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Orono Weekly Times, 31 May 1956, p. 5

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First Two Opening Games Th0rono G04r's SfbalTeam h,,ave made a g ondbeginninig for th+, RuIld Ï1.ther r-th Insur aee , Yo Èeu'proteet fourseif againat suic hazards 1 but yoieuguar against complete \rsirii is ai ys your N.F. OTER Il1214 o ~:c..- Re. 1252 sesoaving ,von both games played The ocpenînrg game of the schednttle for Oono was playedi the local pakon Friday last. In this game a-e gistNewtonville the local crýew% wereforcd tc cor efrm behind to rae ine to si:x vietory . Gail Cope1eld the mound for, Orono in thsfeatule as also in the ýsecon1d ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TH1JItSDAYV MAY 31, 1956 'Dear luth' At Orono' Local News June 8th And 911 mr.and Mrs. Jas.Mdltr ite ih Mir. n r-.IstA;let Ruiter and The presentation of '<Dea Rutýh" by the Orono Players is but one week away. Tis two-act comledy, conIsist- in-g of six scenles wiIll be staged in the To',ýnship Hall, Orono for two~ ýonlsecutivýe iighits, Friday and Satur- daiy, Jneth and 9th. The cuirtini will rise for both showings prom-ptly at:,',ü p.m. Te,, enthusiastic cast in this playý have been herearsing continually for he past two ceeks and expect to ~tag,-e a play well w'orth attedig. 1H Te scon gae oftheyougrTe play has been a ashBroadiway wa- 1 aye in eý,casle ih1;t amIlso won Imuch approval ro seaon as layd n Nwcatleon tif\I-gIIpublic. Wdeayeveniiing xhen againl th(e ' Oroo grlscame out on top by ai wiemargîn. The local girls droveý AUCTION SALE hoea total of twenty runs copr-___ ewtheleveni for Nèwcastle. Homne Th unesgd has rcie n - nns ere the orde o te day in str.uctions,, fromthe exeutor s o h tbe galle wilh both teamls itting the etate of the late R. M. Cale, Lots a lng all. ronio, however, tLook thie, 6s7, Con. 4, Darlington Townshipý, 3 fJ edge ini this departmlent. miles eat of Hampton. To, seIl by The O onougrlscwlluag in n on F riday, Jurie , Piia~eenig teOrnotstok.feed, tr-actor; miachînery etcý. -il! Le oi ý ý__-Cash. No reserve. trhi e opposition. iJakReid. AuKw_îIEnprî h. - Congoleùm, 3 yard îidthçs. Patternls A g,3ood selection of drapery materials. for Livingroom, Diningroom, Bcd- patterns far kitchens, bedroom or room or kitchen. Priced lier running iig-m Priced ..$1L25 - $2.95 yard ..................... $2.75 Children's Summer/resses ini Print Congoieum, 4 yards wide....$4.953 Siik, Broadelotw, Voile or Nylon. Sizes 2, 13, 4, ;',/ and 6-x$2.O - $S.9ý5 Congoleum, 2 yards wide $1,85 Children's Co ton Jerseys in plain or pattern, al colors. Priced 95e -$19 Rexoleum Deuxe, 2 yard midthsLdisg qulyctonJasn Pricd a.......$1. -~1.5 yd tan, re4, turquoise, grey. . $4.45 Inlaid Linoleum, 2 yds $3.ý, $4.95 Ladies" tripe Jerseys with roud coliar and ree-quarter pus'h up sleeve in me ium and large. Priced .. $2.9S Jaspe Tule, Al colours, size 9x9,Priced 'at....... ...2%r 25e La ies cotton Jerseys in black, white, \111urquolse, Pink and blue $1.00 . $3.00 Congoleumi Rugs in ail sizes and pat- - terns. Priced ......$6M2 - $15.25 T~2 Curtains for every room, friHed or taiIored in nylon, dotted marquisette organdy, sunniwebb, -voile and lace. Priced made Up from . $2.95 - $8.95 By the yard .........50e, to $1.50 Laies' orVtses i ui uler ottons no two styles alike. Size 7,to-221/2. Priced ............$,5-$69 Cotton Skirts in plain coloured broad- cloth or patterned. Size 12 - 18. Priced............. $4.95 - $9.50 Evenigs Friday & Saturduj A M Wednesday I A I ~ Store Open Ail Day Monday Between Orouo and Necstle on Highway No. 35 igor Standard CatroIine 3 Z- pC, r gai a x ini Vigor High Tlest 1 prgI ax incu in smail q antities avaliable at the $tation, Open Evenings and Sundays jRecent visitors with Mlrs-. T. J. Car- sadden and family wvere -mrs. Cts Gny, Mr'. and Mrs. Garlanld Cathciat, Kendal, Mdr. and Mrs. Roy Berry and Dawni, AMrS. John Berry, 01-01o. Mr.-and Mrs. A. R. Endersby of BO-wmanville visited with MAr. and Mr.Jas. Middleton Sunday evening. Mr. and Ms John Cwan i, Sixthi bine visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Middleton on Moniday atfternoon. Mr. oa(d Mrs. M. Burns n-,ld farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hammn, Pete-rboro, fr. anid AMrs. Calvin Hakmmi, Mr. and Mr.Don'ald lamm and famIlily visi- ted onl Sunday with Ml.mi Mrs E. J. lHamm. Congrtulatons t Mr. nd Ms, E. Gilbank on the birth of at son,. M.adMrs. Jas. Middleton ealled on MvadMr S. Harry Hodgson of NecsleSturday evenig 'tle bale of cohigpx'ckdt the Orons Unied (hm ni on Tuesday aIfternoonc contained 15 cartons, U ,lankets, :3'of tl,, se iweren .iiesu cartons weeent to the Depot in Toronto for oesa relief. Mrs.Drumondconveneor of the, drie îse'tothank il! thIos;e who lýpd ith thie sort-ing, and 'packing, 1"s thoe \vho conriuted L.0. Dsrc Lodge of Clarke areý hvnttheir Semli-annual mýeeting at 195I6 -,t800P.m.1 Change oif time in Kirby Church service t9 and Sunda Schoolurh t 10:45. 'Mr. A. Davy of Toronto .spent Ttiosday with miss Mahel Davy. Miss Audrey Biilinga and Mliss MuritaL Hull, Oshawa spen>t the week-1 with Mr. and Mrs. Carl BillagS. ÇpIlgra-tulations to Mr I-.ud e , JackBiysori on the birth of a daugh- r.ancd Mrs. Wmi. Bailey, Tor onto, Mrs. Colini Beaton and baby dau~ghter Lauie of North B3ay spent Sunday ith Mrs. Harry Bailey and faily. Mr. andM.s Fred Bro)oks anId baby son, Osaa spent Suinclay with Mr. and Mr-S. as. Wood. Wednesday 'eentii, , May 23rd, arouind thirty ladies gathered at the homle of Ms Harry Mercer to bon-' ur Mrs. Amjy Rogerson, biet-e vý-th a miscellaneous shower. Amy was completely surprised, andý oni ber arrival was ush2ered to the chair of konour whe're arg,-aret Mer- ceur presente<J a corsage. Amyv opened fier miany lovely gifts and exPressed sincere thanks to ber friends. A eontest wýas enjoyed and deli- cus lunch served by, the hostesýses, Mr.Harry Mercer and Mrs. Bruce Mer-cer. Orono Pastoral Charge John Kitche Min ister- ýSUNDAY, JUNE S, "rd KIRBY Chrurcli Serviceat94 Sumnday School 3t 10:415 ORONO Sund,,fay School at Ï;:45, Chrhservice ,at-Il OuIr complete ICARVETI IPhone 2251 SERVICE uarantees y r round N~ewcastle, Ontaruî - - - --- - Blouses, Ladies Cotton Abalene, short sleeves, sa-- forized. Assorted colors including white Size 30 to 38. Eeach. ........ ~Special! Children's Socke'es, good quality, assorted stripes and colors. Sizes 6¼ý to 8Y2. Pair ...19e s5 pair 191r 94e Tee Shirts, Men's BalJgiggan, Ribbed Ruit, Nyloni- reinforced, neck ban , white. Sizes small, med. andilarge.,.................... Sport Shirts, Men's, fong sleeves, two-waycoir attractive patterns in a wide range of colors. Size small, m edium or large. ch....$2.9, Special -- Nylon Woo1 Iou neails, 9 colors ta choose from incld ng wh* . Bal.......3& Satin Set, Revelon, tle pinur-1 spray set. Sets yourîj curîs to last twice s 11 g, large iloz. tin ..2$JPJ Sta-Away Jnsect Repellent in the new handy squeeze pack. Tube..................... 35, New Rainiate Wallets with full size rain bonnet. Be sure. see this handy -wallet......8e Real Crocery Savin"gs Special Lustre Crea JShamn-poo, giant'98c tubes 79C. Aimond Jcing........... ......2 'lb. tins 25e- Bisquick Baking Mix .........../2l.:kg p Red River Cereal 1........... arge 3 lb. pkg '39e. Mothier Parýkerý's ý-offee, b tins 50c. 1 lb 95 Nabisco lice Flies Cer al reg. ~ oz pkg I. 15e Cherry Tain Wag4-taffe ', lgs. 24 oz bottles ..~.. 35er. Ma z ola 'Sal1ad(1 Oi e xellent foi-cooking, 16 oz 29e Diii Pickles, Dy ,arge 24 ozbottles ...... 29c, *Crisco, large 3 lb. tins ........... InluLdes 10c off your next purchase. URONO5c.TO$ Opein Friday and Sat-arday evenings f or your ORONTINSMOP Plumbing Fixtures. Access --ries and Repairs War m AIr H,,,atinýg anid Air Conditioningi B-H Paint and Varnishes, etc. R.E. LOGAN, Propj. 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s s N N N 1N - ~ N N s N N N N N s N s N N N N. N N N N N s s 's N N N N N N N N N 1 Il FiDr', D' 1

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