ORONO WEEKLY TiMES TIRURSDAY, MA i o remal m in office for a furthier per- led during -te seconidw, o0d. Now, thje reports appeaax to 'be a ln-ob-eetee IR epo t Fro Paria men H i uI ' p for- a change oqver rather turning the page o.d this1 'R_ __ hfan izar-fete:hed rvumours, but it niay emony wvhich takes place ------ e too eariy to state definitely that ~a of the year. The ne,ý __________________ -,r.P' arson will be offered the post be coipleted this fail an, YF'iopi al repoits, it appears that, whum 1od0I1- a retires early ln -or if out'ered, that be will accept. new memoriaI is comtpil 4et year, we may lose our Minster 195i. When hils retireent was ru- vest on a temporary base External Affairs, Hom. Leter B.! mouredI several years ago, Mr. PeurOtsadngPstin-n ece hiubr P~arson. he North tlantic ireaPositionname wa mennonenas a prou ý»ganizatten, iidDw in session in Paris, abile sicce-ssor , but nothing -came ofl ,ýil1 ee a n.ew SecreL-iry-Gene(raI itec ue od Ismay wspersuaded Î OUR POINT HEATIN2G Service Guaran tees Comforf with Economy! ulate ur 0cil .'.1 ~burner s it will unefficiently and .. ..e ..We foroislc , an y emergecccyser. '. vice wlich May be needeci during the Iîý I&ar Alil this for a Iow annuai main plus the cost of the oil you use, I finest kind of heatinq service, b nomical and satisfactory. Phone Us t4ow Fer Details Fer Cr o, Ont had the our of1 ýk, a cer- îost eachi àook wi1l1 it wvill, the pres- * Onle could hardly blaie- 1dmi for- A Cha -nce To Brag ,,onsidleiing the proposition. His pres- On Thursday, we again denît with ,nt income as Minister of Exena1 Agricultural Estimates and 1 took Affairs totals somie $27,000, all but th1e opportunity te do a bit of brag- J2CýO of it taxable, wi a miaximiumng about Durbain's agricultnrists, $30& D3OOension if and w-ren he retires.1 witbh special mention for all growers j neehe bas ideas of wvaiting a few Wilfred Carriuthers & Sons wbvo did years until Mr. St. Laurent retires! so well at the Royal1 and Ed. Sum- j an& an opportLunityý to gaîin the leader-' mers anid bis grain judg1ing tou'ems ýhpj of thec federýal Libeèral party and I ho for- 26 years bave corne out on e-, e ]tuy the Prim ini ste sjU top. 'My purpose in speakinig vwas also I rset islie likely wo,(uild cO on- discouant opposition pr"oposals, Îto nein bis pre(sent position. Most encouirage the governuiient to continue I:eopýle bel1ive his eirst lovýe is in in- to epn its agriculture policy and ern tion0al service lrather thitnhuirly. to oc more point ont te ur-ban mna-_ burL1y politicu, althougbh le la also a berýs the difficulties farmecrs are en- --, -I .- - --- --i +it- n,,nu nnteiiw at theflVOQOfl+ firce senes thiniking is that, if the oppor- 1I . uitycoesVie NTOjobwold eCas Decisions Nearz j. ~ Ia We replace or difficuit to decline. M . Pearso-In iht-fwa1u patial1eey repair worn or de-wui thenbcm nitrainltinoe else but the finances. As a de-t *control S of yourtje drawing aI$OO annual <isioîi has tri cone serin if the lin is, l 11 brne. 8 sipn, plu'amaniicln pnsonto be finished this year,there undor lt entra ciien en dl il e eeipt.t ti the conclusion of bis service, plus g edîy Wîll le 1eveloaets t bazacrn- the opportunity of doing thae work lie hgwe.WieIhstt ehsr oes bet. Uiidoubtedly,, if he does a guess, 1 'believe that th gvefl take the pot, le will continue, to do Ment woill have te enter the picture n outtandng jo forpeac, but and build if- witb public fundoli- -eshil miss bim at Ottawa. ably renting it to some outfit event-e -4 autmatic ie- I subjecýt. At the momient, the goveruii- ~4-~ les ci top.quaîity Nothing ln the Rumeur ment, is stili struaggling to workr û of thce rigtc burne fr Y OUi i The scare lieadlinles in some of' the niewspapers reeentlyi gave the impres- ~~" in tlat the government was con- e vyig (,- ng a license fee olf $39-.50 ;àa ye;ir forrai andl TV sets. Yo-u'll - be pleaseýd to leara that there is notb- ntenricech arge ing in the report. What bappeneki was that GBC's ;top man, Davi1dsIn -Dun- i No nl sitteton, presented a brief before the t4 teMost eco- Fowletr commuission studyin ways anoi9 j meanls of financýiig. Can:",IaCs broad- casting sse.The $2.3fee wasf .one pro0posa lini th-ele, but Certainly ir Youir Hous. lt W, snot a Lgovenuet ugetin r . Nor wiIl it bc, if ny- judg-ement is Co rree.There -was consid rable dif- b uyr er CVO. ficulty in the old daýys clce h F~~ne 4sI6 ~ G2.50 radiolies fee ad, 1 amnn ost. aider ernbarking on a sýniilar advený I9L ar 'N e anMrara The Minister of VeteranlsAfar r g Iannournced. Monday tbat a natona .~ their lives in the se(condl wold a w-,ill be erected on Neipean Point in lOttawa. Thiere wîll lpe a suitable Cen-> otapb plus a epsitrvfor eIok of remembrance containing, the namnes of the fallen,ý. At the mioment the peace twerin the Parliamlent build- ings contains not only a great deal of carved detail about the first -orld wvar, it also ho tte beautifuli book e0ntaining the mnmes of those who 0made the suprem-e scifc.Recent- ]y, wbhen 1 assbowing sýome yo-ungL guests througlI the peace charnIer, one youIngster, whose uncle was ki- TRADES TRAINING 1 OPPORTUNITUES ItON. BRYAN t. CATIICAKYr Minister of TrQvet and vIlt for th. Province f Ontorlo. ENJOY YOUR SHARE. .. "We, in the Ontario Departrnent of Travel and Publrcity;, are happy to regard Ontario ds Canada's Vacation Province. Annually, on your behalf, w,,e welcome increasing thousands of visitors fromn the United States, from othier Canadian Provinces and frojm alil around the World. In doing so, wie are proud of ouir abundant attractions and facilities wthich provide a complote aind satisf.yinîg holiday- We are also keenly interested in enýcouraging you, our fellow citizens, tesee more of your own, your native Province, and to corne to know it ëintimatclyý Ail our facîlities are at your disposai quite as much as they are for visitors from acroýss the Borders or acrosa the S eas" BRY A L. CATHCARTR (N OW t NIAFRÇ TRÀVEL, St, I ToratOnaia I125 PAease vel'me frelitrtreedredmisf na cIky L s Ierý FOR1 YOUNG MEN 0F SUXTEEN Vo you want toa earn while you Iea rn a tradê? Under the Canaidian Army Sodier,ýpprent;ce Plan, stort- îng Ist June7 the Canadian ArmY 'wilj accept a, limited number of Young men for training in 19 differ- ent trodes. The trainingý course lests for twiô years, and then the Apprentice serves three years ,ith a regular unit.. Training starts in Septemnber. Under this plan the Apprenice recei ves - * Holaf puy to thse age of 17 thon full pay * 30 days paid liolidaYs a Yeatr *Medical and dental care *Travel and adventure e. A heulthy active outdoor life Tobe eligible applicarits mnua? be 16,' not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu- cation, and be able ta meet ArmnY physical standards. As oniy a limited number of aPPlic- ants cen be acceped moke your application earll(. MÀail the coupon below, telephoneý- or visit your necarest recruiting station. Army Recruiting tation1, 59 Albert Street, Ottawa, Olt. - Tel 6-18R7 Armny Rcruiting Sttion, 104 WligniS. yingstali, ont. - Tel. 4738 Army Recrntlcig Sta inn Rcenoci St. WI., -TerontC. Ont. - Tel. EM. 6-831tc 7 Nio. 7 personnel Depnt Woleiey SVarracsn Oxod&Eliabeth Staý,tendon, Ont. Tel. -1601 Loc. 135 Arcny Reci tin? Stationi, 230 Mlaini St. WN., lrth Bay, Ont. - Toi 456 A.rmy ecruiting Station, 184 King st. E, llailton, Ont, - ï(Te. 2 8708 os. Pleose end rne Wflh.,ut Cosc or oligo- tion f;,rtherdetoil, on tche So.1ier Ci fy/ToWýn..- so injg eu0 uhT ans-Calludal the coinpany wh-icý-h has the pipe h You may have been reading about LE Suuuu lihe malny difficulties being xpri encepi by thae goveiiment in arranging ýto~ have the -aýs pipe une1ý buit frpm M,. and Mrs. 1Ross, Robbins and Alberta to Qe3e.Piacticail.ý eveýry ;ýv!. Toionto -,itl) is p-arent, Mr. day, the question period has beeil and -Mrs. Art Roibbins. taied with opposition queris on the -ý- da d s r Mi. ,an Mrs. Art Young n sn The Railway Dispute Toronito ýwith Mr. and Mrs. Clatre On Tue-sday, the rail'xyay1s andi non Martin. LoperaUm, g ,employees will sit down Mr.EenCmr aseune together'to study the possilbility of .frmSudbury whýero shebas vitrng rigngthe railway dispute to a con- wtrelatSdbie. hise w vitn cIusion. At thiismomient, nmy iimpres-e s s ion is that there is every hope of an We are sorry to hear that Mr, Buli 1amicaible settIimnt without a strike, Boyd was speeded in for appendicitis. Phut anymthintg could happen to upset e ish hiim a speedy r>ecov-ery. Good W'ill By Soviets Mr. id Mrs. Sid Hughes, Orono,. Around the Externa),l Affairs coin- :e(ent visitors with MIr. and mittee, the ge-neral feeling is that the Mrs. E. Green. Com]munist party secretýaryKrsev Sorry to hear that the Rev. Kiteheni pulled a prize 'boner in the United duý- the good wîilî our is a paýtient in Oshaýwa Hospital. We ingdom during wî ,vsh him ,a speedy returu to good recetly Laor, party aeedling, plushel. the o'bvicus antagon ism of the citi-1 zens; for-ced him) to lose bis tejnper1 r.Ernest Green was a rveet and start s'houting about advances patient in Oshawa General Hospital the Soviet had made in exffloding the! undergoing an operation on the eye. hydrogen Jxsrnb from an airýpianeÎ and Mrs. Herb Thompson and fàbaily hcw near tbey were to discovery ofvs tedteir cottage at SaturdaYý guided missiles capable of hitting any Whilst :urnin,-g grass the fire got out point in the world. This kind of tak f ontrol, but ws prevented front fromn a supposedly kindly soul out te' reacbing the buildings -witb help frontî win f riends has onily streýngtliened the the tneighbours. wesýt's determination to continue iîts Mrs.P. Bradsbaw, Osbaxa, ývisitedL efforts te build up) strong defences, several friends in the village to wis>h inistead of slackening them in the facel themfaee. She leaves 1$r a six of the Soviet's "we love everybody",mt,ths visit to EnOgand this week. policy. We wîsehber "Bon Voyage". il1 Ce. Lt-du Ou2O3 cents per gai. Iii I6~Cents per ga. For Delivery Phone NO 1537 or OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 p RI1N CI PAL INGAREDIENT THE PRINCIPAL INGREDIENT in the cost' of a product is labour-labour in mine or forest, in transportation<, in fctory and office, in wholestile and retail outiets. At every stage of production and distribution, from the extrac- tion of the raw material to the ultimate sale of the finished product, cost is added in the f ormn of wages.' J3ecause wages are so ail-important they must be right with relation to the services rendered. Hfigher wages are sensible only, when accom- jXanied) by greater proàtuctlivitYý. pisîurb this balance and higher prices are ine-ýitable. When1- prices get too igsles godon When sales go down there are fewer jobs. TH E STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA MONTREAL GANANO11QUE HMLTN BRAERD ýýl l9 TOROýTO N -i I 1 s, N s s N N s '4 s N N N s N N N k N s- -s N s' N I SI N N -'a s SI, .4 s' N S, .4 N S. SI 5., .5 's xl 'i N 'i '1 'I 'e N N N -s 'e '.5 N s N N .4 s '5 S. '.5 N '5 N N N. 1