iou --Hi NEIGHBOUR- Your friendJiness ana loyalty, are an inspir-ation to Is. We are strivixig to imake our market an even better place for you to trade. This selection of' high quality values and variety are offered in the spirit of neighborliness. Be as- sured that any mnember of your family will receive the best of service and a selection f roïn a fullifine of famo)US brands. - w i SWIFTS ALLSWEET 'MARGIARINE One pound package for 5 7c SWIFT'S, PARI) 16 ounce tins DOG FOQDJ5 FOR 49e LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED BE A N 20 oz. tins 2 FOR 35c TREESWEET 48 oz. tins Grapefruit Juice 25 CULV RHOUSE CHOICE JIALVES SWIFS JWELPE ACI-ES z 21 SHORTENINO LB 25ec RED AND WRITE INSTAN OOFFEE 5 oz jar $1 .36 B QA ztn~ SWIFT'S BLUE BRAND Bo)neless ARUMERIBROAST 9e6g ,SWIFT'S FRESII Lean and Meaty pORK S0-4UL DE t&R R ASTI0î'r1b.29U SWIFT'S FRESIR PmORiK BUTT STEKS ,SWNIFTS BROOKFIELD Skinless PORK *A USoAGEL 5c 1Ic kc c lb 4.9e lb'43c SWIFT'S PREMIUMN Sliced Sealed 1 pouind package BnR EA KF A ST BeA CON B PKG PEAMEALED CDOTTAGE R% LLS, lb Featured on Dîineyland T.V. Show SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANK L C= = Fruits & FIRM GOLDEN RIPE lmmsa j i I j 'Ni III à% à "For a.gin withi an lnterest !p. tlhings relating to the home and îani- ily lv~g Home Economnics offers a 'broad field with a rapidly expand- in demiand for trained personnel," says Mis MKercher. "As teachers, dietitians in hospitals and restaur- ants, as authorities on food, textiles and home furnishinigs, in hIomie ser- vice departmients, and as home econ- omiics extension -workers, the re are neyer enouigb graduates to go round. InHome Econiomries Extension Seýie"Miss McKercher adds, "we Mrs. R. 'T. Snees of Stoniey Creekj andMrs Lloyd and son Peter, Dur-. das, spent the weekend with Mrs. Grady and Mrs. T. Wilson,. Mlis;s Ethel Bouck, Toronto-, spent the w,,eekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don.- aId Staples., A Relief Bale of clothiing is bei-n- packed in blhe Sunday School room o the Oronio United Churech. having clean used cTüthing' -pleas,- eaeby May 29th. The bale is bo- ing, packed at 2:00 p.m. tlhat day. -'-e. ___ CensuslTaker WhçnI cal at your home during the next few weeks I wîi have only a few simple questions-the name, age and marital status of tho living at your addrs If youI live on a rm, there. are Some additio.,questions about acreage, crops, livestock and equipment. The information you give mie will bc kept ' strict confidence. Every Census wo e r bas taken an oaith o'srtecy. By Act of Parli ment, the personal iation gathered by casua about individ Canadians car) bc used on or general overaîl stâtistica. ,t caillot be disel -d to any government agency or private organization. Canada is taking counit to keep up with her rapid growth. Census facts are required to mneet and plan overaîl y< national needs- schools, public utilitïes, welfare services, fa4 and industrial prodtition, employment. LIJSCIOVS VINE-RIPENED EACHR 25 TENDER, FLAVOURFUL, HOMýE-GROWN Aspmýaagus 3 lb bch 49e SWEET, ZESTFYL, TEXAS NE-W CPýo OnIons 3 lb 29e PAL-M GARDEN BRAN DFi E QULTY To 0apga toe0s ýi cello 19e BIRDSElE COLOUIRS GUET <ORAL IDEAL 6 h 2 pkgs. for 39e If's a big job--your cooperation will hielp us do it quîckly and accurately. E-very" cersia. taker carn'es tIis officiai drifcto card t0 show ihait he or she has been appointed by the Goveromen?<tiof Caada f help take the Census, Ask ta sec it. cornisýhJ. o ito Orono, Ontarlo hcudpOlpt %V.L u ,2 in urnÏ a Ur u V aipe betuu îv RARTLEY If. Plice 18r7 FUNERAL Hc Orotio, C, Vege tables lb 19e s S i M f...... ai s- Un- ~ bilitiCi <.Home Economics becieve th:re i: a opportuniir A Rewarding Career of goir1 hoels a od ifwho has a. flair for the arts a7b£ i! "When tihis ye(ar*s high school craýfts of homnemaking and who lik- - raduates are coynsidering vctos working with people, salaries cO=ý jit is to be hoped that a g-ood r.nber Pare favorablY With those in oth of girls will give somie thought to a fields and the girl wvith creative abII- career in Homne Econioicsxll Says iyhsSCOPe for adv-anceemý-t and-~ Miss Helen McWercher, Director of for the tlevelopmient of her Owict I Ionie Econoiecs Service in the Ex- special gifts,"1 tension Branch of the Ontario D-pr-LC 'NW nient of Agriculture. eatLCA NW I/ fe",j eel 4