Y 1lth, i ay rLtd. iustaII a con- nýf the preýsen-t fur- spossible. This hurner n Iron FYire-man Vortex Bur- _________________ The total cost of this projeet wifl doo su anaiuxnm cinbn~Ï'namouint to a su unÎthie,neighbour- door, The present second etory door ihood of $1100AO. "Dear R'uth" Coming To Town Presented By Local Playersi '~emRuth', a six scene coïnedy, mwhich has been a Broadway success îs to e e taged in Oroyie sometimue diuring- the secon'd week of June. ThQ 'comedy is wel! known by those who are faiiar with stage anpd film Pro- 'ductions and is noted ag being an ex- ceellent play and entertaiuin'g. The Orono players are producing tise comedy under the drectorship of! iMr. Warren Watt and i being spon-1 ,orn-d li the Oren Atlletic Afsori-J a i enrtative timie o! preseuting the play has been the second week o! fune. At tiiis time the play wili be presented to the public on two suc- cesjsive nqghts lu the Township Hlall, Orono. Those takin'g art ln "'Dea, u for- the Orono production are M\,essrs. Don Staples, Sgndy Russell, Jim Pol- %¶itd, Georde Collin5ý,Mrs. Mar-ge ýSamuel, Mrs. Mary Rutherford, Mrs.] Barbaýra McGee, Miss Carolyn Joues a2nd _Miss Iree King.1 it would appear that this effort! by thse local group shouid receive the d in 'support of the public. Thse effort te0 ôad- bring- top entertainmieut te the Viii- tage ag,,e Is tise chief aim of the Orone top- i Players. dixeioni o! tise -playand. nc preserwuj Pretty Afternoon Wedding, In Cavan United Churchi Tise nmarriage took place in Cavani IJnited Chiurch ou Siturdayý May i'-L2th! -of Marie Eey oandaugterl os! Mr[i. anld Mr Wm Armitage o!i 'Cavan te Edward Keith West, 'souý o! M. adVMrs. Albert West o!'Or- fj, VÂÂ4. .J.ICV. 4)i,-it ficiatinig. Tise Chumch was e baskets o! pinik and w' ýon with feru and balb tise musie 'Was played .spicer. Mr. Fraser Camr was tIhe bride entered fih Lord's Fayr"sd duri 'o! the register "Becau The 'bride was give p'ir' i v i ti, ri fhi i gauintlets te nmtch. 'She canred a haýnd cacad o pîk ishm"r ,irnat In,'nisd forget-me- nets. ~' ~ " I hcý best 'lirn vs as r. Raye West, or'h' f tie g crand tise ushers decorated with w\ere M.Robert A-stgbrothier xhite snapdrag- of tise bride and Mr. Mar-vin Lunu, bys beath sud frierd of Che gsic ii 1b>" Mms. G. After the eremony a reception was hAd at lAhe ChLreh Hall where the bidýe's mtiser received, waiga ssoot Before gown o! dusty bie crepe with hit of ie sang "Tise!phik straw and pink accessories and uses th Ysgungse wore a corage o!fInk utr roses. She was assisted by tse ennsusrigisgoems mother who wore a gown of chose a beauti- 1blue taffeta wifrh a hiat o! beige and walt7 length o!f beige acce-semies te miatch sudn( a cor- n lace wlth & sage o! mcd better lames roses. )ited at wriists Laisrt'he bride inud groom left for odice was soft'- :a tnp te tise United States. For trav- suid the very eiig thcli bride woec- a navy s'ieatis centord wih dress with wid w'hite colar sud voil o! finger- matcýhinjg duster with navy sud white illusion bodr-acesrsssd a corsage o! white sud caugh;istt etee antos o! miatchiug Ou thei-r retums iithey willive at sy seed pend'.Orne eo! mcd roses Guests were preseut frein Toronto, "chis step)ii- My-rtîe eate, Osisatwa.-, Lindsay, 'l'h brid's nY ' tendantwaslieV ise r. Misýs P' tty-Lou Armitage, govs-ued !ini a î C-deblue net , ad 'whte acego" n Gbailerina len f-tý "T he cynie is one who knows thse pruce of everytising ani thse value Vetr'brouisBethany, Ooi, Port Houpe aiud Markham. Prier tethe weddig, %ps.Junior Wes, rs. Maîrnai Lunu suad Miss Marlene Cai-treili etie at aj isècelaneous shower for the bride, at t:hJ homle o! Mms. A. West, Oronlo.1 The choir o! Cavan UIAted Church eýnte-tai'ed at tise hom)e f Mm. sud Mrs. Milten Cnrr presenting tise br iide îts ablond end step) table., T;-.e, conmunity e! Cavan heid s mîs«claneous shower lu the Sunday Sechool Hall ,withs fifty mwomea lu at- tnac.The Automnatie sud De- fence Depts. o! Westceox, where thIe bride was empfloyed, presen'ted hem wh. abautiful 'blonde coff eetble. i j gt ii i. 't, I Water Safety Prograi PI'and 4-Hl llomeniaking Club To Be UeId At Orono Park By 1Carol van. Belle The Orono Red Cross met at Velma The second meýeting of the 4-H Armstronig's Friday, May 10 ut 3.00 Hom'enak1ing Club wa-,s heid on May p.m. te discuss Water Safety Pro- ', 1956, at Mrs. Kennedy's home. gramn. It was. decided to carry ,on the Water Safety Program as, lasý,t Year Our 'president, Elizabeth Reid, and to co-operate ,vith the Orono (ýom.imnced the meeting by havîng us Ahietic So.c-iety iu beginning at the iepeat "Tne Pledge". Then the roli _ame time as the Athletic programn. caîl was asked for and the minutesý It was decided that Mary Ana Ai-were ren an approved. strong be hired as the swimuiiiisýig in- he*uie~ eton o u structress with Je Anu Rutherferd O h uiesscino as her assistant. The hours of lu- meeting, it was - moved by Valera struction are te 'be the samne as i1sat Coppi;ng aiid secPnded by Corry Glas- yea-r. Mary -Rutherfordl reported tbt bergen that any expenses we have, ,altbough net quite ail the returrns of should bec diid1ed among the merm- the Red Cross Dr-ive are com-plete, it b~ appears that the sum niêy fail $10,ý Then Mrs. Stapieten read a piece short of that raised last year. fromn the leaders -manuai to us and gave us examples of how te, write District Fail Fair Dates sdauwrfornai and informal la- Oshawa.----_........ .August 16, 117 18 We decided te- have supper at Mrs.! ýijinmount.. _...Auýýui<. M3, Sept. 1 Kenredy's home on May 15, sia-ce Port Hope _........ Aug. 81, Sept. 1 Ms. ennedy and Mrs. Stapleten are Sunderland ..............Sept. 11-19 going to show us hxow to set a table Orone..................----Sept. ý7-8 pr1operlyv and tell us about table mi- Beaverton .. ........--Sept. 13, 14, 15 ners. Apsiey............__--. Sept. 4-5 .... Oakwood............,__Sept 17-18-_. Our home assigmeut was te wvrite Lindsay . ........ Sept. 19, 20, 21, 22 and answer a formal and informalinl- Uxbridge . .................. Sept. 26 vitation and to coilect pictures aud, Bohcaygeon.... ........----Sept. 28-29 other mnaterials for our record b)ook.1 Port Perry..............---Sept. 1-3, The roll caîl given was "The type Biackstock.......... ...--- ------Oct. 5-61 of referenice file 1 have chosen." Tfhe Norwood ---- Oct. 5, 6, 8 1j meceting was closed. at nine o'ciock. Children Outstanding Arlista In Orono Variet,,yr>Show jA horde of young, talented per- formerrs hit the limielight on the Orono st1age last week and wereý received b>" two consecutive audiences with mucli enthusiasin. The artists were students of the Orono School of UDanc- ing who appenred in the Township Hall on Friday and Saturday even- Ù4g, ln their ana vijt Large audiences wtere prese ,n 1 n bx evenings to enjoy the colorfui enter- taining programi. Those taking part in the program Nvere fromi pre-schooi children te teen- igers and ail did exceptioually well Lii their respective performances. The entire show was uast ln a heerful setting of a blue hack-i ,;roun'd spotted weýith silver stars. This was providedi by the Dancing .Schiool. The array of costumes werej mnmerous and in their spiendour ad!-! ded a multitude of color to the show. i It wa-ýs quite appairent that time w masi flot spared in planning andcotm ing the thirty-five acts V-ich con- fironted the audiences. The beautifuil array e! costumes was a joint effort betw'een tise metisers, Mr' Rogersoeni sud Mrs. Norton. Thse thirty-flve acte wiich 4appear- cd on tise prog-rans were o!f vaiouts fornis o!' ballet atia tnp routines with differenit group arrangement snd Costumnes 1- Tise show epened iu a fast temfp (Ccntiued page 3) urgent CalI For Clothing For Releif Ia Korea An urgent cali for clothing fer Re- li ef Werk has corne from our s-hip- piig -depots. Their shelves are alimost einpty. Dr. Florence Mransd others re cently retumued from Kýorea% describe thje utteIr poverCty ofmosto!thse people lu South Korea sud their great neeod of heip. Thousauds lu other prso! tise worid, iucluding comi- munities in Caniada, have suffered (Contluued front page 8 Basebail Scho,-iol Interests Local Coaches And Minor Players througih tise Orono Senior Basebail Twent Club sud tise Orene Amnateur Athletic Twny-five base-bsil enthusiasts Aýssociation. fmom tise Village and port H-op( e we________________ present on Fridsy eveuing lu tise Or- enio Municipal Building - when a Base- T. bahd1 Scisool 4)! Instruc tion wass ield IC pfor tise benefit o! tisose wiso play tise gamie sud for those wiso ma-nage sud cocstise gaine.Tise gatiseriu o FIliday nigist wais made up ciiefly o!f P ,,eWee sud Bsutamn players 'frein Cr'ono, represeutatives frein tise Or- eue Senior teain sd coacises sud1 manlagers of mineor teainsri Port Hope. Mm. _Max Sche!! spoke te tise gatis- eriug on thkis occa"sion wislen hee(dis- 'c sse'd mauy o! tise ules oe! tise gaine sudî auswered ail questions fired at ise scisool was agaield Gon Sat- umdn ay wisen M .Dave Appleton iseIid tise attenti n oýf tise miner pIlayer-s frein the Villag-e e! Ormoo sumd Kirby. 'Mr. A-ýppleton iunstructed tise boys lu tise art o!fpayugtie gaine freinl catchinig te iitting suld fic],1diug Also in tise e ing a filmn on bIasebali wiisit "o's sdcdo'ts" was shlowul sud eujeyed by tise local & S. Ili tise a! ternloon Mr.Appletonu teok thie beys te t'ise Oroneo Sciseol greunIIds' where ise gave actual demouistrationsI o! tisefundamientalIs o!ftise gaine. I S'kating,. Local On Mlondayeeni tise Omeno Figure'kas, their agnual meetLing w-. fifteeiiinterestedi persous , eut. - Iu tise treisurer's report it wmas ts-' to for thse year's eperaýtion, tisat a bal- ance in tise ueighbourhoe-d o! $72.60 o! paper from ,wýll' -it, It a, Ion-j'the undi1ng centres Wh" . report tisat a suin of $17,,0}had beeni etoniî te Botis shimen tr- wiPlà-,a re-ahzý-d !rom the- Anitval Skating 1 sold l eret, hpert i % Carnival after al l bis ad been paýiî d. in____Toronto. _______ In the election of offîcers for tho - providing tliat h er qualification*-- euun year, 1Mirs. Edgar Middletenwr oc htsecuih~$k ',vas ielected Ist Vice,, Mm. Rfoy For- position. Adele stated that Phe would rester, 2nd Vice, Mm. Gorden. Simp-l-accept if she eould qualify and tha;. sosecretar.y anid M.rs. Robert Tag- if nccessary would attend ,:tmnàer ,!-art, treasurer. At the present tujeJschool this sumxner te ebtain a fr-- the oxrganizzation bas 'not been a.ble te thýer t'est in skating. fili the position o! presideut. Amnlganiation w'th the Orowe A.tà- Plans were, laid a-t the meeting for letic Association came- up for con- the eperation o!f the ýbooth and diner sideration but it was dec-ided byth at the Orono Fait Fair, to be held1 Club that they 'would continue te op-. early in SeptemJber. eate oni their o'wn, AIso diseussieO» In discussing a professionalinstruc- en7tred around an availabie grant ta~- j tor for tflic comping- yeam, it was the the elub providtng. that. erea om. unainiii-oiisdecision o! the meeting toeai Commttee was set up by the Ua- have Mrs. Adele- Myles as the pro. icipal Counicil $300,000 Wing To Bse Added To Port Hope Hospital- Baruett and Rieder, arcisitects, willî d7gr.9e new $300,000 wing for tise Výft oe Hospital. R .'SBaxter, chairman o! tise Port Hope Hospital Board o! Direc-tors, 'd ecently tisa-ttise local fins isad i been chosexu iu preference te tise -,idelyÀkiiowu isospitai architects, John B.Psarkiu Assecistes, isecause e! the~ close supervision it ceuld give thse pro jeet. Board-, in consultation with Gordon ÂA, Fresen Aseeiate-s, eali fur.abloek- runn'ling east aud west, seoth o< th.'. present west wing, with tthe main ea- trance on Princesa S treet. Banett and Rieder will uiale thu.ir" owni investigation ef thestunia. and drýýw Up their owyn plans, Mr. Baxter said; these wili thie s ubn jnitted te the 3oarê sand ior&ln A- Friesen for fur-th-er study. The over-ailiplans' must lic sent tm'- At the same titrelie anniounced the De'partmient of Health for ap- tisat tise Board had me-engs'ged Gor- proval; more detaiîed plans are thieiâw don A. Friesen A-ssociates, o-e Toron- drawvn up and tenders ealled. to, hiospitailconsultants, te ýwork wvithi the architecturai firm sund the Boardi Facifities Limited lai designing th ise nw wing Tise con-J Faciiuies ut tise Port Hope 1-lospitat- sultauts -will al1so give adinistratiîve!hv b-enfar fromi adequate for- sud planning advice during tise con- miny years. Cophial authortse* struction period. nAgsaedscie hma ey la, Plans Ready I tgit ted"-, and "filr beiow cepahý-v. Blueprints will be rcady for sub-,dads." The un wing mWîllicuase, tission te the Departmeuat of llealth bcd Capaciy t' ar 45 tu G6, hbringing- by Agustof this -year, and final tuE' nuî.hr iî t seDeart'îci , jýplans shoui be completed by the R1ealtis, standard o!f.5beda forlu- evejy yearIl'lS end, Mr. Baxter snid. By,,th)at 1,00 peple àntie mec e u yaed.ThU tirnie the Boacrd niso hopes te have e (partment onsider the port Hlopse ifînauicial carraîngemnlts for the ex- ,OSPtaiservs 1lin0 people. tenive buildng project worked eut.BauldigCmite The decison te engage Barnett and TheBoard set-up acildngcoui Ried(er was,- made at a meiet1ing9 of theritea ecn etn ç iospital Board Iast weck; on April wu! k in conjunction wiith the archi- 26 eprcse'ntatives of the local fîi csad oslansieibr rl and Johyn B. ParkiAssociates isad 7R-. L. Baxt, F. N UbsamsE.Dith- beelïterv,ýiewed boy members.Sadge, G. C. Brown, R. J. W. Seul- The new wing isas beeni theplan- theorpe, May-or IW. N. Moore, Fred. ning stge fornmore than a yeam. Ten- Murray, H. V7an Everdingen aud. tativýe scheati(s dimawnl up by the iJohn Morgan. - 's,.' 4' c;. -s,. -N "N 'N. s N N 4, 's 4, s -N Botis Mr. Scheff and M.Appleton ar'e nsrce from the Depa rtin Of EdctoCommunityPogms Býranch. Arrangements for their ap pearance in the Village was Made l