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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1956, p. 8

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ORONO W1iL Publisher. . C. Fonrester An Appeal Is Madle ln this weeks edition of the Timies appeirs an appeal for ,Acothin,decan und in good repair, to be donated to help ease the ûondition of' those wNho are in dire need. Mention is maude of elo1iing needed in Korea and this is only ne seétion of the world ina which such a condition exists. Hunger and lack of protection froro the cold -is not -a part of oui, life in this corn- munity but oa the other hand wu, can realize to some extent the -sufferýing that goes 'hand in hand ith this need. WVe can protrect some child or adult froni suffering wihth .1 contribution to this cause of clothing that hias been out-grown but yet stHl in good condtion. E;kery homie in the Commnunity wýe dare ~say has clothng that woul serve as a contibution and that is now only taking up storage space ini the home. The ladies of the Orono United Church aire packing a bale for this cause on Tuesday, May 28th ilu the Sunday -School Auditor-iiim. Cýloth-inig wilI he rcei\ed upt, o thi., date. Any, newihn that thleir clothîing be picked1-up ,)should contact eîther Mrs. Billings or Mdrs. D)rumm--ond, otherwise beave tAir donations at the Sunday School. There is no thnq like the present to look after this mcatter and to scout through the stotage draws of the home. Your donation of cloting ili bring acofod to smoeand may e e eisrmna in saving the life of a hum-ian being. g A Great Future With Our Youth it is often hearjd iii onver-sation 'What is to happen to the world?' "W'ill youthshule the r-esponsibility for the future?" Many als0 voice- that the coing gemeaton is being spoon feed and ure osemrr istadof doer. Obsprving the lclsene One could hardly mvake state- amntsî & s frP ~oving talcated, resourceful and amibitiolis. Last Week-end with the Dancig Schoolreital in the Towvnship Hall was an xample Of the taen and aggressivenws~ of the loca~l youth. This fact is 110ot-only true of the dancing group but also of the skating club, Scouts and Guides Athe such as hockey, basketball, bard and softball. The-re is also a youthful chÎient in the Oronýo Balai nd the Orono Fish and H-unt Club. Rt is to be fond that we must be proud of our future citiens for they are not heiin the grip of idieness nor do they hold an atthitue of differee To say that youth is taiented, w'\hich bias been proven to be the case of the chîildren of the district, is ailso to say that t.hey are ambitieus. Ne must be amnbitious to be talented. Also their mnust be a sense of resposibht and personal prde in talent. The future is certainly to be in good bands with the youth of todyfor thecy anve realied through their play 'that the show must go on' One cannot but feel na.sene of pride when observing the youth- ful performiers as wve have in our dancing and skaing sehool, and in other phases such ns public speaking. IN MEMORIAM TAYïLO-Inlovagmeoref ouri dear daughter Lorraine, who pa,,,ssed awyMay lSth, 19541. Wheýn the dewy night was fading And theiskii beaut-y smniled, Theangls ameinto our gardien And kd our zsweetest floxver. c g g g Planing A Wedding? g 'O fi o g g - g n ~'. '~-~ - . Oo g g Q O o g a'J g o u gg I n I o F - g s- g ~- '-'~-~- g g g g g g W~Ivnd~ acom;'eelineof g g Wedding Stationery, Cake Boxes etc. guo g g LY TIMES g g ~ w ~ AC . WOODS~ Phono Clarke 2034 R.R. 1, Newtonville Insurance Sevic iEvery cla-s of' Insur- ance is represented in oroffice. TIhe f ollow- ing a-re some of the main coverages we can AutmobleLifv, Accident and Sirkness, Plate Glass, Liabilîty', Fire, Burglary ilospitalization, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio, Hall, Fiddllty Bonds, etc. ORONO PHONIE 1R616 FIRST MUORTGAGE LOANS [ Leroy lHan, "-Dl Oshawa lMîernrial MONUMENT MAKERS CORNER STONES AND STATLJARY (On No. 2 Hlighway East of City Limits) Manufacturiag Memnorials froma the finest Granite and Marbie available. Before making youir final decisio For information without obliga- tion write Box 213 lu OshaWa or au A. 5-6611. SECTION FOR SALE Frame Barn 26x36. Ten inceh pine dn;Chicken Fountains anid Feed rroughs. Apply Mr. C. S. Duncan, Orono. Proe 1791, FOR SALE A Building covered with nwgi vanizeil iror.. 22 feet, long, 143 feet wide.ý Phone 1.426, Oroiio. p Orono I.0OO.F. Lodge, No. 436, Potatoe Crops I.creased m-reets the fir-st and third Wedaesday. jý Nearly fDouble la DecadeVitra ecoe PoLtto ields bave been increased CO IING EVENTS mnterialdly .during the past decadle o 1'%c l e6 udsarebho1lding -a so ia practically ail pta-to producin 'f ad, Salean Afternoon aresreprt te Fel GopaBrnc Ten o-' Saturday, May lolth1 at 3:00 Onitario Department ,)f"Agriculture. P"*ii h dflo' al An Ontarilo, average yieldas of Po-, [~t 't U'rper acrehave been airmost ED ;obld n any gro)wers no-w setie 50b hl per acre as their ab OA- At Gueilb, Ontario on jective. Th ample use of comnmercial1 'z11day, My 3th, 1956 John F. ferihize, tgeherwih nw ate- orrîiman ( .ormerly of Oro:îo). h ferilier to-eherAitl Iew atr bland of the late Mary Lorrixnan. jais for disease and iasect Coatrol , Azed 87 yenrs hjave, boen important factor-s in de-. "p ra. veýpin a -i'oms rot ySt1n'to S rvice wýas heid at the Morris abdbplenitiflil supplies of plant 'Lu'.'sdy V1y 50) at '2 30 p.m 11,T'- food1; f 'Lhrious leaf growtvh to man- tretBwi-ll e.ey - facture avail-able raw% material inato - ti, e, thuis vines have been kept' green far longer in the fali and this J IN MMRA necessitnted ki1ling- vi nes before har.-,TA-YLO)R-li loving memory of our I vest. ia ian cases, inereased yieldsida granddaughter, Doris, Lorraine havebeenlos't because crops have',.,,hcopassed away 4aly 18, 1954. hendug too imimature rcesultinig i l' he depth of sorr-ow we cannot teil1 tubler bruises; and too- late, r(,sulting 0? the lons of onte we loved -o wehl. 'o üw io Lemperature at ba,4-irvest, ofteil And w-ile she ;Iepips a peaceful sleep causilg d&rkening. Her memory we shahl always keep. Thee ae to wys hatyieds an'Ever remembered hy Grandpa. and1 be increased under normal gro,-wingGanm Talr conditions which will av-oid mnany ha- zards la producing a quahitY Prol e The first is the use of good seed, and I the ecod, erlyplanting. Both are 1 of pralme imp"ortan1ce. Experimentsifg -îieaimi 1 ove a on teniperiod have shown [ thveryaeldongt mnarkectable tuibers . z avstrotighilg Il froî potatoes planted ecar'l.y ilaMaY, 0 exceeded those plaated one mnonth REESIÂE later by fromn 22%/ to 75%/,, depend'- if ing on ýariety. This extra month in,~ the spring allowed the tubers to de- ly, so they xere dug w,ýith less bruis- g TYRONE iMA. 3-2240 i(and also lad ige cookîilg quLality,. A'nother result of experi- mtsinidicated that potatoes fromi Jun1e plantîng were- too dark to be accepted as goodC potatoes for potato chips or KehFries, demanIda for S ER vwhich have increased tremendous'ly P in iecent year. The eaiy planted. ePLASTE in C ear 1potatue-s had a miuch better color and' 110lU ,r or cceptable Thus every STUCCO potto rower \vould aýe -well advised i Free Estima tes to firast, 1use bosý- se2d av-ailable ani orm ,ipGarnte sî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wrrasi cod pa+ alyIt a v, l .itg A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office Houm : 3,00 to 4:00 p.m.; 6:3n te 8:00 p.UL PHONE 1471, - ORONO DR. R. J. TÂGGART VETERINARy SURGEON Veteriuary, medîcinesý, bolouleak andi nstruments ethlcall7 dispensed. PHONE 10616 ORONO, ONT. LEGAL "Lawrence C. Masoa, B.A. Barriser and Solieltor BOWMANVILLE>ON Phbonë8. Office MA 3-5688 Hoame MA *-SM3 JOH ioEiiA&i HMoOwliers Attention Barrister, Notary P.uic Before deciding on your Sept9ic ~ Tempenance St., BowmanvilI. Tank, contact me for prices on the Phone MA 3,-3292 ready to instka]L, reinforced con- crete tank, <will Pas inspection), delivered and placed. Also ask for prices on house steps and iron railings, reinforcedJ C " T"1 and piaced. Phione l1InS, Oronou JACK 1REID. FRED GRAIAM Orono's Licensed Representative for Brookln Coucrete Pr]dUcts Auctioneer and Valuatot We wilho pleased te pick up dead or crippled farm animais for sanitary disposai. Telephlone collect, Cobourg FR. 2-1643 or Toronto EM, 3-3136. GORDON YOUNG LIMTEI) REALTOR P.O. Box 71 Phono ORONO - ONTARIO OFFICE 1191à 2 Doors South of United Church If you wish your DEAD FARM 'TOCK'- remnovod the fastest wa-yj then cil us collect - Powman ville '2679. We also buy live horses. MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRxON",E, ONTARIO Orono Electric PHIONE 1291 CONTRACTOR$ FOR., FARM and H-OUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt aind Guaranteed Rê-pairs o al makes of Elec,-trical Equfpmen; anid Appliances chas 1Motors, Water Heateon Plurbing AND0 g CALLUS FOR ESTI-MATES HiIARRY E. LYCETT Pno84 r1ONT. g ORONO - o'ý t -HAVE YOU A HOUS1E OR BUSINESS FOR SALE List your property with us for satisfactory service Estates and properties maitaged We are here to serve you. For Fast Action Contact Tom Lewis REAL ESTATE BROKER -P" 10311 OQ'nne -er to,': SPc-dalize lin ar a and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates Phone 5r1P - TEl) JACKSON Auct ioneer ýand Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail MU and at reasonaable rate« Commlunicate with hlm st Fati PennY, Ontario, or see his Cierk, à, E. 'Morton, at rOono, fan date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Pelidug Protection and Savings Plana §ce Childrelx and Adulta; Mortgage Jas surance Plans. F. . Lc E TT Orono, Ont. - Phone 117101 STAFFORD )BROS M4onurfneiital Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dun.das St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MOINUMENTS AIN» MARKERS It's flot exp ensivete Let us erect a handsim.e, dît-. nified monument over the res*- ing place Of your loved oe§u. It',qflot expensiîve. And seeiuz this last tribute wil give you endiess com1fùrt. The RUTTEIZ GRANITE COMPANY Phone Turner .5-5210 P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemnarker% Engraving, GoIdIeafiiàg "Buy direct and save cmtao REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold. Rented Managed and Appraîsed L. M. ALLISON R.eai Etate Broer Phone 2566 - Newcuatle.0" Twe blocks nonth of trafti liaght, Newcaat]8. i t Auhrzdas Second CL Poner . A. Forrester FOR SALE Ranch-type Bungalow, just com-Pple-I ted(, 5-roomas, breezeway and garage, oi-eaeail conveniences?, Oronq0 South. Contact W. P. Ir-win, Ooo -CO'MING EVENT Kirby Suinday School Aîjniverýsary Sunday afteraoon next May 20th at .3 prm. Special program oýf in-usir, by the Sunday School. Guecst speaker, Rev. A. G. Scott, BA, from -St An- dr-ew's Presbyterian ÇChureh, Blw-' nianville. come and support your Suinday School. se SEWING Seigby paittern for ail ages. Mrs. Fred Grahami, phone 11rl3. a-c

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