:)RT SHORT CUT, FIRST 5 RIBS "TABLERITE" Quahity Beef Primé Rib lbM45 Roast l 5 IDEAL FOR BRAiSlING SBeef Short Ribs RIB LOIN - 'MEATY ~Pork Back Ribs NUTRITIOUS MSliced Beef Liver "T'ABLERITE" Siiced Side Bacon "TABLERITE" SMALL LINK SPure Pork Sausage APPLESAUC Eý 2 -15-oz tins- 23c CLARK'SFNC TOMATO JUICE 2 -20 oz tins- 23c FANCY 29c 20 oz tin 17c / lb 27c lb 63c- lb 29c lb pkg 63e lb pkg 45C lb pkg 45c- CALIFORNIA, SEET and JUICY Valencia 288's) - Oranges" doz3 CALIFORNIA, LARGE LUSCIOUTS Strawberries pint 35c A warmi weather treat for home or the cottage! Watermelons ea c h 8ý9C ONTARIO GROWN - TASTY GREEN Aspargus lb 33c FLAVOURFUL, FOR LUNCHES OR P1éNKCS Winesap Apples - 3 lb 39c IGA BISCUITS Social Ripples 2-%9Ê Meat Bails and Gravy 15 oz tin 3î5c RATSALAD DRESSING- Miracle 16 oz A Whip Tin 49c G-YARDEN PATCH WAX BE-"ANS 2 -15 oz tins- 27c REGULAR MARG-ARINE lb carton 27c MILLIONAIRE SARDINES regular tin 27c w 1D iLeit Pe'as 6 oz Ui 9c ,2Oz Pkg 230 15 rz pk,,g 39C HaroolaAnd DeviljlGen.H»ghlighit Trip As 83 Stodents See Georgian Bay Country By PtyFostercet a yard for the graveb. A S O m le o u r th o u g O n ari 's m r. R s D ick e n so n , b ro u g t tes A 8129 n-iletcu Oýita-iozslÀeý attention of the couancil that a hisori GorganBayCon ty ook ' good second hand grader was up for the place of reglular classes îast salie foi- the sumi of $7,500.00. IMr.~ Thursday w,,hen almiot the enire Denit asked if two graders could be. student body set out to explore the used and the superintendent statedf attraction fr-om OilliaL to Clig that two could be used. MrIl. Savery wo,(od. . nked if it was cheaper to rent the Martyr's Shrine, crne of the two Pool Graider to which Mr. DickinsonL 111jorobectve ofthe0.1 .S.itiner- stated that it was cheaper than, oper- arioabctis oa O.H.S. ating their own grader but that they stoe Curc s'tuaudnear Midland, vr not always available. The Reeve Otroe Churchtae ldinh feit that if any mioney was available inaj.Te hrh aele nhg- m, is year that he would rather see it lypolisihed native wood, contain t sed'for paving than put into a sec- 'ReiesoftheMaryr aswel a for-ond grader and also hie poinited out -tenfineý paiAnngs of huge propor.-Ithat a second grader nieant mnothei- tions, illustrating "The Way of the ýnipJoyee. No action waýstanre Cross", our Lord's journey to Cal- garding- the grader. aer- ar.Folurteen exquisitly wvorked,1I steitninti erfr broný-ýze "Station-, of the Cross,, iiim- I steitnint erfr ported fromn Frances encircled the the road departmrent to spend somie hil oerlokngGeorgian Bay. iý75O on brush spraying as conipared wI\th'i$500 last year. &ther highlights of the trip w-)ee Township passed a by-law setting 'Wasaga Beech, Couchiching Park~, the rate for- the Police Village of Or- wh\ýere wesa a statue of Samnuel de ono at 7.5 milis. A by-law settitg Chaâmplain, and, Devils Gien, a long November the 23rd as the ti.me for treacher-ots gulch and a sheer dr-op!the( Nomination Meeting for the Pol- of five hundred feet with a river be-1 ice Village of Or-ono and if an elec- low. Devils Gle-n isitesig be- tion is necessary it will bDe held On cause of the Bine :Mounitainis whichl December 5th. Place of meeting and surround it in the Collingw-ood dlis- Pollîng B'ooths at the Vnipa tnict. Building<. Also a by-law wýas paýssed for, the Police Village ofr Orono ~per- AIl a-rrived homne safely, somiewhat fmitting the Orono, Fire Departmient te, tird, ut itha lng xciingdayparticipate in the Counities Mutual behind thiemi.Aid Prol m Nearing the close of the mecetinig -O- -Ur. Dent'asked ýwhat was to be done Tonhi ouclAccepts regardigthe Pl1annýing Board. He Townsip Cnncitate tha he ouldbe willing t Tenders For B i'ges - Gravel ', kinwt ayn nti tel ad tatsome form of actionl to consider it at thstieHeste shouli be taken on planniryg in thtIi thaýt the conýracct'hed been givenTwnhp.Test Reeve saed atthae 1 to Greenwood Construction at a price somne interetwsdslyda h of $5O1e owihpoie the! meeting held for the discussion o! a aisfpha.0îpe a n widi. h ps, hesdPlanning Area but feit that the ini- workehl a ad ou t about $23e .OO perterest was not too great. It was hi& mjile of road. Mr. Brown stated that' opinion that the Building By-law- it might be an opportunity to have s-hould be tightened up. Afte-r con- the streets, in Newtonville, Kendai siderable discussion Mn. Dent*s or- I and Leskard paved. The paving o! iginal motion was to corne into action I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n th eeopetra, adM. o-r rder that somie further informa- then, eold str aoudth idrs To!t-ion may be obtained in this imatter. July. The Townshlip road supeninten-j A motion wa ased by Counillor dent said that he feit that the street LIowery that the clerk draft a build- in Oronlo could also be paved as hoienjg by-law along the standards of fet that it could be ready. The road those noýw in force in the Tomwnship s supenintendent wsillstrutctedl to Coni- of Hlope and Daninjgton.ý I tctthecostruction company When Cuci doundtO Imeet in reg- it wvas set up as to hvn some pav uar eveing l'Session on the inth of ing ý-Q d Wn inheTownship.Juy b rferingto wýork onl the bud ar odbetween C a i-i ad Dan- ~ ingt-on it was f el't thait Darlinigton would iot ho in position 1odo ny thing on this projeut this yeamihoà e\rnothivng was definite in th(, mat- am tn _Mr. Lowery said that if no ag,-' reement cout'Ildieoied from Dlari lingtoni Township on this rondtat nurne Sevc Clarke mig-ht consîder some work o)n tri 0urth uine.Th third iuneý. it na pointed out byý tho reeve, neede dcn Every c1ass of Insur- siderable work oni it suggesting pit ance is r-epresented in run grave! andi crushed stone. Also 0u fie h olw mentioned in the discussion was the fie h olw No colrad whichi must have ing' are somne of th~ seine work put on it this >year. an, ecr The deputy ieeve was aippointe-d to r voll Lne ieijn wt W1 fi,3 pi*oject ofconstructing a new section of roadl on the C. PaYne Property and to re- port at the ne(xt Council meeting, Tenders were opened for the con- struction of the Scotts Bridge and the!t Eddy Bridge with Farre-li Construc- tion Company holding the succeQ.ssful b,"d at a pnice of $5,,,45.5(j. Othien tenders received were fromn Durhaml Construction at $6,$-'3.00 and Poyton and Mix at $,1.0 Five tenders for the loading, truck- ing and spreading of 25,000 tons of pit-run gravel were opened wAith W'illiami Sittler boing the sUc7cessful biddeir at 57Y cents a~ yard up to a distance of eight miles. It wa-, poîn- ted out thiat the Township pays ten AutmobleLifQ, Accident ai Sie--cis, Plate-,Glass, Liabilit, Fire, BurgJ4ry Hos&ptaIiiation Livestoek, Doiler, WNVrd. Pol;o Rlail, Fidelity Bionds, etc. ORONO PHONE lR1~ FIRSTMRTAFIAN LeroyiFariion I A NEXT UON. AND TUES. r ti. u~IL 9Il Technicolor "ANYTHING GOES"y Starring BING CROSBY DONALD O'CONNOR MITZI GAY-NOR ard Iki-s. ta~meUit, i HPHEY PROGART MAPLE LEAF Cheesefur ters 20Ooz lin W.AUPOOS CHOICE Tomatoes / ~ / THIS FR1. AND. SAT. In Technicolor "BiL y THE KID" WVith Robert Taylor anid Mary Howard Inside Deirot"Y With Dennis O'Kee-fe fld at O'Brîen 'L'LY 1