Is He The WorI 's Ditiest Fighter? A couple of «weeks before lie went te sani Francisco te de- tend bis featherweight crown againist Filipino Flash Elorde, £aiy Satdier, the spidery siasher wvitb the stiletto elbows anii-on heati, wailed te lIte world.* "Imnet a dryfgtr n ne0 one ever acsdme ef bc- inig a dirty figh-ter untilI fough'-jt Wllie Pop. vroc kneWS the' kind oetrticks ihe USeIs. III beat Elorde, man, I wen't be dirty, either. l'Il let tfie fans in San Francisco îur'ge that, Al 1 ask them is te laytv 6iff the boos unless 1 eev thlem." As it turneti oeut h us'v been a gýuijt cemnplex thIaf mnade Sandy mean bcuein the Frisco fight he got the boosý dýarlIy -- anti he deserveti them-. 'tse 32-year-olti beanpole pull- 'eti eve-ry foui in the book. He hit) on the break, butteti, heel- ed, anti thumbeti the Cebu gamecock who %vas giving him its. The 5,000 L'ans in sanliFi-an- esosCowi Palace let the Hlap- lenm Siasher anti referee Ray Flores know eanly anti etten Jow they feit; anti when the fight was doppedtinhothl3thij becaus et agapi Vwo0n1oil( Elolits'lefi ye, )th ()boud antistapet ani owerejd tht' 1hg ht issiles. Ail through tthe flghî whCh thie fler'y E)lordewswnin mintîl he\v was gashed bY a butf in the Seventlli, ,Ithe f an S ilre1m d a t Saad(leranti rot. -ý,1p t 11al, bulttiliig! 1Malte hin top holinganiiitig Waýtcti his laces! Ddn't. let 1imn it on lite breali-!' Anti some -20,009.000 taie- vhers runi the counitry ag- rootid. News papei- offi CCes'ani 1tleoyiionstat-1ion 0s wore flod- eti with &angry cillis fremindig-j( n ant Lfanrs; t he Cow %v Palaceý switchjboarid it:self wsltup liko a Christmas trcee i tf blistoring protostîs. Satidior asketi for it ant ihe geot it geeti. He's hati it ceming fei' a long time. Hle diint get ail thle blamre for the fiascos with Pep, for Wilie the Wîsp hati bis own reputaion f or trickery, But it's now apparent thlat Sandy has leaned -foui Play" -vwell enough te have atit- ed\ seme girn-i-icks et his cwn. NO two ways about it, the record shows that Satdiler IS Introducing: THE MODERN JUNKERS INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATER 1 . Automcztic: A turn cof the top give-s you ail the bot water yeu need -- never any rwaitiiig te hect up. I. Unlimnited Supply: Water stays hot as long as tap is open twenty-four heurs a doy if you want if. 3. Depencloble. lO-year guaranîee. =.Clean: Neyer any rusty water-no tank te deferîerate, No mess>' fuels, rne dust, ne amaike, ne seat neo film, ne odor. 5. Speedy: Five trnes faster fhani average electric water heater. 6. Compact andi attractive: Finiished in gleaming white par- celain enamel-hangs on wal!i In kitcheni, bathreom, utilify roonor basemnent-wherever you want it. 7. Safety: 00 safety controls-ctpprQved by aIl recgnized Canadian and L.S, Gas authorifies, 8. iconomny.- Operating: Burns fuel only as yeu use w.ater,ý neyer heats more water than yeu need. Maintenance: No annual service required, ne motor k hie ouled. Easy te instgll. Mode[ 225 - Ideail fur privofe homêes -f«ý cott;Cmpt, troilers.......--................. $125-00 Other Models For large famies, restaurants, holrdreusing sal!ons, etc..-...........................$145-0 andi up Se. your gai or appliance dealer or tend opr for litemre.d coupon Ais*.cavailable: Automatic electric c antigistorage wat*r heuters of ail types. COUPON- APEX HEATERS LTD. 40 Moliere St., Montre-al, P.Q. Phease send me informafion on. Junkers înstantanecous Gas Water Heaters................ E Lawscn Electric Sterage Water Heat, -er.........L Lawson Gas Storage Water Heaters ............ N4am*...........-.................. Addres.s ........ .................... WANNIA BET? - Julius Lewis, of Memphis, Tenn, obove, is gamrbling $100,000 on the probability that a balliayer won't clout one fhrough the bul's-eyed kncthole of thc hall-park fence during tea.m play this year. He says that Lloyd's, the fabulouvs London, Englarnd, insurance firm, takes a- cheery view of his enticing ad. They, fao, are benting that no one will caccompiish the theoretically -possible feat. A. DIRTY FIGHTER. Hiis iouI tactics smiell froqm Caracas te MWontrea-l, fromn New York te MWanila a1nd back agaii-1-te San Francisco. Before we give you the cer-i mnents of competent ubservers at the fight anid on TV, here's somne essential dope on the El- orde brawl. The 22?ye2r-old Elord1e had beatert Sadc.ler in a non-title figbt in Mianila last July in w,,hichi Saddler's usual tainted tactîcs caused a small nio, andi hie was well on thie way te grabbîng Sandy's crown in San Francisce when hie was butted and cut in the seventh round. For the first nine rounds Elorde was leading on the scorecards cf ail officiaisý. But Saddiler, woiicing on the cut wîtb bhis head andi gloves, had bis op- po)nent hiaif blindeti wheni the r:ingside physician ordered the fight stopped at 59 seconds cf the I3th round. Liei,ýa te what the experts isaid! "Cruelc Sandy Saddler- pulled out al bis weaponsl-," wrote Jack, Fiske of the San Fran- cisco Chronicle. "It was a dirty flght throughout, and ail the trnus imust be un the 126-peund ehamnpicr's skiny shoulders. Frôm this cornier it appeareti hïghly imiprobable that he ceulii have euccessfully defendedi the title i, f he hadn't res,-rteýd to aifl th.e so-called tricks ni znd out 01f the rulebookY "Saddcler bit while holding. uised bis head for a< third glove, and referee Ray Flores pâ-1 ently was the enly iü ýIn 1l the aud4eelC tfliba Wa r e ef the chamrp's foui tactics," wrote AI Santoro, sports editor cf the Leos Angeles Examniner., "Sandy Satdiler, using is Lead as well as bis fists witb telling effect ,.. was theo way the United Presý-1 accouint start- edlorde, hîm se1 , was bewil- diered by it ail. Only7 aftel prod- ding by nepwsm-eri did lhe rap "That eut was started by an uïnintentio)l butt. He buitted mi-e m-any timies," he said. His myanager and father-in- Iaw, Lope Sarreaýl, wasn't as polite. "I comiplained te the referee that Saidler was heeling-, el- bowing and butting ail through the fight. I didn't get any place," But'Sarreal anid Elordle should have known vwhat was going to happen. In their non-titie fight in Manilap, the Siasher pulled the samie tricks, but now hie couldn't get awaýy with the de- cision on the Flash's home groundls. Elerde bled fromi, the nose and lips, and fromn cuts over both eyes, and 10,00 fans in Rizaýl IMemorial Stadiuni showed how t h e y felt ab-out Saddler's dirty stuif with a rain of pop bottles and ehoruses of Sboos. One bottie hit welter- w Neight lta lo Scortichini, Sad- dler's stablRmate, on the heati, opening a three-inchý gash on his scalp. But Elorde got the unani- mous decîsion. The referee was Mai. Jack Sullîvan of the UT.S, Army, who flew in from Tokyo. Sullivan scored eight rounids to one for Elorde, with one even. The two judg-es had it 8-2 and 7-3 for the Flash. One îudge said Sadcller held, butted and hit with his elbows - and paid for it by losing some rounds. "Ive refereed for 15 yeairs," said Sullivan, "and neyer had any difficuilties,. 1 called the fight a9s'I saw it. 1 didn't break un- til the fighters were tied~ up And 1 didn't take a2ny points off Saddler until 1 warned him.i" That wast one oaf the few times in Saddler's stormny car- eer that hie couldn't pull a fight out of the fire with bis illegal, dam-aging style. Another time was in Mvon- treal, March 3, 1952, whien he fought Armiand Savoie, a home- towni boy and the lightweight cham-pion cf Canada. Saddler's tacties drove the fans berserk, and three carloadls cf police were called te restere order. After warning Saddler for holding, hitting on the break, aind rubbing wîth the laces of bis gloves (sounds familia-r, doesn't it?), the referee, Tom- m-y Sullivan, disqualified San- dy. But this was ne ordirnary disqualification. Emile Gauthier, head cf the Montreal Athletic Commission, himself climbed into the ring after the third round and ordered Saddler 41ýs- qua.lified. "I had warned hlm at thie weigh-in thiat 1 wasn't going te tolerate any ef bis roughb stuff "I saici Gauthier. The next day Gauthier fined Saddler $500. "We *eould have suspended h imr, too," added Gauthier, "but he %%as goiug loto the U.S. Arniy."ý The c a s e histeo'y on Sad-1 ler's dirty fIghtixig is long, documented and widespre-ad, Unlike Pep, who could performu brillianl-tly andi cieanly at tlnmes, Saddler apparently can figbt ne other way but di'ty, Stop those taetics, and he's just another flgbter. A conv'ert«É souitbpaw, lie specializes in draping bis right band around an oppen- ent's neck, pulling hir ir, andi CLASSIFIED -ADVERTISING &GENTS WANTEri àIS.GRASES TIREs Faillt a andv4nseeetc om, ffobby-shop tahnrDeaiers wapt- ed. WVrite: Wa;rco Grease ardi 01 A rG E N T S wanted e selýbi Staindardl Greetiing C ar d , wtth or without Scripture. Excellent comissionis. Ssnid for sampies, today. Standlard Greeting Cairda, 195 Perth st. BIrccvïle, Ont. SELL ELECIRIC SHAVE'RSI Agenits endi distribuions ,wanted te seli worid fanous Riam i)Siiss Pi-ad sinShaver; lie fineat precision sbav. lng instrument in the wýor1d. Cýlipper hiead trimis; rotary head gives closlesi shlave. Fulilyguarantecd for 'oe year aginlsi al defecta. Complete detaits. MM, (CANADA) 1.TD. 345 Criarn Hat Mcntreal G0-1 NTO BUSI NESS fo r ouLirnseif. Seit exotcusive housewars produýcts and avppianccs wanted by ery lbouse- ho1der. These items5 are not sold ini stores. Thei-e i no comnpetiýti on. Profit up to 50V0%.Wite- immedtateiy for free color catalog withcrtail prices shown. Separate confid'jential vhoie- sale prie iat ittill bencluded. Mlurray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Mýonitreal. BABY CHICKS OR DER July Broilers nlow ,We haýýve pulle1ts, stanted(, dayotti. Gsi oui coln- plete lisi of standard and hybrids. Broiler cockenels ia14iable. B r ay Hatchery. 120 john N., Iami9tGn. BUY nd cmpae ny of oureg-g breeds ith any other breed on trie m1arket, wve know you will be baekc for more. Oui- new senies 400, 401, 402 will outlay anything we have offered bef ore. Oui- next ibres best fOr egg Production - Shaver White Leghorni, Warrn thole Isand Red, White Leg- horn 7X' Rhode Island Red. Our- three hest 176r dual purpose Light Sussex X~ Rhode Islanid Red, Rhode Istand lIed X 'L!gltSussex. Rhode Island lRed X liarreçi Rock. Aiso speciai breller breeds. Turkey pIouilis,. Catalogue. VWRDDLE C HTCEREsLThi. FERGUS ONTAIO BABY e.scs usxRd ock,-Iled, Re-okpullets $23.00, Mtixed$3.0 Cockenela $5,00, White Leghorn Put- lets $2600. B-reeders blood-teste(L. collins' Pouliry l'airn, l.R. 1, Lun(,u- burg, Ont., l'hone Finch 495. FOR SALE., KILLS INSECTS JNSTANTLY SEN-1SAT1ONAL înew electric Insect bulb. Workk uoatcl For uist eveywhere, Oniy, $1.00. Satisfaction% guarranteed. Dept. W?. Gtobe Discounir Sr ic,:1ý9 Rose Ave, Toronito. RAZOR BLADES 100 FOR $1.00. Mirosharpene& oule edge. Ga-ned smooth ahavesi. Dept. W?. Globe Discount service, 15g Rose Ave., Toronto. WONDERFUL bai-gain in poualtry. 1Farmi. Fonced to ssii on acceunit of health. Good location and woniderfui mnklet. Write: R., W. SmIth, Prine William. N.B. GAMMA.O-MEF Prospect - Uranu brplaine or foot. Assay and DilholIe use. $149,50'op. Radiation Instrumients, '78 Havenottod, Rochester 22, New York. ATEJTQX 10USEIIOLDER 1 Get your -eRpv1f- 2300 Varieties 0f Sansd- wiches?' Boolet evesr woman needs. MaJ e uick snacks and unhes Inter- esting. comiplets recipes. pay $1,69 C.O.l3. iack Leclerc, P.0..30(), Victoriavitie, Que. CLOSE Oui! Nm brand Tin SnIlipst Dukbiltsyle7"lng 14"Cut,$1.25 prepaid. C. f N,31,Box 3 'jü12,'1aconj, Georgia. MEXICAN SHELL FLOWERS lTIGRIDIAS) Gorgeous reca, I)nks, Yellows, etc. SPeciaJ ff er 20 bulbba mnixed colors$10 postpaid. iant Tuberons Begonias, nev colons, 4 for $1.00. Garden Gujid, 'L5pt. W, Tlon- onto 12. RECORDS COUNTRY jnd WESTERN WR Canada'ýs country and western record beadlquai-tei-s Wi f canter, Hanlt Snow, Webb Plerce, Kitty Weilla Elvis Presley, Don Messer. Rlecords b5y ithese and ail tbe other country st-rs ailable brand new only B9 cents each. Safe delivery positlveiy 9Suaian. teed anywbere. Write Loday for. oui- big nlew FREtE CATALOGUE. Diestry RcordS, P.O. Box 747, Montreal, P.Q. -MHDICAL WANTED - EVERY SFHERER Of RHEUMATIC PAINS -OR NEURITIS TO TRY OIXON1S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE El5 humOtttaww 51.25 Expressi Propoid belting away With bis strOng left. Apparently he can't stop himself, for he d0es it even wben he bas a soft toli, like Jahi-e Blair cf Texas, whomn he stopped in caracas, Venie- zuela, Aug. 31, 1954, in the first rouîxd. "Satdier aýgain useti proihibit- ted tactîcs anld was twice an ed by the re-fere-e," s.aid El Nacionial's boxing critie, cf this flght. "He helti and punciedl, use'd bis elbows iilegally and gougeti bis opponrent merciiess- iy arouiid the eyes despite the fact that Jackie wvas an inof- fensive opper)nent," La Esfexq's writer saidti tat Blair, on entering the riti1g, ap- peareti "frîghtened and mourn- fui. He was aiarmingiy pale."I Se it goes, City teO citye coun- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE .&ANISU the tovuent 0 dry eezeia rasýhes km'dweeping 1s-n troubles. Post'a Eczra i ale wi ot dis apf- poit yU.ching, sca'14i9 andi burm- ng eec z« , ac e, l gw r pi mrples and foot 0ezema 'ill respond rea(lily t o he stain it a dress oint mne n t re- ga rIeFs as of ho xv stuLb bon or hocpeles a tbey em ect Post Free n Recelmpt of price PRICE $2.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES ý'ei5 . Clair Avýenue East, -TORCH70 OPP0RTUNITES ýFOR ,MEN ANDO WOMPEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JON CANADA'S LEAOINfG SCHJOOL GreatOprtny Learn Haîrdressi write or Ct M A R -1 1BAI D R EI: 5 X Sý C H O O S 358 loor si , Toro)nto 41, King St., Hamilton 300 WAYS F e w m n t e e n r n o nen y P t h o mn e - hOiv teo st, %what to do, h~ou to d(, Jt. Potpid $1.49. Psil earnins $10 to 60 or m ore. m aec(U(R EGOR NO'VELTIES, 173 Pa U<ts Rad Nortl, H1amiton, nario. VERMICULITE US RIHI E i' t is p ro v en , g ar n ee rü e s b rin g ack n evn c ar pe fo m a ce R e- surfaces cytindtes nil istonrng eff'ectiveiy, 39.Safety guard. Posi- tiv e p u n ctu re a a i g c m o n s b o ra to ry tested a d a p o e , $ 8 Four tub es $11.92: ieratre gen ts wan3'ted. Arthur D. Bam, Saes Agenl- ey, Box 234, massey, iOntarto. FREE! -I C tAOGUE COTHING. SMALLý,WARES ECONO MC 1M'AIL OPDER 2116 St, Lawýýrenice ivd, Dept. 1956 Coin ctlge$6.Hnycoin abUnà 75< earh, 3ti .M-jr Jacob Dyck, 320 E. 5 Avenue, Vancouver, n C.aC.y atent A ttorneys. Esab lislied 189 . 600 U lversity Ave.. Torno. Patentsý AN FF teever invetriI finventions and fu1.1 nfrmaion ent frse. The Rsmsav Co. Registereti Pat- ent, Attorneys. 273 Pank st', Ottawa.,u $ 1 . 0 T I A L o F f e r . T f n y i e d e l u x., v e: e a cî U e t M s d,ý r i' l . i t e t c a t a - B x 22, er ial "'Q " To ro to, Ont. REPAffl RtEP'AYE your Singer. cog gn-y other sýewxng aciie. Webaearts. Senôi $1 now for repair mn~ Machine Trades, 51 LibertY Ave nue, )Danbuiry, _ConnectIcu. sTAMP15 MON-ACO Prince Raýmier set of 6. 23ê Randolpb Road, Leasid)e Ontarjo, LANDRACE buyers, you vant eected anad difterent blood ibnes rhen yot, stant. We have 33 breediný7g sows, Itý cf these lraported, 4ipneibas 4 sows bred to outstaing boar of Sir Winston Cuchl, Be oe buyýing ýo£rne and see ibis biYl f -ou can't corne send ffo d sdphoto. Registered we1anfling Esows and boar.s for IWMmediate delivery. PERCUS LANDRACE' SWINýýE FApM FERGUiS ONTARIIO Simple Ulcers Boils-Open Sores Naw Cet Real Heip At Romie- No Jime Lest Frem WorIk The simplie EMR 0LOL hoLme treaiment pe,rmuta wcvrjc a, usuai while thos0Ee D014 bres îre being helped. Yeu e eief reaRl Çflfk-Or OIL belpaý Promote3 healthy hceallg. EMER-ÂLTD OIL tRteinstantly to Qýuiet pain, reduce infjammafjtiOn asid ilinulate circuflation bi~n rehblood to thie inJlured part. JuCsfi ow the simpledircios EMERAbQUI, la eclil by Pa1l ISSUE b - 15 'N 'N. s N 'N 'N.. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N.- N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N.- N N N N N N N N N N N N 's N 'S 45 N 's N 's -s -s 'k k N -s 's N $ A. 's A 'S N N N 'N -s t' 't' s N s -'1, N i -4 "I N "'I N N.' "t N N1 N N.' N N kt. N N N.' N.' NI .NX N NI N N NI NI 'NI N NS N5 Agreat s oul prefers, m o deration1 S T 'N - . ~h -4ouse Of rra Mefli w//Q tiik qoftomlorrow practie modleratioz ýoday