e1mrno Ter, .Kaye, West %J L am a%.0" 1a xty à M a a ." , à %e m th(, teami this year anid the girls have been out for one prectice to date. Jeek-With noitLe ames' INOR HARD)BALL Or-ono has ent ered two teamis in i thelakeshore iYinor leag-ue this year, ail picture has been! helm f'0 - e team and 1\1r. LyIll beinig the Bantamns and Pee Wees.1 ~due to the back- Lowe mac nagement. At preserlt The Bantamis are being handled by' ýnditions ofth past, four mew players are trying out for; Robbie Robinson and go into acto teamis in the pajst thie tearn from the Or-ono, Minor lea- on Tuesday, May 22nd -when Courtice ,rganizing and prac- gýue along %with other new\ faces. The hîts townvi for thuopenter at the local,ý espective schedules. teami is also end(eav-ouihg to, aug- park. This teemi will have a numiber ml of the Villaige-, ment their pitehing staff with sorne of players who have moved up thiýj Lakeshore lege ouoftn hurlers. - year f rom the Pee Wees of 195'5 and practices and are GIRL'S SOFTBALL, the tram shou-ld- corne up with sorne -.ape to open theirl The Girl's ,Softball team have a-Igooci bail during the schedule of playý Irsday, May 24th at1 gain entered the Clarke-4hrlingtorn Inl the Pee Wee division of Mvinorý ç*At this time Lind-I-leaigue with their first home gamne bail a host of new players have een -le opposýition with game being called on Friday JVMay 25t'iet1 turning up for practices on Tuesdays jr 6.15 p.mi. the local -Park, The Newtonville teamf and Fridays et the scbool Thisi team, jW inter holds the coaching w Ill make their first a-e,)anetcoached by Roy Forrester, mIli be Commencing. - - - T'HURSDAY, MAT 17f D OUBLE WUTH YOUR EVERY'OAY GROCERY PURCHASESI1 RAto PAVIy >e Ou Pick Upfilk* M Qh reg, he , dr atour fG A caI rqSter reë u-ey .so 9 ehose 'CA atOu sor ccaeqa the.r ceip1s U'P'j *Just keep 1i Pw0 uho , L reri,-Iun>>s rhe o he ala, fr ou , Q! r Bonus P 'je hat O, e xt0 fn YOur food n bpreilni dcsni in u EXTR eTCn ea the ths 'e ra Pio Vingsg fo e Vr m i r cOtd c ost c ssîn 0ha jt'eil..~~rJ V l~is le Yu of grea f . Value fo - )tor speng ~~'ith ~a" 'YATruyfouna ve)p,1 forh.FULL Diemin Eu cta, tS 0FoTHEIr Scath Durh~am ScIieduie -'Il2 - Kendal at Neast1e Newtonville at 0Corte,,'dale P. Juv. at Womo-e ey24 - Nevmeastle at l . kiv Coverdale et kna MUay 29 - P. Hi. Juv. at Cvede- Newtonvilleatena Weleone et ~ecs May '3 1 - Kendal at Juveniies Covpj-ýeraet Welcom Newcasle et Newtonvile- June 5 - Welcome at Kendl Newtonvllle at P. R. Ju,,v. Newcastl at Coverdaîr 11June 7 - Open date Jue9 - WVelcoMe aet Coverdale (29:30 et Heilton Twp. ieceway>, Ju'ne 12 -Nw aste tKendel ioedaeatNetvie Welcomne at P. H. Juv. June 14 - Pý. H. Ju'. Iet NewCastleý Newtonvjlleat Welcme- Kendail at Coverdaile Mue 19 - 'Coere at juvenIls Kendclal at INewtonvllle Newcastle a et Wvioe JuneI 21 - P. H. Juv. at Kendal Coverdale et INewcastle J unile 28 Open date uly 3 Kendal at Newcastle ~ewtnvile t CoûverdaîI( P.LH. Juv. et Wlum ijuly 5 - Ne-wcastle et P. H4. Julv. Wecm t Newtoniville- Coverdale et Kerndai July 19 - P.Hl. Juv. et ëCoverýdale- -Newtonviïlleat X endel 'Wècome, et Newcastl July 12 - KendaI at .juve-nilesý C0ýveIrdLe et Welcome-c Newýcastle at Newtonville Jly17 - YWeJ,ýiome-et Rendi NewtonviWlle H.-P JuH Newcastle ý rdale JuIy 19 edt~W~m P. H1. hiv. et NewtonvillE Ccve-i(aie "e Ncastle Juy21 - Newcastle at Kendal Coverdale etNeovie WVelcome at P. 'C". Juv, J ul1y 26 - P. P. Juiv. et Ne-wcastle- Newtgu(ivlle et Welecome LÇe.cil ~Coverdale -. ovy a t Juveiles Rmdnda t Neyn-vile Aug. 2 -P, K Juv. atKendel ik Welcomne tGvrdl Mrs. J. . Richar SIan Ms7 Page, Enailn teddtefn eral ini Toronto les:t wekof rs Pearl Paige, widlow of Mr. ýFranki, Page and deughter of tue late Free-. men and Esmerablo(Sss)Hoskin (nce Donceisteri) fr~~l fOoo Mrs. Page j srvvd v w deuhtesMrs. C. '4, P:Ano (Helen)ý of MonrelMr.T. C E. PgebothofT noi'nu d two b ,is- lard Mrs-. M!iche tano, iio finterm-ent inas je hefamly potn Dr. Bruce Gaofiitd et ithe homie of'Ms.Joh'n D Brwthe occasion eighe irh ay. were Menibe-s of hberl, da cho clansover ifty year's ago. iOr!ono, r.OlyCamn i'y mrs C. A. Cummiiiiing, Trno h unable to atn eeMiss El-e ville, Toronto, end MissEhe xe Oshea. rs.Curtis a rsne with e beautiful whitenyoe toe Congratullations to M.Gog ownof Ooow oro, uedy day.