,ED CHOICE ta! 1.5oz 2 65C 7 3c 171e AXÔ 40.Valuie =>O<= and Sandb C% [/ V \ ~ . SHORT LUT FRT IE-IKSBE rime Ra i a for j I [J 'n g g TTIS i',-AzLL OUNEED1 sure you pick u11Pan OfficiaI s, der at y(our, IGA Food 'Mar each timle you shop at LGA, cah egster receipjt int0o i kepu.Jast kepsaving1 cash receipts unlil you, halý sa-ved Io equal the value iln< afly temin Dourj premijum catý prermims ¶an be Claimred in ner With Tjothing Extra To 6 oz. tilt 401-- lb 47c lb 29C Sliceçi Sïde Bacon ' 15oz tin 1 Iclb SSLICED) OR BY1-IIE PIEC E hai ~tin43cMaple Leaf Bologna lb ýL COMIBINATION OFFER! package Tablerite Small Link FRE PO-ýRK SAUSAGEÔ 1 1/4 pounid packiage -Aunt Jemima TERMILK PANC/ CKE MIX both for 59c Mallows ýpkg of 25 271 Pi 0n 23c (Fruits 'Vegetables FLORfDAINEW CROP WPLTENewr Potatôes 5 ilb 39e NEW CROP, FIRM GR ËEN HEADS Lettuce 2'ýsize 24's 35c FLORID4 GREE S/ýCAL Cele S-'btalks 2 36' aus 29c 25c Orono Cadet Inspection And Athletic NgtBig Success The second annniual Inspection Of CaeoSt W.Rtchie, Cpls. Dan the (Oo ihSeolAi adtHalad A. Mitchell, CadeUts -M Keast Sýquadren iwas held on Wednlesday M. RieDMehn .Groenl, J" eveniiingI, IMay23rd iin impresiv Tamiblyni, W. TMbyn 1. Tomlinso- manratt0 rono Fair Grounds. P. Loue(ký,ai-nd P. Adams. T e prei- The eve ing s highlighfteýd 1net ou-j sendemrstnto of rifle imove- ly by the iseto ut ise b\- cdemi ,i- metswh l the ec aan kethaîl gams in the gmfof ithe t e r6no1igh colSqnrn ron Muncip leuiding.A ery lasn faue Of the Ii TheInsecUg Oficr, ing Cen- pècionwns t1e ebu t te cho made QG.S.Gilitt DF., f n~receCops.This gopCap-. the '...,Sain rno pi nndb onAlldre(jd e tearade flue e esuarnoni!thleir o tead from 'Ile GrouLnds an-d nil- sh ig uîgthe( npcin.1e' gaeatflig opdil nfronr cempime ted te squa1,dron on ther f hegrndtad The-threemao. encac.WC GlitsoeoftediMrrt Main an)d Merl j ifîclt snc mnyof te aetltalto.The girlS Were smartî wel'efrnma ditnefom ïtheVl rse ihpumdht n ae' I' lae u hretislhnd bueen Overýome - ConinuIied Eoln pge 5) slishown ini the promneof-the squa on.1etakdail those whbo hiave helpe li te organ-ýtizationi,me ________________ instrute s nd t'le local sosnn stated, has acie(vedt the aimis Of the Hatn Air Cadet rganiization,. He felt that whatever a cadet's future was te be- that thie trainitig vwould be founid toi -A parade assemibled at the Orono IIsr c evc Municipal Building and mioved off te Isr the Fair Grounlds at seven o'clock. ~~vr ~~ The parade was he2aded by, the ance is represented in schoof? druni majorettes followed by our office. The follow- the O-rno Baind, the boy's squadron and the g-irlEs squadron. in ar some of thc On arnival at the Fair Grounds. of the Inspection party, W/C Gil!,at,l main coverages we can jF/O J. Pelletier, hoth of Trentoni and off er: C. Hi. Jenkins, representitive of the Ontario Provincial Co-i:mittee, thie General Salute was given aiong with Automobile, Lifa, Accident an,, the inspection and the lMarch Pat Sir-hnems, Plate Glass, Liability for both the boys and the girls. Fire, Burglary Rospital1zaùiou Both squads showed their ability and Livestoek, Boiler, Wind, Poli'o# reieithe approval of the audience Rail, Fideity Bonds, etc. asseimbled for the occassion. The Domninion of Canada Rifle~ ORONO PHONE IRi6 Association Awards* were presented to LAC Keast for highest score in' FRTMRGG ON the unit, LAC Elliott, first class badge IW/O Wood, second class badge anld also to CpI. Por-ter-, LAC Aas iLH m tn A deiiontrationt presented by the eo I rifle squad of the Oronio Squadron w as under the command of Cpl. RObt, RL-AI.. ESTATE iIROKEifV Porter and wns composed of F/S E.___ BAR - Smti NewDo TonghtNd F ra, Ail Technicolor So WithDebbe jReyuidsWith Est ercrWlams an iGP c ¶wll andIow resDKeel B Naval DramaEin1T "GYPSY C~L » WitonnaCoora "MANY ReIVERS TO COS Wih ohrtTaylor and E1-lea/iîr Pnrlker f WiiJanle and Cornel Co,ýd N Ye-ar's Best In lier Ac Award Pi TIff RUSE Aduit Enter NEXT MONDAY j TO VEDNESDAY I Actress! AGNAH I cadein.y I icture i TATTOO" ~ ttainai.eflt j h ~çASTEk 4, j Juïe,2.ozrloir23C ~TEXAS Juice20 oz~forCarrots 2 20 oz pkgs 23c Winasap AppIes 6 for 29e welche's CGrepe Juice C -7 vo A