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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1956, p. 7

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Parents Can Ci Lives of al amîiY members are changed in evetsy bomne ,ihere a. serJous acecd&xý-t occurs. Th-ere are no l.imits Ya the price a famiiy may pay fnw an acci- dtent. Beyond the obviaus costS, measured in dollars and cents. there are others which may be even more difficult to pay. a-id these hidden costs can n-ev,1 he covered by an insurance pol -Y it would b)e absurdtei any normal parent whal price they would take for a cild's eyes, arm or ieg. But that same child can be miaim-.ed forl Ifo b his parents' careiessness )r n- Ifference to accident hazards, wvrites Rosemary.ý Schaefer of the Home Safety Education Commnittee of the Americani Homne Economorics Association. After the damagle is donc, ne amyounit of money cani make the chid just as he was before,wii ing as his parents mny be, ta spend everything they have ta brinig hlm back ta hiis former SeIl What was the price paid L'Y three-year- old Mary's famnily after she -was left for il few moments near an ungxarde7ý bonfire? After wveeks of suffen, lngc and painful treatn'entsý, Mayrecovered. But she ws badiy disfigured. How did her parents face their probiems of treating Mary 60 skie would feel at ease wt others? 110w diid they avoid too much sympatliy sa that Mary would flot feel that she was dif--1 ferent froin her brothers and sister? How did they manage ta have Mary feel thatsh s r.eceiving the anme treateta the others? 110W did the parents teneki Mary's brothers and sis- ters to be careful, but nlt ovecr- ly fearful? Home accidents may weigh more heaviiy for a timre on parents or aider famiiy memi- bers but, in the long run. chl- dren are ikely ta suffer most, especially if they are robbed (if the kind of home life !bat they seed for their best al round development, suialy some f amily miember bas a greater phy'sicaI or fin.- ancial burden ta bear, fle may have ta sacrifice his owni lit e ambitions ta provide foir the in- jured one. Some may suffer th-rouaghout lie from a strugIgle te overcomie feelings of xremorse for causing an accident; or feel-1 ings of guilt for flot preventiig il. The injured persan may be- -_-dentsa -l& tha nist o~f -hersv eouId have been nre-veinted Acdtlare caused. ,±ff&41 years thàn~apy "di.- rease. Home, wheÈe, chleiiný are forming lite - long living babt, has most of the acidents. Trhe homemaker wauid seem ta :ause Accidents 1bear the major share of res- ponsibility for, teaching chil dren sntety. Her children moust learn safe ty froài, her as she teaches therm courte and mani- niers. Ulome HazaÎds Do wori-en give as much at- tention to ridding tbeir homeim of accident hazards aýs they do ta(-, ashions. Disordier, wrong equipment for the job, iim- proper use of good equipment, h,caiÈeiessness%ýanxiety and flatigue \'ail] the basic causes af accidents- - wuôuld disappear f'or the iot part if the,,> did. Disorder: ifkisl the parents respon'sibility f-(' provide star- age space for nli, materials and equiptl-ient used by the family. Ail famiy mem ýrs are respon- 1sible fa ,keepin ail tins]n thédir pinces. W )rkingc or wal7,k- ing , rclu 1tereff areas, stepping over 'obJect ýr striking ab- jects that arout f their ac customnedi places, cause [aila, burns and bruisp. with paintul and disabl4ng infuries. Wrong F~qipient: Hurry tem-pta mather t4 use to amraîl a, kettie. Fa(î ails aver nnd '%4EW RECORD",- Parry O'Brien is showing the determination thaf enableed hirm to hurt the 16-pound shoiýto a nïew world outdoor ,.d. At the onnual Intermountain »AAU truck and field meet a new record of 61 feet, 1i inch. ment: Modern honie- equ-ipmient, designed 'fo safty, makes it increasingly',dit'îi lt ta do a job thre da[,ngeru way. Round- ed corners on ran ges and refin- gerators reduce tha numiber of bad b unps an sharpý edges. They aiso lese the teinptation ta pile thiïlgs dangerously near edges. EmoUionaI 4ititudes Anxiety and fiatigue can cause accidents am famiymm bers. Ater a breakfast table argument, the harined house- wvife inay spili hot liquld an herseîf or absent mnindedly leave a sharp instrument within reach of sIpaîl graping handa. An upset father z4ay have an accident that has far reaching rimpiications. One well establish- ed farmer, after a, dsturbing argument ý,vith his .yife, was "0 preoccupied that he refueled his tractor witlh the mnotr running. iAn explosion seria iy lnjured hum. His son ad ta cme home tram coleg tý,liep unth-- h r marrige pàr Hi yf lice care frfî Responsible Familles Cooperate What an bdne ,omiake 'a home tl-ie-pace .wher'a-il. m 1 ei- býrs oftig famevéinpn grow, pj) y pro~tcton, and Imake.,a valuàKe contribution ta tamnilyshrd reonsibility and ý7ooperatiôr, ýïf.. dubàijonate, ne has' 4enývagt~aË onthé'positive side. _Mucl ' afety education for chikiren. has 'been rthe kïnd that *illie Brown received. His m-rother let him g~o simmiiing, but she didn't teach hlm ta swimi. Skie merely said, "Don't drownP" Naturally Willie Brown dld dr-own. Taday, mare parents realize the necessiy of swimmi'ng instruction befvre they Permit Wiie ta go swim- ming just as more parents renb- ize the importance ai building safety into houses. Homemnakers would profit by knowing moany of the industrial safety educatian practices. In- dustry las analyzed jobs ta see what can be done ta eliminate bazarda. They constantly check ta see that ail warking equip- nient is in goad order, They supervise warkers ta see that they wark saiely. One farmr family arganîzed ta. eliminate hazards because ani engineer son became so critical ot the many hazarda lhe saw about his home, atter he had b- comie accustomed ta safe indus-- trial iiractices. The grade children were cali.- ed detectives and thev went about disi' ýri ànl ýIý hazar. ah an e e equîpment> o see that it was ini gaod atrder., and repaired it rieceasary7. The father painted out many thinga that eacli c iýd oý ta elimînate hazards. was appo)inted captain ta c!7eck with famlily mnember's ta see that each was carrying out the family safety plan. As thua safety plan w,,fert ito effect the parents learned the importance of exýamnples they Tnie-IMMppeness <1749----1832> ,- - .. . . . . . were -setting for their children. Their every action was watch- ed. The chldren were quick to point out every violation of a salety rule. If ane of the young- est childiren imitated a danger- aur parental practice, it was qulckly recognized. AIl came ta realize that carelessness by any one oaf them periiled the lives and happiness of aiL Each began ta study and sug- gest the safety way ta do t armi and homne jobs. Ail were more alert to danger spots about the hose and tarm. As they work- ed," they questîoned them- selves, "Am 1 doing thi s thme safe way? How can 1 do this more safelyl" This famiiy îearned that or- ganization and conferences are the keynote ta a succesaful saiety program for any tamily. nb this home- and its sur- roundings chianged frorn a place of'danger to one cof safety, By eli,,,inating hazards and adopt- ing-safety practices they al wejre mare effective members of the tamily and community groups. part in. home satety orgailîza- tions, This reluctance ta partici- pate more actively in gaiety is L 'ý-sde we consîder thletheýb2Sâ, maternai instinct is thought ta be the pratective one. Women stand on street corners and sell tags r4tnany organizations hey haventL beeri as agr'essfvr, for ; _safety. In prepnning youth for a hnp- pic n rand .heaithier ýfe he homemalker should iý"Only caution youtfr ta be c 1 aI mnust teach thernhaw ta prac- tice safety and see that they live inià safe commun, >Iever a âreach 4Vlongside the- oid P'lo-ný-er post office tlle peachi tree ia in blom rn 5?w, ts blsso-ie, jaining pavements and atone and brick and ginder can nver quit rse tramn the busy market place. From a horticulturall view- a worthless thing that long ago wauld -have--been rooted as -a weed lrorn rmany ~orchard. For though its blassonin are in mnul- titudes, its springtimne promise, of fertiiity pr6dues nthin more than a fe,,ý viéned, bit ter penches and soii na n at ail, The littiee e hasýruge againat a d d s ail its lite. It sprouted and grew trom, an idly tossed peach pit; sa it mnut have been, ton no caretul gar.- dener wvouid have placed il where il is. But in this season the,' Jlitle tree has a mensure ai fulill- m'ent. Peaple who can look at mnountains where they live, they say, are generally happier than those whose eyes flnd only af flat horizon. So mnust il also be for those who cani loak tram their office windows Or pause in their bargain seeking ta resl their epes on a peach tree lit full bloom. AGENTS VWANTED GO INTO BUSINESS ÎforyourSelt. Bell exclusive hauaeware products and appliances wanted by every bouse holder. These items are not sold lx stores. There isarno cOmpetitianl. Profit up ta 500%., Write lmimedflately for free colar catalog wi'th retail prîces rhown. Beparate confidential whole- sale price iat will be lncluded. Murray Bales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Mlontrepal. ARTICLES FOR SALE MOTOR Trip This Sumimer? Bave Dol- lars! Instaîl Powerizer Save gas, inotor tune-upa, pluga and parts. Onl1y $395 postpald. Powerizer, B3oK 414. Mîiami 45, Florida. WErDDiNG 5 0 Ncrpkins 2.25 2,95 Matches 2,25 2.95 - 24 HOUR SERVICE Tonamies and wveddlng date nprinted in silver. Napktns li bride & Groom or bell design. THE REMEMBRANCE SHOP -18 BANK ST. OTTAWA BABY C HI1CKS cHicI<,s for sýpeciallzed fields,. We have ilde cholce. Layera, like LeghOrns and Amies Ii-Cross. Other breeds, crosses, a nd Hybridas. Order now for reason- abyprompt shipment. Fuil Informa- jton. Bray HMatchery, 120 John N., Htamilton, CHIORS-and Wurkey _Poulta onshort notice. There is always a big demnand for chlcks and turkey po!xts on short notice for Mlay and June. To take care of this we have set a large numbLer of extra eggs over and above chicks and turkeYs ordered li advance. When ordering be sure and buy the right breeda of chicks and turkeys for the job you want them to do. Sondi for free 1956 catalogýue, glving fuli details about aur special breeds of chicks and turkey poults. TWEDDLE CHICI< HATCHERIES LTD.. PER Gus ONTARIO BABY chlcks, Sua(sem-Red, Rock-Red, Red-rock pulilets $23.00, Mixed $13.00, Cockerels $5.00, Wbite Leghorn Pul- lets $2600. Breeders blood-tested. Colins' Poultry Farmn, R.R. il Lunen- burg, Ont, Phone Finch 95 COMESYIC HELP WANTED MOT1{ER'S help for general housýework, axssist chlldren, char kept. Automnatlc conveniences, private raom-. AMrs. M. Rothschild,, 51 Caribou Rd., Toronto 1Il FOR SALE KILLS INSECTS INSTANTLY SENSATIONAL new electric Insect bulb. lyorks atitomgatical.Far use everywhere, O.1y, 81.100.Satisfaction guaranteed. t)ept. W?. iGlobe Discount igervice, 159 Rase Ave, Toronto. GENERAL Store and Past Office lIr growlng coxmuity on Provincial bighway, Western Ontario. Good liv- ing quartera. $6,000 cash, balance monthly. Private. Box 142, 123 Eight- eenth Stý, New Toronta. DANDRUFF REMOVER A,ýUREOLE Pomiade will iivig-orate yoaur hair, remiove ail dandruff, beave yarhair with s brighit, dlean look. 8100 par jar postpaid. Canadian Mer- chants, 4903 Fulton Street, Montreal 29. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH 1the tormenit 0* dry eczemna irazîhes a-id weepîng skid troubl]es. Post's Eczema salve will not dliaap- p oint you. tching. scaling and hum.- :,geczema, amie, ringworm,. pimipies and foot eczema will respand readilY to the stainless odorless ointmaent re- gardless of haw stubborn or hopeles- they seem Sent Post Free on Receipipt o r PRICE $2.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st clair Avenue East, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A H AIROR ESS ER JOIN CANAOA>S LEADING SCI-OOL Geat nHairdresslng Pleasan.-t dtgnified profession, good wages. Thousands of scese MaPrvel graduate-s. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalo-g Free Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 1_'OHýOOLS 158 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa VERMICUI.ITE IS RIIIT LET Ibis proven, guaranteed proces rn bc nwcr prfrmn e-Ie utrfaces cylinder walls, piston ringm effectlvely, $3.95. Safety guird, Posi- tive puncture sealing compaunid la. "boratory tested and approved, $296, Four tubes $1.92î ilterature agento wanted. Arthur 1-., aulne, Sales Agen- cy, Box 234, Massey, Ontario. SAWFDUST. Tura l4t into cash. 49 vnethoda. Pull instruct.lons $,.Mar,- shaHi Rowland, 1639 St. Luke 1W., Wwdsor, Ontario, ADVERTISING_ FOR SALES WONDERFUL bargain tri Poultry. Parm. Forced ta sel] on accOunlt Of health. Good Location and wonderfuL market. Write: K. W smithi, Prince William , NB.- THE KING 0F ALL STRAWBERRIES BtliSove-reign produce the Largest and sweetesýt berry of them ait. A sing e planting lsaUp to seven yeaýrs. Plants grow ta a yard in diamieter. Instructions with eac order, TCry a NORTHERN Berry and sec the dliffer- ence. 25 PLANTS $.... 50 .....- $3.50 100 - . . 65 TAYLOR NURSERIES BOX 278 TIMMINS, ONT. OON'T DELAYI EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEIJRITS SHOULO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'$ DRIIG STORE 335 Eiffin, Ottolwz $1.25 Express Prepoid

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