ORONO WEEKLY TI i>epôiïDrt From Pacr1iamrcnt H1lil th1is one. The dcso was tha t the federuli goverameont f oit the project By John, M. James of sfliien ugency to warrant use fpatOf the ampoun1t set aside for the loitherjn section as acsortterni itigon theis-îdribnes as you ve lu oensule the constructfion 0fr the i~ oybedfict to reuizetat the prair.ie setion thisyer Up to ý$80 :gratestpolitic abttie of theue nillion will be laned to Trans Can- tury end one wbich ima- aep a da fteu s r tey have spenut remaining .ahngeffpc±ts is in itsplmn 8Ohin itlr-ir treas-ury if theyý carystags aiOttaa. wi-L urantee that the iine will be hui'it to Winnipeg iihis year. If thei( The Gas I>pe Line more- is not returned by AturilLI, 1957 he goernm n ay taike over Prommy ositon s a upprter ersof Trans Cnd as a fore- -,c the Lý2 ialpurtY, i find itîoW t u eof the nmortguge. The inter- imýpossible to write this ,week's ol- s~akya tcnb band h mmwithouit coniderabie bias. But,j 1 shah litry to pre(sen1t the pctreasi Mn uetosObvious have been 1readiPg the daily paprs, CestaiiJit is an uusual proposai or men ti ounwiiraiethat in ewàh i any questions appear asî it cïcrsthe otovrilnaua bvo ý ow urgent is the demnaind -'as pi p n oiAîbertai to Quebec. ? ga ý e areu informned, and this Pa b.~ cnfrmdby PeirFrost The Northern Sectiomi ofOtaio Ntutthe provinceneeds àit est rate wvill be 51- Afte seeralyeas e negtiaingsanie applies to Manitoba and uintil wih ntî'std aris, te ovra-'w rs s ut to uein Abrtit d ~~~is bein(g w\asted w ýithout an), chance muent epaliier thiý:Ssession b ugtin o ciiming this great national re- Sresolution to budsthe unecoq0on,-si ýý iadtofrhrdvlp section of thf e lo romthe(a, ob ore.l ddtofutidvlp bodrto Kpuska-siag in N(zothern dem.nud xioaifor new fields Ontario. T~Ontario 1gsaueun 5bighaprdutl akt r obtaine. Once themrks have been ~aim u r-, approed the proviniaH otane in eastera Canda there laS prticipatfion in this veaure up toa S&vereasn tobelieve ttouthnerewIi total of $35 illions. Tti0ost ws btrel ativjity also la Saskatchewan to haveben about $1 il'ions. The > eu1ýîh for- more gsado reaýson for thisimove ,vas to assist Jlu fields boisteing the present and future ec- ~onomiy of n ior bihera ntarl-o by po-j Available To Ca'ýnadians t iding powercosidre essential. Otherwie, toplunewould have prol h rgmn botAeicncp 'cweeded at cnieai less expense ital ultso. rears its head, because in1 stbrougb United States an d bak3 nt its present se tup, Trans Canada is Cndato it the Toronto und wetuoatrolled b.; Uniteud States gas coin-t 'erai Ontarin:j area;. Icdnal hspunies. Hou v, once the projeet ist wuoney aaaied y fedian d prov-amured osier51', of the commnoni incial gvwam u , to be rpuid nhuesof, the, compjany w-,ill be avail-1 'Over a 20a yeur. period. able to Canadians. In addition, it niow1 j jesiiely that the ýgireemeunt will a~o nclde stipulation that at ail F.P.C. Decision times, thee must be a Canadian Pres. ident and that tlhe imajorîity of the Lateilwas found UtatTrans Can.. o ul0fDiecor iwll be Canadiants. l'a ipieline stili could not obtain crut,the biggest reaon WhyAmn aieqat fnacig o even be 4gin the. cana ar-e hinvolved is that they are ahe, priiepart of te projeva 'Ight Peopde who gamlbledtheir money la hinoney both here and la the Uited Aiberta la developing the gas fields.1 States wue part of ther. The Trns ana au oroinution Of com- .osher was bmeaue înnediate fin an-pnies who cave been hi the gas pic- cia ucuens rf the project depended ture la the west mad in thc U-8. foi üo approva by the IL.S. F'ederaI maaiy yenrs. Thy ave the know how Powe Comisionof an import into and tie confidence of the Aibercta ibe U.S.A. of somie 20U milion cublc goveraiment whno control export Of gas ,eet of gas ut Emeiýrsoni in _Manitýoba. outside the p)rovnÀ1ce. ODrpposn;-g compaies habve been stag- Prypsun îhog an ai ýl-out fighitto f0hat granting PryPoiin qzf t7W approval.j Thi, of course, is a m--erýe Sketch, but, undoubtedly, it is ne Ofthe CaSU Specia aucus moSt impotant Cunadian projeets ththa been launchied since the Thatb1efy binaUSUptomt uidngofte C.P.R underSir John Tueduywhe a pe(cini caucuis Of teMcdnl.The fedieral onservaive Libras ws ale nd theQfinal de are against it because -it inv-,olves an cissn oftis cabnetwas nnoncedAmeXcancontrol eljeent, withevn tou.It sbouid bu_- mentioned that tuai profits on o usdrs rm e Doin history hu-asny one suZbjec2t *1er Frot adPoica osra brougou on nmrecainet sessions than tives areio' t h CFwn tt bea pubi oned u[tility-. Thei Soc- beSsred McLAREN)S v FUEL OIL i Quick-igiïting, high in ha. *2 Clean burning ... helps prevent burner toubles. * Automnatically delivered with personcil *3 attention to your needs. Catiusnwe raefr wntrscmot Orn n.Phone ï 4d8I 1 T. M. Reg. lui~~~' Crdier oalng vith the gov erament. Deadline Jane 7 Bigget atch iathe flodKein is thAtthe legisitin must be passed "Y June 7 or the agreement whilthtie Trans Canada peopie can be declared vi by them. Tlis wouid enable theni tu start work by july 1 ila a mddntsh to comýplete thieir part of 'y ~ ~ ~ ~ i efieosapeylaOttnwa as thZoverament mnakes every effort to have the leggislation appr-oving the, !oan passed aint the, opposing,_ for-ces utmost to prevenit us from, cieinlt b the June 7 deadline.1 Not Ideal situation Cetilthe sta i s not ani deai~neforunyparty, but, at tseý momuent, since P(rieir Frost's inter-1 vnion i declnaring his approval and ut the sai te discounting the fed- -rai Tory Maimstat Canadianý groups sh-ouiti have been given more oppor- Ment appears to be la a favoret po-i sition. if possible, the federal gov-i er11nment wunts the pi ne to bei bilt and opernted by private enter- ar.ise eenthough Îi-t y have an; umriancar-acter at -the moment. 1 After ail, both thse pr-ovincýes and tsel federal authoriîties ýhave comnplete, 'ontrol of a'ny export of gaýs fromi the contry May Appiy Closure t lookLs now as though a r'arely- used nstrmentof Ipnrliamieutary ooedue my be brught into the picure to finish the debate in the whot periodbefre June 7. ht is Mlîl- ed closure and ia used la tise Uaitedi Kingdoni often.l, 1,effect, it takes Mmre days Ao complete On each stage o)f thelesîto fromn res'olutioni to thlird reradixng, On Thu-rsday, we hadý fuvotes on technical Obstructions to prevent tise legisiation from_ even beig iscus.,sed in the resolution stage If thiscius throughout, there isi littie doubit thut thse governaiienit %ill all)ow whvat it feels is adequate timre] frdiscussion an-,jd tissabring lan the closure 'stpobin about a decis- ion. t is goinlg to be an 1,1 out fight, bu"t the governinenit appears dîeter- mined with its supporters united be- Sia d t to once and for, ait show,, the public that it considera this project ~f uficentimorance to risk its utr by hvigthe pipehe patolat thse ,Orlst Possible ssomnt. orenex-,t week. Miss ýMary Bowen, and Mrs. Ho>ward Bow,ýen attsnidsd Mr. Bert Bowen's funerai and rea ve ith Mrs. Fred Bowen for tise weekenid. Mr. .Densp)ent a fewýý daysý STAPLES - Doniald and Jeannei4 Stapfles are happy to announce theý arrivai of a baby boy, Paul Doniald, in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on1 Mondayi, IMay 14th, 1956. A brother for Sally. ()asc of tise oldest residents of No 9SIsool Secýtion la Clarke Township, passei awy TuedayMay 8thla tise pesnof AIlber't Wesley (Bert) Bow-"en, lovsd b r<ther of MUrs. Alden Gibson and the late Fred W. and HourdN. BO,,\sa. He \was ha his sev'enty,-eighth yurand hdspenit ail bis life on the farm %where he was bora ugut 0th, 1878. Berl, hati a serlous ilînessa some yearýs ugo from wich:! he neyer gain- ed back bhis strenigth. H1e was a g-ood fane whowusfond of bis home and work and veryeldo,; left theý farn1. Thse funer-al was held fr >om Norths- cut und Smilth's FnrlHome, on Tisursday, May lOth with fniends prceent from,,.Niagara Fîs Toronto, hity, sha aNewýcastle,, Oro.no, LItie Britain and Bown-anville. Tbe service was conducted by thse -e.M. C. Fisher, Newcastle United Clurch qantihe waýs laid to rest in the famýnily plot î Bo-wnanville Ceiaetery.. ___________________________ e ýVigor 011oui Ltd. Stove O10 cents per gai. Fuel OïlI6~ cents Per ga. For Delivery Phone ORONO 1537î or OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 - - - - - - - - - --- oung Mon with ca Plan Che of these dans, Fred's going to take ovu ouf ie r. AManwhile, lhes plannin,7 st~~~~~~ d inanwoinhad... learin tum o1nSsthe teb. ucsm serices he chatered anloraebult upfr~ an aementand wachr. ("t THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITTý Watch For The Arrivai 0f "DEAR RUTH" With brser Mrs, Austin mi Týr'- Onto. Mr.F. Bow- Building A Ilouse? 411 ner11e Mr. antiMI-, în.Davidson 4nmr and Mri- s. Trafford from Whitby.g or remodeling your Prewn~t oDe Sýometimp-e dnigtise weeker.,,iArm O Contact stogsDry, Goods Stors ýwas brokeru iitob '~hipes who Iooted the en- lyd Nch lo tir soekofnylon -ihosiery, as oy -hosl c ilidren,'s socks ani a mnan's jacket. P oeiOl ru Congratulthiions f0 Lucilie and Bernard Lynchs of i bodbridge, fonimi Fouindations and septic Tauh-s U snly of Orono, who surceeded inol~ taîning several prizes at the York 1Il poured. Forms available. Mugie Fstva ,eld at Woodbriýdge, on Saturday, 'Mly t2th.