Police Trustees Reduce Rate 'Tax Payers Releived 0f 2 Milis, Týhe Orono Police Trusýtees miet or Mon,-idaty vening in the Oronlo NMunici- alBuilding witb al i members pres. ýCnt. Durlng the course of thie meeting 'he Trustees set the iiil rate for the W,7ilage of Orono at a full two mill redý,,uction over that of last year. For thle yéar 1955 the Village miii rate ~wa9.5 mills whichi will be reduced to7.5 mills for thbis year. The rate ln1954 was inicreaesed two mills to ~pa - the iitial instalmunt on the Or- noMunicipa-l Building and' as tiE bud n as to date car.ried itself in ;mperation it was felt that the two miirate could be dropped. Itwslearned at the mieeting that th e Colonial Coaýcl Linies ha;d fot as 7Ét madJe ;-Y contact in) the Village to set up aI station in Or-ono. As a ïlumýber of enquiries had been mnade ,hy citîzens of the Village, the Trum- tesrequested that the Secretary gincontlact the firm riegardiag th-e >ettiggnu) of ýtl a .Statîon in Oronlo. Signs Ta fBe lRfpainited - lR. C. Forres-ter reported that MVr. ~M. ul -%v as painting a sýigTI for the beatifcatonproject at Station St. ndHigilwajy No. 115, It was pointed ount tuat the presenit signls at the eni- trainces to the Village werje badly in ý0C.ed of paint and it wýas decided to Iih,-ve these signs takea up), P1-inted anrd placed li, different location-s. Twoý7 of the ;signls are to be used to detiethe Orono Park aind to be, pla,ýed at the rorth and tlhe south of thýe Village. It was (4ecifled to hav\e ~'incPInygrouads Orono Park" .ýa-ited oýn these twoj signeý. The third .siîgn with the p resenlt letterinig "Or- ono,'Iý A Good Place To Live" is to be ~Pl-a(ed 0on the sixtihlibne County road uIorth of the Village in thje vicinity 'of John Best's coner. The Tirustees ,ire to seek permission to have these signseieected both iromn the Depart-I ment of H-ighWays and the C.nis 3M. L. U Mercer was atoie to reeethe signe for painiting. Ltwas pointed out tkact the 'No) ~D~pn'Sign had no~t been placed onthe noth side of the fift.hline in, àt.-e Village of Gr'ono and tlhe secre- t-ary was ins+taucted toe cotact tLce ýTownship Rond Superijiteide.t in this nmatter. Aseessmu'nt Up The assessement in the Village of 1Oon icreased drn the past yeajr irn 54 7,200 to $5G2&2350- With the 7redýuction lu the miii rate Orono will Yhis yea collect $4,218 as cojmpnrýied wt.$5,18(l, ini 1955, This reduction, JWas Poinited out, will net affec .nny pr-oject ilu the Villa ge as tee a yýearIy redution ;llin pyetofte .Mi2Icipaj jlIBilding. t .saso point-I ,3d ont byï the cara thaIt te vil- Fire Dprmu Mrj. Bruce -Mercer, Or-ioo ire ief, add&essed the Trutees and ed il ey i'tended pichasIng 110W t" e hose this year. .C l'ester ppinted out that it w!s th e bepurchasecorne -new hse' SA motion was passed that! one hundred feet of mne and oee half1 inclV bose be purchased from Lana.i Rfardiware. The ire chief asked if the Trpcutees woaid c9nsider havinig a eii dferceoPperationctagepd in the t1I~~his year. Thies sheme would ilivove ivpor six fleç departments routhe uurrouneiing nianiicipaltitiew willh -would carry-out an. exercice in Liefighting. The Trusteeýs gave ap- rovýal to have the acheme in O-rono îf met with appreval from, the Colin- tisCo-ordinator. t iaspointed out tàeat the Village ,vould have to pro- Vide a light lunch~ for the participat- hng firemlen. ilt -as decid.1ed at the, Mseeting to have the Pireà Chief attendý the Electrical Inspection> Course in Peterborough if it -etvith.li bisap- prcval. R. C. Forrester reported that Mr,ý Winter-s had submitted a price of $U',00 to construct the niew deigneLd fire tank ueing coastructional stpeel thoughout. It was feit that the Trus- Ts htFer The Week tees couid net pny the price to have the tank constructed as it was con- sideiably ov-er the allotnient st asid(e for)i the constrýuction Of the tank. File price ho11wever -%as not considered out of laiie for- the tank,. -Messers. Ruther- f'Ord and Forrester stated that a priceý of around seýve'n 1hndred dol- lars had been. quoted for a cernent block tank and tis prýice wasý, thought! mioreý in line for the Villiage. It waa poneOut that teeL tank w\ý'old have nostr'uctural steel lu the walls but woufld have in the top. t -would el- ina"te anly forming anid cost of any origmterial.at t was lenrned thot- block tanks wr constructed during the wvar and that M. waters of th-e Count<" ies eaj.th Unit would pass,; ce- rnenlt b4ock eeptic tanks. t was feit thIat proper, tamiping of the outside1 soiu should Offset any isd pressure roiwater. After considerable dis- uission thle Truistees felt that thle tank should ho suitable for the pu-l- Osof holding, water and that. they oudembark on havinmg su4h a tank cons,ýtruicted. Mr, H .lUre sto contat Mr Winer inl this m1atter. Side Wallks In cennection with the side walk onL a1Portion of Station Stree(t up toi 1M'r. Co.rniish's it was decided to have! (continued oni page 6) Public Sehool Teachers 14-Hl lomeinaking Club ibid Last àMeeting lisIids Fearth &Meetingý The final meetingý of the Clarke1 T.ownslhip Teachers' Ass;ociati on, for By Carel -in Belle this school year, was held on1 May 2?ý2 in the Smnday School roomi of the The foui-th mieeting of our-1 4-11 Kendal _United' Cburch. Homecmakiiig Club was held la MWay The Rendail W.A. served,( a lovely 22,19,56 itM. Kenneidy'shme picpic lunch to the toachers. ,ehdaote e1eibrji u The president, Mr. 2luiiro, asked clbJenCairscadden, niow we have the teac-hers to give their destina-i ) memibers. tions for, th next seýhool yoar.' Miss Stewart read the field diay, reclords so that all record booke C(oUld Elizabeth lReid comimenced the ho made up to dt.Ail cotestanits mneeting by hiaving us repent "The are requestedi to -wear thieir ccbol Pledge". Thoen the minutes were read naïnter. [and appLroVed. The finst mieetingÎ for the next scliool yeýar willjj be hield at Star-kville Since wýe ha.-d no buisinress we went School on Septemiber 17. on w the roll caîl. 'Mrs. Kennedy t -wns movýed and seconded that gave1U 1Xlýpcsof"hil o oe ail the bis fer the yoar be pnid. 'or us tex-ampie of"Thand o oe The ladies Of the Kendca1i W.A, Let ters, w,,ere thnnked 'by Mr Munr.o. The meeting adjourned on thie motion of Orhm sinin a omk M~r. Collines.Ouhoeasgien \st mk_ Salk Vaccine Io Arrive I 'bi;s Week Word bas; been received that, par-t oýf tiie cipien'tt of poimltsvac- cine for thre childrcen who are te have their SeCond doses will arrive this week, and ciiics will-getuc dra aga-.in on, Mondcay, kJcne 4 ,states Drj. ChaloteM.Horner, Medical Ofefic-.er of HealtIr. Threreanr of the vac- ciae for the Second cdoses le expected to arrive about the middle o)f Jane. Because ýof the intensive testing that takes plaecein, Ottawa on the vaccine, came bac beein discardeýd ho- c-Us e of l potency. Dr. Herser sayc' sleh bc-een advised by the On1- taie Departmient of Health that foiJ thi,.s )acon there W-ill net be stiffic- onIt vaccjine te iv any third dowse tiisspin,.No vace 15 yeIava!S ahle for preschoolchdrn '4 Snio wer Honours Bride 0f Recent Mariage Mrs. Vincent Vanstone (INe Ja ara Williamrs) of Bo'wnanville was t1ie j Weaâll e wsyoalthsu- recipient of a miscellaneosschew-er ees andhaboriesswib yoeual tre ysuc- Tuesdny eveaing at the home of mr's. 1toe .hpioel teftr er Sîd Barrabail. We hope you and Viace will camne The living room w,,as gaîly decor- back te Orýona oftea ta visit your -aid nted with white wýeddinlg belle, and1friends.. pink and white streamiers. On ber Joan nie, wýe hope yoa w-ill nccept arrivai Jean was escorted te ,set these gifts frea yonur friendel. Hoping of our hic ws Isedeetod they eaa share came happy mories piakand hite Thee wee ~ in your new home. pitk ad wite Terewer sone The co-hostesses, Ms Gloria oryfriende and reliatives present. gt4rsFeAdir ndlsS Before the 21an1y lavely gifte %vere Barrabali rvdad i -otlunch~ orsne the folkowinïg addlress was anid a sociai heur was onjoyed, redte Jean 'Miss Gloria Piggot: rs Vanstoýne was give11 a shoW-orl enne-We yoair frienide an I b ViSs Mar ion Vansutonle ofBomn scho1~hum ar vry npp upn il ise ee TonpresenJted Jean heýing able toenatertin yo'u 1thi s evn-""Wth" n Eecre Fre and the iiig Lt le cete bave y,,ou wf itus11Hockey teasn. hicb Výinýe isgoie mginad especially on suc!h a ha Jppy prnited thei w1ith a Lovely bek ocýcasion oLf bnuigyeu on y.9ur fat set of dishes. Bowma nville IDowns Orono in--"O Fý,,ei G ame At Park rians la thre fourth whien -Mercer Tihe Orono Bnsebail te ai"pIL,,el went 'te firet on al fielder's choice. thi frtgamewo f the ý on -oinon follo-wed witb a. three bag- Tharsday evening -of last we i the ger te score Merer and inter scored Orono Park witib the Bo(wiîranville hiceif when Shetier drove into left Rosesans thre guecte, The Roses heid field tIrei~per audlu Ireaffir ird Sellers ard -Gilbýooey again both came oput on top after seven innings scered for, Bowmhirville in>the fiftlr ~of piay with a sc'ore of eighit te tbrree. on1 a double by Sellers, an errer, by A fewt'oo aiany errers and a lack of Ronnie West on Gilhooey's bit and hittinig 4ower dplLed any victory foracnleb ýx thre locn>i crew o f nine. acnl yOx Thre. Roses tbek the lead in the In the sixth Cowle of thne Races firet innigo h ae n ed~ scored after be singleed and nd-,ane£l throug-houtj, Tbey counted tworu when Gallîngher Wvaked. Coloe thon intIe ir ~codfith 0n sixth sacrificed ta 1right field te score the1 inte of irteotal fit iht.dOron two mon on bases. Thtis ended the on the other baud secured a double scor'sng for the Bowmvnanville toai la the fourth and a single lu thre xhich ,wa-s five above the Orono total sixül t conplte teil scvir. Mercer counted thre third ceunter La the fîrst inning Gilhooey scored led on nth it atrhesrg r nsingle followoed by singles by Co e . and Cowle. Tis scoredi both Gilhooey Sbllers wasP tIre vînnîný: pitcher anPd Cox for the first two ceunits of giviag up five bits, four strike-aute thegie andthe walks. Keitb West wns the Sellers, the lead-off batter for the losing pitcher giviag up aine bits, Roses in the second, ait single te six -walks, and eight strike-outs. ho followed by an errer by Robimncen Cowle and Sellers were tIre -hest wbien ho rnde a play on a 'lt baIl bitters of the gamoe for B-wmanvile by' Gilbooey. -A sacrifice hy Cox ad- with Cowle being top for both teanis. vanced tIhe ranners wbo inter scored Ronnie WVest and Junior West botb o)n a long9 hall bit ta right fielddiby batted fiftyper cent.for tIrir gaine Cow-le which was errored by Raye3 being the best on the Orono squad. West. A gain twa runs crossed the The second honme gamie will be plate. played to-night at tlre Orono Park a- Creno ceunted two of thieir three gninst Lindh,ýay. Isanldwiches at homne andiniclud la our reco(-rd book. The raIl caîll for ,lnlt eeting is "Why 1 like ta En- After the meeting e ere our- seclves iced toný. The imeeting con- cludcd at 8:45, MisGwen. Ransberry Hoboured Witb Shower A group of thirty relatives aaid frienlds-gnthuered at the bolne of Ms W. A. Grndy te boueur Miss Gwea RLansborry, bride-tô-be, with a ie- cellaneous chower one evening last week. The home -\as tastefully deco-r- ated ospecially for the oeccassion lin piak anilte The bride-to-be receivcd imanyv beatuifuil and asefal gifts with which te farniish her nef.w home. After oppen- ing the2se, the bride-to-be, in a ft'weil-chosea words, expressed her p~l~onto those present nr anýr invitation was exteaded ta the group te attend the bridie-to-be'c Trousseau Tea. The remainder of the evening was sPent by playing a few gam-es, aftr which a doudicous lunchb was served by tlhe hostesses, Mrs. Keith Wood and Bible Study Certificates Presen. ted At Sunday Anniversary' ,j)The Orono Saaday Scheel of the 'rono United Chuireh observed their ScAhool Anniversary on Sunday inor- ninig, -May 27th. The youngstersas- sembled at,110:45 outside the C'htivch nnid marcher a.round the business block of the5 Villag'e led by the Orono Band. s For the service the choir loft ws occupied by the J-unior- Choir of the chiurch uinder the leadership of Mr. W. W. Watt. The choir oferd e anteni "sidneThine i" Mr. M H. Staples, Sunday Schiool Superinteindent, assisted the Rev. John Kitc!hen wvith the service. Thle Rev. Dr. G. Iipatr-ick wa the guest The Beginners and Junior' memibers o)f the Suay School offered a song ledl '-)y Miss Ami Best. Afso duinpg the service Bible S'tudy Certificaiwn wýere prosented to a numiber of the seniior members who w-ere encressful- with their studios of the bible.Mr Jamfes Rickaby made thiis presenta- tion and congratulated the dcase ini their achievement. The test was cen- tred on St. Like's: Storyý of our Lord. The cînes wns tutored' by Mrs. John Kitcheni. TL-ose receivuitg certificýates wýýere; Jane HroSandraMec, SseMajor, Marilyni Major-, Heather Rutherford, MreyTyrrell. The 11ev. Dr.ý G. Kilpntrick, gaest, speaker, held the iintereet of the children throaghout the sermon withl 'l'he Seamnless Robe' Staged Byy Y .i peoples vUni.w- Ont Suniday evening the Orono-New castle Young People's Union pr-1e- sented t'The Seamless Robe" an ini- triging imystery of the g-armient o Chirist. The play wvas stnged in the Sual- day School auditorium or the Oroneu United Chareli and under tee di- ,ctor-shîp of the Rev. M.L C. Ficher cof Newcastle. Close to one hundred er sons attended the showing al titis plnýy centred on Christ's irobe wbicis has been immortnalized in the Bi3bIe. The cas, of* characters were as5r folw:Mexa, a Here uian, Fn cýie Jose; Prisca, bis wîfe, Shirley Quantril; Azubah, their lamne du ter, Valina Coping; Nýanral, a young Hïebrew w0,om-an, Dorýeen Aldred; Ser- ahIl, a wealthy Hbo woman, Ve!Ida Fisher; Betlia'h, a poor Here 0w- manl,Marilyn Q uaniitril; Tertius,~ Milon ainy; NMarcus, Seldon Pa- ker; Lucius, kri lison; GaLiue,. Roniald Dickinson. bis direct and hamorous talký on"Lt tors." The speaker likened Lettors toe- character of a pDersan and here'e he pointed te tIre desirable letters of if e. Dr. Kilpatriclk was itrodtuced o- the corngregation by Mrii. -M. H tp. Menibers of the Oreno Public' School Trustee Board met an .-Mon- dayv evening in tIhe Oronio e-,Sebooil when they dsusdaC~COnmýation for tee ad'ditional dlace rooni to be opened for the publice choQi thIý year Previeus te this mieeting the boajrd had consldered opening- the f'oarth room la one of a namý,ber of build- inges in tIheVilgMe of the pro- posýed sites wero ia thre tcentral por- tion or the Village. The(se sites were investigated by the lloard 'bihaiseincladad the, hasýemont of the Tewnship Hall1, Or.. onao. tGn r h- etn- ý, Mna ni «U te oirdthasmeeti o ModathyiIniot theniBoad has roor pedth ide herof peaing n.lacTr,? popoteide ýv of her opn bhelding. Th roosaIis nhe aset oeutue ut rIn lu heb-,rasen of t ',ho ece. inthe~ faeiet brearrantne th sp ma'ý the baceenha the afýaofhur-- buidyn. hisplaced in this tare fuhe builsiding. Ths roct i e ofunal iv preuodgeat the sohe oatl Inal a- rrontement eaubeicomltedo;, lighitedi by large widw ad should lirovidie space for g'oodcl ass roe r t k & Proposed To Have Extra Room In Public School N k r' N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N 'k N N k -s 'r N N N N N N N N N N N s' N N s -N N N N N. N N N N N la This Weeks Issue In this weeks issue of the Orono Weekly Times pages six and seven have been priated in Orono. Local niews and ad- vertisenients appoar oni aIl 8 pages opf the paper. il,