MonIeyMiner On Pwedot.or Control It the- issue ot Nove-mber 22, 1954 cf Sports Illustrated, 'ean article aupeareçi by Dunwr-ýard L. Allen entitihed "Killing Pre-da- tors Won't Increase the Gamne" This was copied by sevenal State owned Conservation ma- azines. Manly F. Miner, son cf the laie Jack Miner, makes the followingi1-,rephy: Int he- sprin1g ôf 1954 senme- thing came teouotr Sanctuary,"' niighit after night for fouirteeni nights in succession, each time taking a miallard diuck off her ne-st. Net only did te- crealure devour the duck, but aise .he- seti!ng of e-ggs beneatli er, numi- bering fromi fourteen te eighl- teen. At the- time we did not knowv whait type of predator it could be that would have sucit a food hungcer as titis, and as t would net corne te exactly the- sanie spoit a second time- we ha1d te set traps ne-ar other live- ducks on teir ne-ts; titua we were unable te catch this pre-- dater until, as already tated, this destruction had gene on for tourte-en nightta. It turned eut te be- a motiter -accooni weigiting rieariy twventy-five pounds. Had we net caught and desiroye-d this predator, net only site, but tise every one of hem offspriiag, w to u 1Icl be' creating the saine- Jiavcc titis spring. Titis being- the case, I surely cannet agree- with Mr. Aile-n when he coen- tends that "Kihing predators will net increase gae"The tact is that titis crieecen de- ýtro' e-d net only fourteen mother ducks, or breeders; but aise de-- sfAYyed fully Iwo hundred due-k eggs. Rad the-se- egga be-en le-ft to hatch- and mature, without danger from pre-dators, fnom the- cggc stage te full-grown birds, If would have- meant an incre-ase- Of perhaps cite- hundre-d and fifty ducks. Then look at the timber wolf situation *Lit nortte-rn Ontarîo. 1Ivwas wiit mry late- father when ve- saw thirty eight Re-d De-en lit cie day. Timber wolves came- ii and iitcre-ase - a spe-cies 0 f timber wolf tlhat somne weigh mearly one hundre-d pounds. Tite next fail, durinig late October or early Novemiber when the-re- was *cnly one incit or so cf sncw, we- racke-d differeni pacits cf lthes1e- welves: and tlit racks led us te as many as Ihirleen deer carcasses itcite day, mnostly dees (fLerniales) and fawns. I arni advise-d ihal in sornareas today there La net a deer track te be se-en, l'et alone a d-e.Yei look at Pennsyvania and Micitigan, whlere titere- are ne limbe-r wcl- ves. In titese twc States, intrtie face cf an army cf hunters ech fiit has be-en fouind necessary te permit the-te-maie-s te be- shof in onde-r te re-duce-te- herds te ren,,senable numbers. Let usconsider the- pheasant situation: PeIe-e Island, un Lake- Erie-, La cnly soee igiti or ten mile-s frcnirn y home, which has e-nable-d me- te observe- the- situa- tien there at firat hand and ccniinucusly. The- numbena cf pheasants have incre-ase-d duning the- last..twe-nty-five ye-ars fnem the tari cf two dozen birds. On the island namred, only a-te-w square miles un extent but whe-re there are ne predators, phe-asants have- be-corne- se numercus that duning the last te-n or more y e a r s, cite thouaand huntens have harvesied apprcximate-ly fifie-en titeusand (15,000') cee-k birds annually: aind lately if has be-cerne- ne-cessary te allow lhen birdls te be- ahotin onde-r te ne- duce the flockis, whic i i spite- of thte previeuîs great annual slaugÏýhte-r eontinuied te incre-ase. Think c f lte- gre-at estittes un bot England and Scothanid. On srnte ef i he-se the gnme preg, serve date-s mhcktitree- hundre-d, or more- ye-nns; and during ltai urne- gate-keepers have ceittrolled the- predators both nig-iti and day. Titenesuit -1, titpiteasant and grouse- are se nume-rons iat sportsmien go frcrn Ne-w York iand otite-n parts cf Arne-ica, each fal, te hunt. Ore- autumit, a fe-w years ago, five Ne-w York sportsmen shot four titouisand grouse on one cf the estates, or mocra, in Scotiand, un a single we-ck. Wiit the excellent habi- tat ltai exista it couintie-as le-s populate-d anr e a a cf the vast sire-le-es cf Northt Arnerica. wity should our sportsmien have- b jeurney te the- arail island cf Great 'Brilain te heholci apie-ni- tudecof cm- or te tite te-n sqiuare mile-s cf Pe-lee Island? Tte-y wcuild tnet ne-ed te if the- same amou-nt cf moite-y we-re- expeitded it pre-dater conirol as La paid s-veral cf our Urniversity professons and game mnanage- ment hielogisis wito are- gcing ttu hlie- country telling us "we will have- juat as mrue-h 1ga-me- it the- faîl ne matie-r tow muchi L kille-d by tite pre-dator it te winte-r, sping an-d suri- mer monha." Jt se-e-ms se inconsistent te have law,ýs aillowing you and me- cite or iwo datys ittte-f ailin which te shoot pheasants and otite-r gaine, yei protccting pre- datons titat commnit lte same act CANADA'S -ENTRY - Pretty Eaine Bishendon, an I 8-year- old high school student, will represent Canada at the "Miss Universe" contest in Caljfornia "laine, a Toronto girl, is a star top doncer, and a ning highland fling dancer. of killing on every onie of the threeI hundred and sÏxty -five days of the year! And why lean back on the old argument that "Nature will balance itself, when the fact of the matter is that man, having upset Nature's balance, ought to be held re- sponsible for restoring that bal- ance. TFhe predator situation has becomne tili more grievous lately because of the low prices païd mfor raw furs; during the last ten or more years the packs of timber wolves and hordes cf skunks, weasels and ottie-r pre- dators, have increased euit cf ail proportion te the herds of game. Ani that is saying noth- ing cf the increase in the flocks of crows and mragpies wIhich for three months of each year live practically entirely on the eggs of other birds. Most certainly -we needhabi - fat, food and shelter for Our wild life: but Wlhat good are ail these if ninety-four nests out of onehondred and twenty- three (94 eut cf !23) nýests are geing te be destroyed bn the egg stage by egg-eating preda- itors? This is the true sýituation, as has been authenitically re- vealed b-y the research biche- gists cf North Dakota, last yenr. Most certaibly, upon contem- platinga the feregoing facts- and many others equally pertin- ent which 1 can, or could, re- late - I an impelled te repeat that 1. do net agree with Mr. Dur-ward L. Allen when he write-s, "Killing Predators Won't Increase the Game-." Bermuda FIowers E ven the most latent horticul- tural interest La excited by the mnasses Sf spectacuflar fiowers iin Bermruda. Their variety is f as- cinating, their beauty is aston- lshing andi their erigixis are hard te believe. Bermuda was one cf the last really habitable spots ini the world te be inhabited, antd until Sir George Somners landed in 1609, nature had been in jul control. There- were then a mnere one hundred and fifty varieties cf plants ineluding the seven- te-en indigenous ones. Appar- ently the others, similar to plants native te Mýrexico, the West Indies and the south-east-- ern ceast cf the United States, had fioated i1n on seaweed or had grown fromn seeds brought by rnigrating birds. Now the-re are more titan 1,500 varieties cf plants. A surprising number cûf Bermuda's early globe - reaming sailors extend- ed their investigations of for- eigni ports beyond the water- front te the flora cfl a ne-w country, and brought back slips and seeds of plants that wcould entament the Colony. Here on a coral atoll in the middle of the Atlantic, flowers brouglit by these seagoing fiower - fanciers fromi Asia, Africa, North and South America and the West Indies have fiôurished. In addition te 'the contribu- tions cf sailormen, eaniy gev- ernors and th ei r wives fre- quent-ly brougiti ne-w spe-cies with themn,and others arrive-d in leters. Some plants, sucit as the loquat, camne te the Islands quite by accident. This pretty evergre-en is native te- Japan, and it arrived in Bermuda only because a ship in distre-ss, with some aboard, was forced ie St. George's Harbor. Now t grows widely, and loquat pre- serves are a local delicacy. Gardens are carefully tended and are a source of gre-at pride, but ne well-manicure-d beds and bordera can contain the exuber- ance cf the fiowers. They trail along the sandstone wallS ber- dering the winding roads and invade vegetable gardens, ýuntil the-re la cneated the impression cf a large outticor greenhouse. -Frem "Bermuda Holiday," by Mary Johnson Twee-dy. HOw Can J? Q. H.ow CRU 1injake a good sîlver polîshi? A. Dissolve 1 ounce cf pew- dere-d borax it ½'ý-pint cf bell- ing water. Add 4 ouncres cf pre- cipitate-d citalk wvhen cool, and be-at unitil smeoih, Then add 1 guilcf alcohol. Botile, and shake thoroughly before- using. Q. How ean 1 prevent the skin of the hands from shriveliing ýWh)en neceasary to place the-i in water for a Iength cf time? A. Try rubbing- the handa with vine-gar or sait. The un- pleasant feeling will leave- and the akin will be soft and amootit. Q. Hew can 1 prevent the iron frein sticking te fthe elothes when pressing out stare-hed pie-ces? A. Try using soapy water a a starch foundation. Use One tablespooniful cf soap jelly teD each quart of water. Then add the necesaary amount cf starcht. Q.How can 1I mend a torm window shade? A. Lay it on a fiat sur-face, bring lte tom e-dge-s togethen, and apphy a half-inch strip cf adhesive tlape on the aide ne-,xt te the cuntains. Then the tape can be- paînte-d with water col- ors to match the shade, if de- sired. Q. How can 1 keep eg-gs -warm after cooking? A. Even thougit the fine is turned off, eggs will continue They an b1 e ei',arm until - CASSIFIED ADVER'IISING ARTICLES FOR SALE j ANDICRAFT Materials: Leather, Felt, Alumyiiin, Copper, Beads, Etc. Write For catalogue, Handycraft Supply Cern. pany, Peterborough, Ontario. B3VCHICKS BABYchiksSiissex,-Reci, Rock-Red, Red-rock pulfets $23,00, Mîxed $13.00, Cockerels $500, White Leghern Pul. lets $26.00. Breeders biood-tested. Coli-ns' Poutry Farm, R.R. 1, Luineni- burg, Ont., Phone Fincb_495. DUAL purpose or 'apecials' for definite marlets -- we have chicks, mnixed, pul. lets for prompt sblpmnent, and will take orders for your cholce of started chicks, puilets. Ask for- fulli informa- tion and prices. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., I4amiifon. FOR JUNE you wint chieks and turkey pouits ini a hurry, We have set extra aggs to take care of this demaind. We have ail the- popular breeds of chicks and turkey poults for prompt delivery. 3end for 1956 catalogue and price list. FWEDDLE CHICli HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO DONOESTgC HELP WANTELI MOTHER'S help for genqeral housewerk, rsstat chilcren, char kept. Automatic cenve'nlences private room, .Mrs, M. Rothschlld,51l Caribou Rd., Toronto 12. KILLS INSECTS INSTANTLY SENSATIONAL new electrîo insect bull,. Works autematical. For u-se everywhere, O.1y, $1,00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dept. Wl>. Globe Discount Service. 159 Rose Ave. Toronto, GOOD £rame barn fort y by sistty; Uitter carrier, waterbowls, hay track antd alings, henhouse,. garage; 8-roomhue iwoodshed, rural mnail, hydre. phone well, creek, 125 acres cleared, with lots of pasture land or unelearedl; lakeshore. $12,û000. Hýaîf cash. AIse ailable, 100 acre augar bush ef 2000 good trees, and over a mile cf good 1lae shore with sand beach on nice 1lake. Apply to: G. J. Grunlig, Magneta- 1wan. RAZOR BLADES 100 FOR JI.00. Mliierosharpened. Double- edge. Guraranteed smooth shaves. Dept. Wl>. Globe Discount Service, 159 Rose Ave., Toronto. WONDERFUL bargain' IniPoultry. Farm. Forced te seil on account cfi health. Good location und wonderful market, Write: K. W. Smith. Prince Wlibamn. N.B. TRAILERS-14 TO 51 FEET FULLY mode-rn mobile homes for Uiv- img or holidays. Anything in trade, 10w down payment. 5 years te p', deliveries anywhore. Trailer MAirt, Wharnclflfe S. et Base LUne.'Lon do, Ontario; DAHLIAS - Namiet Varleties $4 per dezen. Special - Our Clsoice - five different, $1. BIRKENSHAW DAHLIAS, Ridgetowr, Ontario. THE KING 0F AIL STRAWBERRIES Brlil Sovereign produce the largest and aweetest beriy of them aIl. A inlgle Planting lasts up tc, seven years. Planrts grL'w te a yard ir diameter, instructions with each order. Try a 5NORTIIERN Berry anti see the ciffer- ence. ....ANS........ $2.00 T1AYLOPR NURSERIES BOX 121F TiMMINS, ONT, MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY-RY SUFFERER OF RHEUMA FIc PAINS OR NSUMIIS $HOULD TRY DIXON'S REMvEDY. MUNRýO'S DRUG STORE 335 Ein, OffacI $1 .25 Express Prepuici POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torment et dry eczemla rashes snd weepir,,g skin troules. Post's Eczema Salve wil noi diaap- P oint you. ltching. scaling and burn. tg eczema, acite, ringworrn, pimrples- and footceczema -,will reapond readily te the stainlesa edorlesa ointment ré. gardIess of how stuýbbo)rn or bopelesa they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Prie. PRICE $2-50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 Et Clair Avenue East, TCORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMAEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEADÏNG SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant tllgnifieti profession, gooti wYages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates. Amnerica's Createst Systeni U1lustrated CaRtalog Free Write or Cal MAS VEL HAIEDRESSIN,,c SCHOOýLS 358 Blqer St. W., Toronto Branches~ 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa YOUR Photo on Staimps! Real, lhigh- glosa photographs in Stamp Fenn, eroni any picture or nregatîve. l'articut. tara Free. RobÏnson> 1604 WeÊït Howard, Biloxi, Missîssippl. Man across th& de£zk- f nm 1us OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND9 WOMEN SAWDUST. Turn h ",into cash. 49 methotisFu~ll instrucions $1,00. Mer- shali Rowland, 1639 St., Lu k e Rd, Windsor. Onitarle. MlEN'S Style Cler Card! Shows wbich cor shirt, tic, shoes, looks beat wlth different --nits, M1f. D. F Parka, Box 454, Fort Wayne Indiana. 0MY methed giviea razor blades super velvet 3.X aurgical sharpneaa. Ne-w, simple; no comprarisen. no device. $1, bill. Mack, 311 Mloit, Sauta Crusz, Califernia. GnADUATES - Job) Seekers! Four own persona! history P'ortelie andi 1"How To Apply For A Job.ý" $2.00 P.P. Neace, Batavia, Illinois. The Ideal Graduatlon (lift. FREE Ball Point Pen with ordier cf 50 amte- and address labels in handy pat'fdor fer$1.00.,Ifonorcraft, . 3 Congre-as, Chicage 24, mlinois. GROW Mushrooms! Anywhere, with- eut nianture. Complete- instructions and. n4vice; ail you need te know, $2.0c. Central institute of Research, Box 311, ýrhermnopelis, Wyoming. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGHI & Ceo m pana y, Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 300 University Ave. Toronto, Patents9 eli ceuntries. AN OFFEIR te every Inventer. Liat cf ïnventions and fuil information s;ent free. The Ramisay Ce. Registered Pat- ent AÉttrneys. 273 Bank St., Ottawa. PE RSONAL $L~0 TRi-AL cife-r. T-rwenty Five deluixeo personal requii'eme-nts. Latest cata- logue inclluded. Tlhe Medico Agency. Box 22, Terminal ">Q" Toronto Ont. "eSECRET" MNyate-ry Schola listeti. Rtosicruciani, Arcaýne Occult, otht'rs. Instru.ction Free or at nominal ceai, Oire-ctory 5$1.00. Pen Service, Wappin. gens Fells. Ne-w York, U.S.A. LADIES: Nature bas a produet that wili promete yeu beautiful complexion andi clear healthy eyes. You cani re. Ineve wrinkles, blachens, and dan- drif: aise overcomie acne- dry, gre-asy andi shiny skin, or acquine attractive banda and natural glossy itâir. The secret "Ho% can I?" is laboratory test. ed druglesa preparation .and la youna fer only $1, resuits guaranteed or money cheenfuily refunded. WVrite:- Esthetic, 35 Pattandon Kitchener, Ont, SWI NE LAJNDRACE SWINE. We have just ne- ceived our 5th importation of Landrace swine, 16 sows and 1 boar ownod andi bred by Sir Winston Churchill This gives us a total cf ove-r 50 breeding sows and 4 senviceable boars in mir herd 28 different blood Uines. We-an- ling sows and boasa, guaranteed in-pilg aeows and serviceable boars for imme- diate- delive-ry. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FR FERGUS ONTARIO WIT'N 'FALSE TUIE Ir Vyen bave trouble V/ltiiplaies 'bat slip, ro'k at auesragis d-rY 13,L,.,y '<~ aplication riaeespltes St aagZ Withi I vesser or paste, becalue- Bninzs PatiLnr,,drteni r.l manienitly te ycour plate-. i reines sud refit, toes Plates Il, a way ne D;owder or Daste ean do. Even on oiti rubiter plates you get gond resuits sir mentha te a Year or ilnger. YOSJ CAN EAT ANYTIIINGI aimpiy ay sort t rip or plasti-Liner on troublleseins upper or iower. Bite saud it snnids perýectiy. AEs i e s, taste1eýs,,(ories, bannieýs, teyou Andi your plates. ieie ablo direc'te-e.Plateclenrineludeti Meeybaisk if necnpetistisfied. Avaiý.la t ail Drug Counýtecor. WILDROOT LTD.. FORT ER1!, ONT. DISCOURIS HOME SKIN REMEDY Th-is dýeian atainles ,,antLiseptic known ai1l over Can.ada ag M OESEMERALD 01L, bringu ,ufferers tpromýpt and effective re- lief fromn the itching dîstresa of many askin troubles-ZItching LEcze- ma-IthingScalp-Itching Tees and F eet, etc. MvOONE'S EMER1ALD OIL Jla pleaLsant te liae and It as seù i- aeptic anti penetrating tlsat many old aStub'born cases ef long standing have ,ie-lded te uts ilnluence. MOONE'S EIMERÀLD OIL la seld by druggistai everywýç,her_. A real dlsceveny for thousanda who luve found bl!essed relief, 1 1 A great s oul prefcrs m o derati on :9 'E 'N E C - Ziie J4iouse of 5eagram Ment who thîik of tomorroýw pra clive modxeratimi îoday 's N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N