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Orono Weekly Times, 10 May 1956, p. 10

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OKONO WEEKLY TIMiE3 THURS»AY, MAY 10th, Oi~JNL WEKLYTIMESSIGRI LSSIE SCTO Authorized as Second Ctass MilPest Office Department, Ottawa SINGER_______________IO _______ ai j_ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE Founder. R. A. Forrester Puibtisher. R. G. Forreste WU EIf ur Framne Barn 26x36. Ten inch pie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II V I V II 1 S A L E siding ; C h ick en F ou nitains and F eed f time for coïiii eting a census to euec- ON RONDBBRN REVERSE» Apply Mr. C. S. Duncan, Orono. Canu(aa will take its first national' haif, thus rem'-oviingth difficulty of Prone 1-7916, Orono. p-f-c ýj11nqulein censu of piopulation timilig. This, of course, adso made STITCII MACHINE and agriculture in 1956. This' mlarks posibJe co>nside'abJie reductilons L-, 1 NOTICE ani impo tant departune from th pre- 1 costc. The 1951 Census cost approxi- 0'Oo o.0OO.F. Lodge, No. 436, Early miorning M'Àlk delivery will vious prýactice of confining the qjuin- J mateljy$8O,0 If itha been j Liied T eets the first and third Wedniesday. commence on Monday, May 14. a-c qýuennial census to the Prairie Prov- taken by the former methods, it would NTC incas, where they hiave been ta1ýen î~i have cost approxilnately $2,000,00 Caîl Cobourg FR 2-3549 or writa Visitors welcomne. NTC Mlanitoba sinice '1886 and in Saskat- mr Singe-r Sewing Mtachine, 81. King St. AnnuaI-Meetinjg of Oirano Figure chewýan and A1herýta since -I9ýG. ,North, Cobourg, Ontario SI! 4RAy ED Skating Club -will be held on mon- I I ~~day evening, May 14 at 8 ocekl Inreen dcaesthrehae ee aFurther reductionis in the cost ofj romn Lot 35, Con. 9, Clarke, one fI ear o des ilnational quinquennial census eould -biack , a tip off ±the right car. the Mun,-icipal Building. The-rapiity ith hichchanes mde b reducing the number o)f IN MEMORIAM Last seen in the viciitby of Leska ilmmbr les atnd - IleiiIit ýiI \-iemis sud by confining it te pop- 1 Pl ease uotify Albert H4ilis, Tyrone ai-d FOR SALE hav ben tkî~ pacein anda n ~aton and agriculture; that is, there BRO UG-In loving mmryoilrr îe res. 1Phonie MA 3-24ff6,1 Delicious Apples'. $I.50) per bushlel. the post-wvar peiod' and, indeed, snewudbe no schedules for dJistribu- dear hr and grianifather, W*illiamBomnvilon. - Apply Mr. A. Pos; Phone 13-r-7, he1951 Census, have re.,su!ted ina more inf eisorhningThis plan' ff-oighi, wopassed avlway May 9,,Oro0no0. merous and urgent requests. haýis beenaopd for the 1956 Cn 99 It was not practicable to take a 'isus. !lu spite o higher price and wvage' He bade no110onle is iast frwl, Onl Friday and Saturday, May llth ANNOUNCEMENT ivyercensus on a national scale ani salary ev ,ýels since 1951, thre 195i3j He said ,.od-by,, to.roeand 2th a B>aselball Sclheul of in- The Orono Ceai and Lunshier wishi in the past because of at least two nationalqienal census bas heen Tih,- .ýeav-en-ly gates were opeiied, struction will be held in the Village tO anniounce that a change bas 'been foLrmidiable obstLacles. These ,vere' the esîgnlý- to cost flot more than A lov-ing voice said coule. of Orono at tlhe Orono 10MunicJpal miade in their inme to Orono Fuels% lenýigth of tiime required to take a$500OOa oprd ih$8Ot Weofe sit and tbink of y'ou, Building being beld for the benefit ofube h.Ld ecusu andthe ost.If i too fro il]Ln 191. Bes t'ide thesiplification Th-, things yeu useel o sy-oahsan clyrs alike. ,censu and he cos. If t took duein to few1,er schJedules and quest ions, We ,wonder- why you hall te die to fîreae to cars to the re- the 1te-savingjý procedfures used li1 On Fridiay coiimmýýeýîiing at 7:30 r the of f ive compile a wider ~Without a chance to say godbe axScheff iibe rsnttco-L se h censùsf u of ail Caniada, then. the 1951 Census wil be given m rThouigb out of sigbt you'er ever lc eso h ues t iUeeh tecompiing ,of one wouid overiap -'St>li mis sed, stiessoondonsthei ours. of'the the preparation for the next and Scre- napplication.l For exanrpleurs aamark ýtuý sriousre il be used li You wilve with us in m]ýemio! ~ time, s it ie end ofUre.Saurday, D»ýtve ALppîcton wiîî in- C a sfe d-uced in Canada radical and ne-w pro- wsfo(opltina dhousnin .lngly reme beredbyis famîly rc ntetcnqeo lyn ienrs hconsLs takinig, reduced ',-adcideampihe-amle whieh s'ouldilie a beniefit _________________ I _____________________toal! players and coaches in theav enl. The classes on Snturdlay start at j ____________________________________________________________________ 0~O a0 . an coninuetd 4 .m. Hom Owiers 4tenion P A R T T I M E s freeof aiy c ag.c us Before eciding on your S Pt1e1ý G% LâN OPPORTUNITY FOR ADDED INCOME THA WLLNol' INTERFERE WTBPRESENT EMPLOYMELNT C"ANýADIAN N YLON CORPORATION, planningIMEAT local deviomenthas "ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPENING" fo-r an HONEST IREi-ABI4E mas or wm-man. THIS IS NOT A ,ýSA-LESMAN'S POSITION as i seilî-ingi, done- by the B-e-ad Office of thie Com-panLy. Tlhosoý see-king a "e-rhquc-sh- eneeelnut apply, A STEî,ADY, DEPENDABLE income w-ill be- provided for toewbo wish to BUILD for SECURITY. Ther is no experlence rcqïihed ai AGE, EDUCATION-or PRES- ENT PSTO is libt impllortanit. ALL LETTERS WILL BIR NWEEDINt CONFIDENCE but ACCEPFýTEl) APPLIC-ANTS must be in a position to POST$190 CASH for BOINDED merchandise wliich is cove-re-d by a re-purchase FRCOMPLETE DETAILS, send NAME, AJDRME'SS snd TELE- PHON-,E aion;g vith refe-rences, if avialto, W. E. SA'UND1lERS, Field Manager, I4AMERCO(Cnaa)LIMITE»), 3921 Bay Stre-et, Toronto 1, Ont., o THuS SUNDAY 15 8E ' ÔL yoýu care enough to ý,sendî the every bMs, send COtJTT'S Mý,OTIIER'S DAY Greeing CAS Nwbeauitifuil designs at 5ec, 1e, 5c 13 25c, 25C, and c JThis year givef3 Smils ' Chukle Wefeatiure Jackman Flowers. In stock Chocolates Flowerlng Plants Canadas~ Fijiest Chocolates. Ilyvdrangeas . ... $2.50, $3.00 and $5.00 1Rosemary A.otmn.......1. $1.10 Vote1ums..........O0c. to $3.00 Prestige Assort ueW Ut 2 lb.....$2..$1.00 and $1.50 1 ii. $1s.35 2pound2.70 Calcelarias.....$1. 25 asd $2,00 8Orchid Box .... pour. $1.015 $1rgnum.. ..50 and $2.00 f STurtes . M ~l. .~. 91C. lb $1 8 ucis.....$1,00 and $2.00 5 CcGod Elite 1-Le...$2 and $ eais.............50C. Ail paokage2s are esefal ohr" ala.......59ü. ad 75e. g ~Day wrapped e tFo esi TOILET GOODS SETS by famious$0Of 13 ~taker, t$3.0 fl DU-PR1RY TTUSSI --YRLY Ii .............douz. $3.50 ~~ Predfot....$1.0î)to $10.00 MxdBuut are the becst Value. 13 rus~ ombandMfrorSet Buqutsfront $1-50- and $2.00 and -Up oSpecialIyprcdfj$35 $95I PON US - WTE DELIVER JaCkman Fowers for* Orono, Ont. ever ocasio fyrei s rg Sore phone 1683 Plumbing - Hleating gEavestrougiiingg FREE ESTIMÂTES gHarvey Partner gTYRÔONE MA-%.3240 Newi Pl4stering- and Reairs STUCCO Wor anhipGudranteed At WOD S ~.Phoïie Clar e 2034 R.R. tnil IInsurance Service il Everýy class of Insur- anice is relprlesented in oui' o- ffiCe. Thne foll1ow- îing ar-,e sonie of the main coverages we can ùffer: .Automobile, Life, Accident and SiCkless, Plate Glass, Liablity, Fire, Burglary Hospitalization, Llvestock, Boiler, Wind, Poli, Rail, Fidelity Bonds, etc. ORONO PHIONE 1R16, F FIRST MIORTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hain"tu01 RLAL ESTATE igOLen- Oshawa Memorial Service MONUMENT MAKERS CORNER SWNES AN» STATIJARY (On No. 2 Hîgliway East of City Limits) ManfaturngMemorials from the file-st Granite and Marble availabie. Býefora naking your final decision' For information without obliga- ion Write Box 2139in, Oshawa ori cali RA, 5-6611. lanIikUILC conta t nlur prtees on Lthe ready to instail, reinforced con- ecie tank, (wviil pass inspection), delivered and piaced. Also ask for prices on house steps and iron raîhings, reiforced anid placedi. -FRED )GRAHAMI Representative for Brookli Contre-te Products We wi lie pleaseel to pick up dead or crippled far-m animais for sanitary disposail Telephonie colle-ct, Cobourg FR.234 or Toronto) EM. 3-3136. GORDON YOUNG LIMTED U*R REALTOR Box 71 Phono ORONO - ONTARIO 1191 i P.o. 2 Doors South of United Church If you wisb your DEAD FARM STOCK re-moved the faste-st way, then cil1 us coliect - Bow-manville ?679. We also buy live borses. MARGWILL FUR FAýRM TYRO)NE, ONTARIO OronoElectric C4INTRAýCTORS FOR FAR-M and IIOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire -o al makes of Elecetrical Equipmep and ApplianceEl icli a Wtors, Water Reatera WI". tnvft Irons. Pt AND CALUý' FOR ESTIÂTES gJ IA R E. L C T ORON - ON T. HAVE YOIU A BOUSE OR BUISINESS FOR SALE List Youir propcrty witb uls for satisfactory service Fistates and properties manýaged We are here- ho Serve you. For Fast Action Contact Tom Lewis REAL ESTATE BROKER Professional Directory A. F. MceKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGUON Office Hours. 2:00 to 4.00pm. 6:30 to 8.00 pu. Sundays and Wedneqdays hy appointment onu PHIONE 1471 DR. R. J. TAGGÂRT VETIERINARY SURGEON Veterinary, mcdiciiies, biologiedu and instruments ethlcally dispeinsed. PHONE 10616 LEGAL Lawrenice C. Miason,-.A Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 1phones: Office MIA 3-5688 Home MA 8-555 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister, ïNotary Public 33 Temper-ance St., BewmanvM&i Phone MA 3-3292 -JACKRE-ID Oron's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator ,Specialize in Farm and Furviture Sales ConsuIt nie for terma and dates Phoe rIP OwVq TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduct~s Auttion Sales of al dm and at rea,sonabie rata Comimunicate with Mlm St Pen pen.y, Ontario, or see hin Clerb, E. Morton, at r00110, fair date.- LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Poýliduu protection and Savings ý&Plama fw Children and Aduits; iMortgage.îà surance Plans. * F. E. LYCETT 1--or6oo, Ont. - Phono 11710 STAFFORD BROS Monwneiîntal Works Phole MWhitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby - FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND) MARKERS It's not expenlsivete Let lis erect a handaiine die- nifîed monument over th, reOs- ing place of your loved ones& It's net expenasive. And seelg this last tribute wil giv* yon endiesa com,-fort. The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone Turner 5-5216 PO. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkerx» Engraving, Goldleafing "Jtuy direct and save commiffak REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoIdRente Maaged and Appraisel aLM. ALLISON Roaifotate Brolcer Phono 2566 - Neweastle 0O" Two bleeks north of traffis

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