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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1956, p. 3

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Scouts Plant 10000 Trees Iý WAEl)PAPER &».,AVE ALL LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNE7ýD IBEANS 5 NAB.1IS SREDDED) IWKEAT! BRNSWICK SARDINES CULVËRHO1JSE CHOICEI PE AS NATIONAL M"7ATuoPI HES «CY GRADE CUEB )RIDA w-C11op si DIXIE j AURE! Walkers Rrisp>- IjFEATIJRE! ý »LDainty jMallows IFEATURE! SHORTENIN( .1 asifirst V EATURE! Save 10 cent oni 1 Floor loss ~O0 fot rols o Bst Buy! - Fancy Quality GREEN GIANT NIBLET 14 oz tini 2FOR4c 20RN 3 forL 49cw oz i fo r f3 Best Buy,- 7 DE41ICIOUJS FLAVOURS 7 FOR ,3FOR 49e POWDERS49c 0 Best Buy! - .SAVE 9c. on this "Get Acquain-ted Offer"e -- fRED AND) WHITE INSTANT.. 10OFOR 49c OFE2 oz49 F Ff E Ef3 b ror 4.9vcO Best Buly!- So Economical RED and WRITEF TOILET fToSSUE5for49 3 fr 9 ODESSERT STYLE CHOICE HALVES 2e oz. tins 6j' FOR 49e PEARS 3 for D IEEP BROWVNED IBBYS BO 1ie28 B A S3o s 2 for 4e ýTREWETGRPFRI 'DL E SS Real Juicy fIorSWE RAERI It 7for49c 'q44IUICE Ê% 4 f VALENCIA doz 59e o ZNSound and Dry II lOb 49C~ IZED JUMBO SIZE WHOLE ons each $1,2 -Fresh, Thin 2 rIgs 49C 2pkgs 49c O Aylmer Choice CREAM STYLE OORN 4for SPRING CLOTHES 15 otun packrages of 36 2for 49ec Campbellý's CONDENSED TOMATO 10 oz. tïlns SOU P 4 for 49c Calverhouse CHOICE GREEN GAGE 20 ounce tins PLUMS 4for49 QUAKER n AT9q" 0 2 lbs49e gEvape.nsted RED and WRIMTE pt. 49c MILK 5lb bag 49)C Tall Tins 4 for49c BRADEDBEEF BONELESS Steak or É jRound RQast lb 67c S FTSFULLY COOKED Skinless, Short> Shanik, !/ý, or whole Premium Ham 69c I FRESIJLY GROUND LA Ideal for Hamburgers iMinced Beef 29c I FTS PRE-MIUM NEW AND DIFFEREN1T C'heese Franks 45cap *Inologrna Y TITE PIECE During Outing In Ganaraska The nnul tre pau ad fr- tionist badges. In this mosýý iniportanf, est conservation weekend w\as held, pectü of educatizng aaint at the, Ganaras;ka Forest r-ecenitly-. BOY Scout MUvemîent ý i now playing 350 BOY Scouts from eerbrog1 eaig at Belleville, Brighton, -Trentonpart, Hope and Cobour'g assembled for th Th' e everling wasevoted to canrp big weekençl effort on Friday, Ma fire wich conservation sjidýes. On Suri_ 4thday t'he Scouts ttnded c hurch ser- After a very chilly nig-ht th2e vices, antd cvamp iýtsbanded, Scouts thawed out by a three ile! wjalk to t1le pIanting area. There . For eight years now Te oy ScoUtej they planted 10,f00 white and red rom this, ara have been planIlting pine, on siub-miargina1 land in the trees in the Gnrak Forest, aud, GanrakaFrest, wvhich is ia-naged nanY of the sturdyý youing pin)egr- by the- Departmient of Lands an~d îng on foirer w'asteý land are ai tri- Forests. f bute to their enthisiasmr and f* 'IOn the return trip th,-ey were di- piedge.: vided into groups and Foresters from I Lindsayý District taught them the "I give my- pledge as a CainadîaII- knowIedge and understbanding they to save and faithýfflly dfend roeir need to qualify for the Forest Con- iwaste the natmural ysou,,-,fn~ servationists iBadgeý. On returrný t, cOultrY - itss3ou-and mirerais, i camp they were given a, written testfot, waters and wvjfidlýIe and those who passed this, test ýwill be be to wear this badge. [y Cong7ratullatio ns. to Dr. . BeaU2y> Four lie,,badges have, recently1 District Commilssione, -and Mrt been istituted 13y the Hlonourable llvena, District Scout Master, and, Vincent Masse-y, Chief Scout nnd Gov- the ScoutL Masters from differeruý ernor General. These are Forest, townsý, whose grýeat- effortmdeti s Soul, Water and Wildife Coserva- fieldIc day pos,,sible._ Children Outstandling Artists O I (Continued from page 1) j wi th the Charlesto-n when Marjorie Iand Connie Tyrreli, Marilyri Colible- dick, Heather Rutherford, Mary ~Found and Mary Lynn Bailey cap- Oably executed the danice step of the Ilgay twenlties. The young tots of the IVillage, mostly preschool children. were real troopers in their appear- ances on the stage. fMiss Valerie Mercer mnade berý j fdehut as a dancing star of the school I in ber solo presenta-tion of the grace- Ifui art of ballet. An outstanding igroup of perforners. throughout the jshow were Misses Marjorie and' Con- 4 nie Trrell, Heather Rutherford, Mary I Jane Found and Marilyn Cobbledick oIwho in a numnber of appearances S jshowed exceptional tim-ing and tech- i lnique. ~Miss MHarjorie Tyrreli in a stirrinïig l 1 unting ballet solo as well as Miss SDonlna Mc--lloy in a Scottish bigla- e lani number both showed clan b - Ijdance of exceptional talent and NweLre wvel received bY the audienle. ~ jDoglas Lycett, a top performler in, I jthe field of tap, displayevcd ottrd ij Ig bility in hîs solo, nuniher to the à tune of the Happy Whistler. Another S top specialist, ar student of the school and a, resident of the Villag'e I was Mliss Bernliece Lunn. I The ability of thecilennnl O te umbrswas for the m jpt I jastoundCinlg to t-he audience anld pro- Ia vied Iml enitertaiing program11. fjFollowîng the Saturdaiy evening- show0ý, Mrs. Rogrson dane instr-uct- i IlIor of thIe Oronio Dancinig School, was f presenited witb a offoes f jby ber neice. f~~eiiïmes L~~~E~lORONO F or lb. -N For Exp ert Fur Protection STORE YOUR FURS IN g Cold Stzc rage Vaults f3 CaHi H.C.Benson l qJPark Street Orono 11910 oREPAIRS - RE-STYLING - CLEANE 's N N N N N N N N N N 4 N s N ~ Il! ock hicken Loal 69eÊ- 04ir (Irnfîùirlrr f ntr0 Cornish's RodA& Orono, Ontarlo . .. shcouId prompt you to cali upon us in tîme of sorrow. We stress simple beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. RARTLEY Re FUJNERATJ1 20Ooz N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 's N N N 1~ î

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