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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jun 1956, p. 6

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ImmN L Y TIMES. .4nljnofl)rzed as Second Clas, Mâai. IPýo tOffice IDepartiiiniu. (tawa ' Ïk-.R.A. -F»rrester Pubiser.R.C. Foi-rester A PogessveTownship Prcg-rm Ï0ý theji two hu ýndrIed lmjiles Of ra.Whthýe !et- sweekfou two bidges and als o twntyfie tons ,plied to theý ronds it lookýs Ike a 'big stepla iroad ie Tue nship. eais the Tuanstil,:a, found it difficulit to hive veHlg and the up;,iac to this problemi this year I certainy everome ths problem. Council asked 1hauiling andsradn of gravel on the Toýwns-hip y evcning !et the contract. Thiis policy could oertainly lead to better rouds in the Town- ahpand nio doubt will be folîowed in future years. in cases it is )aeing f ound by the Township te bpebchaper te hire outside equip- nent than Operate alld maintain their own. Importance 0f Parks Tahc value Of sPace il' a cemmunlityit for Paýrks and playg'ro-undai w%,as empbasïzed in a r.ecent decisionj handed down by a- New York ,ýrpreme court judge. The case camie hefore the judge because a Ygroup of ang-ry parents had protested agaisst the ýonversion of their ühildren's playgrýoinds ito a privately-operated parking- lot. This par'ki-ng lot was %te> bave been -used in Connection with a tavera res- tauy-arn l( e'w' ork'»q faned Central Park. lu giving judge-ment, the judge agreed vith the parents. HIe ruled in favour of the grouad bl-eiaPg ebidned -s a park aid in deing se, he said: *"Ne- foot or evedi inch of park, space is e Lxpendabïle.» This ju(dIeeent cana e conistrued a,,3 oting tbe impoýrtan1ce ,~f ark aniparnd space foi, the children eof aay eo-mmuinity. It aýet a1 prope-r valuie on the utilization of land for recreational purpo(.ses L',Or-01o our ehiIdreii are fortunate la the area set, aside for park anzi gond puiposes. The local park prevides a numnber of actiities for the childreni and could even possibly provide miôre. We 1bave often feIt that possibly further facilities could be provîded for the children in a mure up-to-date playground section. The tennis, court is neo la a condition th-at tennis is practically out of the que- lion. /'Tliisî sport in Orno sonie years ago ,vas quite popular and even ,of lae yènrq thEt daildren during the recreational prograni have ruadeeonsie~-abe nýeof the court Oven l in spiesent Condition. us~ed extensively and i a credit to the park E Wý"e wulIike te) m: Z:f 4"Deanrutin1hOrono liresented te the puli o -ald 9ýth. by an eniergetic Il, play BIRTH GILBART-Ross and MeýrleGib are iari)v 'CL ar capytoanenethe arviof tber son athe BrantfordGera Hoýspiýtal on FdaJunie lst;, 19v). A brothier for l ianme and Susanl. a-c This ar p.-. e Exi CAIRI) OF TAK hligtheir, I udlike to take fthis opru-teSna it o tanùi y insan -b t ted and ous oicad, loer adniany our huLh riK 1 sb e.Kthn m e.___ ~FOR SALE ewdny. ap fSort Wood -iSlabs, t foot length. Mrs. tta raha,011nefcrd( $.O-Two r imore $2.0O) at Sa wM, i Ap~x-,RoyTIhonipson, Leskard Tele-phone 1r6 rn. 2-- 0rn '1. OK V deNo,436, ites t',!1- 1n th d We4esa ORONO GIR!LS UNDEFEATED -îstheoe , WANTED TO RENT EN ORO-NO O ~Girs Sftalltoai ~e ___ Hoseor Apartment with two ior g ----i 1-mi ofor bedrooma. A ERIC Furnace and water ip e u s vet to be de,'eatîed .The DCRAINDY EVC desired with occupancy by July lSth la bas now played al three- teamas ORONO CEMETERY or earîîer. the lau and have been success- udy June Z24'h. Service in~ the Rpy oaGlat ile il ini defe-atinig ail. Chapel. -Resident clergy.ecn, Brantford, Ont. or phone Thie Or'inn irls et Courtica at man at he n-ound- collect Brantford 3-f6CW. - e Orono> Park, on Fridav, evening PEEWEES STILL MEET TOUGH Pd gave Courtîce their first trini- OPPOSITIONFRSL ing of the short season. Until this ThE O0rono PeeWee Hardball team ORSL me~ neithr ±pan ihad benAofeatpd --.- --.--.---, -11 - A prpv Rihv Cr ý,o i àd ID DSECTION t :0 will be i etlngii inca w:u e servea. COMING EVENT 'DEAR RUTH' Orono June 8th andi(91h COMING EVENT 'PI -il te '1 1-a th ni jTe next homne gareforthfi ea' girls wfil be played et the local dia- mond on F'riday eve-iing. ROSES 7 - ORONO -> Oreono- and Bowm-anville battl et eut On Wednesday v ening in Bow. iuanville, with tie honours gigto the Roses 7 te 5, Thne game beld plenty of intereat for, it was not -mon until th-e last hail was tbrown. Three or fo)ur errors on the part of Orono gave the gamne te Bowmianville. AIso in a flamber cf cases Orono lef t runners on bases wbo could bave easily turned the tride, Car-nan ýCrnisbpitching bi.s fîrst gamie of the feasoni turning in a cre d i table èam!pi ït c! ingïf ii in1g S. Junior Wstcame in toeh-ive Canr- Pi*tcing Gives Out Orono Bow The Oon.Intermieliate Basebal team balot to Port Hope on Tuesday ev7ening e',t the baillpark wben the v-isitin-gten went ont in front 10 te î bleaher stnd fnrspectaors, la t!e ai-s'ne of Keitb West, ()r-Di ignýs. Mîka played foi r oe aimt bleche stnd or pecatos. noS sole eg1ar ptche. the local yealý teani brought te the mound thrcee playgs drund spact4 nd fa liies with w icb mlea for tne f irst t;ime this seasn. N t C i ege duigtesumrhldy rmontbs3. Juilnior West beld theC mounld for th1eý ould net be oVero0kedý fist'ive and two-tbhirds inna Raye West tben raine in for the re- mnain'der of the sixth and for one man N HEEAE 0FAD W ) ar Ru thitheevntb. Eric Carleton, wbio ,BAD lt"f t th moad n ths inln fu oni Claoren de Cased: o ake mention la this columa iiof the stagilg iing uptw o walksne bit aburrandeasd this week-end. The populjar play is beý iag cr&teimsel witb ak.;onestriket. npdnshvngdis gi Fnidiay and Saturday eveinigs, June 8+th PRaye West gave up w ak hl h saeo h adAde oh Cacast Of yeung l-People. facing three men at the Plate. Junior ramýe Bandy, who died oni or about1 We'Cst _ga)ve up twvo waILks, ten bits t;e 22nld day of Jatnu.ary 1956(, are wib ixoftbm omniltte lh erbyntified to send te the Under- î1y tat thCalsst and direoaofthe nalanntokfi- srik-ots i igedAdiistratrix orlher Solic-1 ;l ad oaisanlyduin te as mnt - The locýal team was onitfi-_fr-ont itor on r before the l6ith- day of June -oié opatc eromac. il;lthe sixth ining ihenilPort 15,th-eirrnailes aadfddrssEln Hoe gettg six h:ts drovýe la four ful parýticlars of tbeî, daiiis an areu tobe _used for. the promotion oýf sports f hbir ruas. fh aueof the scniis(if ianY) opprtnityto suppor t the recýre-ation pro- Oron wasthe first to sorco- held ý,îby the uw ve'f'e ysau >eaiJoy an evýeaing's enter-talarnent.rglthseodnngwenJ- toyecrai. lor Wet hita triple, Cornish te meitî fertesi 14 .,itio anerrer followed by a double da1 o Jne196,t1-asesof the 1er amon the penons enttle tereto I Pot Hpe ted he. cor lathe haing gar oay teU)he aimls of doulenltwosinlebit. udesigedSoliciter shl-aH then have Orono agan wnt n afotl oie tie fuî-wi w raswen Mercer ad Ronie Wstscrd atr Dae tOrono this 4tb ayo ~'rnt-e Co~:t othr cngls 'edstagles ise fter May 1956. __________ Dean ~~~~West and Rbno. MRURT OENB h' 0re roao's scoring. . RIGE Nwtnvîî, nt Eco o I Po i3pepicýked up fourtus aA0iisrti y the sikth anithiree in 1the vnht nountthei totl te ea. . R ADDELL C, roo- S Ate ed the hig bat forOo Ot lctr for the Amnsrti wih w btsfr hretrîps to the __________________ femüve ,enîrts et_________________________ Sut burr- ai eOU :::- extra ces.uPl big-na g KS P'umestrog Haing 0FREEETMAEC -j i j fý-r eonOyourOeCti gse c4,tthe ,W-e~ tnkconactme fe'r pies)n the ready -te insitaîll, reinforced Con- r>' - ,rAe e ank, (iii pass in5_pectiau>, ~r Deads Fr You liruse . .. . delieredand placed. o os -AMask for pries othls IS 3ps i fon rainigs, -reiuforced rËNLand placed.,! Phone 1r3 Orono Luin~r LùnteIrtirn o We-4y ~FEDCAA FR »Eselà V-efo, played host te the Bowm aville 1pe£ coii1e;i Wees on Wednesday evening in 0voio Pnitone. 786 Oo o ~ The local bos found the vsitra' P o e 1 -8 6 r ný atrong' bittais ,and who -oetdistanced thle local boys 22 to 13. WNE The lrcal piltcbing staff had tr-ouble TlTelp Wa'nte-d in Orolno Re-staurau.t. on, thisocasn of finding the plate Apply Bo9b Thormas, Orono. a-p *ared many runs were actually unearn- ed by Bownianville. The Orono nmun)Ild duties were handle4 by Roger1 ITOISE FOR SALE *Barlow, Allan Quanjtril1 and Craig Bie(k bouse - - mrn, garage, Hinds. Piekard was the whining pit reasonable ternis. Phone 1= 2a..p che, Two bad innings gava Bowma- 7 vifle thie ganie wben thiirteen of th-1i Start a ,year round bush-iees. YOU tw;ent.y-two runs were scored. ienam noney the firsçt day. Strictly Terr-iy Carleton proved a Con1sis- your o-wn boss. Seli da1-ily neCeesiÈes tant hitter for Orono reaching first in BtanBlueks-tck, Bowmarivfile.. o)n ail five trips. te.thie plate-. Other Caesarea, Cavan, Ida, aevl, good O sobitraver aryMi. Ml librook, Nest]eton station, New- eýr, Ralph Kennedy and Leslie Hoop-1 castie,Netoile All familles are users of Our inany, preducts'. Write te Dept. ýR ~ml 'r ~ L [lle -i11 be pleased te pick up dead '8 TO Port iiope r rc-riPppled faim animais fer sanitary disposai. Telephone coilect, Cobourg ,ýre ýr ýe0.FR. 2-3643 or Torate EH. 3-ý>33. ene or WO.GORDON YOUNXG LIMTEID> Mie arrison held tue mouad ________ for Port H-ope tbrwugbout the gante j giving up nine its durinr he s ve - Ir n n 'lunm lt IMI REALTOR P.O. Box 71 Phone 1191 ORONOD - OfITAR,1O OFFICE 2 Doors South of tTnited Church If' yeu wish ynur DEAD FARM SýTOCK remeved the fastest way, ther, cail us t(pllect - BGawmanville 2ý679 W aiso buy live herses. MARGWTLL FUR FAR-N TYRONE, ONTARIO Orono Electric PHONE. 1291 CO fRACTOiR5 FOR FALRM and BlOUSE WIRING Free Fstinates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repafrn oail makes oaf Electrical Equipmesê AND O CAL USFORESTIMATESg IHARRY E. LYCETT j Phone 8 r12 OU>NO - ONT. UfAVE Y AUÀ fOUSE 0OR BUINESS FOR SAPLE satifacoryservice Ette alid prapextes maniaged Weare liere te se-rve cyen.- eFo aut Aefieu Contact Tom Lewis REXL EETATE BROKER. Prof essional Director> A.ý F. lMcKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN 4Taind SURGEON Office Ilouis: 2.00 tft 4:00 p.; 6.30 t.8:00 P.m. - Sutadays and Wednesday by appoilmmt o Wly PROINE 1471 - OR.ONo DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SLIRG(EoNr Veterinary,lnedic-ineg. bîoIgîc&U and instruments ethical dispensed., ,D PHONE 10616 OROmo, ONT. LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor, BOWMANILLE. ONT.- JOHN RECANr, B.A. Barriste,, Notary Public JACK REID *Auctioneer and Valuatog spech17e binlara, md Fu i-niture Sales Il CODsuit me for teius and dates phone 5 r 18 . lùj TED JACKSON Auctio,,eer and Valuator - e adat reasofiabe ratta Coinmukicat with him nt p«t -perry, Ontarfs, er eeg bis Oeek,À6 F- Morton, at rone, J*r dt LIFE INSURANCE pension Plans;, E aca ie, P.ud Protertien and savinePlanafen Children and Adulte; IMortgag. la. suranee Plans.q FE. LYCE¶T Oreno, ont. -Phione 11714 STAFFORD BROS Monunielital Works Phone Whlitby 552 318 Dundas St. E, Whltby FINE QUÀALITY MONU0'LITMENTS AND MARKERS Wts net expensivete Let US erect a hanýdzime4 dIff- iiified monument over the. rea- ing pflace ef ?'u' loved cnms It'. net expensîive. Am ecl tlm this last tribut. wil givo yen eadiess comfort. The RUTI'ER GRANITU ,COMPANY Phone Turner 5,5216 P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monumients, Gravemarker% Engraving, Goldleafing "BEuy direct alid gave cmislu Managed and AppraiE.d LM. ALLISON Rea Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Ne-wcaatw . Oas 4'ttraith

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