Strong Hitting Gives Orono n nds thlae .Juird W! hewet - irst on a fed- Inteirràm.diates irtV'ctorv1nge The Ornlntermecdiate Basebal teamr batted themiselve7s their firs wiri of the season on, Thursday evený ing wheni they knocked Lindsay'ý startinig pitcher off the m-ound in th( ~nd cam~ hoe on single il-----'I4nnnngdoetpery.pat',ents 0 Theowsinsec1eg i the tame or t inning that Or-ono drove homle six of Ph îs soîgm h Te ~ . Tatggart j ofOro)n,ýis~ ther eleve runs to outdistance Lind- Undsay came in the third wh'coutwo 'attending special courses at O.A.C. sa by eight runls. Final score after muls weegvnup "bY Kitn etGep this week. îe six iiniigs of play was eleven to foilowed by two singe it. Lind- three in Orono's favour. a' te igepin aei h n rs. 1H. C. TRickahy of Raye West headed the batting av- -u"thoff a walk end a double hit. 1 OakviUe and -Mr. and Mrs. U. P. erages for the gamie goiag three hits Rikby owmianvi1llevsie on Sujn- Ifor four trops to the plate. Robbie i(eith WeKt went the distance fordywt r n r.Cr îlns Robinson) waýs another heavy hitter 101ogivin--ýg Up only si-x hits whie going two for three in the gaine. Orono pick!ed up a, total of fourteen M1% Alex D-îummnnond and 3iss Jean Deani West, Shetler and ArmstrýýLioiig Buchanrnon. of Toronto sDucut the' all hit twvo for four. Not only leading . om the ofeigüf the two, Lind- ,'elk. wivth M jj aad Mrs,. A. J.. the hitting field Raye West camie up y urlers. 111 the gamie OronoprvDumod wvith the mos.t brillant play Of thB ?d to be playing imust butter hall than 1 gni weiili satceda riv tatn the opener against Bowmnanville Min. and Mrs. Wèsley Cwker of wasgoîg fr asur bi. )n the previous Thursday. Bowmanville spent Sunday ith Mr, Deanii West started the first inning anMr.MJ.T bln Iirally feor Oronio with a single to be M41d-r.W-.Malyan n followed with a triple by Mercer, a AJTO AEOe alyatne h nehl Idouble ')y Robinson, a walk to .Junior ACINSAEa1n MHil eddtieng whic'hetokriceiii iWest, a double by Raye West, a wvalk c Dnird United Chur-chn,Donlands to Keith West anid a single to Arm- l "Am s rTontnSiudyJce strng.Thi flrr netedtheloclsstructions from the executors of thel nd at 4 o4loek pin. The recepfor a ttalof ix uns luthis 'lnmette of the late R. M. Cale, Lots was held at Woodbine Heights Mm wvith only one out Tozer the losingP7 Con. 4, Darlington Tnhip, oni3 Hall, W oodbine anid Mortimer ~orLins'i wa relacd b 6-, Ae. r.and MrS. Wni. Malley wýere1 ILouckswho retrd the remalnîng Public Auction on Friday, June ,--no~e uests it being their 48rdl two in the next thire Orono batters. commll-encîng at , ,7alUable 'le cil ýu vraP., h rd r. w-nedingeabniesan!Th bidm pe- In the second ininiig Orono pushed, stock feed, tracto(ý,r, nachinery se. senedthe ra ean 0 omof 43' their total by three further runis off andjugraultjn5 rlaive Wo bits by Robinson and Raye West. Torms Cash. NO reserve. mudfviens. we Here O0rono wýas assisted by a numiber of fili~errôr-s on the part oatel J ack Reid, Auctioneer. ______________________------___ -_ Min. R. E. Logan has been a patient inthe owmanvîlleMeoil o- DuIId Anether WIth Insuramce Tou can't proteet yourself against sueh hazards . . . but you man guard against coinplete loss. Insurance is always your best bet. S N.F. PORTER Re.1252 ,0SWIM SUITS -o FOR, ALL THE FAMILY Ladies and Girls "Catalina" bathing Suits, elasticized to flatter your figure, swimming or sunnîng. Cotton or rayon batiste. Narrow Italian striping and îIain shtades of apricot,.,agua, cruise hlue~, yellow, rouge, black and white. ISizes 7-16 yrs., Price $3.95-$7.95 Sizes 32-38, Price $7.95-$10.95 Boys Swîm Trunks, elasticized ray- on. Colours, royal blue, wine, gold, black and white. Size 4-18 years, Price $1.59-$2.95 Ladies Cotton Dlresses - VariOuscol our1ful prints or plain shades, with ful or semi-flared skirts and tailored or lOW-cut neekil-nes. Size 7-221//2 Price $6.95 - $19,50 Me1ns Work Boots. Good qouality leathier uppers a-nd cork soles. colour birown. Size 6-11. Price $5.95 Striped Duck for awnings and lawn chairs, heavy quality. Colours, green or blue predominating. Price $1.00 yd. Little Girls Bathing Suits in fine cot- ton or nylon, sbirred and elasticized, colourful prints and plain shades of blue, yeilow and red Size 4-6x. Price $2.95-$4.95 Mens "Catalina" Swim Trunkg - e-- asticized rayon. Colours, royal blue, aqua, black, white, white with blue stripes. Size 30-40. Prce $2.95-$3.95 Mlens tan Shorts, Fine quality Cottonx tlwill, boxer style. Sizes 32-40 - $3.95 Mens, Boys, and Youthis running Boots,, black canvas uppers with white trinm, sponge cushion insoles, corrugated rubber soles. Youths sizes 6-10'2 Price $2.25 Boys sizes 11-5. Price $2.45 M.ens sizes 6-I10. Price $2.75 Evenings Store OpenJ WQrmstrong Aiz l Day open Al D1ayArmS t- il 1da 0-. VIGOR 011 Cou LIMITED Between Orono and Newcastle on fighway No. 35 Vigor Standard Cawline 38S'c pc,,r gai - tax inc Vigor lligh Test 41'~C per gallon - tax included STOVE 01k,-foi your convenience ini small quanities avaliable at the Station Open ELvellnngs ~and Sundays - 7 2 l)pital. C9"ngra-tulations to Alex Druimond w-ýho passed hi*s third yýear Civil En- gineer. Mrs1. Froste and Mr'. F. E. Risly and fia.nee were Sunlday vÎsitors of Col. and Mrs. Gamley. Mr-Marian McýKelvey, Toronto, iMiss Catherine Stewart, Sixth Line, MNr and MIrs Alfred Eliott and Doug- las were recent visitors with Mrss Fred Brimacombe. Mrs. Milton Tamblyn was guest speaker at the mnorning session of the annual meetingo of the Woinaa's, Associ;ationi of Belleville Presbytery- held in Tabernacle United Church ini Belleville last -week. Mr-s. V. W. Kins- jruan, president of Dominion Coutncil ýwas the speaker for the afternoon. Mr. an-,d Mrs. R. Jordon and Doug-i lsof Richmiond Ilif spent Sunday itMrand Mrs. Donald Evans and daughter, 1Dale. L. 0. DSitrct Lodge of Clarke wîll ~itend rvie t Newtonvilie Church nSuay, Junielth 1956c at 2:,30 Mdr. 1Ro> ss Glbart- of Brantford has bentîansferxied to rpesn bi Comanyin his area. Mir. and Mrs Gi]bert anod family plan to lmo(ve to Mis "ea Buchanan of Toronto, adAlex Drummonci spent the wee- end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dumi- The John Tamblyn family and Hoskin faniily held'a family reunion on Suilday when Sunday dinner wasl served at the 1.0.0.F. Hall. Around fifty attended tbe gathering f Building A 'n'Ouse? Qor remodeling your present Contact0 Fl oyd Nichol son QPhosie 11416 Oreoo QFoundations and septic ak QPOured. FOrma available. UNITED CMIURCH Orono PasUerai Reveren ' Johin KitcheV MiEnister Sunday, Junte 101h KIRBFY Sevc t9:45 S-unday Secla 1:5 Service atd1, LE5SKARD Srie t 2ý QMILL V-ALLEY LUMIBER oef. Q Limited S112 Simicoe St.,\. Phone RA 5-3568S J OSHIJAWA4, ONT, [ED~ le pair -hop RADIATORS and HEATERS REPAIRED- and CLEAINED General Soldlerilng fepaîrs Queen St. W. BownanvllIe Phone MA 3-3459 Iw FORD-and MONARCH SAE In EVC Our complete service guarantees year round driving pleasure iCARVETH MOTORS Phone 32,51 Newcastle, Onitarf O*RJONOTIN8HOp% Plumbing Fixturesi Accessories and Repairs Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioninge B-H Paint and Varnishes, etc. R.E. LOGAN, Prop. New! Ladies Purses, white, blue, pink and mnulti with and w\ithout zipper inner pocket. Each $1,98 Puirses, Little Gir-l's white and pastel color. Bacli 65e Skirts, Ladies printed dirnle, elasticized waist assorted pririts, mdu size only ........ $1.00 SpIal!' Muf Spray Deodorant two repgular 75e size for only ..............99C Nair Dipilatory Lotion remnoves hair in minutes Pice per- bottie ...............98e IRevelon Satin Set, large bottle.......... $2»0 New Hazel Bishop Liquid Make-up ........59e Plastie Garment Bags, Mothproof, zipper Closing.. Priceçj at.................... $1.79 CrOcery Cleartrnug Prices Aylmner Apple Sauce, 15 oz. tins ,.....,.. 15e York Spiced Beef, 12 oz. tins ....... ........ 35C Bruniswick Sardines, 4 regular tins& ......,., 25e Dates, bulk, 1 lb. cello bags............... 15e MVother Parker Coffee, 1I Lb tins .........95w New Lux, Giant package .............. 69e Br-eeze, white, reg. pkg. wvith face cloth ......38e Postum, 50 cul) size.......... UROtCPC 5rTC,$100 STORE Open Friday and Si.arday evenings for your fil eonveîiience N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~n N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y- s N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N HARDWOO 1 ! 35e