;i responsibleK goveraent whieh la repnihefot only Vo the city- dwellig taxpayersý but also to the( cur-al taxpayels, a goverument which, ba carryiug-out that responsibility teQ the 'best Of its abiLity and upon the advîe of the many fariii organiza- tis. We2,have seen frona the nany briefs5 we have reýceived thait in the mnain thle agriculturaloraiton back this government policy to the~ full. Certainly dhey waat more than this goverjunen~t can give or feels JÎV should do at the present tjime Hoeeas 1 have said, we Liber- ais too are most interested in theý farmn policies of Canada We are mnost !nteýrested iu farmlers and their wel- fare -- and we are constantly urging the government to take further stepa along these Unes. We have seen at le-a.st two imiprovemients this session wýith the extension of the Farm lm- pr-ovemlent Loans Act and the exten- sion in the general f arm blan legis- Jlation. 1I feel quite certain that this improveinent is going to continue un- tii *we have agriculture at "The level weethe gover-ntment and the fanln- ersý throughout the country f eel Pt should be. f a mýS Ïoat initereed aýi gin in the remairies Of the hion. mme for As- siii,\iho hasà very peculia,,r con- cept Lof w\'hat should be doule ilu Cana- da. 11e seems to feel, as indeed somei farm rgan! atinad some farmners throughiout Caniada seem Vo eeuthaet J hcre is Only one way to lick the prohem fifarm surpluses anid other problems of tUhe farmcionmy, andi that isý for farmners hroughout Canl- aýda to Join w-ýith labour and form a greit pressure_ group which could auLtoma1,tiecally elect Za conI-plete gov- erumenaclt of labour ind farmn people whm ould automiatically do everyT- thinig for labour and the fairmers. If yufollIow bis thinking far enoughi, it would do niotiag,, for aniybody else, I cannot quitee the day co-ming whnthat kindofpesr politicsý oidtli be accepted as a normal tQIn"g iiu our, Canadianupolitical system, aald lhop(,it never l j)n.We repre- best \\e kniow how and we shail con- tLinue to do so. I WaS most iuiterested lu the re- marIks, of the hon. member Dr. H-ope, the econonist of the Can)adiani Fed- eration of Agriculture, as sayiug tht this goeuen ais doiig Less than auy othecr goverumeut luth,- world for its farmllers. Pecuiliarlyv enoug'h, I -ad iread au aýrticle by Dr. Hlope somie time earlier, at one of the federation. Of agriculture meetings I have atten- ded over the years. The artiuc L Lçt be foud lu a recent issue of the. Country Guide. I should like Vo read a piart of what he said, which shows quite de- fiu.itely that Dr. Hope, as an econo- imist with conisideraLbIL kuowledge of 4 his probiemi and with no political bias, sýhal II e say, did not bhime the situation of the farmers on the fed- ecral goverinmeut of Canada as se maysp',eakers have doue touight, Dr. Hope, who should and I belieýve does kucw bis sbet and who la, aise )more ixvýtereýsted in the farmners thian possiblyI moist people here, hadI this to Say: international trade lui farm pro- ducts, which rose steýadily f rom I1946 Vto 1951, lhas no10,e,\- e i 11andiýi not iuceeasng. (Countries wvhich,a fe viars ago nee to imIport large qluaitieý's of food lprod(UCLStsareno requirinig less 01, ilu some asshave evýen bcoe arge exportera of sometl F"rance and "'PurkeuY, whch ae now prduts xamples cf t he ate r nIet exporters of viheat.Thsdin up of epotdeimndfrom couniesýu outs.ide of NorthIlAmejica bas erlous ,!y affected the. exp)ortraein] farm fo i. rtceDr ope goes u Vot'