rig .L Sing uneweev n f (if. u*4etVflI ith was iii for several months from ýss t coroniary thrombosis. Stove Oil 2010> cent per gal. Fuel 011 .16' ce àtspe ga. For Delivery Phonfe ORONO 1537 or OSHAWA RA. 5-11m I 1N Ut ake IS! aur toc and there's its r4 steadîness on the ',traight away. sure ahead. Now's the Thesq are the things that give Chevrolet hra el arsynw-à yau - an urge ta o places. And theyimaike the going sW , ter and safer. chevroiet -- aind ,get- But efire's flot teslgest need ta take faý. your raad mïps.- Our aPrd for ail th-Is; ýhy niot discover g about thiýs ca/ that tf arslYo Ch'evralet dealer îingj f those citing wile appy ta0 Ew yau what a tal sseemi ta- be aîrasIs the trave e this-tI Chevy is! Is your ~~~re~~' fa ie aiy s or the fun? rs. , Foote , fr THUILSDAY, JUNE I4t1, 1956. j*will be until the newspapers returirn- 1to t(heir periodie comiplaint about ah- Report From athament n iamrent. When they run outoi es. this is always P. choice subject. Late- 1lv, we have seen no mention of it bt-~ c - ly uner Gerge rew.cause practically al i embers of a11' day nr CaGeorge I orW. parties have been held in Ottawa by Who Won The Debate? Do' aiM Tr"their interest in the debate and, As this is being written, the debate 9Jhere was an interesting develop-1 through the efforts of the part,> on the Pipe Line bas concluded but' ment in Parliament this week. Genier-, Whips. The only way anyone couldi' the enmnities wil live on, for, sonie al George Pearkes-,. V. speaking get permission to leave for 'any puir.. on the censure motion against Mr) time on Parliament Hill. Undoubted- Speaker, herated the Minister of Fi-1 pose was to bie paired in writing witlfr, ]y, the Liberais and Social Credîtersane Walter Hlarrsfe alnfe a eb othopsio.Piig wvon the Pipe Line hattle but, tem- 1acrifrcaln imeons that you won't vote if he la. porril, te Cnsevatvesand~ ajesty's Loyal Opposition nastýîy not there and vice versa. The other- have won on the propaga fronam sehaThIa ee nl timaneeduring ' evening during the siépper hour, I~ Quie nt~rl~ywe iera~ ~~pach.Themid-mnneed enealmet an ederly. gentlemnan comning iit-- tui*t-onceteats e ie hs OPe becunie quite excited as he warmned te the buildings After saying "el" tht nc tefatssepthrough to. up te his subjeet until we were Git- he said "Did you hearthbesply the public this temporary advantage ting on the edge of our chairs trving in the Whp'sn b e m iutes of te opostio wil b dip~led. to recall the terrible naines Mr. Hlar- ago ?" I said, "What db you meaîrý Recaîls C.P.R. Days ris was supposed to have called themr.1 the *Whips'. sonig?" lie replied, "Oeý A Ioud roar broke out as the general Corne Alil Ye F'aithful". One Durham eounty old timer re- revealed that he ebjected to being A Pipe Line Castialty fused to get excited about what 6o called a "Tory" inistead of the proper Orle of the saddest and most tragis many were suggesting was a new 'vi- rame of Progressive Conservative.evnj o h.wekwaïhedet ý f olence in Canadian -rolitics, He could Ever since I've heen in the lieuse f.f a good friend, the member £rom Vaný- recaîl the days of Sir John A. Mac- Conmong, spe.tkes oni both ides couver-Burard, B.C., Dr. John 1, donald's hecic efforts to, build the have - been referring to Grita and Mcogl.I apndo ene C.P.R. At that time, there were demn- Tories, but tii was theý fir5t time Mda ute ay I ae e hd on yd n onstratîons in almost every town ,nd, anyone took such violent oblection' the Io,,,,until three ini the moernine,,- far more excitenrent on a widespread to the termis. Apparentiy, the' fer1Y before tihird reading ýof the Pipe Librtf- scale thun was generated by the Pipe, history of the narnef Toy is flot cOm- bill was approved, Jack stayed with, Line. As he tells te the Liberals 'weré pliimentary. use until the lieuse adjouirned al- just as strong in thiéir opposition an~d The Song of the Whipe thouhh a hsclyi ocn as bitter as the Conservatives are te- 've be<en wondering how Ïlong itdit oug e-stadpiihsially i ne co- the belis rang to open the 'Wednesdayi- afternoçon session, his wife headed te,- ward the gallery entrance at the frosnit. of the building and he started for *e ...Chamber planning to use one of t~ rear,, elevators and visiting the wash- soom on thie way. He ýwas found therE~ byfricnds a few minutes later' be- ond edical help. fHis ra er hýad finally s;topped. Jack wvas an,. r spiration to ail1 of us. 'A first war vet,., j, ý~ e stili calrried a gr-eat deal of shrap-- il in his, body, suf elred fro m, dia - betes anjd had been hospitaiized sev- erl times f or1,hear ezrs nsie' of his afflictions, he a n fte mo(,st cheerful me4q 1n Ie encounitered,- The H Fouse was so shocked by hiS7Ž passing that the Pr,ime AMinister's ai- 'lstunlprecedenteýd suggestion thaý, ... zthe House adjourn for the bIýalce oi tedywas ;universally accepte! without question, Many Hospitalized The list of casualties during thle tense diebate hias been extensive an(ý may not yet be concluded. Jnceluded wereJ. M MadonnllConserive Iýzfinancial ritic, who stihi is ini hos- ptlf romi a stomrach ailmeint, thc- inister of Justice, Mr. Garson whoe ...... .as per-ated onlfor a liver comiplainItý Hýoward Greeni who fainted in tbhý parhamenaryrestaurant, Dr. Train- or fronm Winnipeg wlIurteturneti t ouse after recoveinig from i i, a. lheart attack andI two day latel agai went to hospital after a mnildL seizure and Henry Ilosking froma Guelph, my seat maîte-, \ho went tc, hospial on Frday with soah troubl1e. By the timie 1 return on Mn day, itwod not be surprîsingip A there were severial others under nede(i- cal ca re. For tshat kin ofdete miembers shoiild be ini exc-ieet ph ys-- icaIl condition. M Serlous Tactical Error? On Friday, the motion of cenIsurýe against Speaker Renie Boudoin as disposed of. Mr. De had miovedi aifter the hectic events of hie pe viaus week. Liberals, Social Credit'ers' and one Indedependenlttedaant .. .... . ..the motion whiie 'the Conisen'aie- and CFsvtdsldyfri.l 3.a0.have boeen cicdetlta abot aif of the Cnevtvswr ting the entire (-affaIirwic etil wili uL tmketecnuto h tion'sbuiesayeieserl headway i Quebecand nhtav im-ithirpoiîo b C t nextelcin uii te(lneO