"Al . ge atM et is because he sy that is tliý a boardin-c hus- _p 2C01m- way ouLt. plains a yo-,ung husba'nd. "Par- "I have thought. of Il ents demand aà great deal of home next, year, w,,hen 'Il sosi-abut what do they of age. lim c,,ertainly aid anco expect of thir duhtr From i ta know what 1Iawant, an( their ' ovvn extperienca, t01hey want him. MAPI must knw ow essential il is *Il is the man who is wrc that a g i kow how to cook noti (Yeu. FHe should welec and keep homse. Mot-hers ca- - the chance to visit yourr not expect mnarriage miracles * ents and talk things out. whenï they. doni't even t e a c h) 1' 1c like him, he miight c their daughte-ýrs how to lîve, on vinice themr that, blngo]i an allow-ance;moydos' he understancYs you and grow on tes and a b r, i d e e you happy. Y:oui shJould kýnow h Jow ltIle a do] I- * probably witish to gelthieir lar buys nowadlays. Many youing fimnate consent, but Ihis husbarnds, f r e s h f rom thieir proach is the first door moAthes wll-mrn homes, gel open for il. the shock of their lives wvhen *Agirl of your age POc they witness the dsirer bhey* siders, leaving home is notr come homne ta! ture enougb to choose hier "A good maliýrriage dpnsmate. Sha lacks the necess Iargely on thie ability of both jud1gment, and she hasn't to givand take but how " sability to face disappoi many girls are- brouglit up wvith mclent, ne cndeaonfor tha esî Relax.Ask your mother of the family, 11151 demandling *father to welcome thisw and geWtng t h e i r ow~n wap ? * and teilHim if ha doets They can't expeet a husband tae* seize this opportuinity, you ha contented uniless they, ack- *have nothing to dIO with I nowledge ha luas sorne righýts,* That, should reveal his i toon One mother I know told rity - or the lack of m. hier girls, "You cannot givýc etoe 1 children wh-at: you yourself havec NexIt t an unîselflsh love, not d1eoe. say to motth- files~ dowery a girl can br ers, you arent goad enough Io tu ber groomi is a knowledge deserve cldr-en unlests you have homnemakig and pride in learned 10c iscipline your01f0 -ob. ne of the rewards 'l am not a slacker, Anei knowéing tha-,t a 11usband wh( Hirst. I1wrkun my job and I eunfortable and appreciateil comne home every night,1I an ho'me seldom seeks happlii building my oxvn home . apid elsewh"ee.Wrie your probIc l'm doing lmo Aft shopping, to Aune Irst, Box 1, 100." Eghteenth St, ?N e wv Toro PARTNRSHIPontario. This un husband dw-ells *oni one of myt favorite themets. a ~continue - successfuliy ý-b, r w h e *one of the m-en shirkýs lire- *sponsi'bibiitis. ow then can *marriage, that nmost int.imate i Of oalineflouris ifil:the C * le do her part? If she cap- 0 1 GE.R A *pens tf0 be aucarefreedagte-__ * untr an e i e rui n ts of SW trda y night I had a iv hoerakng crailywhn etlss-1gh.Not because she e o e senggeds 1a couldntsleep but because ev "should master the arts of keep- lime 1 gottousieep i) was awý * ing a husbsand .content in Hencaai yas~~~ * hmeheprviesfo hu ny In facLltlthe noise was cit self-reSpcting girl w-ould f-aý * aishamad to be ýfound %wnbg 1types -olla asteady sort * lu tbis funcdamental ield f purr. which I didn't mind, *' sheAs, her are sources ga- othe-r waus intermittent an&d ] ore t tea--ch ber al fhe hw- semed Ihe operatinon f to's she edsbknw ad buzz-saw. That I couldn't ta *the sooner she ambarks on a it wouWldsop and then <1 * d-i-yorslfprogran, te Mto and start again. The *batter are ber chances tu epfî'i etenwrairg the marbappy. fredM he ilwsquiet Iwo1 1 'lhow ion;,il Wooud be bAer agree wifh a husband like tis uud spart again, and wl u ne Poo puts the blame where the saing was in progresý *if belng, on thegirl's mot h- 1 îsend orIn ta top). One P *en. To fIing ber mbt marriae vus as bad as the other Soi *unprepared is a cruel geture, tmes duing an extendeo qU one a woseoncequences' hM.e spelj I dropedoff ta slep1 *dilléusind many a hopeful oniy twbe awakened again. I, *bridgroom. She Ores him aII give you thbre guesses. Ra least a knowige of1bouse- or teeCviion ef t on? NO, *hold routinemaking todal 's wasn'î that. ind ratiing *dollar srtbtwice aasswt shumcurs? wrong agaL iniar liroer r'sdid, the appetz- snoringOh ne, be couid't ing preparation of gond tfods; that bad! Th1n what w-as *the myriad detils of com- Nothing more or less thar %Korabla living should bce a maîelcri edom * er fingertipaas they ocn eop J»St a nioneat luIe c) 'ny 'aloin se bas learned otmrthnsxlcesq *aud pracliced them. Suretly he Yo oudnt hnanthn Sbridle -cnivarno moe h- *that most asr senial f iail as quiet and weii-behpvJi crowning g.oics he aiiî a ock tould be. Then ith, *Ioi (ýcaa weli-run-m o apri sound %which wai *the iman shprfess a hr- to isratng En llIisa * fui~P raspmîg noise.I iiîend DdouiE OR MIAN? ti i earl drove me= "D Ar Auna H-irst: The mnl j I wou]d ave uildcut th"e p pin in love rwih is 13 years ninmeiatey excapi thatitm eider; Iam Il My Amioy tui&k mina rscetunder PaAmteîs 1I heý is fo old For me, Sn ha wMAn' intowhc salopluggcýd1 core ne the houtse. I don't radio and aibwc-amp. But agree,1 Ithink ha should, 50 they joug M l fhad IoCbedoue really can came ,tu kuow hlmý. gt" cawe0ud1 al 've been meeting him Wutide be and cas in the proces MERRY MENAGERqjÇE ISSUE 19-195 oniy ivg tbe ough d1 IIE"' cong, aùme par- t.If con- eni cul- ap- con - ma-e if e 1ary the int- and 2an, not ceg-. thCe ring Sof lier 13 Io is dat iess lems 121 30o, 'ery 'ery duse. two of the re- fa ake. art. iu- lar. red1 U it han Uay neC .Uet but, cow thA cuk! Pre. t ai. e - Y'l ecti Perîn e w idkerupofat e mst.h partnallthokeLut. 1"nything wrong?" ha inq.idsleepoiiy. AnyDoming wr o! A if iwer .ry abo)ut." 1yauked eut ihie piu.g, somawhaIIt vioufsly. I'm afraid. Paeand quietnjess 9t las[. And theiýn 1I siept until da-i break. ViIthCe damai we found the' ground covered with snow and hig, lufy white snowflakesý stil dcýiii tinig dowul, partiaiiy coveri[g tie ri-okdfed trers W~ wra Qodisa-ppoiet'- Week's Sew- Thrlit y 4532 mmo- ;- ý t Brighten your summer, sew thase gay fashions naow - So wonderful for, sûn and funj! Carefrea T-shirt wt cool con- vertible necklina, siiim-Irimn shorts, padal pushers too! Per- feet stylas for hardy deuimi, sailclofh, poplin -- in bold pal-. ternls, soft pastell! Pattern 4532, Misses' Sizes 10, 12,ý 14, 16),18. Siza 16 hr,2 y-ards 35-iuch; shorts, 1%yards. This pattern easy ta use, im- p)le fa seýw\, is tested for fit. _R-as complete fliustrated instruc- tions. Sen.d THIRPTY-FIVE CENTS- (350 )(stamps caninot be accept- ad, uise postal note for safaty) for this pattern. Print plainiy SIZE N AMAlE, A D D EE S S, STYLFW NUMUBER. Send ordar 11a ANNE ADAMS, 123 Eighf'eenth ,St., Newv Toron- edi bcaus1ýe Bob and Joy werac 'omiing ta teka ,eus ýta visil friends eay 1" up in îthe Shel- huma distrct.Saaîng the snow wýe at first gve p the idien. Affer ail, if it wes snoing here w întko htw mîghýIt 1Lrýun 10into u Ille snoW- bell And Ihn he sun ca.me ouf end wa, haned ur mns By noon we vere on ur way. The f-art!har niorth wa gaI te moesnow we foun-d. aieroa1ds were suAhîbut wih siid snowenkson ither side. Bt the snlowplows soon had Itle ighweysin ood conditin 'Me wcli-wooded. snow-capped hifis weravarylovly, ownin the swemnps weieaSeh grnest cedar traus we had seen for a long Wbile, dfern ro)m Iha bra l nis res egel rud ee Tha fiendswe wee visting Wieo a snow-fiied ide road. l ouid't aetcied 1h01o ial Iibis stiidearud by ae liea ad t rp ot uthro-1ughi'i Wit hbatdly nY troublentail. We aw nother ca'r, laI1t aPiI pcein fomflchige a and hleeding for the sema place ýas people but hd dC!ided gans runnInIIIg therik ofgttn As fa;r as seer was coni- -ernied wýe were in a lovelIy di- str ict. Wonderful for summner living,. Bit for winiter . 'd srfc*a lut!!lerugoged bat for comnf rt andc convenienr e, As w,,e grow older easy living seemnS to bc of prirnary imipor- tanIce. Couintry living, yes - but -with conveniences and away from eengà-ested areas, Thfiý7 perfect se-t-up but hard to find. WW passed may ovel *y places ..1ranch houses set amon)g trees; summier cottag-es beside a rippling stpoream;rambling o0d farm bohýuses that probably take ,a fortune to heat; good roads andc poor roads; television acri - ais few and f ar betwe-Cen. A f ew sem-idurilied areas and C, on Suniday, flot miuch tratfic. I beg.an to wonder-.. could there possibly be. a more diversified province than On-tarjio? Inside of aý fifty-mile radiuis one can paFss from Primitive living con- ditions to subuirbia. We -were awayý only si-x hours,inudg our visit, and iin that time we say living conditions ail the way from good, poor and indif- Wihen we got hiom-e ve f ouxd a jar of mapife sy rup betwceen the two front doors s0 1 ima- gine visitors c am-e calling in our absene. Friends are so used to finding, us always at homie on Sunidays it rmust have beeni quite a surprise to fhave only the dogs tb greet fhem.' And now il is _Monday again. Thre sun is shining, spring flow- ers are peekiýng through the grounid, and along thei south sidae of the hlouse rosy rhu lLbarb crowns show xthat the miracle of spring h as begunl, avenr fhough it will be a littie whule yet bef ore tra3ctors- are Seen in I thC fielids. icup rolled at5 2 teaspoons sit 7/2 Y~tablespoons% 1'/4cup-i bOiling wziter znd let stand vfntilIuwam j2.- Inthe meanhime, meaîura mbnf a large bowl '/2 (Up Iulewarm water 2 teaupoons gramnulcîted .,d stir until sugacr i dsovd Sprinkle with Contents of Fleischmunn's Active Dry Yeos5t Let stand 1I0 minutesý, TIIEN stir well. Stir iprepared eroil d out rrixture and 2/4 (Up ightly-packted . brown sugar 2 toblespoons molasses . 2 cups once-sifted ali-purpose flour anýd beait untit smoath and elastic.. Work in additional * 2Y2ý cups (about) once- sifted aIl-purposeflour 3. Turn out an ightly-floured board and knead until imootls and elastic; place in greased bowl. 5 Brush top af dough w.i.h melted shortening, Cave-r. Let rls* iwarmn pla:e,free fromn draft, until daub- led ibulk-about I1Isour. 4.Punch clown dough. Tuin ouit and divide in haîf. Let rest 1,5 inutes, then shape- each half into ~ a loaf. Place in greased loaf paIns (8'/z x .4'/2inches, top inide me,,asure), Bruh with nelted butter, margarine or shartening. Caver. Lef ris. jnil doijbled in bulk - about 45 inuteâs. Bake in -acler-~ ately hot aven, 375", about 50 4 miinutes. Yeld: 2 loaves. Needs no refrigeration For free foler of other deliclous recipes, wite tos Jame Ashley, Home Service Depa;rmeat, THE CANADA STARCI- COMPANY LIMITED, ?,0. Box l129, Montre ai, P.O. Ma)ke -these simnple POTATO 5COI Stomorrow f "Cor. Starck Makes Lighter Spongo Cake!",$ 3 egg yclks one.mon lMC l abiesPDcsl" 'ater l'/2 CUP 9grnubatpc sgO 3 ceg 9 hite-S MIAX fiour and BENSON'S OrCAAAorStrh and sft tgehick. nýivey ndL t ~leourd.extrOcf, U ndand ater AD grnol, etOnc dd ¼cpsgr CONTINUE beaJt'ng acidgou POOla-iaur, and BENSON'<S or CANADA Ca"' St'arcin mi>Cure gradUroî r.EA- ggwbijes ln deeP bowlwy rtr b'~ uni1foanmy, "nu ettl nil 1,f f but nott dry. ADD Soit; con Ucysoey POUR egg yik ixture erggwht5odfd t0gether Iy"' 9-incn tube pan, yOUR nto nresd-91doc $Bâ!KE in soven 132'1 F.hor o ui1pcan. INV ERT oncake rim ob 4criOe rnspn FROST o ut ibicingsuor