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Orono Weekly Times, 10 May 1956, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMJ'8 TIURIDAY, MAY l$tb, gyjTIOWSTS SAY- 'J c A1elsQuaker giant p)ackage ý Wag-staffe's Pure Seville Orange -t i APLEJUIE ~ Corn Flakes MARMALADE ~t 48 oztin 24ec j2 FOR 43c O24 ozjar 27C1:t MARGARINEi OHRIO 0 SAF' - SHIRRIFFS 0OLD)FASHIO0NED M a îG I trawberry JAM oTA LE eSruPr ' '24OZJAR39cL 6Z7 2Ir OSWIFTS PREMIUM SealKed fry rtcin I~~RÊL SM KE HA siedhafoud I OSWIFTS PREU iesifryurp0tý,;1t IBREAKFAST S AUSAGElbg 3c~ ]~~ul Ila CALVESeriVEeIfrBekfs b8c I ~HEAOHESE Slicedrycheiceloi~ FRUIITS Y EPTULEE I SLETQALITY SA""SAG lbRIPE0 SETADFLL F IE L E R IsizfoeB e fat1b89cOLIR i FIeWCbbaeES fcdo ytepeel lb 7c i 9c si RP Tomates 2pkgs29eK I HOTHOUS Jumo sie 7, SEEC CUCUIRbaZI2 fo 39ePURCAS. ET, JUICYNEWrono, OntarloAN O cc Of O O - .. - ,, 0 , .............................e. e ____________Lare rseeizse 00e,. e çf0 oe u it s 5 5 . .. Oranes dz 39 Newtonville Not Built-Up Area 30-Mile SignsCorne Down Tirty-miile per hour zones; through KryLde T akBl lit this area have been dra-, 0une Mav l5th dedin siý,e by thie Deýpa.rtment ___ fllighlways lrecely, as a resuit 0f Tejitmeig fKryW Bw nville court (case in which TMeS. an W.A. wafis old it bur he defendant challenged the right ..adWA-,sÏilintecuà ""he PrýovincialPoicïo charge hin on WedinesdayL, evening, May 2nd. I ai Poice, 1Mrs. H. Lowery had charge of the-- ith speed-ing in a built-up areýa. Devotional period openinig mith 't'he Alfred, Skeans, of Port Credit, a singing of hynmà 515 'Judge Eternai irme C'oourglawyr, w chr Ie on.ged in spiendour' and repeatinie vo wýeeks ago -with exceeding the 30-lin imson the Prael hm,31 Éi1e limiit as he went through New-! Mrs. Wm. Wannan read the scrip- onville, and his counisel, G. L. Mur- ture, Romans, chapter 12; verses 1 ch, of 0shawa, questioned the val- to 18. dity of Newtonville -'s designation as built-up area. Magistrate R. B. Mrs. Lo>wery gave a paper on "A. 3axter ordered an adjourntnent, s0 Christian approach to the Alcohici hat the validity of the zone in New- Problem." oivile Could, be inivestîgated. M1 .,Wm,. AIYn Lthen took the According to -the Highway 'raf-l.mieetinig. The min'utes 'were read and c Act, a huil't-up area means 'the aipproved, rol cai given and offer-- u'rritoryý contiguous to a highw-ý,ay ig received and dedicated. whiere no lesis thian fifty erent If the frontage upon one sie of The ladies are packing a hale of ne highwa,ýy for a distance of used clothing on -May ISth. PleaS ffl feet is occupied by dwieilings, have any donations left at Kirby by nlildings used as businepss purposes, that~ time.g (hool)s or chluroh-es, Or flot less thanl Mrs. R. Chapmian read ain interest- MPercent Of the frontage upon both îng stor'y on"na and the Indians des of the highw:%ay for a distance sho-wig somle of the great work donet.- ýfnot Iess than 300 feet is occupied I on the Indians in Mý,anitohba. ýywllns buildings used for busi- [ss; purposes, schools, churches, etýc Mrs. Wm. Wannarn then took charg& If an open area leýss than 600 feeti ng occurs between two) buit-up ar- ýs, it cani be included as a bui!Lt-Up xea actordîng to the act. Crowni Attorney, Harry Deyman, aforned the ecout in Bow-maniville hat Newtonville is noct a built-up iea. Mr. Deymnan- said that the De-1 )artmient of Hig-hways had remneas- md thie trontag-es in Newtonville rid has found that a built-up area idefineil by the act does not exist. :-ymi.le.per,-hour signs have been re- noved. 'The charge against Mr.. ýkans was diismissed. Departmient of Hiýghwaiys, officiais iae said that in Grafton, Baille- mro and Balti-more the 80-mile sîgnrs ave been mo)ved towards ï-he centre I those villages in order to comply ith the definition. Bewdley, O1rono aiid Warýkworth, ýSpolicee villages, andj( ail towvns and iieorporated ilage nay cestablish 80 mile speed limit xithin their MIRS. MARC ARET HlOY Floiga lengthy i-1llniess Mar- ,aret Mofflat, beloved wîfe of the ate Henry lyKen-dal, pssda- ay at Mr. Yowig's Nursing Home iOshawa on Friday, April :25. She *as in hie,- 83rd-c year,. tori in G~su, c~1nthe ceedwas thie dalighter of the ate Jam-ies MUoffat and MaUry Gore. he cae o Canlada 'is a yuggirl Ld spenit ail her, early life in Gre Ul are. In 18941 she marrýiedi the te Hlenry Hoy amil moved 'Lü Ken- of the minjutes, reports anld b-usinie,-> for the W.A.. dal where she spent ail her life- un tii moving to the nursing homne fiv', years ago. The late Mrs. Hoy isý survived hyW a daughter, Mrs, Elmo T.tra (May) of North Oshaw,,a and thr<e* sons, James and Laverne of KendaL and Alex, R.R. 4, Osha>wa. A son. -Wilfred, predeceased her in 1922. Mms. Foy reste4d at the BarloWý Ftuneral Hlome, Orono. Servie u held on Monday, April .30, conducte4 by Rev. L. Ml. Somerville of Courtira- Intermient was in Orono Ceiietery', For 'For Expert Fur Protection STORE YOUR FURS IN CREEDS CONd Storage Vaults Cali H. C. Bensoni Park Street Orono 1191 0 REPAIRS -RE-STYLING -CLEANING tift *shcguid prompt you to cali upoil uIS iv tîie of sorrow, We stress simiple beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. ARTLEY Re DARILOW FLJNERAL HOME P!vrne 18r7i Orono~ (ix-' Phone 18r2

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