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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1956, p. 7

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Godol. Maradtine$ 07lib crktclTa C izononcu e CLross Accident North 0("f K" bGoron MrtieU ad Rnn. $90.;T were Mrs. Roacb of-Ptroruh Ma". Lorne Martineil and Betty-,Mi Re rssCmdga o prsoepI s endlCIs Onl e Tci H EsP Iia En amrolPr oe 1955 195 _________________________ Mis. Ken Adam-s of Oronio isited with Mr. and _Ms. CaeneTherteil h-n Ms .MiîoMrs. 'V. Rbn o vrb 3,0$15 Eight people choated death ina open Wo get Budd and bis fVe passen- oid ±amily on Tuesday.ý Total C0lletions O7160 son, MlsnC.GyMr. A. Hoy -r-So twVo-car colision, 0n1g1 a 15gesont. The LeRZoy vehicle remiained Forwarded to lied Grass Cemï Mgn M Nfis. T. Lew7.s,0 1e nort ofKiry onSatrda nigt. up ihtad (camle to a stop on 'the Ran.dolph LeR.o,,o f aeside of the road. Mr. and iM. Roacb and family of ,cZqatr........500 .Lcet i.Wn rd, iS. '4 to1 101,4 5 79.8 ,7 Bowmanvile, aecompanied by hisFurdnitrglass and pieces of Bolton and. Mr. and Dirs. E. Couroux Fraddt oa rnio e ,~.O lmiMs i fouryearold son, Was traývellin-g twisd nm+5alwele strecwnf'fo-severa l adfamily .'isied their parentse v Cos.......... 140 .8&Tenn'l cntM .WdMis. . at saoith puling ýýa two..held .rirfeet d i te shoul'der of the high- and lMrs. Wn.Mercer -onlSuinday. C"apin MIbnaei, Mýary RthrSon1, Mrs. I. Barloiv, snG Ctte, aakdîee 550 13.35 loaded with household furniture wheWiV ford. .E aîe.~L.H ae IAtoh26.65 21 M 0 they collided with a inorth.bIound Both aitos were complletely wrecked TeMtesDay Cseaigvice6try, uthAle.1 llded, Mis.Shaw, Mrs. pearci, cf 50 ýCor-ham road, Toronto. modal owed by the Herz RenidCo. Kna ntdCuc ~roM'.J1s u.Bon udwateaeatteBma-owih on4y 1,700miles on the speed- 1.eue pleasîngy rendered by te choIr We wouldOaethus oprunt oM oq on .Lancaste jr.,M-Strx 57 5 1-2. 0 -ville Memnorial Hospital. tice was re- onmeter. wth Mrts. Wrn-. Jackso. ttera nktefllwn avasr: Bliot, Mrs. H. Lycett. lli î7.0 IMs. G. Cathlei-t gave 'the story U'n.ýérAA tcm , W i portedi in seýriouis condition. adSonl fte BZsoniledtalc- iîy an a nw boshe a mve ,, npiHeiJaC Br è, lSsCeA. Stapleon, M a L. lA n- The Budd vehlicie rolled over hd drchKldzf theis.manéeîdinth-nlyand a evC.hoiih-i51.00d i41.00 Lan4ed with its foui, wheels in the air. i ment of the OPP ivstigated the 5c-linto.On of the childien remnaiked-iligs, Mis. A. Wallace, Mrs. K. Bail,1. Wmi. Wan1aan,' The Ieft front door had to be forced cidntOn tee s rjrorMs. E. Du)vaîl, M1r. A. Per.rin, Mr Leskard oo 41.50 cdn.1t hrewas ol) oeveryone__________________H aserMsV.opigrsJ ______________________________________________________ i the famuily but God, buit bis parentsMLas1.0 5O vre rinded h m that G od occuPied A hi il on E . ai ny . a v e.. 12 5 1 05 0 R te ooi. 1e. . .Pie reced borougb visited ber uncle Mi.---i-ton ~L~~.5LALA pe sermon around the story of God ,oi nan-r.Roisnons-.- icha dson t~or son ..~ omeof Moses. The baby son da. CNTED) WOODOk.110 110 ofIr and Mrs. Zeaiand as IPt Sandar s o lun nduad a n Mrs. Donald Lo rnso, and Mis. o n Edward. W e welco mle M . a nid M rs. Dei k1 % rg r.nt o swood is exportd E-erp-se ... ... .. 9 0 1 0.0ta gons3 fpped te setting for tbe mar- 1 G Bnllas *dand famnily ta Kendal wbo bave _taken foiBrazîl, where it -ornies f iorti Clarke Uno... ...20 0 23ý00ù 'iandardlof muJsand sapdNr- are ak lo4ngh01Hles fPtrthe bouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. a native tree knowaýV as the DWa215l-9 of Mr. and Mrus JmiesH Lrnson, gowns of orchid paniag4are witb Minlc ad ous on Rcbrdon mtcinghaddresses, they carried I_____________________________________ son of Mr. and Mrs. Geor-ge Richar7d-.csaebuut fwiesat son in Wesley United Chur-chi,Mim- in. n% . A.Bmdoffîciaed mnis. M1iss Mar)ilyn Bolton, Picker- ico.Rev.F. . But ig, was junior bidesmid in a gowni The bride, gie nmîig bîfbtecpyllwpngaawt her father, chose a gown, of hie badeu n br.auandcMrid bridai sai ndlae with a fuil skir tiebse of nmuve sweet peasnes4 that feH inito a cathedral trainjA1andyeowrs.RyThnpnwa tiara of pearîs and rblneones beld btmnadh ses eeToi herlos lae vil îîdshe~aried~las Canston and Jamnes Grant.. cascade bouquiet of and ilyý', th e valley. Atending the bride was! r. and Mirs. Richardson &Ui Nie mou Miss une Eglisbas maid of honor, in Mmc.~. ~ .. Kecondal Newvs ersadplants. Coffee wa madcl fom diied beanls, -peas, barheycorn,' iywet oasted briead, acorasb anid dandelion rootLs. The motto xa 'wf You wanit worjk weldonle, select The Kendal Womien's Institute met la busy oa. The meeting ciosed aýt the home of Mis. Hiatcher Fostý1er wthth ingiing of "God save the on, Wednesday evening, MNiay 9th, %vitIi ue. The hostessýes were Mrs. E. aý good atterîdarîe. The presidentl, Couroux and Mrs. M. Mandcrs, wboc Mrs. E. Couroux, occupied the Chair.sppedaeicoslnhMssC The roll cail was "Something grand- W, Ste-wart thanmked Mi-. H. Poster iniother taugbt ime." A connittee was on behaîf of the members, for b-'r foýrmed to look after a booth on FMIeldkindncess in entertaininig the etn Day, MAay 29th, to wr in conjunic- at hbhomec. tin :1 cmitet be_ formiedi 1,y the Wome-n's Assýociaition. The A plastic demnonstrationt will be _,i3ý'ea ofaplsi demonstration was gi) ven Mrs. Mulligan of Newton- (isussed xvich -was received with! ,,j e in* the Sundaiy School rooni in ge.neral appr oval and the secretary theeveing of M1ay 23rd. Each me-n- wsasked to cont Lact Mis. Muflligan b er of tbe Kendal Womi-en'sIntut wbho give's this d1emonstiation. T The is asked tobrg a friend and ail topic for this meeting was "~Pioneer ladies of the commnunity are at- food processes andul-ecipe(s" -nd Miss 1iiy wec-icmed. C. W. Stewart, con4ener for Hsoi cal es arc ad GCuiront Eventas, 'r.and Ms.Loyd Ferguson aýnd1 gave ai interesting taik on this topic rrn r.Wife oglyo Iwas stated that appie cider Was ~Ohw spent M1others' Day wt comn-mon drinkfl in eariy Can-ada andMs.L Thorne and Mis, A. Sw-arbiick 'V'ne gar7was lmade at home. Theeri Candias aso adethirown drugs Mi. ickMartinell of Port 1Hope andmedcinsrelying on differentviited0on Sunday with1Mi.and Mis. One of the 'ocEt ways to encourage gobd sound sloop IS to have a good sound bank balance. Regular savjings Calin ake ife a lot pleasanter in a hundred and one other ways. You may want the down payment on ahomeof your onaTV set or a;car_, perhaps the children's education is on your min4 or a leisurely retirement somneday, Whatever it js that yoau want or need, you have to learni the sect of putting sometbing by regularly. Pay by pay you sýtore away th.e rxnoney except ïn emiergencles tili you reaeh your savIngs goal-then you start saving for the next one. Whly not openî a Savings Accouat quith 1us Wday? A. I Hoey manager N EVERY SLICE It's NEW-it's NEW-it's delicioasly N EW! PEW SunibeaW* Bread is the ALL-NEW bread with theAL-E flavou. NEW slow-baking process gives Sunbeam bread a smooth, even texture. Tender and toastable. NEW plastic coated wrapper seals in Sunbeam Bread's fresh--ever-y-moring taste and aroma. Keeps fresh longer. Try-aPH New Sunbeam Bread rIglit away. Look for Miss Sunbeami on each bright wrapper of NEW Sunbeam Bread.. BULrY NEW So/d ~Iy at Your ~ e

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