5~'Fe~d ~a*. Orono A Thriving Community LN With Many Businesses In 1869 Trhefoown article dates back Townshend & Galýibraith, manufactur- FI ,to the year 1869 in which is listed thei ers and dealers in furniture is po,,,pulation and businessmen «f the; Truil, W. W., insurance agent L Vlaeof Orna at that tume. This Tucke,. JJ. ýS,, Postmaster, prop. Sa ý.-formatioii is held in the "Province flourving & flax nis 0fOntario Gazetteer and Director"VieT ms general merchant 1869, and was fiirnislk-ed ito us by \Winters, Robert, merchant tailor ai ldary, A. G. McPhail of Montreal. Froii "The Or-igin and Meaning of i Place Namies, in Canada" by G. H. 'THE PROVINCE 0F ONTAIRIO Arnistrong1, 1Slacmilan, Toronto. 1930. th QAZETTE AND DIREGTORY, 1869. t ýpze 349. Note on "01ron10,OfR(YNO-Vilage in Durham County, tu riow; being i ipo by the s nder the ..Warrenýl ýctically ver 1it is hein-e ion of d on the lo aturday, Jil 40fnu BasehaIJ Opens Wih H.ome Came To-Night- Theý Orono Inttrmiediate Basebal tuib pinys thec-ir first scheduied gamie f the season to-night, Thursday, at e Orono Park. The teainlhas been actising and roundling into shape r this first gamne an the local dia- High School Passes Five Y Lease For Orono, Sc On Wedneýtsdo week a mtiN Duia Ostrict meeting in Port Signing of a fi'ý ing the four ro school and alsoi MlrokSchoo< *of ato ion on the Boar-d's grievalice 'y slow. here is spaee where ramn car beùween the old building ai the , Senior comnierctsàl il hy a. fter col emibers docks, and barreli cteacher generaj i-mer- groceries anid xdllenl job printing W.C.T.U. MEETING clubs. We were al ve them loin, the moi bettû r, for our club0 Our groupa The Woiten's Christian Temnperance wais, club mern Uion helbd their jnýonitly mei-eting qt meal and practi the home of tLhe Président, Mrs. H.ILservice, fe WihonMay lth. The meeting and the dishes openied with si-ng-ing thre hymn "When mnenced ur 1meo motheS rs fSai(lm." M rs. Geoýrge Carson read Psalmi forty-five, Mrs. Thre meeting R". Aluin gave a reading refering to vice -pres idenrt this Psim entitied "Song of Loves" j having usý repeat with prayer and hymitn "Happy thre' the minutes wer 1homie when God is there,' this was and the rail call fitting and a very fine devotional. During the bu tfe~r the business periad Mrs. H. a vote on thet Rowe gýavýe a reading "The HIouse- we are going t( hold Angel". Mrs. Carson favoured1by Mrs. Staplet with a vocal solo "My Mother's1 Joyce Ha-ris, If prayers hrave followed mre." Most of saiple of a woo the ladies took part in the Clip Sheet orhm on Acols.The meeting closed thumelshoreya with hyýmn "When lie cometh ta mnake thîe e in ar0 Up His Jwls"and the r4izpah tblue seting r Benediction. tableng inereat( ýsts tie ta we f i were 2ting. miany w<v Schoi or of estimlatin ->ase Bowmar n1o Sehool t-h ast concrete Es A rcht et ýl COU that1 heing read out r lease, otian, cal ion of ti] Discussions Lookings Tr Increase In Hog- Pr ants ,L, A. W. L F., n' ptsws etc. huilrs Knox, A, tala Lamiece, er. Gorge(Prahtra l ig, Jamues,foneadmchis 'inltonl & Awée bneamth Long G. . & ra, ene-ral mrchn cClngRerhMr (eslan McCullo g D, shand aker Mason, John, oue n crng paiterJbn Mason Joh, grcer naermsn ?Masan L. C, sadla Mille, Joh, graer Mlomern, R.,genannarchan ue Moton , PrAtor eecer Roblinson & Corn, eilchsessta Thought For TCeW cek Smrall edepcds done aren better thlan great deeds ,-planueti. --Peter Mrhi Discussions Iaoking tawardis a $2 ment though la the sharp dawn-grade ed and Hlda thanked her fric upward revision'af Federal. govern- in thre quality of aur Ontario hogs welcamed theni to hei, new inent premniuins on Grade A hogs in si-nce the end of Warld War Two. In Lornevill% norUr west of Canada are currently underway be- 1948, 39.6 per cent of hags graded in lier inarriage ta Mr. Russell] tweeri Ontarioo Hog Praducers' Assoc- Ontaria were in the A ciass, while in will take place ini Lindsay iatioii, officiais and senior Feýderai, 1954 this had slumped ta 29,9 per 1Church on June 9 cth. RefrEý mnembers of parliamntcent." were servedan a very hapl ohe rsentA ov i emnt !yemium aîn Otrio aur objective it taevenng as ro glit ta a cd onou GrdeAhosis$2 tn'he (uadeoost the percentage af slaughtered At the Souday Sehool Anii ward eviso 'Poidebost heGadeI hgs gradigA taat least 45 per cent, evc nSorLVhsh h A rmu a$.Tecretpei and eventiually eveîn hge.If m aiUjtdCwc, e.F 1 ium ~ j" anGaeB- ü~ 10O 1 brn ur hog q1uaiit up ta ths fi- of Tyrone preaced a fine s,, "The pobabiity o gavenmentgure, thlen it wauld enable us in per- thre folundro heS a acton a icresethe Premmims 0an iods ofidgh output ta)fînd a place M. obe 't Raikes, Mrs. W% Grade A hogsappears ta be more' for aur park in the qual inarket of was at the rgan and the c hopeful thon i. has for some ti," the U.S.A. Tt is gond buiness for choir bah 't like a beautlifu Chaes clnis Prsientof hebath goverument ar.d producer ta - oflfbms. '1hey sang twa Ontri Hg 'iodcer' sscitinlait better qualiy bugs producedla in a very pleaýsing rmanner.e rai reenty. or anyyeas ar o- Otara, o d ish owever a heer Mr. pas sMrs oran rid toda. Fo, an 1.s uro - ineniveprogram has ta e design-ed. pn he eknda hi ares la ean[k t he nis ontnue, "as ressd lr abet, mtilis prograné.IKedi ter~~~~~ ~ slt nenieparai n Te îHog scation presdiet rnu Ms.GoeCi numeous ccasonsme hve akedWaidthat irecent rmanths many pea- the goermntta ithricrease Wehd vroke h fcict h oiday -weekend at the hod vermke YefanDot hera the pruemium ontA'Sor transfr the!OParis Hog Produes A5soca ion .J D :n ndMr premiu on B's ta 's," as just as mig a job toam accplisi fPotHoespent Vioria 'W-Poa cnidrsthtthe de-ithe Pfiléof quaiity as it did len the -Mf ai,î 'Mrs. 1F.Stoker. maud forChoice gualty po:kin the!fild of marketing. Mrî. tLlnsustt- Mr. end s.n Gary S'i U.S.. isunlînitd, ~d th fac th ttaNte FHog Association, lilke 1nY sedgafmdya hi such,ý met anbeorcuctrm u other néusty tint isbuilt on11 Kedal ~Grde hgs.il.isreneesanabl sund business base, is primarily con- M i, nd r.AStresp Vhtcocensusnos sa testmo- price, f she ,.'zýuueýwf linfal Z_> hthomig uiquenil j PM fo h o ship f Darl] o~~' o ponios o Clrk , marks in hsarea. SundaoNect, ay 7th Th rspiiity for tfi fi k e i !htak-g nju.anCont, [>r~ e rge ilatrickport Hpe h s been ui s Census Commiissioner Fojrmer prîncî ai Union ThZobgicaiCollege, Mnuanteiiony f The uday Schai ol ameet ut1f >, w n,,edby the Oronio Baud, [ nmsof th cesu toy zyli arade tro hte cenl r Eof the Village-, ortr 'tearea ae e 7 30 'bcc--RLGU) YY"The SeamîesARobe" given ibu o Paesnon and directe y heRr.M.C Fbsr OAi ewUe-"e mJ pc . bie. teDaiago -rýs.W..I ~ i (Cotinned age 2) ,o rnt hope it will be ready for iuse ptemiber-," said G. N. Strong, un of theý board. Principrel's Grievýances Jackson BownmauvileScrool deroted anlarge prmon 4 o huoetor ofhiAprilreport ta short- Sciroolcaings of the nomscphoo l uwling. Childrens rapatrn o .R yeca'a numbers wmanable (ta h armutsaid oomhole -Baliard ThYreu'rr eetngof the Even- , th aremig uxilims heid auThuiay, vhome in M:ry1 iutnhe hme of the Piesident, 01nt Mo- M r waetug ôpeued wth quiet t m- M \Me non"Dy jp vhrgn th, sala tnat sradrord-Iaslial As tuie consrutin apa Iy wh the adiinisresponsibMe c theý ;installation of' propereq aboar-d me eatd Dippei saidthe heaingsy fltfntjd rpnysn stpa 2 Pation I areo rendt ha ïl-ý imu over1 1 ,ubolmam-oating nun tanhe ohome. ihe Oe- o calmas CInnéeaud mitso gton ad Tr (uers rpor ora ad sournng 0< ea nsus t pierId rEr wCoon or tu coAuwarc, S ou , 9tirourcotage for thair Julyptr vid For1 n tug. Tus isa yearly ocuemneSo apon-1é smc njydb il! who at- r r for tIret Mr- ls, od n hein gtinto cag o u 1AI Edith taak as the derotional th e=e tai lrowusR. "oéin aur bopMiss Ba'rrendi 'las Wade pam! miterb brfathner on "Our 1Lý Mof';Lleýs", in h(oour of Mtes a.Iaj rbori a(i ue so inlefficien lg. Wrong A t ý wial ý, 1,