'4, ORONO WEEKTIY T1MEý9 $13 . Rctied y Pulic lEa ly eed* g O O a s G vesreason for this was appairent wiiom- $13. Keie d or Ins. f hDi nd oII dElrlflSeedinglg.n "a u £romve ofraenayed seedin. Grain from thf Newc stle Lion Dis tiss!Sdî,î Fr let. 0 TheBledLarg r An Bet er C oPs ow ehierdng. torth aritVit A-rtificial Ice For Arenal'-Lramr from earlyseed rig ad a mu Pujyils of the Orono Public Sehool!_________________ thsdiieeneaoutd to moi peeedthat the club adoPt ItheI who canv'assed for the fund rais&flg Ottedderygv bge1eywt ahlae aeo hdn. an 12 per cenit. catn Lions Club eecltidtherp esi- c o fmmi ttee ing ead o h atigthecampaign of the Can-adian Institute cop"f ete uait aticcr- s a aerae of ai vrei he dent for the 1956-5' terni of office. sýtraight v ote niethod. This mnatter wilî' for' the, Blind during the past two j ing to H. A. Riordon of -the Experi- I bs In yield betwe-en the first and Diýseases, weeds ai-d bodieg & il Lion Brwenton ickard4 was the choice Ibe-' decided at th.e next mieeting of weeks collehted a sumn of $131.00, mental Farmi, Canada Departmnenitif second dates of seeding was only 4Y2~ were more severe in, the late aee R. C.Forretervas elected f'Pstvie Artificial! ice for th, Newc estechool would like to exr -ýs their In trials over the past 'three yearz, and third 1,dates the loss inyiladbatechnresdn 1a- prsdn inLrn ono eodArena camle te the fore for dliscussion alprecýiatoni to the resid~~ of the the infiluenie o, date of planting wvas amuounted '0 over a0 per cent. While eties as seedig waa d ' Yf EL~a1 vieand Lion Arthur MLrnthiiresuiting in a conimittee f rom the area for their support o h apindtrie sn almdu dyedof arieie wee u su a ls n e hae e beor ing&n vice president. Those holding office e-luh to meýet w the Village Coun-. late rnaturing varieties. Three plant-. duc, to delayed seediIp«, the late vani-usafaltom cueldgnan withe directeratee Lions Irwiný,i tt,1 lx regular mieetinig. ing dates wr studied. Thie firstwa ety su ffered more than did the earli-,,,nequent crop bssz. Colwill, Jimi Por-ter, William Storks, Prices were submi-ttel te the club for 'as eanly as the land could be 'worked en atnigones. hii ilbesinta o Harper Kelsey, IMurray Pteson qai-e bv Brenton Rickard and ont t'hat plastic pipe 'has fot as yeti n t- pIiiig aiid the othiers followediTu i wil be se qethyatsor mao Chas. Megit, Harry 1oose and Tom Chas ý,. Ko. h qitation-gven by roven îtself over a period tof tie.4t tenl day' intervals. The last date The weighit per bushel of the grain 1 _. lle.fell about the iniddle of June or iust poue ls hwdte nlec ng Should be donie ao eanly am *II ýLenlnard. Liion Chas. Knox anounted te $22,ý- i'Many stated that such a projecte 0t h iri arepoprin o frstsedin als hmgde nlly b eavir heprprd lerms red te a iii see At the imeeting the club discussed O.Oand this did flot incilude two woud n(,ed4Jsupport front surrounding ý0u h ii ag rprino is edn vsgnrlyhairb rprd hr eae ngo, office and a notice of motion was drainage of the arena. It was poîinted Clarke To)wishî,p. iYedswr edue oree an -ilte se iiivarhie, tbe alI iede el at rI Yils wre eucdfo výhvli areie il ie h /1 e&1a OR- SUN BEA M BREffAD .~~ It's NEW-it's NEW-it's deliciously NEWI NEW slow-baking process gives Sunbeam bread a srnooth, even texture. Tender and toastable. NEW plastic coated wrapper seals in Suxibeam Bread's fresh-every-morning taste and aroma. Keeps fresh longer. Try ail new Sunbeam Bread righit away. Look for Miss Sunbeam on each bright wrapper oPf y SA Sol nIyAt Your. Neighbourhood Food'Store j '-I