'rI-ITTPunAV MAV QA+h tONfi Ot~~~tyý ]Y WELLY1w , l£ AlaeU Post Office Department, Ottawa Publisher.. R. C. Forrester M-iny Firsts At Cadet Night T'he~ staff of the Orno nigh SSchool, Officers of the Orono Air Ca-det Squadron ai-i the students of the School are tD 'ne commended ;m- the excellent performiances displayed on Wednesday ee i i iheir promotion of Cadet I.nspeetioni and Athletics. Comiments of iýhe Inspectlng Officer and othêrs associated with ýAir cadets were ~nos faourbleforthe activities of thse entire evening, -We doubt very much if the evening- would have an equal ini any ofi the district. Tt showed the interest the studeý,nts have in their :school activities and aise the leadership being given by their. teacis- 1;ýeSrs and Officers, ight bcm more ou-stainding wýhen o ne realIizedi that it iere ap)pearan,ïce on the local scene of niany of the per- lie eveiing an-rked the first appearance of an Orono rps, (Miin Squadron of Cadets, first year for the Orono tNe Cadetsila Noir Inspvecton, first year for the appear- ebrCl boysan girls teama, and also the fist yeariL zed anddssd cheer leadiing grouip. w yeenn in6'rpronounceiwd theds Lu tokeep the oi inO noshre it bcomes a part of theVillge a anet asset Vo it. GREGORY CLARK Fwmnk-,w nerobotter thnGrog" Cterk, nted editor - od o.tdoorn uhoî t OntarWi s ils immense divers ity. sont the sa 4Me para flel of latituide as Waria, Ordario touches'the A retic zone-. tagricultqral and industrial doma'tn i f on the continent. s, rivers, pameless lakes into which $t wetrated. go for sých contraWt Name two!" il ~GRSGOR' ýCLARK Lr bears! program meqns safe, more you canp peasant travel. Ontario's an even highways, plus exoel ont bus, nve tise rail, water and air services ropolis make every par of tise ci pence Province readily ac ,ý-sible. Please use tise e upon for -to S colourful literature whici will îtario'Is help you to "KnON0,TARSOU glhway 1Beltter!P ONT koce Pteo P'ost Off ~wRIO ~ - W~ at ifa taparirna 392. ~. Qo ~e W~I W~frO~ your ene~r s ~bopt Ontarlo sala, Osatana RSYAN L GAHICART, I - Mhaist& ne send r,,e frae Iiteratsare md cocnd .'wup ut Oltar!a I __ __ I .1 _________ I ice j J - sent of Trovel ~rsd ?ssblsasy, Hon. Brynsa L Cethcept, Missister A. Fo rrester 10 czondaitotion.b- fiGRe-al tate for Sale bement, one e efl a vry de- ~ a locai in Or o. ru te get the plants a - feers ox ered f rom thse Sýciety.U stream, garagô all onvenieneos, Many eéxtras. g AS TS.U Phone Orono 1710, b-p îfl 0 We will be plpasfd te pick up dead 9 or crippled farmn animais for santa7 disposai. Telephone collect, C_'oboîgj FR. 234 or Toronto E. 3 -3A. I .GORDO-N YOUNG LIMTb -~ -~ s ~a - s.0,,,..n'S sen.C C5~ M j nisper gai. 2a. AWA - 11 P,9 Professional Directorý A. F. McKENZIE, -M.D. PHYS'ICIA'iN and SURGEON I Office Hounis: 2.00 te 4:00 p.m.; 6:»0 te 8:00 p.u.. ISundays and WednrEsdays by Iappointient only 1 N E J ESTATE 0F AN R.EWV BIRT1 COCN M'E JAiNDY late ,if thël Tnspof Clarke iii the C punty o are hFaytora 1Durhani Labourer, deceasedlar apy oano their daug<htes1, ML AIl prsoiis laving cIiir.ýs against Meinorial Hospital, the Est4te of thse saîd Anflrew Gech- jSuinday, Mazy 2a. rane B 4ndy, who died u or about thie 22n4 day of Januar 156, are hiereby 4otified te send.,o the wnder-, signed ýdminîstratrix; or ber Selle- itor on or before thse 1th d-y of JuneC 1956, their namies an addresses and full pa4,icular-s of Veir dIaimýfs and thenar of these acurities if any) held by ýthiem duly Yerified by statu- tory de ,arationi. Ool100 Immn-effately afte the said 16th, et h is dyof june 1956, tIe asets of thse' et h 1 sa;id ded .ased wili be distributed vissitors welcomie. amo ,g t epersons entitled thareto - - hl-aving ise ard ioul-yt the dlaimis of w1hich tise Adsinisatrx or ýheAU O un~riis Slciorhl en halve 7 e entLe1hous Datedï at O is 24th day of Ja uct'i nit ih res May 1956. oec tc f1 &SLurd.ay Ma-q 2 it MAGEITE POREEN BRAPNý1-e ic Adminristratri.x f u rilîue Vey ý elient conditio A, R. R. WA D DEL, Q.C.L Orolio, linen and bdi ()nt. Slc±rfrthe, Administs'atrix, Auctionýeer, - ORONO f DR. R. J. TAGGART ~ndgarge, VETERINARY SURGEOIN nces, Orono0 Veterin.ary, medicines, biologÎcaja rw 0 rono. and instruments etMeially dispensed. fotleng.th. PHONE 10616 OR.ONO, CINT. LEGAL Lekrd. / 4l>jpLawrence C. M'eason, B.A. ias pened a Barrîster anid Sdlicitor p ve en.Sop BOWMWANVILLE, ONT. areTown- he: mieeast Of Offic MA 3-.5688Rol NA3u cy fortDavid c o~eA48 a-pj _ JOHN RECAN, B.A. tBaritr Notary Public 33 Temiperance St., Boewmanvli. Phonie MA 3-3292 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize lIn Iarm snd Furn-iitu-re Sales Conesult me for termo and dates Phone .5 r IR - -n TEb JACKSON Aucioneer and Valuator Conducts Auctior') Sal etofani âu and at resonable rat«. Commniicae with hm aat PSs Perry, Ontario, or seï- hi& ClarkA. R, Mortoni, at roono, fat dat. LIFE V4NeSURANCE Prtetinand SvnePlans fe Children and Ad2lts; Mortgaýg a suýrnce Plans. F. E. YCEî Orone, Ont,. Phione 11711 4 7 UE N Ï AND I's flot epaie n this 'ast tribute wil gir,- The RUTTER GRANITE Phone Turuer 5-5'211 P.O. Box 622 Port Hoüpe, OnItarjoý Monuments, rvmreg Engraving",Oldain d"Buy direct and Save onll. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Propertiee Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L.M. A L LIS016N Real FEvtate urokker P'hone25C% New, a lffOa Two bloka nemith oftraf fià PHONE 1471 o opýWl