- eport From By John M. James, MN.?. Strike Fears Vanish Thlere was a sigh of relief in 0( ;,alat'eek when it was annoui FOR YOUI I 'Me Conadian Anrmy Sold r A retce Cn the 15t cf June the Cen cian Army yeung men of 16 yea rs ofc a with G,. 19 differen t rados. Trades tr n ng 9w Ilc. Whers firished the cou'rs"jte SolI pr This pian providos - 9* iaf pafý;c the age of li thon fulPac5 * 30 dayâ4pald holidays a yeer 0 Medic.llnnd dental ceo Onfy a IimýItad n.,mb-er c n b. a repteý coupon beio r 0,C-otct y .r n ? t Army Recruij ng Sttion 59 I A my Recruitt gStationi, I 4 R Army Recràtlng Statýn, 90 RiclImoPd tr Ne. 'ï7 sonselpepot, WcIloet Éa IIýý TeIep Onl Armey Recruiting Seýi Armny Recruitirig Station, Wiilsut ces or Nombe fa;wa.rd m. f.rther A4drezzs dtatlt of traimna tPlan. 4CNto he conïnYfor the vear. Enriiler, donm will abandon its governrnent bulk have ari excellent opportunity of ac- T rend Is From SmIthere was every reason te expeet that pure'hasing -sChemIes1ý so W"e should quiring -a larger portion of that luc- P r i m n H il the railways and their 150,,000 non- "Made in canada"' rative inarket. f C*UD1,i y Te City Pa iam n r toi<perating personriel might emibar-ki RecentlY several yon visitera of our all-night vigil recently. Thi.s___ on an extensive shut-down. The gov- wee earching the display counters was the fîrst timie I've seen inembersO eriàneýt aný ideed ai nieber ý,) ar Ottiwahote tefindsui -Generall1y, the recent growth iet erimntan~ nded al emer o a Otaa otl o in -iable leaviiig the Parliairent Buildings Cnd' ra population is regard- oed by Labor Minister Gregg that the1 were relieved when ne government souvenirs to take homne to thieir par- while the cleaning staff have beenCa seamen's strike on the Great Lake,,iation w7as neessary. althouph ithiets One ash tray caught their c igt ok fteehdbee ed as somnething remlarkable. Actually . Onnynpoint in theresilly business, it population bas increased every ten appare t be~ te suseqen apliatin fr ncras-eys. n oe ~ethr a cn on.to irk.fthe re had eenteurbasn pthroton ofCnaa71 I final stages. cd ~freight rates before the Board et raised facsimnile in mietal of Cands wouldn't have been so bad, but froint er ic h ia essi 81 Thswudrmv h-scn hetTansport Commissioners, the country ,impesing Parliamnent Buildings. it1 .iunl44: nodbtwapcitlysceCnferin F - incre-ases granted to railway workçers. dlid look beautiful, so the dollar billsel .n.on telp4:42 lie. dTe wap ratclysioofdrain u, T'li niin -vorv inbot thee ds sheldp o teduga pperueth okerPOther, the rate of increase in each of Theman wrr inboh hes ds- loedtoward the cash register. On- sii, pecdrlepet ok1vr h first four decad4es frorin 1871 w6S, puLtes was tha,1i't grin sIhil)"Iellts ly Inter "Va., it discov.ered that tis and brouglht about vote after vote onthde a)innYO tb itr Mirh,b halted at a timie when itbetil souvenir of Canada and rules of the House, w«ith each and geaerthn nan o te ate evealoter(i th cse wee welers to one Urban. By 1921th VIEB N 0F SIX TIBI was vitai te clear al elevatorsi vs-l o urcei s n the cse Ve every vote a foreg-one foheeueerbutforrua Plani offert Vau trneos training mhilsll.you iearn. ourdcr to handie incomning creps. taimped 'Made in Japan.' Apparently, Falylýv the wýholc, affair, in War- .d 8ul enrcal e lîmatd tanumb afphysicolly fit Quality Hog Premnuiumtiesouv-enirjsare Japan and Ger- of elfifitdwunds.iunbr wr natheulwt mnis afswyarcas r inSeembo'r. wounld oeunider terehe heading, t .,se3t oda tioa antI Èltra i s trbe ïn .an To be fair, thiere were la few lI oN ookýs as hLI1there will 49.5% urb.nan ad 50.5% -rural. In '95' rfrnfnti eco 3 serves thro. yo a rg s iuittt a at rogular unitt, Ut It hasn'ta beenan s annomaeuncedig iglt yetieq butoftý,upbn pputtinowc hefhough o iLe oorao o eiý- ln 1a pnani posmd eaete ogngto uedyo hubnppuainrahd -% 0 er issomerenon o beiev plas ghtintaw.this week jandjaIother n'ext eek the total. Fiveprovinlces -Neond * Trevl ant cd on ce ae being frmltut give help te «Ili'e tellinig çsome friends of thisso tie 0th lgsaio cnbeîrdPice E ar IsnNw *oo A hlth acIe tac if it Pot h producersý. At the mnomenit, th("r(, incidenrt, 1Iheard of a simiilar c-as e cocluedA sent to the Sent y BuswcSaskatewan and AI- r tIaaunis e r advancoment. a $2.00 premium ion grade 2A- bogs no- ngteMnitro NtoalMy3st1hswo ietem a 1bera-sil a Ulreurlta l1~erete apliç*ns ut at ely. ailth an w exectths 1llbencrasd ,Riiue.' Several nmanufacturers were week ofdicso- before thie June th urban population in that year. In theý Uiti 9 station. te either $3.010 or $.1.thîsoudiurview,ýiig hlm concerning the p0osa- nwe h bh ms eohrfveteubn pplto ýbert S eOttawa, O . - -Tt. 6-1887 be weýlcorned both nndIlof more peopl e ,so thebll pipe th,.fieth ran pplai llifgtrlKngý0t 0 n e. 438b podcrsýbiit ncurgngp ssed uip ne builders ,wil]i raged iupwavrd from nearly 64%/uet rtW., -l1I15f M. 6-ns1umers. 27ITtwill pr-ovide al greater to buy Made in Canada goods;, plus 1be able te miake iasta'rt by July lat. the totail in Nova Scotia te nearly reetks W.G,d &er ..e t- l M LoçOj. 276inentiive te market top quality hogs providing additional pnitection for If 0 l will read last -wpek's elun, 71r, in Ontario. é ra160 Oxord iabtt tt135ilsOn.which wîýll bring better markets ia local industry, they presented hlmwi idtedtis fTepp-IDnnihetnyasfo 91t on, Nrth Bay, ft. -- Te. 456 the United States and United King- with a cgrteligbter suîtably en- 'v vln iaion. tbing baais hangie-d 51 ileiter eapulation 4of Cad ýnst. EHlto$m, Oit. - e. 2-8708 077-0.a demi. Originally, the long lean bacon gae.T trudîgebaras-sne >thati was wrhiten. age D1, xcluditghewfopunlanionfcra -2----------------hog, for -wbich Canada ba c m mnt, he bappened te turn it over Debate By Abuse 1.% the u1a oplto me. I amos, asdevlopd fr he rit1 wil hewasspekig t thm ad eyve r, since I've been la Parlia- cluding as urban .ail communitiez of 7 ;,.i market. Amnericans tend to fat- sa", "Made in Japan" on the bottom. rMent, b1as any debate produced sol 1,t00 and over - rose ab~out 30%.ýe At teiterhogs nuch more than we do.Ontesuofheinet cld I ne cems asex n th spu of he omen ho ould muh heat and abuse as this -as pipe fithe samie timie the total ruralppu Ifte n e remiunm ep Sexto- In't fesist t1he temtptation te draw it uine affair. The speaker and'bisasltonge abu ;btth.l- - -bco-,,it langer proportion t.tetratenton have alt-nost given up tryiïigiJ cretsewas due to a rise of 1nealy 0a ftAI]lhog heNgt t control tevrosmmes ntidi h o-an population, the --- cs.ThstanbsdenThig their attacks on other miembers. farnm population droppïng about9% fah, te Uite Kig- o oub ye bae ben eadngStrong language, insurlta and con- In 1951 the number of cities of __________________________ nnuendo bave ben the 30,000 anl over had risen te 34 frn ordr f te ay. No longer cannes 27 ten years earlir - N;'ewfudln papers complain that ParliamnentarY accountin.g for one _' and one-third, of debate bas becemne a namnby-pamnby tall Canadians lived in these citiles. affair wbvere niemibers take great of- Mucb of the ten-year growth ila citY fnce if thiey-are verbally slapped on pepitktionI,ý hpwever, ad ocre ~efeh n iedewn, drag-out debate now, going on of 1.00,000 and over, the erplti tewîtbopoets thehe kaoe-noohtsldecbt< boudries.l il cite ardand,ualess area increaSes excdeth nrae it cools dowvn soon, it wîvll go .lown in for the city proper. jf% history as oner of the bitterest affairs The 1941-51 growth in urban pop- of our timie. Frankly, it appears te ulation extended to ail provinces, the mie that good argumtent and fact is increases ranging from 13%4 in Nova q T A 3 1 Ebeing set aside ýnd replaeed by ai Scotia te 69%j in Alberta. Rural popi- terrent of syntîhetic wrath and tirade. ulations declined in the decade la the tree Prairie Provincesan Prince Edwaý-rd Island, but rose la the other TaENr-ER, provinces from 2,5(/ in Nova Scotia )ELIG H Tte 25 in Ontari ad a striking -LL G lul 38%,I in British Columbia. Farmn pop- jSchool Section No. 12. Township of ulation declined in all provinces ex- Clarke cept Britishi Columbia. Sealed Teniders will be received hy In the five years since June 1951L mot, f abthe undersigned up te 5 p.m. of there bave been further mrarked shifts June 4t, 195(i. in urban and rural population. 'Te dek -coding votefoiln cte adtws and beyond into the and1 e ss at s 0zes Nof3. acb esk. tkle aetimie great changes have te b eqippe wiih cshin dees t - arn place wvithin citie.s and tons. - .~~~~~. ~~silence and book rack attachmnt,-ý,. e ehn to a Iecniu its NEW- t's -eiiusyN W Lowest oran tender niot necessar- e with its labor-saving effects and ily cetd nuiiereus urbanan other nion- aýnni 'arnBred i th AL-NE brad . E MILSO, OonoOnt employnient oppertunities have pro- . , - 'iedpo 'enýfuit attractions foi thae L-NEW lavour, . ýo--o ptig peple on farm - iaking process gives Sunbearn bread a . . . . .. .Carke-Mrs 11orae Best,, 0-ono- i(Colitil rsed fron pa-ge 1) T1'mîyOrn Nrt WilamMr- n texture. Tender and 4xastable. 1onrti,;M¶r Daid Craig Tyrencce, --ii o rtIce Diiid rii,-, yron; c.-7Kendasi- c otd rp e 1as in Sunbear "'W1rn R, P'lcell, R.R2, Row- halÏll1 lmoe ot, R.R.2, CanIpbellford' h-very-rnOrning taste and arorna. Wi' llac Wade, Courtice ,nd R. Wal- for tlhe Townshp! o Carnh t, LPascoe- niurketon. 'iines~w a4 lnger.f v Suiibeam Bread right away.l Look oe fea ibeam on each brighitr wraýpper of de 10 , 7 ~ )~i!IIUY1J1sI c M '-if ~