-- -t. 5< c- 5< 5< -t- -c.. t. t- t-- e'- ct-~ -c.- c.- c.- -c- -c- e- -c- t- c- t- t-- c-- t-c c.- -c- t,- --c c- c.- -c-. c- t-- '-c. e- t- t.. g- t--. 'e- 'et e- t- -t- t- t-- c- t- c- t- t- -c. '-- t-. c- -c. t- t--. c- t.- t,- g-c t.,- g,- a,- e- e- t.- 5< c-c t.- -c-. g- c- c- t- c- t--. t-- c-t- t-c- -c- 't- --c t-- c--. t- 'g- 'if 'g cNo, on't gel imipatient- 'Ae've -gta- asearch party Itfor- te loe -DLar Aune Hlirst : For -a njumben 0f years my husbaud has beeni a steady drinker; il bas caused nie'a great deal of trouble, and even despair, Wbeni P Ivo askod hlma about quiïtting orjoininga Alcohiolics Anony- Mous, ho laugits as if itlwe re a big jokçe! The longes I l ime ite even quit wýas about a montiti and thon ite would be miserable and mnake me miseral1e, too. For years ho wouhd have au affair eyery seo olten anrd slay away from home. -Ho does vork, anid 1 con-' ider hlmi intelligent, but lie- doesn't seom ta WAN'r lo do ighi. What can 1 do taI 1 itaven't doue?, If hoe doesn't straighten up, I believe I1 ii bave bo leave for good. Any help you could -ive me wýoLLd be greatly ,qppreciated. WHAT CHANCE? *The trained inids of bril- *liant specialists havýe cn *sidered titis grave ndio *for yoars; their opinion seemayi Io10be thal uniles ite victimr *w anIs 10 stop drinkîng, there * l tIle hope ltatieho *any applied trealmeul h e *must BELIEVE litiehocani *be cured, and collaborate *ittbis pitysician or -adivisor, *witit ail his pi-tysicaa and *spiritual stnenglh.ý * our husband's efforîs have *no lqlsled mnore titan a mout *aI a liime. 1 give a laym-an-'s *opinion based on observation, *If lho had persisted a 11111e *longer (exercising bis wili *power and faitit from day (c * day) he miglîl have joiued lte > tirongs wito have enduir-d-i te *suffoing ilitI sometimes a,- * cmpaiostotal abstinence, *and conte litnough withouti *even lte desire bto ake ia *drink. Can lio find lte moral *stamqinla to try once more? *You could boa,, beiug as mois- *erable as hoe, if you fol lit *final vicîory migitl bo lis. *Belore you titinit of hav-j SinP, aSk Ëhm if ho will mnakei *titis effort f'or youn salie *wititoul your runderstadn *and spiritual support, il s-eema * doubful ho will overcamne *, the habit. Surely if you are *willing b tostand by, ho shoulid *accept lite challenige. 'Wiy not *talk il over with your lamily *phylsician and sec vwaaî hope *ho holda? * It bails Idon blite que - * ion of how you can make rhusband want 10 live *wib Dli t aicob'itl W ien h * earus I ýtyou iwil not sta-y *periods o a coholic incontli- * nonce, hoe sfrId recagnize ~te gravity of Situation, * lke his final chance la be .Sif3L imnies, 214c.oceýsîFte4Aasý,ýtry four (or 2c. onc-,- Sifted al-pur.pose flour), 22tsp. Magic Baking Pow;\der, tsp. sait, 1i sps. cinnamron, "1î 'tspi. each of ground oe. ginger, ),Uspice, nutmoeg and mace; mix in 12c seedless raisinýs and 1 c. chopped wvalnuts. Cream Y73 c. butter or marg-arine aïnd blend in 1 '1 c. lightly-packed browni sugarix; b'-at ii 3 well-beaten egg yýolks and tsp. vanilla. Add dry iiugrcdients 10 crea-med mixture aternat.ely with '2' c. mnillk; spread batter in greased 9"' square pani linedl mn the bottom with greased. paper. Beati stiff, not dry, 3 egg whites and a few grains salI;, gradually beat ài 1 c. lightly-packed brown sugar and spread over cake; sprinkle with c. chopped wal.uts, BaJ.e 1wri tiher slow oven, 325', 1i b4uo1 j.j hours; cover lighî[ly withi brown paper for last lhall hou~r, Always Dependable * il-e man iÈ'et-an be, anodsv * bhis marniage, Loo. A WORTHLESS _MALE "Elear Aune Hirst Alter five years olfivngwi't a drunkon husband, who also gamnbled, gol lu trouble wiîh the law, and was cruel 10 my 11111e son ando Me-, I bave bIt. "But 1, stili arn not convinced 1 did the rigit titing. We areý taughl there is gooid in us ahi. Arni I deserling a weakling when lie ueeds mne? Will il drive hlm jb ster down the wrong road? I mo 5confusod 1 appeal 10 youl, whose work 1 itonor, !1, sel me MýARY" 1* urge y,ýou ta stop Seuti- *, m taizïi, and face lte f acIs of your muarniage as *your leller revoaledtem. * Yaur husband is irrospans- *ibDle, dishonost, brutal. He * made it necessary for you to * move fro n re lilîle place ta * aoliorwhiio ite conîinued * bs driniking,, and various of- *fences taI humiiialod you se *mucit. He bas itad ail te *chance-s it e dsorved. Living *wilt such a creature Can *bning onfly misery ta a per- *son like yau, and !laier 10 *your 11111e son. '~Go fthrough wijlhlte dlv- *or'ce. You h!-ave succeeoded lun *making, an honest living for * ourself and your chihd; you *have founi some measuro of *pea-co. lKeep il thal way. Anme Hirst does flot pretend lu be a psychiatrist. Uer down- to-earlh guidance and knuwl- edge are based on years of ob- servatîin, experience and ap- plied readling. Everyone whoe wriles hier wýi7ll undersland her wise counsel an-d common senis., and site is always kind. Write ber at Box 1, 123 Eigbiteentb St., New Toronto, Ont. Go FIy a Kite! iI's sping ! Theifwinds ar-e blowig-andkilos are flyiug And smýall boys-and grs are ploading w%ýith Item parents, for some in lu aking a kibe.. So let's dlean tite_ workshop table and give the ,youngstors a hand. Belter yet, lake the chil- dren Io a breezy hiilltop-andii gofly akiu . Of course, you can biu y kibesý reay-mde;but childron çare na'turahiy "do il orofr. Thiey gela special triili ont of lte simpl-,ecrlor.Bsd, thoy Cani have fInn ecain thi i~te,'s in po).rsonaiizend sty les, Pa t , or motifs. don't ciaim- our idea" is a is cènturies olid. Tite Chiinese havelongbeen world-famous kilo r4akors. Bult osIiy, kiles are jutst fo(r lun as oode f small boysý know. To nae~kbyuwil i-led: tcks aI spruc, white p1î,ý, or bambao; tissue cpr hea~rapîngpaper, or c10lt forý covering; rags for bus and k ilo string. Yý_our louis wîll in- clude a kil fe, 'opirnga, ruler, yardsbick, pencils, paste or glue. ýjnd crayn7Js orwaer olrsfor' decorabi ng. SUse a ve7rtical nib, 41 inches kji, and a cross s ticbc samie !etglt, Notch ltec stick enids and aillinie team with asti. Cuttlite paper frame1(, dcrt AN NE 141P j MoI ýde r n Etiq uette... meig on the street, fOr lte rnacb or theW, onAan tol speak A.', Formnerly, il -at al-ways "the ýady" who spoke. first. Dut Ioday, if the 'y are good friendsý, there la nothing at adi wrong with the mnan speaking first. 1 s it ohiat!ry toireply bu etesof eu;dolence& A. Ym; send n brief note 0fl thanks tb e ve ýho haIs sent fiow,,rs or4 pers onal let- ltrs. Q.Dge5 till nate inwiïCh direction serving- dishes aire passed arouind flite dinner table? A. I is most practical bo pass these dishes bowards I he igh1l, or counter-clockwlse. Q. it proper to state on the invitation i teegl-,i-toflime lte guesti are expeeted to slay at a wedd(inig recetiion?' A. Tite hcours are never stipu- Ialed on r-ece-pion invitationýs. Guesîs are ex-pected 10 leave as soon as possible followinýg tihe M. Wbe atteuling a large dinnier is it nlecessary lu wait until ail tbe other guesîs have been served before onie iregins te eat? A. No; onie sitould not be re- quired to wail until one's food itas cooled, if Ihere ar1e a great number 0f çguests la be servýed. Q. s i L proper lu addtress lte envelQlpe o! a lbIter lu a mari witbout usiP the tilles "Mr., Miss, or 3Mr'.. Iissuch) a bright, sunny mfornirig il just makes you feel g!i&d to (ýc ulive. And- cyet lb jg cold -- ton-r above byc our two thermlomletersb - s0 we st111 feel as if &ve are definitely in lte grip of wintéer. tul il doesn'*t seem tg imalter - il can't last too mauch long-er. The birtls kniow il andi so do the trees and shrubs. The willow branches ae geting a yellowish. colour and lte dogwVoodïs a litilo red- der every day. Crowý,s are f ly- igfot jusi, one now and thenr, bu t hy bwos and threo&, they are leavinig the woods expioring biefields and coming dloser to the bidig.Walciig ualure's; reawkein just before 1h.ý spring, is boautifixl and inspir- ing. '11 is s0 big, so very b.-, that -ait our man'-made plans seeim small1 and inisignificant by c- parisýon. Each generation bae ils span anid isý gone but 1h., natural forces ofInatLure go on, cenitury afler ucentury, changing onfly aIs lite seasons change. Even -now, as. our thotights; Iurn 10 spring, we look around and see more snow than w. havý,e had ail wïinter. Aclually, 1there hiasn'l been a day Ibis wlinter çwhen our lane bas ceally bees. hiockodc. Sc, differenit from conditions existing in alIter paruts of1 bLhe Continent. And we jdoni'lfhave tb go rmany miles Ffrorn homne elîher to notice the differeruce. Last Thursday a 1friend anid 1 wentl b Guelphitot ivisil a couivalescing patient. The waerwas juslgrn when w,,e litI bore but Ion miles fron, homne il uns another story - snowflurrios swîniling across lte ields and,'on the bigh-way, We wneo what we ,vere beadiîng mbl, but wo went on our way. And iten, comniug back, inig and sle-epinlg, both o'fwhc t1ity are doing 10 exccpss. Speak- ing of eating - 1i ust fly othierw'ise Partiner wili corneiD 10 find 1 bare table instead ol dinner wailing for hirn. A mas,-l will put lup with many thingiý but dinnier-timne is dne-in nuhasulal Coce bD s arie rdis sn ing andtsprinlowrspekn u Lp througý'h the soit1, vr'e will fel bet ter. 1 increl hiope so anywvay. 1 expýct ail farm f olk wh lake, a genuine interest ini Sfarmning l- a way 0f1ivn and in conseorvation anid Lre,- forestation -will iearn wt -lr of thie death of LouiS 2.rom-rfIed in Ohio at the age- of fifty-iiile. FHe had bee suh anl active nman alIli f e, and had conlribLdted so imuch 1 g- riculture in bothL a praclical andé 1literary y , lht one imagýined him t10 be coni'sderably \,older- than he wa s. \ot e very7.o0ne ý agrzeed with bis îons but there is littie doLibt thâtan' one who could aroue interest 10 the point of coiiîrovc1Sy 'Cer- tainly contribtefd a greài deal] be anY 1et - U,9in the r1ab1) ""c-' scaire. 1It sems a dI0wri igh ,t shame so muany o and cals are being neeLeC'Cssl1y destroy-ed. Il, just proves Ihalt he own1ers had litIle real affection forthi p--ets. Either ihat or theyv didn't want thie bother of looking aI- ter Ithem or the expDense ;of ha-v- igthem treat'ed., homesa r - where Ihere ispobby ny one dog, or pos;sibly a cal, a imuil romi the disease so, easy ta1ocue lsueems k wanton destruction of an-.imail life Hlowever if lihat is the at- titude of the owners perhaps t;he-4'rusting ;littlecrausae betteir off dea-d than alive. I1 wis'h the problem -oid be asz easily cealt ýwith on a f arm or that an overail chargewod cover i1lithe cals and dcogs. Af- ter all, in districts wbere a free- iclinic has not been established, inoculation shouild at, leasl be icheaper by tie dozeni! Theni of c-ourse there is the problern of catching ltep cals, With h1ome- grown pets that's easy but when two stray cals come along andc Lake up residence, as they have done here, il is like trying to catch a bird by putting snIt onk ils la.ri However, accorýd1ing to Dr, McKinnon Phillips, fbere is no need tb gel mb oa ipaniice ver lte situation, Up to the present timnelhere have been only f it- ty-two known cases of rabid animals in the entîre provhwe. fle advis-s 1that the necessary precautions be taken but spys the wholesale destruction of household pets is entirely, un- warranled, 1 arn. beginninti a ,wonrder whether aur cate aand dogs k-now that somnething un- Lisual ih in ltewind. I neyer knew tem tb be so full of if e and e:îergy, Rusty and Robbiep iare chasing arounid afler each other al lte morning but 1h cats devote their energy t eat- Crochet a gracefuLl bowl 1 i hold fruit and foes- hovely matching d o il1 y beneatit! 'They're worked tog-eîhen -in gay contras'. cohars!. Pattern 594: Doily-bowi com- ,blualion, on 17-incit doily alor-e; quick crocheet ln heavy Jiffycet-. Ian! Stancit bowl for sîiffuess. Our glîl la you -- lwa u derfuh patterns for, younself, your hm - prnuted in Our Lamina W1-eeler Needhecrafî book 1for 1956! 'Dozens oIfalter inew designs ta order -- crochet., kniltiitg, emibrodery,ianns .novelties. Send; 25 cents for yaur copy af.'Ihis book NOW - witfh gîft patternis prnued lanIii Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (stampa cannaI be accepted u'se postal nOIe for safety)fr Ibis pattern. Pnint plaîinly IAT- TERN NUMBER~, your NAME and ADDRESS. Senkd your onder ta Laua Wheeher Paltenuis, 12.1 Eigbteenth SItreet, Newv Toronto, Out. Ibt'is Pattern. LusioH'IfNEŽ( UN RINGý 4 Hot goodies corne puffin' frOna Qu kk to make your oven in quick timre Nwith e with the new irespoi~ld cakes of yat No more las.ennut trpsthis new form ,Active Dry es Yeast keeps ini your cup- boarcil Order a inonh'sspp. TWO pretty parts to tLhis sum_1- mier f aush*jon - a cool suindress, a c.ute overblouse to add in "" effCetl! Prz-w - ring combinatiotn for the- littie miss; wh a growiup sly>lin-g shli'llove! Sew-easy; ,you'l wjant te make several mix- mnatch sets! Pattern 452:Childrens Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 dr'ess, 2¼ yards 35-inch; overýLýouSe, 7à~ Yard. This pallar)n easy Io use, simi- ple to sew, is tesledt for fil. H(as tins. SedTHIRTY"-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannol be accepled - uise postal note for safety) f'or this piattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAMIE, A DD 11E SS, STYL E Senrd your order toAmne Adlams Pallerins, 1213 gtet Streetl ewToronto, Ont. il, and 'uihen paste il over the string framew. Wheon cuttinig thie frame patlrnilowtwdinchesý xraoeinchi for patsting and one incliso tihal tue pape'r l flo't beý too laýul. Turni the cros s sick al riglit slring ,crnejý, in notchles at ends ofcrs stick. Tie a, taut between ends of cross stick on the ,back side ofithe kit so 111tha inches. On the fronit side, maa bridle strîng by tyling a 36-inch string thlroug,,'h pap-ýer to uprighit st i ck. Tie neend i alpoint eîght inchies 'rom the top of the vetcaib an-d the, other ýeighit inchies from the boltom. Tie the ba-il of fiyi ng, cord to bridle aI a 1point about en-hido the wVay dow'n fromn the top. No 0w 'youC'ýre ready . So, we are no tryrng Io be offesiv whe weaayat this A frtjLcoming hboak Iby the Rv.alter B. WiHliamls and bis ife "AdentresWith ithe Kriis in WVest Africýa," tells of their eprec as Methiodist misi~nrie l Angola and Li- beria Ùetee11905 anid 1933. Il inldsa collectionl of African saigsome ofwhe appear You are like a small pot btentwo f ire's. (YOU are ii,squee ewe w n- 1 bore this cild, but flot his hearl or soul. (said of a bad c hild.) We to wash our lothe,-s Jnntilie front yard. (Sýpreaýding ont fiend's troubles.) The eye crosses a f ull river. (The desire 'Io -go beyond 1h.e possible.), Th L-bail mnu s olw the head. (The rank 'and fý-ie uàt foltow :tht leader.) dough. Caver and Set in wari place, free lt-rn drauight. Lot risc uintil doubled ln bulk. Punch down dough and rol Ou nto ban oblong a utt 9" wvidc and 24" 1ètg ; b n'daugit. Combine ' c, \-packýed brown sugar and c. liquid honey; spread aven dlough and spnrinkile vwith 1 c. broken walnitts. Bcgiînning aI aIong ide, laosely raol up liko ea ielly ri.Lif tcaefll omaa greased 81,'-," tube pan anid join e-nds of doughla oform a iig. Brush top with m11elted butter. Caver and !et iso. until doubled in bulký. Bakýeluin oderaitoly bot aven, 375', 45-SO minutes. Brusit top) with hfoney and sprinlle with 594 6 scald jc. 1nil, ~c. grauiulated sug-ar, tlAlaps. , sait and 34C, shiorteling ; cool ta lukewarm. Meaniiv-ilcasure intôo a large bowh -,'2 C. lukeowarm w,ýatcr, 1 tsp. granïulied sugar; atm utilsug- an iS dissoIved, Spninikle wiîh J envelope Fleischmianni's Active Dry Ye-ast. Let stand ci10 mn. THN tir well. Add coaled milk lmixture and atir in 1 wvell-becaten- egg andi 1 tsp. graled lemon rnind. Stin ini 2 C. on-ce-sifted bread floulr;.:beat, un- tii srnooîh. Work ij 2, .(abouit) OnIce-sîfted b)read fioui-. Knicad on1 lighltly-fiur4ed board nntil smooh ad eaîi Placz ila resdbowl and groý)Sse top aiý

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