Amnazing Facts About Canada 'nhe Mysterious Noriii, by Fierre Berton, iilustrated with pbotographs and mp.(Toro-cj îo; MeCÇelland l twr) Pierre Berton wa born at Whiùtephorse and grew, up at Dawfson in 'the Yukon Térritory.ý Am a newsman and magaýýzinie editor he has returnied many limwes to ail parts of the far north, fromn thé nmouth of thfie Mackenzie in the West to thte pirecipitous eaistern shores of Baffin. Island, His book is a re- flectionI of thle attachmenti that31 grows on men whvio know th-is lrimevall1y lonely land. an af- fection that. is flot dulild)by abeocol-d or the exýpoding fof glamnorous mryths by pr-osic facet. And fortunately it is 1also as accurate, c2ompiete and rea1,d- abIe a survey of arctic and sub- rcte Caniada as has yet been The thîng that makes "The Mysterïous North" such sprightl- 'y reading is that, it is pepperedi -with tesort rof amazing ftacts, end legends that readers have corne to associate wth jbooks on Texas, But sý,ince Texas -would be lost, in these northern, terri- to.ries, these Canadian stories often ar-e even more sitartling.: Consider these:~ The Canadiani north conitainsll more lakes thani ai] the res't of the world put together. 1h asooweersupports fone cfth world's great deserts. the arhic udra, on a2 meager pre- cipitation of betweeni 2 and 10 inches ye a rly, Para doxi,ýca ly, thousands, of the afoiementio- ed lakes happer, to lie 1n1this desert. Propriety, is th-e rule in ai'- mj(ost every northern büoom towni end mining camnp. Even Daw,,spn, City, ah the heïih of the Kion- dîMke goid -stampede in, 1898, ob- served the Sabbath s o rigidiy- thazFt he Moutnted Police put eninjal or chopping their (;jwn knin n Sunday. Greatý areas -of the land re- main -inexplored, uchrd .And yet no comparable area of the earhh's surface presents s u ch a. record of sustained exp oý- tien - njearly 4100 yearis of it- Mr,.ïBerton i sneyer lmerely~ \b, T1SKET -ASKTD; fî,dG4prices, acmoirket ch ý,.k of dpught, Actv -huirk of dcugh. Act, \prese~n the, .Bermu< théprzfr originaIli, fiamoynt at Ce cost jectivity, Xhowever. He clear that t thed northis ail of a piece is ,, risconceptji. lie ni ehrin end of a hidden tropicu or in oshoig that a rde tain oçf rercury ore i nomic \to m-ine because tance, ýhat the north continumous oaza1, ho be as -heavi1y popri the lest of Canada. HU out that as yet helac two important ,resoy a d inerais, , p shili to be tapped, A any reai popuLation gr' be expe<cted, mani mi thei probiemi of p w'hi chb prevents s plum-bïig andl sewage too. there are social In sorreplaces, for "ins~ Ind)ian is as r4gidlly s trom thevwhite 4ni Negro in the AhCrics 011fij modration' Jcan pau(RïcItfr J p ~he J4ouse ~ ~Y of i ~ Me~ ho tink ,f tmorrw pr P<cemoleration to illai ý,,vhü Cf, 011, P,