Y REPORT t Gives Cadets New View Travel To Oshawa For Airiît oino on Satuarday £F Beachcraft Ex..l inem-rýbers of thel 4quadroni, -Most 0o, the firat ie g g g g g g g g o g g t' CLARK's - IN CHILI Beans w', 2 l5 ozlt W helt e C 4 C lb pkg 25c IGA DELUXE CIIOCOLATE Caramels 114 oz pkg39c BÂUE OP, WHITE~ - New King Sie with FREE CC(annon Bath Towel Breeze $1.39 IMPOIITED, SELECTED NO. 1, FIRMV, RED, IPE B.C. FANCY, ALL, PURPOSE WINESAP Apples' 3l1b b ag ARiIZOlNA ICEBER, ,CRIiS?, SOLID, Lettuce 2heads IMPORTED, FRM, GREEN, ideal. for Salads. N ew Cabage CALI FORNMA NAVEL, NOW Sunkist Oranges Ib 7c AT FLAVOUR PEAK, LARGE size z220s4 c 7c~ ~ge 279c SEASON'S MLlK-FED 'V'EA L .LS ibi3' 1 b 3 iferbing die a-tTaggairt, 3,r., in and Mr. Xast. on1 parad-e the ce-1 id the arprtat of the fiyiig club om-]I Trenton, fluvvm rPilluier, arrived w Urumm Majorettes Te Appear May 23 AI Cadet Inspection And Athletic Night By Patsy Foster A high)-stepping corp)s of four'Y spcinamd Athletic !Nightý, to ho at 7 pm in the Oroiio Faîr rud '1lent~fivegirls o44nly e- presedan nteestin the Corps,bu thepratie shedlesoon cutth number to eighit. Wlien they wer r-. quired to demonstrate their skili01o% Tue'sdiay afternoon, four gîiswee eliiimited anid the wînnýers were ain-. nounced as Joan Aldred, June Madîllî, Margaret Martin and 'Merle Stape,- ie f!irst two Ltripe went eas2t at. ti" he newviy organi7ed Girls' Cadet. to 160 mile-s a n lour and at Corps will be ins.peeted along whh t 1700 feet passing BowmnanvilIe the boys' 595 Squadron R.C.A.C. Thtý hei north. Those \who were up forlIofficiai npeto will be supple-. l' first fhight had Somie diffi:cuity m' nented this year wiîth adîspiay by- ing ei bearjings for everything a Rifle corps, conisistilig of abou&n1 eared fiat. A minute or- so after ifîfteen boyýs, two Basketball gaines,. mgn1 Bowmianville they circied and two phiysical education dispiays., LOrono giving the cadets a ,ood1 as well as thec Baton Twîrllîng em of their- school and the homes osrto.TeCb.eerleaders e ote. A moment later they were course will be on hand to ejIc!ourageý îng NewNcastle and -were fiying the 0.H.S. teamis during the baske-ýýr ktowards OsIiawai. Prom the ajirbalI gam.es. .e Ontalic ooked very mnuddy froin rains of the night before. When OooALîa(.I second flight of cadets landedi o o swers Fire Cal kat the airport the, weather to On Tuesday, shoritly after the noonTr, easit an~d Wýst was g-ett,.ing very hiur, the O>onio Pire Hrïgad.eanwr y and was looking like rai. Thie ed a caîl to the property of Mr, D- di and last flîliht went weSt to- roy IHamilton where a grass fire ia ýds Toronto tu seýe the counitry spread into a Christmas tree plani- anound Wîb and Ajax. tation. Shor-tly after arrivai the _ftrýE Atiter landnig the cadlets left forý -Me where theyarve about .500! m. This \vas ai day eaci cadet 'will Ok back upon wîith- grent pleasure. was extinguîshed. A possible one or1 tw-o hundred trees were danmaged e some degree by the fire. It îý is thug-ht. that the fire waimaued by carelees- nless of twohutr 0f Bowmanville To Extend Their ,e Thanks To Al Who Supported The Easter Seat Cainpalin if amyone bas over1ooked contributing do- nationis wîll still be appreCiatedf. SPECIAL, 5c OFF SALE! GLIDE Liquid Starch 32 oz HEINZ PURE TOMATO K->etch-up STOKELY'S F-ANCY Torr ato Juice YOIRK CHJOICE Tomato es SWýýIFT'S Prem BOWMANVILLI ,'RSDAY, F~RIDAY, SATU 28 12 oz tin M uffets 2 REGULAR OR CHUýBBy Kleenex i FROZEN FO"DS OLD .SOUTH CONCENTRATED Orange Juic(e PICTSWEET FROZEN FRESHI Ras pbe vrîie Thurs., Laýst show 8:25 so-LORD OF' NEXT MON,- TUES. M4usical in color "The Girl Rush" I 2-6 15 .MICHIGAN FANCY Vooked Squash RMOYAL -- ONTARIO TRACY-ROBERT RYAN 1 BAD DAY 11[ im ATER BRINN Satuday-6.0-95 'TuE JUNGLE -NEXT WED. and THURS, Exc-ellent Drama ini Color aild Cilnascope "Land of thel Pharoahs"U Jack awin Joan Colais 2 20OGz Tins 39C Cream Style à2Ooz Tîns Coz pkg 25e lb carton 25c BARREL" =>OC Do=c =aâ=o L,22c BRANS RINID ON- LB PKG LB 6 oz. pkg-. 'J e 1> <-r Y ~ 'S C":"o OÇ=OC=DO o,ýoc=>o O-c=0=50= c RI, A ý Zt,,