11nomiuy Values O.H WE E KL Y1 REPORT 5ketball Gaies An..d Phys. Ed. SkiIIs May 23 - Part 0f Cadet Inspection An-d Atbletic Nigbt Il 9 oz jars 35e Ceýhicken- ' "$1,4t sing - FAýNCY RED Jarz 43 c )ckeye Salmon ' lb 43C ,E LEAF COOKED ar Shape Ham I ' lb $.1.39 12 oz Tin S%%ervietts 39ANDS ttes DO 33c ALS cz 33c POW-DER SKIM iML NEW INSTANT NUMILK lb tin 29c CAIRNATION Evaporated Milk 2 tal1 ins 25c 33c 2pkgs of 2 seventy 24r carton of 2 hundred $.Y SALMON FLEStiT Good size 15's Cantaloupe MURSTING WITHI JUICE Florida Oranges IDEAL FOR SALADS Red and ipe T omatoes APPEFRDFOOD SAVER Waxed d Paper 100 ee 1< PILLSBURY Choceolate Fudge or White 17 oz. Pkg. Cake Mix 31c. CHEER DE 34ïc 1 DEAL~65e ISPECIAL OFFER! FREE DISPENSER DEAL JERGENS LOTION Ige bottie 65c 176's 25C doz 39c cello tube I19c NOW IS THIE TIME TO PRESERVE -CUBAN - Pin eapples size 12%s each 25c NEW CROP - SOLID GREEN HJEADS Cabbagve PICNIC STYLE lb 39e IGA TABLERITE, CONMBINATON OFFER 1 lb TableritLe Sausage 1 lb Tablerite Franks Side Bacon $1 lb 83 t lb 61C lb 29c INUTE. EET pound Clark's Assorted à c Meat Spreads 2 for BRUNSWICK Sardines 3 ins1 DONALD DUCK Orange Juice 48 oz IGA PREPARED Mlustard 16 oz jar IGA Peanut Butter 16 ounc( IGA STUFFED MiANZA-iNILLA Olives 8 oz jar Margarine ZEN FOO-DS 7c~ oz. jars 29C 37c 17c ce jar 43c ilb 35e Julc 2-02 tns-41 Il per What would eýntéetainment be with- out sports and ath-ietics? To dism-iss, this question, you wiii find, on May 23at the OronoG Fair G'rounds, that a-th1etic enter;tziinmient is also on the programme for th.- Cadet Inspection. PhysicalEdctn dispiays firsti byv thfe boys and te the girls will ha followed by vtwvo biaskaball games. A boy-s' team an:d a girls' team- fromi BowanvlleHig h $chooi wiil be matchied agajinst ' ns fromn O.H.S. Cheeleaersfrom both schools wili intrioducýe the gtam pes and provîde ex- tila colour for a game al aready full of exciltegent. If you 'sports fans would like to share on thle aculaimi offered to a basketball player and his team, just cone prepared to cheer for O.II.S. Use 0f Agricmliture ime- stone Increases Since 1954 Ol rono Band, 0115 RifiSquad~ T0 Be Featured cadet Night By Patsy Foster Music by 0the Orono Band wNill ie ad: the Drum Majorettesý and Air CadGetS. d1iiing tihe Cadlet Inspection next~ Wiedniesday evening it the Orono, Fair Gons The students greaý,tiy appreciate the assistance of the Ranch which the-y realize wlill be an aittrac- tion not oniy on the marýich but alsoi during the inspection. Also featured on the Programme w\ill be a Rifle Squad, consisting of' about fifteen, trained boys of the Fiight, giving a dem-onstration of their skiii in rifle handling.* The ,sqund, Linder the command of Cor- poral R. PortEer, -will include the foI- low.ing Cadlets: Xeith Adamis, Erie Carleton, Alan Groen, Da n Hall,, MasalKeast, Peter Loucks, Doný Meehan, -Al1beýrt mitchell, Miltons Rcain ey,, J ohn ianvblyn, 1Bi1l Vaniblyn, While the movement of agricultural"Bili Toinilinsoyi and Boyd Wood. iiestone under th-e subvention as- beTisdemonistration would proba'bly sistace poicy or Onarlo urin of interest to al Veterans of Or- sono who are therefoeOntarted to atj the past, year sho-ws anin icrýease of nd.h r hrfr< nie oa- more than 3,000 tons from the *p>pre-i ted VIOUS year, endîng April lat, it is more than.1,0 tons below the peaki yeaxr of Di53, whien total tonnage der that ground limestone m-ay lie mioved under the poiicy amnounted to made available to farmers at i'eason- 51,941 tons, accordinig to the Field1 able cost. It is a co-operative pro- Crops Branch, Onitario Departmient o ct betweein the railway companies,. Agriculture. Moeetb trc the Canada and Ontario Departments showed an increase oiver the peiu of Ag-riculture. Ground limestone pur- year- of sonme 7,000 tons to, total 26,- chased under the policy must con.- 115 tons. Less than one haîf this f1ormi with cýertain cheiiical and phy- amount, or 14,4U4 tons were trans- sical analysis and is subject to officiai portedt> ri. ,, sanpliiig and testing from timne te, tim e. The county of Kent continuedc4 to 1 Pumers can determine if their soil Ile3ad ail otherfi in both number of carsI needs lime, for the particuijar crops. and total tonnage moved, w-vith 431 'they ,-wish te grow, if they submit. carloads, and about 2,5100 tons moved soil samiles to theix nearest soi! by tuck Othier counities in or-der of testing iaboratory. Further informa- total tonnage were Welland, Mâiddle-1tion mýay be obtained frorn County fsex, Lincoîný, Elgini and Wentworth. artnd District Agricultural Representa- Farmeirs in Parry Sound D)ist ict tivýes or d-irect from Field Cropaý used 39 carloads, Sudbury 26MuBah, Ontario, Departmnent of Ag- koka 18, Essex 15 and North SinIco iculure Toronlto, whlose officais. 10. re rspjonsilel' or adjinistration of The policy is made available iin or- thle policy. "y, : YON 'ùS AR - L 0 PITi E Thuray an ry, BterGrenngat Dhow A A1-hnticolor Poram of Cole nieydDrm DUlEBND DULHNEi ~ "UELI IALF A ifu gWith Red Skeéltoni 1 [J Wth Dana -Andrews and Jean Por-ter aand Jeanne Crain ALWMAYS A CATOO 1J g AFTER 'SUNDAY MID-NITE SHOW g "The Thing from -nte erd On thie L e g omiingp -- Ne-xt Monday to Wednesday "The Lonýg, Long Traler' AnIdealHlia Showý, for Youing and Old WVithI Lucille ilH and Desi Ar-naz Je Ware eler "The one Rnger * WEINEXDA S InE EchAicoLr D)ONNA REED OR W. lb Tabl< Pork T ibs LEAN M înced Re eo 0<=O<Z=O 0 1 0=0