ýMS9 ORONO WEL TMSTHURJISDAY, MAY 1711-i>1956. Suiwnay guess %thM. andMr RO'YA'L TflEAT E H. E. Milison and Ellen mwe: Mr:.oa Nw jUiandsM1rs.*Leroy Brown and fam.nily, TITIS TIIU1~S. FR1. SATURD OLindsay, Miss arion Brown, 0Osh- M.anMs.DalGoe pt THISandR, ICont. 630)AYG awa. Mr. and àMis. J. T. Brown aHd e a ysewn N e YrlCity. (7 and 51 à)flO farni.30)Ne-wcastle, Mr. and Mr's. E 13 ~ Ueett Bown and daughter and Mr. andi Memisr of teOooFire% Brigadej 14 FO R EVI JER FlJAR 8-l1NCi jMrs. J. 1LA Brown, Orono. attenlded a (1dcrnorsz(b U %-as sh1owýn îitnaffect ofdifeen (Technicolor), îlMr and Mlrs.Nei Woou, Gail and types of wate licays and their cet a ~LUCILLE BALL DEAI ALUNLL H Sndra, Lakefield, spent Sullday ith feco.frwspu nb h o VAlso -"ovend Magic', (Tech) "e edtoe'(Color cartoon) oFMi. and Mrs. Chas. Cod.lbourg Pie Deboptment SLJNDAY MID-NITIE ONLY ý'(MAY 20) - Dorolthy Dulop -iitetii-ed a in- OCZZ ~O~ ~O~~.-* bel- of fherfriicU alatSaturday af- NEWAND G~AT o' trnoon. The occaanbeing her sen- MICKEY ROONýEVI G cg, enth birthday. b-CT'_ - f$.otIMru. RaeW stDac isene avRaeî 5 w, ., spent Sunday mlth i.eaiMs Mip. -M. J. Tarob5lyn is tedn Y Zé A muDoniion oni of TheWoas 'y t Association of- the United Cuc of 3t~~", %. jCa sd, wekTonve in laEin- j Mckê RONEYDuId A~>terMr. anis. Lloyd Dun.lop and DianiFSIE... __soi______ I I lsurance taiyofVcoiarbour, visited [J ext(7 and to.10) i~s Special You can't protect yoursXlf Dundal wtoMpan is eog A. oU eetu dyî Maie agaiust uhazrs. . . bu Recenit visitors with Mis. F. Brni- 1'ecb. "MON., MY 21 2 pm. [3 against cornplete tulp (Adult) "alOO Te\i. and Mrs. Gordon Leamben,. Paul Te Cinermascope IV... yTli INIF. PORTIR nd Judy spent Suinday wîth Mr. andi WILLIAM IIO»EN Ouf isi.P.156Mvs. 'W. J. Leamuen and Mis. L KIM NOVAK4$Aite- ROSAL11ND1 RUSSELL ROY ROGERS O e ', Res 1252Wit. OAduts 60c. Student 45c. an1d DALE EVANS thIMi.aid Mis. Henry Leamien and Cide 5 P-lus CDlor Cartoons o01 Mis. Devine of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. andi Mis. W. J. We seil Graber extension Traiverse Rodls pull cord everythiug complete. Sizes to fit every window 84" - 150" price $5.95 66", - 120" price .............. $4.95 4S" - 86" price.......... --.. .$3.50 28" - 4859 price....... .......$ 2.25 Floor Coveri nnli 2 yards wide ...........$3.95-$4.95 4 yard ,w-dth price ...... $4.95 Congo 3 yard width price....$2.75 Congo 2 yard widlth pricee...$1.85 Congo Deluxe 2 yd width price $1.25-$1.75 iRuogs in Ai sizes C'otton Dresses in Rroadeloth, Glazed( cotton, Dani River Wrinkle shed, cot- ton Viscose, rayon and sheers. -Sizes 9-221,1111 Priced $6.95-$1)5 Prinit Dresses on table, go quality prits reg$495 and $5.95 for........ ......... ....... .$4.19 C1hildren's Cotton Jerseys, different styles to choose froin. Price..........95ce-$2.00 Girls Dresses ini nylon,broadeloth, voile, Prieed at ..............$,5-$8.95 Cotton Skiffs in printed cottons, broadcloth, 41f- ferent styles Size 12-18. Price .... $4.95 -- $9.50 Genuine Kedettes washable Casuials hy Doqminion rubber. Colors red, black-, white with Emb. trini K Pricýed at ..............$3.25-$4.45 Evenigs 9Store Opien Friday&Saud A AfilDay Wçtdnesday Mna Open Ail Day Armstrng Ce. LIMITED- Between Orono and 'Newcastle on Ilighway No. 35 Vigor Standard Gasoline 3S9, c per gal - tax inc Vigor Hiigh Test 41'~c per gallon - tax inicluded STOVEOL-o your couvenience in smcall qutantities avaliahie athe Station OpenEenig and Sunldays M~. and Mi. Je ix McAho ad family GaitMr. mdMqis. ow 'Mansters, BowmnanviIlle, isited on SundaÀ:y wih i. and MiS Floyd uNich ,i A n and arly Cone and bring youîienci to the! Sae Anibtrnoo(n Tea this Satur-1 seu bythe Girl Guides. Mis.C. . Crnringand grandson, BobbyCummng, Tront,41Sentthe I Mi. anjd Mis: Keith West hav taken up residence in the apartmnents ov;er Rolph's Hardwar-e Tuina to pages six and seven for further local news. Mi. and NIrs. George 'West and Sheila visited with Mr. aniMirs. A. E. West and attenided the 'wedding of Keith West to Miss Marie Armi- tage. MY. and Mrs, R. Aimstrong of M'orîisbou-rg, visiteci with relatives in Orono O\ er the Nweek-end. Ladies S.ftball Sche -Me 1May 25 - Neccastle at Courtic.e NewvtonilliIe at Orono May 28- Newcastle uti Newtonville May )0 . Orono at Newýcastle June 1- CouYitie at Orono Julie 4 - o ieat Newtonville Z I iie 6- New,-tonviIle a', Newca--stleo- Juniie 8 - Oonio it Court-ice June il .-OroniotNwonil June 13 - Co)uitice at Newcwastle J une 1,5 Newcastle at Orono Newtonville tC)i.tc Junie 18 -Couýitice at Newvtonville Jime 20 - rono at Newcastle Juno 2 - NeWo castl!e at CouIrtice Newonviieat 0Orono Jane 2 _5 -Oronio at lNewtonivile June 2 - Couilice at Newýcastle Ji-ily 3- Orono at, Couietice July 4-1 Netov lleatNewcvtastle JUly v G CouI-tice at Orýono JuIy 9- Newcastle nt Newtonville juLiy 13v N. catleat Oronto Newvtonville at Couitice Gesscheduled for. 7:00 oý,cock Newcastle HOIStein Bullau In Shipment To FMexico > A Hloîstein bull ownied by James T. Brownvu of Newcastle is one of five high-oclass bulîs whih have been pur- chased i i Ota by D. Ruben Fera- andez, Mecxican Liýe Stock Comi-mis- sýioner. These bulis hiave beenugh for anitifa breedfiing Lunt oper- ateci at Me,-xicali hy the goveriiment of. Mexico for the im-provement Of cattie in that aiea. Tl'he bulfl goinig to Mexico from the Bîown hlerd is a son of the Very Goomi ie, Pabst Walke-r Ollie, who rec!eiveci honorable mention as A-1~ Canadijan senior yearling in l155e Its dmis an hoer IUst producer with thîrce reýorJs ds aove 850 pouamds of faIt ancI a heven lactation tiee-a-day milingrecrdof 117,(j22 pounds of m-ilký anci 5379 pounds of fat. Shle Was rseie grad caminat Pete- borug aciis qlassified V ýeî,y Good. UNiTED C!IJRCH OronoPsra Charge s Revereird John KitI.e SudySch!ool at 9:45 Service at il Picche: Rv.A. G. Sýott, ]3A MiiseiofSt. Anidrewvs Presbyter- inQhuîch, Bowmaville Ail are invited. >111 REPAIREDandCLAE Geni a Sod~gn Repairs Our etomple-:te service guarantees drîving pleasure CARVETIH MOT Phone I3251 New year round OGRS castie, OntarÏ Nylons, Ladies' full fashionied, suibstandard, We hiave been fortunate in obtaining a l1imited quantity of these hose. We feel Our cu-ýstomiers Ï will appreciate the value of these 66 gauge, 1.5 denier, Collors lighit beige, sizes 9 to Il. Pair 5-D9e. Taleum Pow-der,gin 8 ounce tinis, Appile Blossom Bouquiet Talcum for................9c horts, Ladies Drill, snorzdsdezppr Sor- [ ted colors, sizes 12 to 20. Pair for ........$1, Raincoats, Ladies' Plastic, attached hood anid b colors, clear or blue; sizes smnalld, large$18 Shortie PyTjamas1, Ladies cotton plisse, assorted, floral designis. Sizes smrall, med or lar-ge ... $1,98 Hats, Mens Gabardine, fawni shadle, stitchied brimi. Price elach....... .............. $s1.98 Ha-,ts, Mens finie str-aw for dress wear.....79c, Slips, Girls cotton emibroidlery and lace eyelet shoulder strap, white onily. Size 8 to 12 . 10 Burns Hamburger Patties, 12 oz. tin. Reg, 45 fori', Snap, H1ousehold Cleaner, king size tins. 2 for. _25c, Cambel'sBeef NoodIle Sup, rlegularii tin"s ... 1 iDo)g Foodls, Society, Pard or Gainies. 3 tinis fori- 5 Shirif'sFruit Pudding, 12 oz tin-s.....29C _Marmalade Sre lne rneand G rape"fru.itL. Large 241 oZ. bottles. ..... e Wethey's Apple Pie Filn '20 oz. is ... C 5 Wehys Cherry Pie' Fillin.g, 20)oz. ftins.... Grapefruit JuicTreswee , o. in.2 fori, 5 OROMO5c~,T $1.O STOR Open Friday ond Sa Cda venings for you-jr converience ORONO TINSHOP Plumbing Fioxtures Accessories and Repairs Warm Air Heating and B-H Paint and Varnishes, etc.t R.E. LOGn.AN, Pro p. '-'o o N o-'- N -o o- o- 'o- -o-o o.- o-,' -'o o-o -o- o-, o-' -o * -o o-o 'N o- o--, -o, --o o-o o-o o-' o,, -o -"o --o -o -o- o-' o-o, --o 1;-o -o, -o-o. -o, -o, -o' o-o, -o-' -o o--o -'o, -o-' --o --o '--o -o' 'N o-o -o- o-o- -o, -N 'o -N 'N N 'N 'o -o' 'o- 'N -i -'-o -o, o'- 'N 'N -o N -o, o-o o' -'N 'N -o. -o, ~00 VIGOR 011 - .,*.,~e..,.t..ef -